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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142



Publications in 2003-2004

Popular Publications
Chapters in Books
  1. Ambaarish V, Vyas A, Kumar S, Sharma RK, Barde P, Yadav RK,  Deepak KK.  Comparison between pre-prandial and post-prandial HRV. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 2003, 47(5): 31-32 (Abstr).

  2. Bijlani RL. Scientific medicine shows signs of a paradigm shift. New Approaches to Medicine and Health (NAMAH) 2003; 11(1):28-40.

  3. Bijlani RL., Prof. Arthur C. Guyton (1919-2003). Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003; 47:243-246.

  4.  Bijlani RL. Book Review. Textbook of Physiology. Gabriel C. Egechio. Oxford University Press, New  Delhi, 2002. 560pp Rs.595/- ISBN 01-956-5505-2 Natl Med J India 2003; 16:170.

  5. Bijlani RL. Influence of yoga on brain and behaviour: facts and speculations.  Guest Editorial. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2004; 48:1-5

  6. Deepak KK, Vyas A, Singh N, Sharma RK, Yadav R, Singh D. Indigenously developed software for  HRV analysis using the concept of virtual instrumentation.  Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003,47 (5): 28 (Abstr).

  7. Deepak KK, Sharma RK, Yadav RK, Vyas A, Singh N. Autonomic activity in different postures: A non-linear analysis (Poincare method) approach. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003, 47(5): 29 (Abstr).

  8. Ghosh D, Sengupta J.  Endocrine and paracrine correlates of endometrial receptivity to blastocyst  implantation in the human.  Indian J. Physiol Pharmacol 2004 48(1):6-30.

  9. Ghosh D, Bell SC, Sengupta J.  Immunohistological localization of Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in primary implantation sites and trauma-induced decidual tissues of the rhesus monkey.  Placenta 2004, 25(2):197-207.

  10. Gulati G, Shaw D, Sharma RK, Deepak KK.  A comparison of autonomic variable with nutritional status among regular players.  Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003,  47(5): 28-29 (Abstr).

  11. Jain S, Sharma R, Wadhwa S. Effect of prenatal species-specific and music stimulation on the postnatal auditory preference of domestic chick. Ind J Physiol Pharmacol, 2004; 48(2):174-183.

  12. Kumar VM. Role of noradrenergic fibres of preoptic area  in regulating  sleep.  J  Chem Neuroanat 2003,  26 (2):87-93.

  13. Khubchandani M, Mallick HN, Jagannathan NR, Kumar VM. Stereotaxic assembly and procedures for simultaneous electrophysiological and MRI study of conscious rat. Magn. Reson. Med. 2003, 49: 962-967.

  14. Mallick HN, Srividya R, Gulia KK, Kumar VM. Inhibitory control of REM sleep by medial septal neurons in rats. Sleep, 2003, 26: 6-7 (Abst).

  15. Mittal CM, Wig N, Mishra S, Deepak KK. Hear rate variability in human immunodeficiency virus-positive individuals.  Int J Cardiol 2004, 9491:1-6.

  16. Mukherjee S, Deepak KK, Yadav RK, Chandra S, Tripathi M. Comparison of autonomic functions between patients of well controlled and intractable epilespsy.  Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003, 47(5): 30-31 (Abstr).

  17. Saha, SN, Bhatia SC and Nayar U. Adrenergic involvement in the locus ceruleus and adjoining regions in the facilitation of predatory attack behavior as induced by hypothalamic stimulation in cats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2004, 48(1): 51-58.

  18. Saha, SN, Bhatia SC and Nayar U. Enkephalinergic involvement in substantia nigra in the modulation of hypothalamically-induced predatory attack behavior. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol  2003; 47(3):311-317.

  19. Sengupta J,Dhawan L, Lalitkumar PG, Ghosh D. A multiparametric study of the action of mifepristone used in emergency contraception using the Rhesus monkey as a primate model.  Contraception 2003, 68(6):453-69.

  20. Sengupta J, Dhawan L,Ghosh D. Immunohistochemical localization of leukemia inhibitory factor, interleukins 1 and 6 at the primary implantation site in the rhesus monkey.  Cytokine 2003, 24 (6): 277-285.

  21. Singh JA, Nkala B, Amuah E, Mehta N and Ahmad A. The ethics of nurse-poaching from the developing world. Nursing Ethics 2003; 10(6): 666-670.

  22. Sharma RK, Deepak KK, Yadav RK, Vyas A, Singh N.  Effect of different postures on time and frequency domain measures of HRV: A linear analysis approach. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003, 47(5): 30 (Abstr).

  23. Vetrivelan Ra, Mallick HN and Kumar VM. Changes in body temperature and sleep-wakefulness after intrapreoptic injection of methoxamine in rats. Neural Plast. 10(4): 223-239, 2003.



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