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Training workshops:
Conducted Two Day Hands-on Training Workshop on ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), RT-PCR & Real-Time PCR Techniques: Application in Diagnostics & Research’, 27th-28th February, 2020.
Details of the event-
The workshop was organized with an objective to introduce students, researchers and clinicians at AIIMS to the basics and Hands-on training for various molecular techniques (DNA, RNA isolation and gel electrophoresis, primer design, PCR, cDNA synthesis and Real-Time PCR). The workshop included-
The general facility of the AIIMS CCRF houses multiple molecular biology equipment. Major instruments which has been installed (till now) in General Facility are mentioned below-
Details of Major services and equipment provided by General Facility at CCRF (that need prior booking).
SOPs for Main Services
Link for downloading Standard operating Procedures (SOPs) |
Real Time PCRmachine (Model: CFX96; Biorad) |
SOP for Realtime PCR |
Polymerase Chain Rection machine (Model:SureCycler 8800 Thermal Cycler; Agilent Technologies)
Multimode microplate Reader (Model:Cytation1; Biotek)
SOP for Multimode Microplate Reader |
Electroporation system (Model:.Gene Pulser Xcell system; Biorad)
SOP for Electroporator |
Gel Documentation System (Model: G:Box-Chemi-XX9, Company, Syngene)
SOP for G:Box-Chemi-XX9 |
Ultra-Centrifuge (Model:.Optima XPN-100, Beckman Coulter)
SOP for Ultra-Centrifuge |
Refrigerated-Centrifuges (Model: Heraeus™ Fresco™ 17 Microcentrifuge; Thermo scientific) |
SOP for Refrigerated Centrifuge |
Multipurpose Centrifuge Model: Sorvall ST4 Plus Centrifuge, Thermo Scientific |
SOP for Multipurpose Centrifuge |
Homogenizer (Supplier:JSR)
Agarose gel electrophoresis set-up (Supplier:Biorad)
SOP for Agarose Gel electrophoresis set-up |
ElISA washer and ELlSA reader (Supplier:Biorad) |
SOP for Agarose Gel electrophoresis set-up |
List of minor equipment (that do not need online booking):
§ Electronic weighing Balance § Ice flaking machine § Autoclave § pH meter § Magnetic stirrers § Vortex § Water bath § Cold microfuge § Hot-plate § MilliQ and RO water system |
List of new hind equipment (will be available soon): § Digital droplet PCR (M/s Biorad)
Faculty & Scientists:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029
Board Number : +91-11-26588500 / 26588700
Fax : +91-11-26588663 / 26588641