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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142


Collaborative projects:

a. Ongoing:

  1. Complement factor H (CFH), Related protein 1 (CFHR1) and its role in maintenance of immunological tolerance (Dept. of Hematology, AIIMS New Delhi and RCB Faridabad).
  2. To characterize humoral and cell mediated immune memory in anonymous healthy blood bank donors and to assess whether the cell mediated immune memory strictly co-exists with humoral immune memory (Paediatrics).
  3. In vitro assessment of platelets stored in PAS at 22oC and 4oC: A pilot study.

b. Completed:

  1. The effectiveness of the Mirasol PRT process vs. the effectiveness when challenged with clinically relevant levels of S.Epidermidis.


  1. Sensitivity of individual and mini pool nucleic acid testing assessed by dilution of hepatitis B nucleic acid testing yield samples.
  2. Experience of buffy coat pooling of platelets as a supportive care in thrombocytopenic dengue patients: A prospective study.
  3. Discrepancy in blood grouping: Subgroups of B – Challenges and Dilemma.
  4. Adverse events during apheresis procedures: Audit at a tertiary hospital.
  5. Low density lipoprotein apheresis in a pediatric patient of a familial hypercholesterolemia: Primiexperientia from a tertiary care center in North India.
  6. Blood and blood component therapy in neonates.
  7. Retrospective evaluation of adverse transfusion reactions following blood product transfusion from a tertiary care hospital: A preliminary step towards hemovigilance.
  8. Transfusion related acute lung injury in a child with leukemia.
  9. Influence of a critical single nucleotide polymorphism on nuclear receptor PXR- promoter function.
  10. Chemiluminescence brings renaissance in TTI screening: Primiexperientia.
  11. Effect of hypovolemia on efficacy of reflex maintenance of blood pressure on orthostatic challenge. High blood pressure and cardiovascular prevention.
  12. Decreased spontaneous baro-reflex sensitivity as an early marker for progression of hemorrhage. High blood pressure and cardiovascular prevention: the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension.
  13. Modulation of cardiac autonomic tone in non-hypotensivehypovolemia during blood donation.
  14. Blood group phenotype frequencies in blood donors from a tertiary care hospital in north India.
  15. Evaluation of Miarosol pathogen reduction system by artificially contaminating platelet concentrates with Staphylococcus epidermidis: A pilot study from India.
  16. Comparison of ProcleixUltrio Elite and ProcleixUltrio NAT assays for screening of TTI among blood donors in India.
  17. Retrospective review of platelet transfusion practices during 2013 dengue epidemic of Delhi, India.
  18. Screening donated blood for TTI by serology along with NAT and response rate to notification of reactive results: An Indian experience.
  19. Prevalence and specificity of RBC alloantibodies in Indian patients attending a tertiary care hospital.
  20.  Five years of experience with ID NAT at a tertiary care centre in north India: An interdictory step in preventing TTI.
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