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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142




  1. The department faculty is actively engaged in numerous large scale research activities, including multinational projects, funded by reputed agencies such as ICMR, DBT, DST, International Atomic Energy Agency, RNTCP, National AIDS Control Organization etc. These projects involve research in different fields of Medicine, such as Respiratory diseases, HIV, Sleep Medicine, and Rheumatology.

  2. The Department faculty have edited / co-edited several International and National reputed textbooks, such “Davidson’s Clinical Cases”, and “Tuberculosis (2nd Ed)”. They are members of International Advisory Boards of books such as “Textbook and Clinical Medicine” by Kumar and Clark (6th edition), and “Davidson’s - Principles and Practice of Medicine” – 20th Edition. They are also important office bearers of several National Associations and on the editorial board and reviewer panel of reputed International journals.

  3. The departmental faculty has received several prestigious awards and fellowships for their contribution to teaching and research. They are members of various International and National Advisory Committees / Professional organizations/ Editorial Boards.


Dr. S. K. Sharma



Indian Council of Medical Research

1.         First of the four Shakuntala Amir Chand Prizes for application of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in interstitial lung diseases  1991


2.         ICMR's Amrut Mody Prize (Chest Diseases)                                                                                                               


3.         M.N. Sen Oration award in Medicine (Respiratory diseases)                         


4.         Basanti Devi Amir Chand prize in Clinical Research    2007

Medical Council of India

5.         Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research award in Clinical Research                                                                                      


Ranbaxy Research Award

6.         Award for Clinical Research in the field of tuberculosis, HIV and Sarcoidosis        2005



Research Grants from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India



Name of the Project


Principal Investigator & National Coordinator

Efficacy and safety of immnuomodulator (Mycobacterium w) as an adjuvant therapy in Category II pulmonary tuberculosis patients along with immunological investigations (A multicenter study with a total cost of Rs. 526.54/- Lakhs)

Project registered with National Institute of Health (NCT00265226)


Principal Investigator & Coordinator

Efficacy and safety of immunomodulator Mw as an adjunct therapy in Category I Pulmonary Tuberculosis along with assessment of immunological parameters (Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial)

Project registered with National Institute of Health (NCT00341328)


Principal Investigator

Efficacy of oral zinc administration as an adjunct therapy in Category I Pulmonary Tuberculosis along with assessment of immunological parameters (Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Clinical Trial)

Project registered with National Institute of Health (NCT00698386)


Principal Investigator

Role of oral vitamin D as an adjunct therapy in Category I Pulmonary Tuberculosis along with assessment of immunological parameters (Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial)

Project registered with National Institute of Health (NCT00507000)


Principal Investigator

Impact of HIV infection on latent TB among patients with HIV-TB co-infection (The site has been designated as National Facility)



Dr. Sanjeev Sinha 

Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi-110029

Phone: 91-11-26594440 (Off), 91-11-26181858 (Resi.), Cell:9868397242, Fax: 91-11-26588866, E-mail: यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. '; document.write(''); document.write(addy_text8382); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. & यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. Residence address: E-26, Ansari Nagar (west), AIIMS campus, New Delhi-110029

List of Publications & Research Work 






31.  A.Misra, S.Sinha,  R.M.Pandey, Mahesh K., N.R.Jagannathan. “Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of soleus muscle in non-obese healthy and type 2 diabetic Asian Northern Indian males: High intramyocellular lipid content correlates with excess body fat and abdominal obesity”. Diabetic Medicine 2003; 20: 361-67.    

32.  S. Sinha, R.Guleria, J.N.Pande, R.M.Pandey. “Brnochoscopy (FOB) in adults at tertiary care hospitals: indications and diagnostic yields”. JIMA 2004; 3: 152-156.

33.  R.Guleria, M.Thakur, S.Sinha, S.K. Sharma, J.N.Pande. “Non Resolving Pneumonia in Young Boy”.  Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2002; 44: 183-85.


34.  Vikram NK, Misra A, Pandey RM, Dudeja V, Sinha S, Ramadevi J, Kumar A, Chaudhary D. “Anthropometry and body composition in northern Asian Indian patients with type 2 diabetes: Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Curve analysis of body mass index with percentage body fat as standard”. Diab, Nutr & Metab 2003; 16: 32-40.

35.  R.Guleria, Th.Rajendra singh, S.Sinha, A.K.Padhy, K. Gupta, J.N.Pande.“ Effect of inhalation of Salbutamol, Beclomethasone dipropionate and Ipratropium bromide on mucociliary clearence in some patients with Chronic Bronchial Asthma.” Indian J Med Res 2003; 117:158-63.

36.  R.Guleria, Th.Rajendra singh, S.Sinha, A.K.Padhy, K. Gupta, J.N.Pande.“   Effect of inhalation of Salbutamol, Beclomethasone dipropionate and Ipratropium bromide on mucociliary clearence in patients with Chronic Obstructive airway disease (COAD)”. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2003; 45: 241-246.

37.  R.Guleria, S.R. Agarwal, S.Sinha, J.N.Pande, A.Misra.“ Role of Pleural Fluid Cholesterol in Differentiating Transudative from Exudative Pleural Effusion”. The National Medical Journal of India 2003; 16: 64-9.

38.  R.Guleria, T.S. Reddy, S.Sinha, S.K. Sharma, J.N.Pande. “Domstic cooking fuel and lung function in healthy non-smoking women”. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004;46(2):85-90.


39.   S. Sinha, R. Guleria, A. Misra, J.N. Pande, R. Yadav, R.M.Pandey.“Pulmonary Functions and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Northern Indian Asian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Relationships to Anthropometry and Microvascular Complications”. Indian J Med Res. 2004; 119:66-71.


40.   Sinha S, Misra A, Virendra K., Jagannathan N.R, Bal C.S., Pandey RM, Singhania R, Deepak. “Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and single photon emission computed tomography study of the brain in asymptomatic young hyperlipidaemic Asian Indians in North India show early abnormalities”. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2004; 61:182-9.


41.  Singh UB, Suresh N, Bhanu NV, Arora J, Pant H, Sinha S, Aggarwal RC, Singh S, Pande JN, Sola C, Seth P. Predominant tuberculosis spoligotypes, Delhi, India. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004;10:1138-42.


42.  A. Misra, R.M.Pandey, S.Sinha, V.Sridhar, R. Guleria, V. Dudeja.“ Anthropometry and Percentage Body Fat in Non-Diabetic Dyslipidemic Northern Asian Indian Patients: Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Curve Analysis”. Indian J Med Res. 2003;117:170-9.

43.  Sinha S, Rathi M, Kumar V, Kumar M, Jagannathan NR, Pandey RM, Dwivedi M, Luthra K.Subclinical inflammation and soleus muscle intramyocellular lipids in healthy Asian Indian males. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2005; 63:350-355.

44.  Sinha S,  Bal C.S., Pandey RM.  Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Flow by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in Young Hypertensive Subjects. J Hum Hypertens. 2006;20:143-8.

45.  S.K. Sharma, C. Vasudev, S. Sinha, A. Banga, R.M. Pandey, K.K. Handa. Validation of the modified Berlin questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Indian J Med Res 2006; 124: 281-290.

46.  Sharma S.K., Jadav P.S.N., Sinha S., Mukhopadhyay S., Gulati M. S. High resolution CT (HRCT) in miliary tuberculosis (MTB) of the lung: Correlation with pulmonary function test and gas exchange parameters in North Indian patients. Indian J Med Res 2007; 126: 193-198.

47.  Tahir M, Das CJ, Sharma SK, Sinha S, Singh UB. Multiple ring enhancing lesions in brain MRI of AIDS patient.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry2007; 78(5): 526.

48.  Tahir M, Sharma SK, Sinha S, Das CJ. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in an Asian Indian patient with Cryptococcus lymphadenitis as the first presentation of AIDS. J Postgrad Med 2007; 53 (4): 237-239.


49.  Tahir M, Sinha S, Sharma SK, Das CJ. Intracranial SOL in a newly diagnosed AIDS patient.  Journal of Clinical Neurosciences2009; 16 (2): 284, 354.

50.  Tahir M, Sinha S, Sharma SK. Rifampicin induced severe headache in HIV-TB coinfected patient. J Postgrad Med. 2009;55(2):154-5.

51.  Tahir M, Sinha S, Sharma SK, Mitsuyasu R.T. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome manifesting as disseminated tuberculosis, deep venous thrombosis encephalopathy and myelopathy. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2008; 50(4):363-364.


52.  Sharma R, Sinha S, Danishad KA, Vikram NK, Gupta A, Ahuja V, Jagannathan NR, Pandey RM, Misra A. Investigation of hepatic gluconeogenesis pathway in non-diabetic Asian Indians with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using in vivo ((31)P) phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Atherosclerosis.2009; 203: 291-297.

53.  Sinha S, Misra A., Rathi M, Kumar V, Jagannathan NR, Pandey RM. Proton MR Spectroscopy (MRS) and biochemical investigation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Asian Indians: Observation of high muscle lipids and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Magn Reson Imaging. 2009;27(1):94-100.

54.  Sinha S., Kumar V., Jagannathan N.R., Pandey R.M. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of brain to study the cerebral metabolic abnormalities in COPD patients. A case control study in North India. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2009; 51(1):15-20.


55.  Sharma S K, Sinha S, Sharma U, Danishad K A, Sharma H, Misra H K, Misra H, Kadhiravan T, Reddy V V, Sreenivas V, Jagannathan N R. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Brain in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A study in Northern Indian Asian Subjects. IJMR (Submitted January, 2009).

56.  Relia N., Amit K., Sinha S., Sharma S.K. Disseminated Histoplasmosis As The First Presentation of Idiopathic Cd4+ T-Lymphocytopenia. J Postgrad Med (Submitted, June, 2008)

57.  Reddy EV, Kadhiravan T, Mishra HK, Sreenivas V, Handa KK, Sinha S, Sharma SK. Prevalence and Risk-Factors of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea among Middle Aged Urban Indians – A Community Based Study. Sleep Med. 2009 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print].

58.   Gupta V, Gupta S, Sinha S, Dinda A.K., Sharam S.K., Tiwari S.C. HIV Associated Renal Disease – Indian Perspective. International urology nephrology (Submitted, August, 2008).

59.  Kabra S.K., Sinha S, Sharma S.K., Fahey J.L., Mitsuyasu R.T. Continuing medical education in HIV/AIDS: need assessment and impact of CME. National Medical Journal of India (Submitted, August, 2008).

60.  Farooqui AA, Tahir M, Jaiswal A, Usmani N, Sinha S. Oculomotor Palsy Following Varicella in an Immunocompetent Adult. Southern Medical Journal 2009 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print].

61.  Sharma S K, Sinha S,  Sharma H, Misra H K, Kadhiravan T, Reddy V V, Sreenivas V. Pattern & correlate of neurocognitive dysfunction in Asian Indian adults with severe obstructive sleep apnea. IJMR. (Submitted, June, 2009).

62.  Sharma S K, Sinha S, Kadhiravan T, Reddy V V, Sreenivas V, Wig, N, Biswas A. Outcomes of antiretroviral therapy from a Northern Indian
antiretroviral treatment centre. MS submitted to the Bulletin of the World
Health Organization
. (June, 2009).

63.  Nyamathi A., William R.R., Ganguly K.K., Sinha S. Perceptions about the Engagement of Lay Village Women in India to Provide Basic Care and Support to Rural Women Living with HIV. Manuscript submitted to Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services(May, 2009).

64.  Nyamathi A., Sinha S.  , Ganguly K.K., William R.R. Challenges Experienced by Rural Women in India Living with AIDS and Implications For the Delivery of HIV/AIDS Care. MS Under Submission.   


65.  S.Sinha, A. Misra, V. Dudeja, N.R. Jagannathan, K. Mahesh (2001). “Application of 1H NMR spectroscopy to study muscle triglycerides metabolism and correlate with insulin sensitivity in humans” JAPI. Vol 49, 69.

66.  R. Guleria, S. Sinha, J.N. Pande, S.K. Sharma (2001). “Bronchoscopy in adults at tertiary care hospital : Indications and diagnostic yields” JAPI. Vol 49, 56.

67.  A. Sethi, D. Chaudhry, A. Misra, N. Kishore, S. Sinha (2001). “Randomised placebo controlled trial of Azadiractha Indica (Neem) extract on metabolic profile of newly diagnosed type II diabetes mellitus patients”. JAPI Vol 49, 74.

68.  V. Dudeja, S. Sinha, A. Misra, R.M. Pandey (2001). “Percentage body fat does not correlate with BMI for defining obesity in Northern Indian subjects”. JAPI. Vol 49, 174.

69.  N.K. Vikram, A. Misra, R.M. Pandey, V. Dudeja, S. Sinha (2001). “Anthropometry and percentage body fat in type II diabetics: ROC curve analysis” JAPI. Vol. 49, 161.

      70.   S. Sinha, V.Sridhar, A. Misra, R.M. Pandey (2001). “Hyperlipidemia and its relation with percentage body fat and BMI in Northern Asian Indian Patients: ROC curve analysis” International Society of Heart Research (ISHR). 110, Jan 2001.

      71.   Sethi A, Misra A, Sinha S. (2001). “Plasma concentration of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-I and risk of future coronary artery disease in apparently healthy individuals” ISHR 98, Jan 2001.

      72.   P. Kumar, K. Luthra, A. Misra, S. Sinha (2001). “Familial dyslipidemias – clinical and phenotypic study” ISHR. 99, Jan 2001.

      73.  Naval K, A. Misra, R.M. Pandey, S. Sinha (2001). “ROC curve analysis of anthoropometry and percentage body fat in type-2 diabetes” ISHR, 112. Jan 2001.

      74.    P. Kumar, K. Luthra, A. Misra, S. Sinha (2001). “Risk factors of premature MI in Indians” ISHR, 113. Jan 2001.

     75.     Srikanth Kongara, Velpandian Thirumurthy, Sanjeev Sinha, Surendra Kumar Gupta, Jitendra Nath Pande (2001). “The effect of nutritional status on the single dose pharmacokinetics of rifampicin in tuberculosis patients” CHEST ; 120 (4) suppl 323 S.

     76.     R.Guleria, S.Sinha, M.Thakur, J.N. Pande (2001). Utility of Fiberoptic            Bronchoscopy in Patient with Carcinoma Lung. JAPI. Vol 50, 182.

      77.   Randeep Guleria, , R. Sharma, M.Thakur, S.Sinha,, S.K.Sharma, J.N. Pande (2001).Transbronchial Lung Biopsies in Sarcoidosis. JAPI. Vol 50, 190.

      78.   S.Sinha, A.Misra, R.M.Pandey, Mahesh K. N.R.Jagananathan, N.K.Vikram, R.Devi (2001) “1H MR spectroscopy study of soleus muscle in non-obese healthy and type 2 diabetic Asian Northern Indian males: High intramyocellular lipid content correlates with excess body fat and abdominal obesity”. JAPI.  Vol 50, 37.

      79.   S. sinha,R. Guleria, A. Misra, J.N. Pande, R. Yadav, R.M.Pandey (2002) “Lung Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Northern Asian Indian Patients”. Chest 122 (4) suppl 99-100 S..

      80.  R. Guleria, R. Sharma, J.N. Pande, S. Sinha, M.B. Thakur (2002). “Transbronchial lung biopsies: a safer alternative to thoracoscopic biopsies in diagnosing sarcoidosis”. JAPI  Vol 50, 1535.

     81.    Mandal A, Pande J.N., Sinha S, Khilnani G.C, Mukhopadhyay S (2002). “Comparison of host factors in patients with tubercular mediastinal lymphadenitis and fibrocavitary pulmonary tuberculosis”. JAPI Vol 50, 1536.

      82.   Saxena A., Dixit S., Pandey R.M., Bhushan S.M., Guleria R., Vikram N.K., Sinha S., Mishra A. (2002). “Open randomized clinical trial comparing herbal compound MA-1596 with lovastatin in hyperlipidemic subjects”. JAPI. Vol 50, 1537.

     83.     Sinha S, Shinghania R, Misra A, Deepak, Guleria R, Pandey R.M., Jena R., Tripathi BM.  (2002). “Neuropsychological (cognitive function) study of young hyperlipidemic subjects”. JAPI. Vol 50, 1583.

     84.     Sinha S, Misra A,  Singhania R, Deepak, Guleria R., Pandey RM., Virendra K., Jagannathan N.R, Bal C.S. (2002). “Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and single photon emission computed tomography study of brain in young hyperlipidemic subjects”. JAPI. Vol 50, 1583.

     85.   Luthra K., Dwivedi M., Jailkhani B.L., Guleria R., Pandey R.M., Vikram N.K., Sinha S., Misra A. (2002)  “Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism in type2 diabetes patients - A case control study”. JAPI. 1527.

     86.     S. Sinha, R. Guleria, A. Misra, J.N. Pande, R.M. Pandey, N.K. Vikram, R. Yadav (2002). “Pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength and nutrition in non-insulin  dependent diabetes mellitus patients”. JAPI. Vol 50, 1470.

     87.    Dwivedi M, Luthra R, Jailkhani BL, Guleria R, Pandey RM, Sinha S, Vikram NK, Misra A. (2002). “High prevalence of wild type peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR – alpha) gene in Northern Indians – a case control study”. JAPI. Vol 50, 1519.

     88.    Rathi M, Jagannathan N. R., Sinha S., Pandey R.M., Kumar V., R. Guleria, Misra A. (2003). Correlation of anthropometric measures and insulin sensitivity with intramyocellular lipids in healthy and type 2 diabetic Asian Indian males.  IDF.

     89.    Virendra K., Sinha S, Misra A,  Jagannathan N.R. (2003). “Brain metabolites changes in young hyperlipidemic patients studied by In Vivo 1H MRS”. Proc ISMRM, 11;2003: 2056.

     90.    Sanjeev Sinha, R.Guleria, Virendra Kumar, Uma Sharma and N.R. Jagannathan. Pulmonary Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Anthropometry and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Brain in COPD Asian Indians in North India. Chest 2003; 124 (4) suppl 168-169 S.

      91.   Guleria R., Sinha S., Sharma R., Wig N., Pande J. N., And Seth  P.  Spectrum Of Pulmonary Infections In HIV Positive Patients: Indian Scenario. JAPI. 2003; Vol 51, 1258.

      92.   Sinha S., Tiwari Sumit, Guleria R. and Tiwari S. C. Pulmonary Function Test And Respiratory Muscle Strength In Patients With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) In Asian Indians In North India. JAPI. 2003; Vol 51, 1273.

      93.   Sinha Sanjeev, Vinod B. N., Guleria R., Mehta M. Study Of Neurocognitive Dysfunction In Young Hypertensive Subjects. JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1255.

      94.   Sinha Sanjeev, Tiwari Sumit, Guleria R., Misra A. And Tiwari S.C. Dyslipidemia And Anthropometry In Patients With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF). JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1273.

      95.   Sinha Sanjeev, Bal C. S., Misra A. Evaluation Of Cerebral Blood Flow By Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) In Young Hypertensive Subjects. JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1179.

      96.    Sharma R, Guleria R, Mohan A, Sinha S, Das C. Clinical Profile of 153 Patients with Biopsy Proven Sarcoidosis: Results from A Center in India.  JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1200.

      97.     Rathi M, Sinha S., Jagannathan N. R., Pandey R.M., Kumar V., Guleria R., Misra A. Anthropometric And Insulin Sensitivity Correlation With Intramyocellular Lipids In Type 2 Diabetic And Healthy Asian Indian Males. JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1164.

      98.    Sinha Sanjeev, Rathi M., Kumar V., Jagannathan N.R., Pandey R.M., Misra A. Soleus Muscle Intramyocellular Lipid (IMCL) Content Does Not Correlate With Insulin Resistance In Non-Diabetic Asian Indians JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1165.

      99.   Sinha Sanjeev, Guleria R., Kumar V, Sharma Uma & Jagannathan N.R. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Of Brain, Pulmonary Functions     And Anthropometry In COPD Patients. JAPI. 2003;  Vol 51, 1201.

     100.  SanjeevSinhaand Randeep Guleria. Spectrum of Pulmonary Infections in HIV Positive Patients: Indian Scenario. Chest 2004 126: 917S-b-918S-b.

      101.  S. Sinha. Evaluation of Risk Factors and Prevalence of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Chest 2005; 128 (4): 404S.  

     102.  Sanjeev Sinha, S.K. Sharma, C. Vasudev.  Validation of the modified Berlin questionnaire to identify patients at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in North Indians. Chest 2006 130: 265S-c.

     103.  S.Sinha. Evaluation of Risk Factors and Prevalence of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in North India. The Fifth Annual Harvard Medical School, USA, CFAR Symposium on Confronting TB-HIV Coinfection on June, 30, 2005.

     104. M. Tahir, S. Sinha, S. K. Sharma, R. T. Mitsuyasu. Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome Manifesting as Disseminated Tuberculosis, Deep Venous Thrombosis, Encephalopathy and Myelopathy. JAPI . 2007.

     105.  M Tahir, S Sinha, S K Sharma. Advanced HIV Disease with Desseminated TB, Encephalopathy, Deep Venous Thrombosis and HIV Myelopathy: A Case Report. JAPI 2007.

     106.   S Sinha, M Vajpayee, S K Sharma, S K Misra, M Raina, M Tahir .Voluntary Counselling and Testing Center (VCTC) at Tertiary Case Hospital in North India. JAPI 2007.

     107. S Sinha, L Dar, S K Sharma. The Common Mode Of Transmission Of HIV Infection And Common OIs At Voluntary Counseling And Testing Center (VCTC) at Tertiary Care Hospital In North India. Chest 2007 132 (4): 643 S.

     108. Sanjeev Sinha, S. K. Sharma,  N. Kumar,  Naimish R. Patel. The Role Of Vitamin D In Susceptibility to Tuberculosis. Chest 2008 134: p132001.

     109. Kumar N., Sinha S., Hafeez A., Chauwdhry R., Sharma S.K. Study of Prevalence and Pattern of HIV Drug Resistance and Enteric Bacterial Pathogens in The Antiretroviral Treatment Naïve and Previously Treated HIV Infected Population. Abstract presented in AIDS Society of India in Feb, 2009

Chapter in books:

110. S. Sinha, S.K. Sharma (1999) “D.N.A. Biotechnology and cloning” Medicine Update- APICON 1999. Vol 9 (Part I), 39-49.

      111. S. Sinha, R. Guleria, J.N. Pande (2000). “Anti-Leukotriene therapy in Asthma” Medicine Update- APICON 2000.Vol. 10, Chap. 9, 44-48.

      112.A.Misra, S.Sinha (2001).“Pharmacovilance and Detection of Signals” Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the New Millennium. Chap. 46, 509- 515.

      113. S.Sinha, R.Guleria (2002). “New trends in Pulmonary Rehabilitation”. Post Graduate Medicine. Vol. 16, 113-124.

      114. S.Sinha, R.Guleria (2003). “Laser Therapy in Respiratory Diseases”. Post Graduate Medicine . Vol. 17, 185-191.

      115. R.Guleria, S.Sinha . COPD. Text Book of Family Medicine. V.Agarwal, A Grover (eds), 2005, pp 510-517.

      116.  S.Sinha, S.K. Sharma. “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): A Review”. Medicine Update- APICON 2004. Vol. 14, Chap. 36, 214-200.

      117.S. Sinha. HIV infection complicating pregnancy. Medicine Update- APICON 2006. Vol. 16, Chap. 13, 68-74.

      118.S. Sinha, Tahir M. AIDS wasting syndrome: current concepts in management. Medicine Update2007. Vol. 17, Chap. 87, 502-504.

      119.S. Sinha, G. Bhoveshwaranath, S. Gupta. Antiretroviral Drugs and Drug Therapy of HIV/AIDS.  Text Book of Pharmacology. S.D. Seth, V. Seth (eds), 3rd edition 2009, Chap. 81, pp X 111-X121.

      120. S. Sinha, Tahir M.. Hafiz A. Opportunistic Infections in AIDS: The five common ones. Medicine Update2009. Part II, Chap. 88, 663-669.



1.          Clinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of R-Salbutamol (Levosalbutamol)Vs Racemic Salbutamol in patients with Bronchial Asthma. Cipla Health Care Ltd funded project.

2.         Comparative trial of Ciclesonide (400mg) and Budesonide ( 200mg ) in patients with mild to moderate Bronchial Asthma ( Protocal No. BY9010 / FKE 001 ). Funded by Zydus BYK Healthcare Ltd.

3.         Investigation of Risk Factors and Transmission of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.   Funded by INCLEN INC., USA. Role: Co-Investigator

4.        Drug trial of micafungin versus Ambisome in patients of Candidemia. Funded   by Quintiles Ltd. Role: Co-Investigator  Dr S.K. Sharma              

5.        Clinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of Levofloxacin in RTI in Bronchial Asthma patients.

6.        Therapeutic monitoring of Rifampicin in tuberculosis patients by using HPLC.

7.        Pulmonary Function in Non-insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes).

8.        Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography  (SPECT) study of brain in Young Hyperlipidemic subjects.

9.        Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography  (SPECT) study of brain in Young Hypertensive subjects.

10.      Lung Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Nutrition and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy study of Brain in COPD subjects.

11.      Utility of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy in Patient with Carcinoma Lung.

12.      Neuropsychological (Cognitive function) studies in Young Hyperlipidemic subjects.

13.      Cognitive Dysfunction In Young Hypertensive Patients.

14.      Dyslipidemia and Anthropometry in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF).

15.      Pulmonary Function Test and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) in Asian Indians in North India.

16.      The Nutritional Status, Anthropometric Profiles, Pulmonary Function Test and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

17.      Serodiagnostic Test Evaluation of Tuberculosis.


Ongoing Research Projects:

1.     Development of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs to      Strengthen AIDS treatment in India. Funded by NIH, USA. (A collaborative UCLA, USA and AIIMS project).Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2.   Efficacy of thrice weekly intermittent short course antituberculosis chemotherapy in tuberculosis patients with and without HIV infection. Funded by NACO. Role: Co-Investigator                                                    

3.   Study of Early Versus Delayed Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infected Patients with Tuberculosis on Antituberculosis Chemotherapy in Indian Subjects. Funded by NACO. (A collaborative UCLA, USA and AIIMS project)Role: Principal-Investigator


4.   Study of prevalence and types of baseline HIV drug resistance in the antiretroviral treatment-naive and previously treated HIV infected Northern India populationFunded by NACO. (A collaborative UCLA, USA and AIIMS project). Role: Principal-Investigator.


5.   Nevirapine versus Efavirenz-based highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens in antiretroviral-naive patients with HIV and Tuberculosis infection in India. Funded by NACO.  Role: Principal-Investigator.


6.   ASHA HIV Health Promotion Intervention in India. Funded by NIH, USA. (A collaborative  UCLA, USA and AIIMS project)Role: Principal Investigator, AIIMS


7.   Implementing PATH-India to reduce HIV risk among substance users in India: Assessing HIV risk among community clinic clients. Funded by NIH CFAR, USA. (A collaborative  project between University of Pennsylvania, USA and AIIMS).Role: Co-Investigator


8.   Impact of HIV infection on latent TB among patients infected with HIV-TB co-infection.  Funded by DBT, Govt. of India. Role: Co-Investigator


Paper Presentation in conferences:

1.      APICON – 2001, New Delhi (2001) “Application of 1H NMR spectroscopy to study muscle triglycerides metabolism and correlate with insulin sensitivity in humans.” Slide presentation.

2.        APICON – 2001, New Delhi (2001). “Bronchoscopy in adults at tertiary care hospital : Indications and diagnostic yields.” Slide presentation.

3.       International Society of Heart Research (ISHR)Annual conference,AIIMS, N.Delhi  (2001). “Hyperlipidemia and its relation with percentage body fat and BMI in Northern Asian Indian Patients : ROC curve analysis”. A paper presentation.

4.        International Society of Heart Research (ISHR)Annual conference,AIIMS, N.Delhi  (2001). “Application of 1H NMR spectroscopy to study IMCL contents and its correlation with insulin sensitivity in humans.”A paper presentation.

5.        APICON – 2002, Chennai (2002). “1H MR spectroscopy study of soleus muscle in non-obese healthy and type 2 diabetic Asian Northern Indian males: High intramyocellular lipid content correlates with excess body fat and abdominal obesity”.Slide presentation.

6.         APICON – 2002, Chennai (2002). “Utility of Fiberoptic  Bronchoscopy in Patient with Carcinoma Lung”. A paper  presentation.

7.        Chest-2002, San Diego, USA. (2002). “Pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in non-insulin  dependent diabetes mellitus patients”. A paper  presentation.

8.         APICON – 2003, Varanasi. “Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography  (SPECT) study of brain in Young Hyperlipidemic subjects.”. A paper  presentation.

9.         APICON – 2003, Varanasi (2003). “Pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength and nutrition in non-insulin  dependent diabetes mellitus patients”. A paper  presentation.

10.       Chest-2003, Orlando, FL, USA. (2003). Pulmonary Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Anthropometry and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Brain in COPD Asian Indians in North India. A paper  presentation.

11.       NAPCON – 2003, Coimbetore (2003). Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Brain in COPD patients. A paper presentation.

12.      APICON – 2004, Hyderabad. “Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Flow by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in Young Hypertensive Subjects”. A paper presentation.

13.      APICON – 2004, Hyderabad. Anthropometric and Insulin Sensitivity Correlation with Intramyocellular Lipids in Type 2 Diabetic and Healthy Asian Indian Males. A paper presentation.

14.      APICON – 2004, Hyderabad. Pulmonary Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Anthropometry and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Brain in COPD Asian Indians.  A paper presentation.

15.       APICON – 2004, Hyderabad. Soleus Muscle Intramyocellular Lipid (IMCL) Content Does Not Correlate With Insulin Resistance In Non-Diabetic Asian Indians. A paper presentation.

16.       HIV/ TB workshop at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA (May, 2004).Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs to Strengthen AIDS treatment in India. A presentation.

17.       HIV/ TB workshop at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA (May, 2004). Study of early versus delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV infected patients with tuberculosis on antituberculosis chemotherapy in Indian subjects. A presentation.

18.       Symposium on optimal management of long term HIV infection and chronic ARV therapy (June, 2004). Organized by The UCLA AIDS Institute, Los Angeles, USA.

19.       Chest-2004, Seattle, Washington, USA. (2004). Spectrum of Pulmonary infections in HIV positive patients: Indian scenario. A paper  presentation.

20.       Fogarty Fellowship awarded by NIH, USA (June, 05 to July, 2005), at UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA. 

21.      UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA (July, 2005). Study of prevalence and types of baseline HIV drug resistance in the antiretroviral treatment-naive and previously treated HIV infected Northern India population. A presentation.

22.      UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA (July, 2005). Study of the prevalence and risk factors for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in HIV/AIDS patients with tuberculosis (TB) in North India. A presentation.

23.      Symposium of HIV and tuberculosis (June, 2005). Organized by Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Risk Factors and Prevalence of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in North India. A paper presentation.

24.      UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA (July, 2005). Symposium on HIV and Hepatitis C Virus.

25.      APICON – Jan 2006, Patna. Lecture on HIV & Pregnancy

26.      APICON – Jan 2006, Patna. Evaluation of Risk Factors and Prevalence of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in North India.

27.     UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA (June, 2006). Workshop on management of HIV drug resistance. Study of prevalence and types of baseline HIV drug resistance in the antiretroviral treatment-naive and previously treated HIV infected Northern India population. 

28.     NAPCON- November, 2006, Nagpur. Risk Factors and Prevalence of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.

29.     Organized IVth Indo-US CME on Antiretroviral Therapy at AIIMS on April, 2007. Lecture on Management of HIV Drug Resistance. 

30.  UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA (May, 2007). Study of prevalence and types of baseline HIV drug resistance in the antiretroviral treatment-naive and previously treated HIV infected Northern India population. A paper presentation. 

31.  American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, USA (May, 2007). Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Brain in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A study in Northern Indian Asian Subjects. A paper presentation.


32.  American college of Chest Physician, Chicago, USA (Oct, 2007). A paper presentation.


33.  Delhi State AIDS Control Society Training Programme for Management of HIV/AIDS for Physician at AIIMS on Oct, 2007. Lecture on Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS.

34.   NAPCON – 2007, Chandigarh (Nov, 2007). Chair the session on Pulmonary diseases.

35.   Role of Microbicides in HIV/AIDS (Feb, 2008), New Delhi. A paper presentation.


36.  American college of Chest Physician, Philadelphia, USA (Oct, 2008).  The role of Vitamin D in susceptibility to HIV and tuberculosis. A paper presentation.


37.  APICON – Jan 2009, Greater NOIDA. Deliver lecture on “OIs in HIV/AIDS: 5 common one”.


38.  APICON – Jan 2009, Greater NOIDA. Chair the session on Neurological diseases.

39.  Evidence-Based clinical practice guidelines on adult Immunization. API, 2009. Member of expert group.


§  Fogarty Fellow on HIV/AIDS at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA.

CME program: 

1.    Organized Medicine Update-2004 held at AIIMS.

2.    Organized Ist Indo-US CME on Antiretroviral Therapy at AIIMS on 29-30 Oct, 2005.

3.    Member of organizing committee of NTF meeting on involvement of Medical colleges in RNTCP. Held at AIIMS on Nov, 2005.

4.   Member of organizing committee of visit made by President Clinton in Feb, 2006 for strengthen of ART services at AIIMS by Clinton Foundation.

5.    Organized IInd Indo-US CME on Antiretroviral Therapy at AIIMS on 4-5 March, 2006.

6.   Organized Delhi State AIDS Control Society Training Programme for Management of HIV/AIDS for Physician at AIIMS on 19-20 April, 2006.

7.    Organized IIIrd Indo-US CME on Antiretroviral Therapy at AIIMS on 7th Oct, 2006.

8.    Organized Delhi State AIDS Control Society Training Programme for Management of HIV/AIDS for Nurse at AIIMS on 8-9 Oct, 2006.

9.    Member of organizing committee of NTF meeting on involvement of Medical colleges in RNTCP. Held at AIIMS on Nov, 2006.

10.  Member of organizing committee of NTF meeting on involvement of Medical colleges in RNTCP. Held at AIIMS on Nov, 2007.

11.  Organized Delhi State AIDS Control Society Training Programme for Management of HIV/AIDS for Nurse at AIIMS on Oct, 2007.

12. Organized Delhi State AIDS Control Society Training Programme for Management of HIV/AIDS for Doctors & Nurse at AIIMS on Oct, 2008.




1.      Association of Physician of India

2.      Member of Indiaclen

3.      Member of Medical Board Antarctica Expedition, Govt. of India, Goa. 

4.      Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS)


Membership of Editorial boards of indexed international journals/Review committees of National bodies and Institutions: 

Member  of Editorial board of “Cases Journal”.


Dr. Anant Mohan




Name of Faculty


Contact No.


Dr Anant Mohan

Associate Professor


यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.



Dr. Anant Mohan, MD, MAMS 

Current position: Associate Professor of Medicine  

Office: room No. 3098, Third Floor, teaching Block

Honours /Distinctions:


-          Awarded UK Commonwealth Fellowship 2008-2009 in Chest Medicine at the Royal Preston Hospital Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK


Academic achievements:


-On the Faculty of AIIMS for more than 5 years

- Chief Guide and Co-guide of several postgraduate (MD) and PhD students

-Numerous International and National research publications and book chapters


Current research interests:


Chief Investigator and Co-Investigator of many funded projects.


Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (especially Lung Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Interventional Pulmonology




Medicine Outpatient: Tuesday and Friday , 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM, Room No. 33, Medical OPD

Chest Clinic: Every Friday afternoon from 2 PM to 5 PM; Room No. 27






Project Title

Funding agency

Budget (Rs)

Duration & Status


Effect of feeding pectin on antioxidant status in patients with type 2 diabetes.


1.65 lakhs

2005-2007 (Completed)


Study of the prevalence of respiratory virus infections in hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and their impact on morbidity and mortality.

Indian Council for Medical Research

14.0 lakhs



Prognostic utility of various acute phase reactants in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


2.0 lakhs

2007-09 (ongoing)


Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Lung Cancer

Department of Biotechnology

19.2 lakhs




Study of the variability in systemic inflammation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to smoking and non-smoking related causes.

ICMR, New Delhi

28.0 lakhs

2009-2012 (ongoing)



Projects as Co - Investigator:



Project Title

Funding agency

Budget (Rs)

Duration & Status


Assessment of nutritional and antioxidant enzyme status in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. Effect on mortality and strategies to improve nutritional support.

Department of Science and Technology

22.0 lakhs

2006-2009 (Ongoing)


Serum leptin, nutritional status, and inflammatory markers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Relationship with dyspnea and disease severity

ICMR, New Delhi

21.01 lakhs

2007-2010 (Ongoing)


A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, exploratory study to assess the safety and efficacy of multiple doses of ACZ885 in COPD


12.4 lakhs

Nov. 2008-Nov 2009 (ongoing)


An Interventional Nutritional Study in subjects with newly diagnosed active tuberculosis

Glaxo SmithKline

Rs. 12.83 lakhs

21.01.2008-20.07.2009 (completed)


Genetic Metabolic and Hormonal Profile in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Department of Science and Technology

Rs. 24.0 lakhs



To evaluate the efficacy and safety of fixed dose combination of formoterl and fluticasone dry powder inhaler in partly controlled asthma


Rs. 1.5 lakhs

1.11.2008-till date (ongoing)




Clinical Expertise and Areas of Research Interest


          Lung Cancer, Interventional Bronchology, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


                        I am particularly interested in the diagnostics of lung cancer, especially to explore the possibility of developing reliable screening tools and early diagnostic markers. I am also working on quality of life measures of lung cancer and COPD.                   I have been independently performing fiberoptic bronchoscopies since almost four years, and have done more than 300 procedures till date. I also perform transbronchial needle aspirations for diagnostic purposes. In addition, I routinely perform other pulmonary diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound guided needle aspirations and trucut biopsies of lung masses, as well as pleural biopsies. I propose to gain expertise in and initiate techniques of interventional bronchology in my Institution.


International Publications


1.                   A Mohan, R Guleria, JC Samantaray, AK Dutta, SM Tandon. An unusual cause of hepatosplenomegaly in an immunocompetent person.Postgrad Med J 2003; 79: 478.

2.                   A Mohan, R Sood, N Shariff, S Dutta Gupta, MS Gulati, AK Dutta. Sarcoidosis presenting as massive splenomegaly: a rare occurrence. The Am J Med Sci 2004; 328(3): 170-2.

3.                   A Mohan, R Guleria, S Mukhopadhyay, C Das, A Nayak, SK Sharma. Invasive Tracheo-bronchial Aspergillosis in an immunocompetent person. Am J Med Sci 2005; 329 (2): 107-9.

4.                   AK Pathak, M Bhutani, R Guleria, S Bal, A Mohan, BK Mohanti, A Sharma, R Pathak, NK Bhardwaj, KN Prasad, V Kochupillai. Chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy plus high dose multiple antioxidants in patients with advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Am Coll Nutr 2005; 24(1): 16-21.

5.                   R Guleria, A Mohan. Re-expansion Pulmonary Edema: Images in Clinical Medicine. Lancet 2005; 366 (9481): 236.

6.                   S Kumar, AK Pathak, M Bhutani, A Mohan, R Guleria. Circulating cell-free DNA in the plasma / serum of lung cancer patients: Potential as a screening and prognostic tool. Clin Chem 2006;52(10):1833-42.

7.                   A Mohan, R Guleria, C Das, M Bhutani, AK Pathak, H Pal, V Kochupillai. Quality of life in newly diagnosed patients of lung cancer in a developing country: Is it important? Eur J Cancer Care 2006; 15: 293-98.

8.                   Kumar S, Mohan A, Guleria R. Biomarkers in cancer screening, research and detection: present and future: a review. Biomarkers 2006; 11(5):385-405.

9.                   A Mohan, C Mohan, AK Pathak, RM Pandey, R Guleria. Impact of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Respiratory status and Quality of Life in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Respirology 2007;12: 240-47.

10.               A Mohan, V Reddy, JC Samantaray, SK Sharma. Visceral Leishmaniasis without fever and splenomegaly in an elderly male: A rare presentation. European J Intern Med 2007; 18: 158-60.

11.               A Mohan, P Singh, A Goyal, S Singh, AK Pathak, M Bhutani, R Guleria. Quality of life in Lung Cancer: Impact of baseline clinical profile and Respiratory Status. Eur J Cancer Care 2007; 16: 268-76.

12.               SP Bhatt, TK Luqman-Arafat, A Mohan, R Guleria. Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: A rare cause of dyspnea. Postgrad Med J 2007; 83: 2.

13.               R Gupta, BR Mirdha, R Guleria, A Mohan, AK Agarwal, L Kumar, SK Kabra, JC Samantaray. Improved detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii infection in a tertiary care reference hospital in India. Scand J Infect Dis 2007; 39: 571-76.

14.               A Mohan, SP Bhatt, R Guleria. Risk factors for Exacerbations and Hospitalizations due to COPD. Chest 2007; 132: 735.

15.               A Mohan, VK Arora, Sanjay Sharma, Jaya Prakash, SK Sharma. Concurrent Pulmonary Aspergillosis and Nocardiosis in an old Tubercular cavity masquerading as Malignancy in an immunocompetent individual. Respir Med CME 2008; 1: 231-34.

16.               A Mohan. Viruses are an important cause of community acquired pneumonia. BMJ 2008; 336: 1429-33.(letter)

17.               C Palaniswamy, R Guleria, A Mohan, DR Selvaraj. Wheezy patient with heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: what to treat with? Am J Emerg Med 2008: doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2008.06.008

18.               S Kumar, A Mohan, R Guleria. Prognostic Implications of Circulating Anti-p53 Antibodies in Lung Cancer - A Review. European Journal for Cancer Care 2008; 18: 248–54.

19.               A Sidana, D Singh, A Mohan, R Guleria. Quality of Life and Autonomy Preferences in Stable Asthmatics: A Developing Country Scenario. Respirology 2009; 14 (1): 83-89.

20.               A Mohan, P Singh, S Kumar, C Mohan, AK Pathak, RM Pandey, R Guleria.Effect of change in symptoms, respiratory status, nutritional profile and quality of life on response to treatment in advanced non small cell lung cancer. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2008; 9(4):557-62.

21.               S Chandra, A Mohan, R Guleria, V Singh, P Yadav. Delays during the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of lung cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2009; 10:453-6.

22.               VK Singh, S Chandra, S Kumar, G Pangtey, A Mohan, R Guleria. A Common Medical Error: Lung Cancer Misdiagnosed as Sputum Negative Tuberculosis. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2009; 10: 335-8.

23.               SS Kumar, V Singh, S Chandra, D Agarwal, A Mohan, R Guleria. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor is related to systemic oxidative stress in patients with lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2009; 65(2):254; author reply 254-5. Epub 2009 Apr 23.

24.               A Mohan, M Bhutani, S Chandra, S Naik, R Guleria. Small Cell Lung Cancer: Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Modalities. In: In: Jonathon G. Maldonado et al (Eds). Small Cell Carcinomas: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.2009; 1-18.

25.               Singh N, A Mohan. A rare presentation of prostatic rhabdomyosarcoma in a young male. Cases Journal 2009; 2: 7546.

26.               S Chandra, A Mohan, R Guleria, P Das, C Sarkar. Images in Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis. BMJ-Case Reports DOI: 10.1136/bcr.09.2008.0919.

27.               A Tyagi, BR Mirdha, R Guleria, A Mohan. Study of Pneumocystis jiroveci dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) genotyping in Indian patients using PCR-RFLP.  Am J Clin Pathol (under review).

28.               S Kumar, R Guleria, V Singh, AC Bharti, A Mohan and BC Das. Efficacy of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor in monitoring first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer (under review).


National Publications


  1. Jain AP, Mohan A, Gupta OP, Jajoo UN, Kalantri SP, Srivastava LM. Role of oxygen-free radicals in causing endothelial damage in Diabetes mellitus and its microvascular complications. J Diab Assoc India 1998; 38 (3): 51-4.
  2. Jain AP, Mohan A, Gupta OP, Jajoo UN, Kalantri SP, SrivastavaLM. Effect of short term Vitamin E supplementation on lipid peroxidation in acute myocardial infarction. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 1998; 13(2): 119-22.
  3. Jain AP, Mohan A, Gupta OP, Jajoo UN, Kalantri SP, Srivastava LM. Role of oxygen-free radicals in causing endothelial damage in acute myocardial infarction. JAPI 2000; 48: 478-80.
  4. Mohan A, Jain AP, Mohan C. Vitamin E: Pertinence and functional role in human diseases. JAMA India- The Physicians Update; 2001; 4(8): 102-5.
  5. A Mohan, S Das. Vitamins C and P. In: Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology. GP Talwar and LM Srivastava, Eds. 3rd edition; New Delhi; Prentice-Hall Pvt. Ltd; 552-59.
  6. KJ Singh, G Ahluwalia, SK Sharma, R Saxena, VP Chaudhary, A Mohan. Significance of hematological manifestations in patients with tuberculosis. JAPI 2001; 49: 788-94.
  7. A Mohan, C Mohan, P Aggarwal, R Handa, JP Wali. Flumazenil in acute benzodiazepine overdose. JAPI 2002; 50:1097-98.
  8. AK Pathak, M Bhutani, A Mohan, R Guleria, S Bal, V Kochupillai. Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer: Current Status and future prospects. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2004; 46: 191-203.
  9. A Mohan, LM Srivastava. Oxidants, Antioxidants, Markers of Oxidative Damage and Antioxidant Protection: Relationship to Health and Well- Being. In: Concepts of Biochemistry for Medical Students. LM Srivastava Ed. C.B.S. Publishers, New Delhi; 811-17.
  10. A Mohan, R Guleria, C Mohan, R Sharma. Laser Bronchoscopy- Current Status. JAPI 2004; 52: 915-20.
  11. R Guleria, A Mohan. Prioritization of Care in ICU. Ann Nat Acad Med Sci 2004; 6: 35-9.
  12. R Guleria, A Mohan. Bronchiectasis. In: Rhaj A, Grover A, Agarwal V, Jain S (Eds). A Textbook of Family Medicine. Pushpanjali Medical Publications Pvt Ltd, Delhi, pp 504-9.
  13. R Guleria, A Mohan, S Sinha. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. In: Rhaj A, Grover A, Agarwal V, Jain S (Eds). A Textbook of Family Medicine. Pushpanjali Medical Publications Pvt Ltd, Delhi, pp 510-17.
  14. A Mohan, R Guleria, R Sharma, C Das. Unilateral Pulmonary Agenesis: an uncommon cause of right lower zone lung opacity. Ind J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2005; 47: 53-56.
  15. R Guleria, A Mohan. Respiratory Failure. In: Practical Approach to Respiratory Disease. Eds VK Arora; Jaypee Publishers, Delhi 2005,115-126.
  16. AK Pathak, M Bhutani, R Guleria, A Mohan, V Kochupillai. Small Cell Lung Cancer: an update on therapeutic aspects. Ind J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2006; 48: 49-57.
  17. A Mohan, R Guleria, AK Pathak, C Mohan, M Bhutani, H Pal. Quality of life measures in Lung Cancer. Indian J Cancer 2005; 42: 1-8.
  18. A Mohan. Management of Bronchial Asthma. Curr Med J India 2005; 11: 13-8.
  19. R Sharma, R Guleria, A Mohan, C Das. Cardiac Sarcoidosis: an uncommon presentation of Sarcoidosis in India. Ind J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2006; 48:133-7.
  20. A Mohan, A Goyal, P Singh, S Singh, AK Pathak, M Bhutani, RM Pandey, R Guleria. Survival in Small Cell Lung Cancer in India: Impact of Baseline Clinical Features and Symptomatic Response to Treatment. Indian J Cancer 2006; 43 (2): 67-74.
  21. A Mohan, R Guleria, M Rathi, C Das, C Mohan. Fixed Dose versus sequential Inhalation of Salbutamol and Ipratropium Bromide in stable Bronchial Asthma patients: Which is better? Lung India 2006; 23(4): 138-142.
  22. A Mohan. Utility of various bronchoscopic techniques for diagnosing suspected lung cancer. Indian J Medical Pediatric Oncology 2006; 27: 4-5.
  23. SK Sharma, A Mohan. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule: How and how much to investigate? Medicine Update 2008; 18: 824-32.

   24    A Mohan Bhatt SP, C Mohan, S Arora, TK Luqman-Arafat, R Guleria Predicting in-hospital mortality and morbidity in patients with

          acute exacerbation of COPD in a developing country. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2008; 50: 335-42.


   25   R Gupta, BR Mirdha, R Guleria, A Mohan, SK Kabra, L Kumar, SK Agarwal, and K Luthra. Use of different primer directed sequence  

         amplification by polymerase chain reaction for identification of Pneumocystis jirovecii in clinical samples.Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci  

         2008; 50: 321-27.



   26  Tyagi AK, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Mohan A, Luthra K, Singh UB. Study of dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) gene mutations among

         isolates of Pneumocystis jiroveci Indian J Med Res 2008; 128(6):734-9.


   27  A Mohan, D Smith-Ruhrberg, Setu M, M Gulati, SK Sharma. Cytomegalovirus Polyneuropathy in an Indian AIDS patient. Neurology

        India 2008; 56(4):493-4.


  1.  SP Bhatt, TK Luqman-Arafat, A Mohan, R Guleria. Effect of tripod position on objective parameters of respiratory function in stable COPD. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:83-5.
  2. A Mohan, Garg R, Singh S, Mohan C, Patel C, Sharma S, Guleria R. A rare association of classical Swyer James MacLeod syndrome with severe Mitral stenosis. J Assoc Physicians India (under review).
  3. A Mohan, R Sood, M Gupta, N Wig, R Guleria, GC Khilnani. Hypereosinophilic Syndrome presenting with recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism. J Postgrad Med (under review).
  4. SP Bhatt, TK Luqman-Arafat, A Mohan, R Guleria. Volitional pursed lip breathing in stable COPD patients improves exercise capacity. Eur Respir J (under review).

Journal Abstracts (International)


1.         A Mohan, R Guleria, C Das, R Sharma. Comparison of the efficacy of inhaled Ipratropium Bromide and Salbutamol sequentially and in fixed dose combination in patients with stable bronchial asthma. Chest 2003; 124:

2.         R Sharma, R Guleria, A Mohan. Treatment of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis with Hydroxychloroquine: Result of a pilot study from India. Chest 2003; 109 S-b-110 S-b.

3.        A Mohan, R Guleria, AK Pathak, H Pal, C Das, R Sharma. Health-Related Quality of Life in Indian Patients with Lung Cancer: Correlation with clinical parameters. Chest 2004; 126: 850S-a-851S-a.

4.         A Mohan, R Guleria, A Pathak, H Pal, C Das, R Sharma. Relationship between Health-related Quality of life and Pulmonary functions in Indian patients with Lung Cancer. Chest 2004; 126: 852S-a.

5.        R Sharma, R Guleria, A Mohan, C Das. Scadding Criteria for diagnosis of Sarcoidosis: Is there need for a change? Chest 2004; 126: 754S.

6.         A Mohan, A Goyal, P Singh, S Singh, AK Pathak, M Bhutani, RM Pandey, R Guleria. Impact of pretreatment symptom burden, response to treatment, and laboratory parameters on survival in small cell lung cancer: Chest 2005;128 (4): 335S-336S.

7.        A Mohan, P Singh, A Goyal, S Singh, AK Pathak, M Bhutani, R Guleria. Utility of symptoms and respiratory status in the assessment of Quality of life in patients with Lung Cancer. Chest 2005; 128(4): 336S.

8.        Pathak AK, Bhutani M, Singh N, Guleria R, Mohan A, Kochupillai V. Prognostic significance of telomerase activity in sputum, bronchial washing, and biopsy specimens of stage IIIB and stage IV Non-Small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2005; 49 (S2): 263.

9.         Bhutani M, Pathak AK, Guleria R, Mohan A, Kochupillai V. A pilot study of sequential therapy with geftinib following chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2005; 49 (S2): 236.

10.       Surya Prakash Bhatt, Anant Mohan, Charu Mohan, Sneh Arora, Randeep Guleria. Predictors of in-hospital mortality and morbidity in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 2006; 130 Suppl: S 97-S98.

11.      Pathak AK, Bhutani M, Pathak R, Mohan A. Effect of antioxidants on STAT 3, cell survival gene products, apoptosis and chemoresistance in lung cancer cells.  J Clin Oncol 2006; 24 (1): 18S: 20067.

12.       A Mohan, R Guleria, S Kumar, C Mohan, AK Pathak, RM Pandey. Impact of symptoms, respiratory status, nutritional profile and quality of life in patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer. Chest 2007 (Suppl): 132 (4); 589S.

13.       A Mohan, SP Bhatt, C Mohan, S Arora, RM Pandey. Role of Inflammatory Mediators as Markers of Severity and Outcome in Acute Exacerbation of COPD. Chest 2007 (Suppl): 132 (4): 480S.

14.      SP Bhatt, R Guleria, TK Luqman-Arafath, AK. Gupta, A Mohan, JC Stoltzfus, S Nanda. Effect of tripod position on objective parameters of respiratory function in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 2007 (Suppl): 132 (4); 610S.

15.      A Mohan, R Guleria, C Mohan, S Arora, N Agarwal. Temporal profile and clinical utility of inflammatory markers in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD. Eur Respir J 2008; 106S.

16.     S Arora, R Guleria, A Mohan, C Mohan. Association of systemic inflammation with the       severity of chronic obstructive airway

          disease. ATS 2007 proceedings, pp A652.


17.     S Arora, R Guleria, A Mohan, C Mohan, T C Chawla, R Sharma. Inflammatory markers and severity of chronic obstructive airway

         disease. ATS 2008 proceedings, pp 877.


18.    R Guleria, S arora, G Kumar, T C Chawla, A Mohan. Association between serum leptin, nutritional status and severity of chronic obstructive airway disease. ERS 2008; p.459.

19.     S Chandra, A Mohan, R Guleria, S Broor, RM Pandey. Prevalence of Respiratory Viral Infections in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Their Impact on Morbidity and Mortality. American Thoracic Society Conference, San Diego, May 2009.

20.     S Chandra, V Singh V, A Mohan, R Guleria. Delay in the Management of Lung Cancer. European Multidisciplinary Conference in Thoracic Oncology, 1-3 May 2009, Switzerland.

21.     A Mohan, C Mohan, AK Pathak,RM Pandey, R Guleria.Effect of concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on quality of life and respiratory profile in newly diagnosed patients with lung cancer. World Cancer Congress, Beijing 22-25 June 2009.

22.    S Chandra, V Singh, A Mohan, R Guleria, RM Pandey. Prevalence of Respiratory Viral Infections in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review; European Respiratory Society Congress-2009, Vienna, Austria (under review).

23.     S Chandra, V Singh, A Mohan, R Guleria. Number of Chemotherapy Cycles in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer; Are four sufficient or are six better? Abstract is submitted to World Conference of Lung Cancer-2009, San Francisco, CA, USA (under review).



Journal Abstracts (National)


1.                 A Mohan, AP Jain, LM Srivastava. Role of oxygen free radicals in Diabetes Mellitus and its microvascular complications. J Assoc Phys India 2001; 49: 73.

2.        A Mohan, R Guleria, JC Samantaray, M Thakur, JN Pande. Visceral leishmaniasis in an asymptomatic person residing in a non-endemic area. J Assoc Physicians India 2002; 50: 1565.

3.         A Mohan, Guleria R, Das C, Sharma R. Comparison of the efficacy of inhaled Ipratropium Bromide and Salbutamol sequentially and in fixed dose combination in patients with stable COPD patients. JAPI 2003; 51: 1202-3.

4.         Guleria R, A Mohan, Sharma R. Uncommon cause of right lower zone lung opacity in a young female. J Assoc Physicians India 2003; 51: 1202.

5.         Guleria R, A Mohan, Das C, Pathak A, Misra A, Rastogi K, Sharma R. Nutritional deficits in patients of Lung cancer at the time of diagnosis. J Assoc Physicians India 2003; 51: 1203.

6.         Sharma R, Guleria R, A Mohan, Sinha S, Das C. Clinical profile of 153 patients with biopsy proven Sarcoidosis: result from a center in India. J Assoc Physicians India 2003; 51: 1200.

7.         Das C, Sharma R, Guleria R, A Mohan. Hydroxychloroquine: A new drug to treat pulmonary Sarcoidosis: result of a pilot study from a referral hospital. J Assoc Physicians India 2003; 51: 1200.

8.         Guleria R, Sharma R, A Mohan, Sinha S, Das C. Lung Sequestration: an uncommon cause of recurrent pneumonias. J Assoc Phy Ind 2003; 51: 1286.

9.         A Mohan, R Guleria, C Das, S Arora, RM Pandey, C Mohan, AK Singh. Predictors of Short-term mortality and morbidity in patients admitted with acute exacerbation of COPD. J Assoc Physicians India 2005; 53: 242.

10.       R Guleria, C Mohan, A Mohan, C Das, S Arora, A Kumar. Anemia and Chest Mass: an uncommon cause of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telengiectasia. J Assoc Physicians India 2005; 53: 265.

11.      R Sharma, R Guleria, A Mohan, C Das. Usefulness of various hematological, biochemical and immunological tests in diagnosing Sarcoidosis in Indian population. J Assoc Physicians India 2005; 53: 241-2.

12.      R Guleria, R Sharma, A Mohan, C Das. Treatment of Stage I and II Sarcoidosis with hydroxychloroquine: One year experience. J Assoc Physicians India 2005; 53: 258.

13.       C Das, R Guleria, AK Singh, R Sharma, A Mohan, S Arora, C Mohan, Girish. Smoking habits among medical students: prevalence and dependence. J Assoc Physicians India 2005; 53: 263.

14.       A Mohan, SP Bhatt, C Mohan, S Arora, TK Luqman-Arafat, P Khandelwal, R Guleria. Comparison of APACHE-II and SAPS-II scores in patients admitted to intensive care units with acute exacerbation of COPD. J Assoc Physicians India 2007.

15.       SP Bhatt, A Mohan, C Mohan, S Arora, R Guleria. Predictive Indicators for Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD. J Assoc Physicians India 2007.

16.       K Kumar, R Sood, R Saxena, N Wig, A Mohan. Hematological abnormalities in HIV/AIDS-A preliminary study. J Assoc Physicians India 2007.

17.       P Khandelwal, SP Bhatt, A Mohan, TK Luqman-Arafat, R Guleria. Awareness and attitude towards tuberculosis of health providers outside the ambit of DOTS centers. J Assoc Physicians India 2007.

18.       S Arora, R Guleria, C Mohan, A Mohan. Prevalence of smoking and impact of awareness programme in urban slums of Delhi. J. Assoc Physicians India 2007.

19.       C Mohan S Arora, A Mohan, R Guleria. Effect of pectin supplementation on plasma glucose, lipid profile and antioxidant enzymes in type 2 diabetes. J Assoc Physicians India 2007.

20.       Ram Chitlangia, R Guleria, R. Sharma, A Mohan. Airway Hyper reactivity in patients with sarcoidosis. Report from a developing country. J Assoc Physicians India 2008.

21.       BC Das, AC Bharti, A Mohan, R Guleria, R Kumar, S Kumar. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) as a Marker of Response to Therapy in Lung Cancer. Indian Journal of Cancer 2008; 45 (supplement): S22.

Guest Lectures/ Papers Presented


1.         Role of oxygen free radicals in diabetes mellitus and its microvascular complications. APICON 2001, New Delhi.

2.         Visceral leishmaniasis in an asymptomatic person residing in a non-endemic area. APICON 2003, Varanasi.

3.         Quality of Life measures in Lung Cancer. IRCH Foundation Day Conference; Lung Cancer: Indian Approach, 14th- 15th Nov. 2003, Delhi.

4.        Unilateral Pulmonary Agenesis: an uncommon cause of lower zone lung opacity. APICON 2004, Hyderabad.

5.        Comparison of the efficacy of inhaled Ipratropium Bromide and Salbutamol sequentially or in fixed dose combination in stable COPD patients. APICON 2004, Hyderabad.

6.         Treatment of Acute Severe Asthma: at home, hospital and ICU. 4th CME: National Update on Bronchial Asthma. V.P. Chest Institute, Delhi, 25th April 2004.

7.         Bronchial Asthma - an overview. IMA Meet, UP State chapter, Saharanpur, 31st July 2004.

8.         Predictors of short-term mortality and morbidity in patients admitted with acute exacerbation of COPD. APICON 2005, Mumbai.

9.         Chairperson of research paper session at HIV/AIDS and TB conference at AIIMS, 13th-15th January, 2006.

10.       Chaired a session on “Postprandial hyperglycemia” at Medsight-CME on Diabetes on January 21st, 2006, New Delhi.

11.       Attended a workshop on “Interventional Pulmonology” during the Chest Summit on 12th-15th October 2006, New Delhi.

12.       Presented paper “Predictors of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD” at APICON, 15th-18th February 2007.

13.       Guest speaker at panel discussion on “Management of an unconscious patient”, IMA East Delhi branch, 26th August 2007.

14.       Delivered public lecture on “Dengue” on AIIMS Institute Day, 25th September, 2007.

15.       Presented papers “Role of Inflammatory Mediators as Markers of Severity and Outcome in Acute Exacerbation of COPD” and “Impact of symptoms, respiratory status, nutritional profile and quality of life in patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer” at CHEST conference in Chicago, 20th- 25th Oct.2007.

16.       Guest faculty at  Golden Jubilee Medicine Update, 9th-14th  November 2007, Maulana Azad medical College, New Delhi for “Clinical Skills in Examination” and “ ABG: Basics and Indications”.

17.       Delivered guest lecture “Influenza Virus in Respiratory Diseases in India” at International Conference on Emerging Viral Infections in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics”, 14th December 2007, New Delhi.

18.       Chaired a session and delivered lecture on “Applied Anatomy of the Airways” at National Symposium on Bronchoscopy, V. P. Chest Institute, June 2008.

19.       Guest lecture “Clinical Features and Management of Influenza” at National Symposium on Influenza, V. P. Chest Institute, Delhi, 22nd September 2008.

20.        Clinical Tutor / Faculty at the “Basic Bronchoscopy Course” at Royal Preston Hospital, UK, 4th March 2009.


International Papers:


1.                  S Kumar, R Guleria, V Singh, AC Bharti, A Mohan, BC Das. Plasma Nucleosome levels might predict response to therapy in patients with advanced Non Small Cell Lung cancer. Clinical Lung Cancer (2010 accepted)


As Chief guide / Co-guide of postgraduate thesis (MD)/PhD in the department of Medicine:




1.      Study of the microbiological spectrum in medical wards and the ICU and its correlation with clinical profile of patients.

2.       Evaluation of bronchial hyper-reactivity in patients with mitral stenosis undergoing balloon valvulotomy.

3.      Study of the spectrum of pulmonary infections in HIV patients.

4.      Study of the incidence and spectrum of hematological abnormalities in patients with HIV/AIDS.

5.      Clinical profile of diabetes in the ageing population.

6.      Study of the nutritional profile and CRP in hospitalized patients with respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

7.      A comparative study to determine the effectiveness of nebulization using salbutamol with isotonic saline for various durations in patients with acute severe bronchial asthma. (MSc Nursing)



1.     Study of the prevalence of mycobacteremia in HIV patients with disseminated tuberculosis.

2.    Study of microbiological profile of Clostridium difficile diarrhea

3.    Clinical Implications of Circulating DNA and Protein Markers in Lung Cancer. (PhD-Medicine)

4.   Study of genetic polymorphism of dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) gene in Pneumocystis jiroveci isolates: correlation with clinical outcome in patients. (PhD Microbiology)

5.   Study of the role of Positron Emission Tomogram in evaluating the efficacy of treatment in Sarcoidosis.

6.   Study of the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

7.  Study of the prognostic utility of various inflammatory markers in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

8.   Study of the prevalence of various comorbidities in COPD.

9.   Study of acute febrile illnesses with cytopenias




Other Activities  


1.         Referee for the New England Journal of Medicine, Postgraduate Medical Journal (UK), Supportive Care in Cancer, and Indian J Medical and Pediatric Oncology.

2.        Member of the American College of Chest Physicians, European Respiratory Society, National Academy of Medical Sciences, National College of Chest Physicians, Association of Physicians of India, International Medical Sciences Academy, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine, and Indian Society for Study of Lung Cancer.

3.         Co-organizing Secretary of “Medicine Update”, AIIMS, New Delhi, 12th August 2008, and 5th August 2009.

4.        Co-organizing Secretary of National Conference/CME on HIV/TB-Past, Present and Future, 2006, AIIMS, New Delhi from 13th-15th January, 2006

5.         Member of Organizing Committee of AIIMS-WHO meeting On Involving Medical Schools in treatment of TB / HIV, AIIMS, New Delhi, 28-30th Nov.2001.

6.         Member of Organizing Committee of NAMS Symposium on Ethics In Clinical Practice on 23rd-25th July 2002.

7.         Member of Organizing Committee of “AIIMS-AAPI CME on Rheumatology and Diabetes”, 8th January 2004, AIIMS, New Delhi.



1.         Awarded UK Commonwealth Fellowship as International Clinical Fellow in Chest  Medicine at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, Lancashire, UK. (14th November 2008 – 13th May 2009)

2.         Vishwanathan Award for best poster titled “Awareness and Attitude Towards Tuberculosis of Health Providers Outside the Ambit of DOTS Centers” at APICON 2007 (as co-author).

3.        Alfred Soffer Award for co-authoring best abstract submitted at CHEST conference, 2006, Salt Lake City, USA, titled “Predictors of in-hospital mortality and morbidity in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”.

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