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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142



  1. Saluja SS, Gulati M, Garg PK, Pal H, Pal S, Sahni P, Chattopadhyay TK. Endoscopic or percutaneous biliary drainage for gallbladder cancer: A randomized trial and quality of life assessment. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008;6:944–50.
  2. Satyanarayana K, Sharma A, Parikh P, Vijayan VK, Sahu DK, Nayak BK, Gulati RK, Parikh MN, Singh PP, Bavdekar SB, Sreehari U, Sahni P. Statement on publishing clinical trials in Indian biomedical journals. Indian J Pediatr 2008;75:755. (The above article has been published simultaneously in the following journals: J Vector Borne Dis 2008;45:81–2; Natl Med J India 2008;21:105–6; Indian J Cancer 2008;45:39–40; Indian J Med Sci 2008;62:132–3; J Postgrad Med 2008;54:78–9).
  3. Singh RK, Sahni P, Chattopadhyay TK. Esophageal perforation—the problems of late presentation. Hepatogastroenterology 2008;55:2103–7.


  1. Chattopadhyay TK, Sahni P, Pal S (eds). GI Surgery Annual, Volume 15. New Delhi:Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology; 2008.

Chapters in Books

  1. Chattopadhyay TK. Advances in Gastrointestinal surgery. In: Chattopadhyay TK, Sahni P, Pal S (eds). GI Surgery Annual, Vol.15. New Delhi: Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology; 2007:192–239.
  2. Pal S, Sahni P. Preoperative biliary drainage for malignant lesions of the head of pancreas. In: Shrikhande SV, Friess H, Buchler MW (eds). Surgery of pancreatic tumors. New Delhi: BI Publications; 2008:121–8.
  3. Pal S, Singh RK, Chattopadhyay TK. Cancer of oesophagus. In: Haribhakti S (ed). Clinical GI Surgery. Ahmedabad:Haribhakti Educational Foundation; 2008:238–63.
  4. Singh RK, Pal S, Chattopadhyay TK. Cancer of the oesophagus. In: Tandon BN (ed). Tropical Hepatogastroenterology. New Delhi:Elsevier India; 2008:3–38.


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