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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
S. No.Tender CategoryTender TitleDate of PublishingDate of Closing
1 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Consumables Biopsy Forceps for Flexible Scope- Qty. 1500 Nos. for Department of ENT, through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/5922526) 08-02-2025 03-03-2025
2 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Blood Collection Tubes at Dr. BRAIRCH - 300000 nos. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025
3 Global/Open Tender Information regarding corrigendum of revised technical specification & dates of tender has been extended of tender no. XX-169/SO(DO)/Gastro/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_841738_1) 19-02-2025 04-03-2025
4 Global/Open Tender Surgical Gowns (30000Nos.) 13-02-2025 05-03-2025
5 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Fully Automated Immunoassay Systems Enzyme Linked Fluoroscent Assay ELFA Chemiluminescence Enzyme Immunoassay CLEIA Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay ECLIA tender uploaded on CPPP with T.No. 39/CNC/BB/2024-25/St. (Tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_849458_1) dated 19.02.2024 pre-bid on 24.02.2025 at 11.30 AM Bid submission End date: 05.03.2024 for department of Blood Bank (CNC), AIIMS, New Delhi-reg. 19-02-2025 05-03-2025
6 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-143/SO(DO)/Gastro/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_834341_1 and RE-TENDER the same re-floated vide tender no. XX-200/SO(DO)/Gastro/24-25/M&E(CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_847461_1) purchase of Electrogastrography System – 01 no. for the department of Gastroenterology 04-02-2025 06-03-2025
7 Proprietary Tender Proposal for purchase of Analyst TF 1.8.1 upgrade acquisition license and T5820 Workstation (triple TOF) on proprietary basis, (regarding-inviting comments thereon 24-02-2025 07-03-2025
8 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Automated Slide Printer-01 No. for Department of Neuropathology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GEM bid No.: GEM/2025/B/5899342 dated 07/02/2025 with end date 07/03/2025) Tender No.: 129/CNC/NP/2024-25/St 16-02-2025 07-03-2025
9 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Digital ECMO – 01 No. for the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-196/SO (DO)/Pead.Surg./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848126_1 07-02-2025 07-03-2025
10 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Sterile Guaze 30cm x 30cm (GEM/2024/B/4723243) 09-03-2024 08-03-2025
11 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Blood Sample Collection Tubes (P.T. Tube), 2.7ml -.5,50,000 Nos. (GEMC/2024/B/4724096) 09-03-2024 08-03-2025
12 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Precision Water Bath for Laboratory NDDTC 17-02-2025 10-03-2025
13 Global/Open Tender Purchase of UBE Key Hole Surgery Set-02nos. tender uploaded on GeM vide Bid no. GEM/2025/B/5898186 dated 01.02.2025 Pre-bid 11.02.2025 End date: 08.03.2025 Tender no. 161/CNC/NS/2024-25/st. for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 01-02-2025 10-03-2025
14 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Gel Imaging Analysis System – 01 No. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-201/SO (DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848325_1 10-02-2025 11-03-2025
15 Global/Open Tender Wrist Band for Examinations 19-02-2025 11-03-2025
16 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Full Field Tomosynthesis Digital Mammography System against buyback and turnkey basis – 01 No. for the Department of Radio-diagnosis at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-189/SO (DO)/R.D./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_845991_1 24-01-2025 11-03-2025
17 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Digital Subtraction Angiography ( Single Plane) System against buy-back and turnkey basis – 01 No. for the Department of Radio-diagnosis at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-190/SO (DO)/R.D./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_846004_1 Date of Uploading 24-01-2025 11-03-2025
18 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Tinnitometer -01No. for Department of ENT, through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/5948698) 14-02-2025 11-03-2025
19 Proprietary Tender Purchase of Intraoperative Mobile CT System-02Nos. (One unit for NI&INR and One unit for JPNATC) on Proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereof (Ref.Tender No.170/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 24-02-2025 11-03-2025
20 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Cautery Pencil on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 12-03-2025
21 Global/Open Tender Cytocentrifuge (01 Set) 10-02-2025 12-03-2025
22 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Three Dimensional Endoscopy System-02 nos. tender uploaded on CPP portal ID: 2025_AIMSD_848203_1 dated 07.02.2025 Pre-bid meeting 14.02.2025 at 01.30pm Bid end date: 11.03.2025 for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 07-02-2025 12-03-2025
23 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Surgical Navagation System (Buyback-01no.)-01 no. tender uploaded on CPP portal vide ID: 2025_AIMSD_848153_1 dated 07.02.2025 Pre-bid meeting date 14.02.2025 at 02.00 pm Bid submission end date 11.03.2025 for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 07-02-2025 12-03-2025
24 Global/Open Tender Purchase of OEM Canon NPG-67 TONER & OEM Sharp BP-AT300 at NDDTC 20-02-2025 13-03-2025
25 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Dose Calibrator on the Buy Back Basis GEM/2025/B/5884035 24-02-2025 15-03-2025
26 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Plain Copier Paper 12000 through GeM (Bid No.GEM/2025/B/5877103) 24-02-2025 15-03-2025
27 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Procurement of Acoustic Soundproofing (With Multiple Items) for Department of Biochemistry, through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/5981973) 21-02-2025 17-03-2025
28 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Portable Ultrasound Machine” (Q=1 No.) for the department of Nephrology, Aiims New Delhi(GEM/2025/B/5960497) 17-02-2025 17-03-2025
29 Global/Open Tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of “Digital Subtraction Angiography System (Single Plane Cardio-Vascular Catheterization and Digital Subtraction Angiography Laboratory High End-3D) on turnkey & buy-back basis-01No. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 ( CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_848710_1 Dated 11.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 20.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 17.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.162/CNC/Card/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 17-03-2025
30 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Rings on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years. 22-02-2025 18-03-2025
31 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Bovine Jugular Vein Conduit on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years. 22-02-2025 18-03-2025
32 Global/Open Tender Purchase of IABP Catheter on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 18-03-2025
33 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Surgical Incise Drape on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 18-03-2025
34 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Trinocular Compound Phase Contrast Microscope (with Camera, Imaging System) – 08 Nos. for the Department of Pathology at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-203/SO (DO)/Path/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848662_1 11-02-2025 18-03-2025
35 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Audiometer – 03 Nos. for the Department of ENT at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-209/SO (DO)/ENT/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_849693_1 18-02-2025 19-03-2025
36 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Portable Audiometer – 02 Nos. for the Department of ENT at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-210/SO (DO)/ENT/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_849702_1 18-02-2025 19-03-2025
37 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Radiofrequency Advanced Electrosurgical System with Bipolar Resection and Vessel Sealing – 02 Nos. for the Department of Urology at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-213/SO (DO)/Uro./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_849915_1 19-02-2025 19-03-2025
38 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Graft, Patches and Ring on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 19-03-2025
39 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Different Types of PTFE Suture and Graft on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 19-03-2025
40 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Microscope with Phase Contrast and Camera attachment through CPP portal for Department of D&V , Aiims New Delhi (XX-156/SO(DO)/D&V/24-25/M&E) 19-02-2025 20-03-2025
41 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Upright Trinocular Motorized Bright Field Microscope Capable of Upgrading to Fluorescence Microscopy – 01 No. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-214/SO (DO)/Anatomy/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_849929_1 19-02-2025 20-03-2025
42 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Handheld ICG Fluorescence Imaging System – 01 No. for the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-197/SO (DO)/Pead.Surg./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_850335_1 21-02-2025 21-03-2025
43 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-145/SO(DO)/Uro./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_836057_1) and RE-TENDER the revised specification re-floated vide tender no. XX-216/SO(DO)/Uro./24-25/M&E(CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_850208_1) purchase of Thulium Fiber Laser System for stone & Prostate – 01 no. for the department of Urology 20-02-2025 21-03-2025
44 Global/Open Tender Procurement of two (02) units of “Camera Mounted OT Light with Video Management System (GeM Category - Ceiling OT Light)” at RPC. 22-02-2025 24-03-2025
45 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Fully Automated Urine Analyzer through GeM portal (GEM/2025/B/5996119 and tender no. XX-220/SO(DO)/Emergency Medicine/GeM/24-25/M&E) 28-02-2025 24-03-2025
46 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Portable Cardiovascular Ultrasound System -02 Nos., through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/6005580) and tender no. XX-221/SO(DO)/Physiology/GEM /24-25/M&E) 28-02-2025 24-03-2025
47 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Bio-prosthetic Valves on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 22-02-2025 25-03-2025
48 Global/Open Tender "> Procurement of Cautery Pencil – 30,000 Nos. (GEM/2024/B/4607262) 30-09-2024 25-03-2025
49 Global/Open Tender Purchase of CT Scanner 256 slice on buy-back & turnkey basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849464_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.142/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025
50 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Biplane Flat Panel DSA with 3D Rotational Angiography on turnkey & buy-back basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849469_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.146/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025
51 Global/Open Tender Purchase of 3 Tesla MRI System for Gamma Knife on buy-back & turnkey basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849470_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 4.15 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.143/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025
52 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Suction Machine with Variable Speed – 12 Nos. for the Department of ENT at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-217/SO (DO)/ENT/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_850834_1 25-02-2025 26-03-2025
53 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Automated Hematology Analyzer-01No. at JPNA Trauma Centre, AIIMS Delhi (GeM bid No. GEM/2025/B/5978797 dated 27.02.2025 end date 27.03.2025 (Ref. 98/TC/GEM/LM/2023-24/St) 27-02-2025 27-03-2025
54 Global/Open Tender Procurement of ONE (01) unit of “Femtosecond Laser System for Precision Cataract Surgery (Non Portable -Robotic Surgery)(CPP Portal Tender ID 2025_AIMSD_849710_1” at RPC. 20-02-2025 02-04-2025
55 Global/Open Tender Procurement of ONE (01) unit of “Lasik Machine(CPP Portal Tender ID 2025_AIMSD_849562_1” at RPC. 20-02-2025 02-04-2025
56 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-37/SO(DO)/ENT/2023-24/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_795590_1) and RE-TENDER the same specification re-floated vide tender no. XX-222/SO(DO)/ENT/24-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_851201_1) purchase of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Xenon Head Light with Camera System – 03 Nos. for the department of ENT 28-02-2025 02-04-2025
57 Global/Open Tender Purchase of High End Intraoperative Ultrasound for Surgeries – 02 Nos. for the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-223/SO (DO)/Paed.Surg./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_851256_1 28-02-2025 02-04-2025
58 Global/Open Tender Purchase of CSESet (GEM/2024/B/4818446) 02-04-2024 02-04-2025
59 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Endotracheal Tubes or Reinforced Endotracheal Tube Plain (GEM/2024/B/4827688) 02-04-2024 02-04-2025
60 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Different types of Infusion Lines/Syringes/IV Sets for Department of Cardiac Anestehsiology on one year rate contract basis and further extendable upto 01 year 02-03-2025 04-04-2025
61 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-84/SO(DO)/ENT/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_816366_1) and RE-TENDER the revised specification re-floated vide tender no. XX-198/SO(DO)/ENT/24-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_851024_1) purchase of CI Speech Processor for Cochlear Implant on 02 years rate contract basis for the department of ENT 27-02-2025 08-04-2025
62 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Nasal Cannula (GEM/2024/B/4846738) 08-04-2024 08-04-2025
63 Global/Open Tender Purchase of HME Filter (Adult) (GEM/2024/B/4832918) 22-04-2024 22-04-2025
64 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Surgical Drapes - Disposable (GEM/2024/B/4908291) 03-05-2024 03-05-2025
65 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Blood Collection Tube K2 EDTA 6ml (GEM/2024/B/5154636) 16-07-2024 15-07-2025
66 Short rate enquiry Procurement of Reagents HbA1c Analyzer on proprietary basis for CRHSP-Ballabgarh 07-01-2025 20-07-2025
67 Global/Open Tender High End GPU Based Laptop 13-09-2024 04-09-2025
68 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Surgical Gown (GEM/2024/B/5311594) 21-08-2024 04-09-2025
69 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Ligation Clip Large (5-13 mm) qty 4,000 Cartridge 15-10-2024 15-10-2025
70 Global/Open Tender of Cardiac Monitor (Mid End) for NCA 30-08-2022 20-09-2027
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