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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Dr. Ashutosh Haldar

Dr. Ashutosh Halder

Professor & Head

Department of Reproductive Biology



Dr. Ashutosh Halder                                                        Specialization

Professor & Head                                                            Reproductive Genetics

यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.                                            Reproductive Endocrinology

MBBS (Cal), MD (OG, AIIMS), DNB (OG),                   Molecular Cytogenetics

DM (Med Genet, SGPGI), FAMS                                    Clinical Embryology

Commonwealth Scholar (Fetal Medicine)                           Teratology

(Ex Asst. Prof., Med Genet, SGPGIMS, Lucknow) 


Citations: near 1100+ (composite)

Google Scholar (1032)/Research Gate (845)/Expanded (>1100)

h-index            17

i10-index         29



Obstetrics & Gynecology (AIIMS/MD+SR)

Medical Genetics (SGPGIMS/DM)

Fetal Medicine (Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept of Obst & Gyne, UCL, London)

Molecular Cytogenetics

(Galton Laboratory & Hamilton Laboratory, UCL, London;

Human Genetics, Virchow Klinicum, Berlin;

Cytogenetics, University of Clermont Ferrand, France;

Human Genetics, University of Bari, Uniba Biologia, Italy)


Teaching Courses Guided

MSc in Reproductive Biology & Clinical Embryology (AIIMS; since 2016)

PhD in Reproductive Biology (AIIMS; since 2001)

DM in Med Genet (SGPGI; between 1997-2001)



Training Provided

Long Term:                 Molecular Cytogenetics, Clinical Embryology, Reproductive Endocrinology, etc

National Workshop:     One-Week Workshop on Molecular Cytogenetics as Annual Event


Clinical/Laboratory Services Provided

Andrology (Primary Testicular failure), Malformation, Infertility, Reproductive Endocrine Disorders (PCOS, Hyperprolactinemia, POF, Primary Amenorrhoea, hypogonadotropic/ hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, etc)  M

Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH, microarray, etc)

Working on NIPT

Working on semen banking


Consultation/Research Areas

  1. Polycystic ovarian disease
  2. Premature ovarian failure
  3. Hyperprolactinemia
  4. Testicular maturation arrest
  5. Sertoli cell only syndrome
  6. Spermiation defect
  7. Microdeletion syndrome
  8. Recurrent Pregnancy Failure
  9. Recurrent Malformations
  10. Disorder of sex development
  11. Endometriosis
  12. Familial Reproductive Cancers
  13. Biological basis of skewed sex ratio
  14. NIPS
  15. Ovarian epithelial cancer


Research Conducted


  1. Analysis for sperm aneuploidy of idiopathic oligoazoospermic & teratospermic men
  2. Evaluation of molecular basis of clinical aggressiveness in cervical carcinoma of young age
  3. Molecular basis of clinical aggressiveness in papillary thyroid carcinoma
  4. Role of Cytokines in Premature Ovarian Failure (collaborative)
  5. Double blind randomized clinical trial of polyherbal preparation Ashokarista on post- menopausal women (collaborative)
  6. Evaluation of anembryonic pregnancy and early missed abortion product for chromosomal aneuploidy and uniparental disomy by molecular method
  7. Chromosome aneuploidy and mosaicism in preimplantation embryo (human)
  8.  Chromosome aneuploidy and mosaicism in preimplantation embryo (mouse)
  9. Prevalence of 22q11 deletion syndrome in children with structural cardiac malformation: a tertiary care referral hospital-based study in Delhi
  10. Molecular Basis of Multiple Myeloma (collaborative)
  11. Rapid Aneuploidy Diagnosis by PRINS
  12. Spermiation Defect
  13. Genetic & Endocrine Evaluation of Primary Testicular Failure
  14. Understanding Dynamics of Skewed Sex Ratio
  15. Macroprolactinemia
  16. Premature ovarian failure
  17. Polycystic ovarian disease
  18. Testicular maturation arrest
  19. An investigation for sub-microscopic chromosomal imbalances and uniparental disomy by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in FISH negative clinically suspected 22q11.2 microdeletion syndromes
  20. Mechanism for phenotypic heterogeneity/variability in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome(ICMR)



  1. An investigation to find out genetic factors in idiopathic familial ovarian failure
  2. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): An investigation to find out reasons for discrepancy between hyperandrogenism (clinical) & hyperandrogenemia (biochemical) and underlying etiologic (epigenetic & genetic) factors
  3. Integrative Analysis of Ovarian Cancer Transcriptome to Identify Biomarkers and Potential Molecular Targets for Genome-guided Targeted Therapy
  4. An Investigation to find out mechanism for Phenotypic Heterogeneity/Variability in Microdeletion Syndrome



  1. Molecular basis of skewed sex ratio in high fat diet mice
  2. An investigation on underlying mechanism of PCOS in association with Bisphenol A and Advanced Glycation End products (EDCs)
  3. Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS) of Common Chromosomal Abnormalities (aneuploidies and microdeletions) by Next Generation Sequencing



To create reproductive science center for the followings:

To develop reproductive genetics specialty

To develop NIPS facility

To develop reproductive endocrinology specialty

To develop semen cryopreservation (semen banking & AID) facility 

To develop gamete, embryo & gonad cryopreservation facility

To develop clinical embryology branches

To start courses (teaching/training) on Molecular Cytogenetics, Reproductive Genetics, Reproductive Endocrinology, Clinical Embryology & Cryopreservation, etc




Published Full Article
  1. Haldar A, Sharma AK, Phadke SR, Jain A, Agarwal SS. OEIS Complex with Cranio-Facial anomalies: Defect of Blastogenesis?  Am. J. Med. Genetics. 1994; 53: 21-23. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.048; Cited by 36)
  2. Sharma AK, Haldar A, et al. Postmortem Radiography of perinatal deaths: an aid to Genetic Counseling. Indian Pediatrics. 1994; 31(6): 702-706. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 02)   
  3. Phadke SR, Haldhar A, et al.  GAPO Syndrome in a child without Dermal Hyaline Deposit. Am.  J. Med. Genetics. 1994; 51: 191-193. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.048; Cited by 09)
  4. Sharma AK, Haldar A, et al. Preaxial Brachydactyly with Abduction of Thumbs & Hallux Varus: a distinct entity. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 1994; 49(3): 274-277. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.048; Cited 07)
  5. Sharma AK, Phadke SR, Haldar A, et al. Jercolevine Syndrome: a case report. Indian Pediatrics. 1994; 31(6): 707-708. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 06)    
  6. Sharma AK, Haldar A, et al. Marshall-Smith Syndrome: further observations. Indian Pediatrics. 1994; 31(8): 1098-1100. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 07)
  7. Buckshee K, Haldar A, et al. Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Newborn. J. Obst. & Gynecol India. 1994; 44(1): 859-862. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  8. Tutschek B, Sherlock J, Halder A, Delhanty J, Rodeck C, Adinolfi M. Isolation of Fetal Cells from transcervical samples by Micromanipulation: Molecular confirmation of their fetal origin and diagnosis of fetal aneuploidies. Prenatal Diagnosis. 1995; 15(10): 951-960. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.514; Cited by 62)*   
  9. Adinolfi M, Sherlock J, Tutschek B, Halder A, Delhanty J, Rodeck C. Detection of Fetal Cells in Transcervical Sample & Prenatal Diagnosis of Chromosomal abnormalities. Prenatal Diagnosis. 1995; 15(10): 943-950. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.514; Cited by 63)*
  10. Agarwal S, Kishore R, Haldar A, et al.  Outcome of pregnancy in women with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion following Immunotherapy with Allogenic Lymphocytes. Human Reproduction.  1995; 10(9): 2280-2284. (Journal Impact Factor: 4.585; Cited by 15)
  11. Kishore R, Agarwal S, Haldar A, et al.  HLA sharing, Antipaternal Cytotoxic Antibodies & MLR Blocking Factors in women with Recurrent Abortions. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 1996; 22(2): 177-183. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.931; Cited by 35)   
  12. Sherlock J, Halder A, Tutschek B, Rodeck C, Adinolfi M. Prenatal detection of fetal aneuploidies using transcervical cell samples. J Med Genet. 1997; 34: 302-305. (Journal Impact Factor: 5.636; Cited by 42)
  13. Halder A & Tutschek B.  Analysis of meiotic segregation in human nondecondensed interphase spermatozoa by multicolor rapid direct FISH. Ind J Med Res. 1998; 107: 94-97. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 06)
  14. Ruangvutilert P, Halder A, Jauniaux E, Arienzo M, Cirigliano V and Sherlock J.  A minimally invasive prenatal diagnosis technique for the collection of transcervical cells. Prenatal Neonatal Medicine 1998; 3: 294 - 296. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.544; Cited by 04)
  15. Halder A, Pahi J, Pradhan M, Pandey A, Gujral R, Agarwal SS. Iniencephaly: a report of 19 cases.  Ind Pediatrics. 1998; 35: 891 - 896. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 11)
  16. Halder A, Pahi J, Sharma AK, Bhatia VL, Phadke RV, Gujral R & Agarwal SS. Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Type II with normal Mentation and delayed CNS Myelination. Am. J. Med. Genet. 1998; 80: 12-15. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.048; Cited by 14)*
  17. Pahi J, Phadke SR, Halder A, Agarwal SS, et al.  Does autopsy of antenataly diagnosed malformed fetuses aid genetic counseling? The National Medical Journal of India. 1998; 11(4): 169-170. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.908; Cited by 13)
  18. Jauniaux E, Halder A, Partington C. A case of partial mole associated with trisomy 13. Ultrasound Obstet Gynaecol. 1998; 11(1): 62-64. (Journal Impact Factor: 3.14; Cited by 23)
  19. Halder A & Park YK. Identification of the appropriate tissue from formalin fixed perinatal autopsy material for chromosomal ploidy detection by interphase FISH. Ind J Med Res. 1999; 110: 102-106. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 08)
  20. Phadke SR & Halder A. Fluorescent in situ hybridization: A novel method to study chromosomes and genes. Perinatology 2000; 2(4): 203-210. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  21. Halder A, Pahi J, Chadda V and Agarwal SS.  Sirenomelia Sequence associated with craniorachischisis totalis, limb reduction and primitive heart: a case report. Indian Pediatr. 2001; 38 (9): 1041-5. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 13)
  22. Halder A. Trisomy 21 beyond 1st trimester: are they all mosaic? Evidence to support. Asian J Obs & Gynae Practice, 2002; 6 (2): 30-34. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  23. Halder A, Agarwal S & Chaddha V. Genetic counseling in obstetric practice. Obstetrics & Gynecology Today 2002; VII (6): 310-318 (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA).
  24. Chaddha V, Agarwal S, Phadke SR & Halder A (corresponding author). Low Level of Mosaicism in Atypical Prader Willi Syndrome: Detection using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization. Indian Pediatrics 2003; 40: 166-168. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 08)
  25. Agarwal S, Chadda V, Ram Sharan and Halder A (corresponding author). Rapid prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 18 by interphase FISH. Asian Journal of Obs & Gynae Practice 2003; 7 (1): 14–15 & 23. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by 02)
  26. Pandey MK, Halder A, Agarwal S, Srivastava M, Agarwal SS, Agrawal S. Immunotherapy in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion: Randomised and Nonrandomised trials. The Internet Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2003; 2(1): rsa/xml (13 pages). (Journal Impact Factor: 0.16; Cited 04)
  27. Halder A, Panigrahi I & Pal L. Fowler like syndrome with extreme oligohydramnios & growth restriction and without muscle hypoplasia: first case from Indian subcontinent. Ind Pediat 2003; 40: 418-423. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 08)
  28. Halder A, Chaddha V, Agarwal S, Fauzdar A. Absence of sperm meiotic segregation error of chromosomes 1, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, X and Y in a case of 100 % necrozoospermia. Asian J Androl. 2003 Jun; 5(2): 163-166. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.53; Cited by 11)
  29. Nagpure NS, Kushwaha B, Srivastava SK, Halder A and Ponniah AG. Comparative chromosome painting in fish using human sex chromosome probes. Indian J Fishery 2003; 50: 103-106. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.198; Cited by 03)
  30. Halder A, Halder S, Fauzdar A, Kumar A. Molecular approaches of chromosome analysis: an overview. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 2004; B70 (2): 153-221. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by 03)
  31. Halder A, Agarwal S, Pandey A. Iniencephaly and Chromosome Mosaicism: A Report of Two Cases. Congenital Anomalies 2005; 45: 102-105. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.783; Cited by 09)
  32. Halder A, Fauzdar A, Kumar A. Serum Inhibin B and Follicle Stimulating Hormone Levels as Markers in the Evaluation of Azoospermic Men: A Comparison. Andrologia 2005; 37: 173-179. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.172; Cited by 30)
  33. Halder A, Fauzdar A, Kabra M and Saxena A. Detection of 22q11.2 hemizygous deletion by interphase FISH in a patient with features of CATCH22 Syndrome. Ind Pediatr. 2005; 42: 1236-1239. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.036; Cited by 03)
  34. Halder A, Halder S, Fauzdar A. A Preliminary Investigation on Molecular Basis for Clinical Aggressiveness in Cervical Carcinoma by Comparative Genomic Hybridization and Conventional Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization. Ind J of Med Res. 2005; 122: 434-446. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 08)*
  35. Halder A. Placental chimerism in early human pregnancy. Ind J of Hum Genet 2005; 11 (2): 84-88. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by 05)
  36. Halder A and Fauzdar A. Extreme Skewing of Sex Ratio and Low Aneuploidy in Recurrent Early Missed Abortion. Ind J Med Res 2006; 124: 41-50. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 14)*
  37. Halder A. Skewed Sex Ratio in India. Ind J Med Res 2006; 124: 583-584. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 06)*
  38. Halder A, Fauzdar A. Potential use of blood, buccal and urine cells for rapid noninvasive diagnosis of suspected aneuploidy using FISH. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2007; 1 (2): 32-38. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.14; Cited by 07)
  39. Halder A, Fauzdar A, Ghosh M, Kumar A. Serum Inhibin B: A Direct, Precise & Noninvasive Marker of Ovarian Function. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2007; 1(3): 131-137. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.14; Cited by 04)
  40. Halder A. Nonimmunologic Hydrops Fetalis Associated with True Knot of Umbilical Cord: A Necropsy Study. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc. 2007; 8(4): 420-423. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.13; Cited by 05)
  41. Halder A. Unexplained Ten Consequetive Early Third Trimester Intrauterine Fetal Deaths: A Diagnostic Dilema. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2007; Volume 7, Number 2. (IUD_0910.doc) (Journal Impact Factor: 0.16; Cited by 02)
  42. Halder A. Premature Graying of Hairs, Premature Aging and Predisposition to Cancer in Jajjal, Punjab: A preliminary observation. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2007; 6: 577-580. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.14; Cited by 06)*
  43. Halder A, Gupta RK. Male like external genitalia with epididymis in a case of 46,XX disorder of sex development due to  congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2008; 13(3): 141-145. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.608; Cited by 02)
  44. Halder A, Jain M, Kabra M, Gupta N. Mosaic 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome: diagnosis and clinical manifestations of two cases.  Molecular Cytogenetics 2008; 1: 18. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.66; Cited by 24)*
  45. Fauzdar A, Sharma RK, Kumar A, Halder A. A Preliminary Study on Chromosome Aneuploidy and Mosaicism in Early Preimplantation Human Embryo by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization. Ind J Med Res 2008; 128 (3): 287-293 (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 02)
  46. Fauzdar A, Halder A, Kumar A. Effect of gonadotropins on chromosome aneuploidy, chromosome mosaicism and skewed sex ratio in mouse preimplantation embryos. Ind J Med Res 2009; 129: 669-675 (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 04)
  47. Yadav N, Sumod K, Kumar S, Jain M, Halder A, Saxena R, Mukhopadhyay A. Therapeutic effect of bone marrow-derived liver cells in phenotypic correction of murine hemophilia A. Blood; 2009 114: 4552-4561 (Journal Impact Factor: 9.775; Cited by 19)
  48. Shukla B, Agarwal S, Suri V, Pathak P, Sharma MC, Gupta D, Sharma BS, Suri A, Halder A, Sarkar C. Assessment of 1p/19q status by fluorescence in situ hybridization assay: A comparative study in oligodendroglial, mixed oligoastrocytic and astrocytic tumors. Neurol India 2009; 57: 559-566. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.084; Cited by 08)
  49. Halder A.  Amniotic Band Syndrome and/or Limb Body Wall Complex: Split or Lump. The Application of Clinical Genetics 2010; 3: 7-15. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.7; Cited by 10)
  50. Halder A.  46, XY Disorder of Sex Development with Mullerian Ducts Remnants. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2010; 4: 2169-2174 (Journal Impact Factor: 0.14; Cited by 01)
  51. Halder A, Jain M, Chaudhary I, Kabra M. Prevalence of 22q11.2 microdeletion in 146 patients with cardiac malformation in a referral hospital of North India.  BMC Medical Genetics 2010; 11: 101. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.45; Cited by 14)
  52. Halder A, Jain M, Chaudhary I and Varma B. Chromosome 22q11.2 microdeletion in monozygotic twins with discordant phenotype and deletion size. Molecular Cytogenetics 2012; 5:13 (JIF 2.41; ICV 5.61) (Journal Impact Factor: 2.66; Cited by 17)*
  53. Jain M, Halder A. Sertoli cell only syndrome: Status of sertoli cell maturation and function. Indian J Endocr Metab 2012; 16: S514-515. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by 05)
  54. Halder A, Jain M and Chaudhary I. Rapid Detection of Chromosome X, Y, 13, 18 & 21 Aneuploidies by Primed In Situ Labeling/Synthesis (PRINS) Technique. Ind J Hum Genet 2013; 19 (1): 14-17. (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by 02)
  55. Jain M, Mohan V, Chaudhary I, Halder A. Sertoli cell only syndrome and glaucoma in a SRY positive XX infertile male. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2013; 7 (7): 1457-1459. (Journal Impact Factor: 0.14; Cited by 03)
  56. Halder A, Jain M, Chaudhary I, Gupta N and Kabra M. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) using non-commercial probes in the diagnosis of clinically suspected microdeletion syndromes: an experience with 301 cases. Ind J Med Res 2013; 138: 135-142. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.661; Cited by 04)
  57. Halder A. Advances in Cytogenetics (editorial). JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research. 2013; 16:e101.doi:10.4172/jcdr.1000e101  Volume1 Issue1 1000e101. 10.4172/ jcdr.1000e101 (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  58. Halder A. Disorder of Sex Development: spectrum of disorder in a referral tertiary care hospital in Northern India. The Global Journal of Human Genetics & Gene Therapy. 2013; 1 (2): 77-89 (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  59. Halder A. Cytogenetics to Cytogenomics: transition from Chromosome to DNA sequence. The Global Journal of Human Genetics & Gene Therapy. 2013; 1 (2): 90-104 (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  60. Halder A, Jain M, Chawdhary I, Kumar G, Das TK, Gupta YK. Dark Colored Semen in Non-obstructive Azoospermia: A Report of 4 Cases, Andrologia 2014; 46 (3): 316–321. (Journal Impact Factor: 1.172; Cited by NA)
  61. Halder A. Lethal Developmental Defects: An Overview. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014; 4: 1006-1036 (Journal Impact Factor: 0.24; Cited by NA)
  62. Chaudhary I, Jain M, Halder A. Sperm sex ratio (X:Y ratio) and its variations. Austin J Reprod Med Infertil. 2014;1(1): 7 (arjm-v1-id1003) (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  63. Halder A. Genetic counseling for infertile couples. ISSRF News Letter 2015; sp issue 16: pp 14-19 (Journal Impact Factor: NA; Cited by NA)
  64. Halder A. Canceromics and P3 medicine (editorial). JBR J Clin Diagn Res 2015; 3: 1 (1000e104). doi:10.4172/jcdr.1000e104 (2 pages)
  65. Sharma P, Gupta N, Roychowdhury M, Phadke SR, Sapra S, Halder A, Ghosh M and Kabra M. Williams-Beuren syndrome: Delineation of clinical phenotype and diagnostic utility of MLPA: Experience of 43 patients from a tertiary care centre in India. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 2015: Sep 10 (DOI:10.1159/000439205)
  66. Halder A, Jain M and Kumar P. Primary Testicular Failure: An Overview. J Clin Diagn Res 2015; 3: 1 (1000e105). doi:10.4172/jcdr.1000e105 (5 pages)
  67. Halder A. Reproductive Genetic Counseling in Genomic Era. EC Gynaecology2015; 2 (1): 132-148.
  68. Halder A. Approach to Fetal Malformations. In: Proceeding (The wonderful world of clinical genetics) of IAMGCON 2015 Jodhpur, India; pp.56-69.
  69. Halder A, Jain M, Kalsi AP. SNP Microarray in FISH Negative Clinically Suspected 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome. Scientifica 2016; 18 pages (
  70. Halder A. Reproductive Genetics (editorial). JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research 2016; 4: 106 (2 pages). doi:10.4172/2376-0311.1000e106
  71. Halder A. Approach to Prenatal Fetal Malformations. EC Gynaecology2016; 3 (3): 294-307.
  72. Halder A. Non-invasive Prenatal Testing. EC Gynaecology2016; 3 (5): 365-367.
  73. Jain M, Kalsi AK, Srivastava A, Gupta YK, Halder A. High serum estradiol and heavy metals responsible for human spermiation defect. J Clin Diag and Res 2016; Dec;10(12):RC09-RC13. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/22483.8990.
  74. 74.  Halder A, Kumar P, Jain M. Primary testicular failure: A search for ideal biomarkers. Ind J Endo and Meta 2017; 21 (suppl 1): pp S2.
  75. Halder A, Kumar P, Jain M, Iyer VK. Copy number variations in testicular maturation arrest. Andrology 2017; 5 (3): 460-472. doi: 10.1111/andr.12330.
  76. Halder A, Kumar P, Jain M, Kalsi AP. Genomics: Tool to predict & prevent male infertility. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2017; 9: 448-508.
  77. Kumar P, Jain M, Kalsi AK, Halder A. Molecular characterization of a case of dicentric Y presented as non-obstructive azoospermia with testicular early maturation arrest. Andrologia, 2017; 50: e12886. DOI: 10.1111/and.12886
  78. Kalsi AK, Halder A, Jain M, Chaturvedi PK, Sharma JB. Prevalence and Reproductive Manifestations of Macroprolactinemia. Endocrine 2019; 63: 332-340
  79. Halder A, Jain M, Kalsi APK. Mosaicism in 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome. J Clin Diagn Res. 2018; 12 (11): GC01-GC06
  80. Kalsi AK, Halder A, Jain M, Chaturvedi PK, Mathew M, Sharma JB. Association of raised levels of IL-4 and anti-TPO with hyperprolactinemia. Am J Reproductive Immunology 2019; 81:  e13085 (doi: 10.1111/aji.13085)
  81. Kalsi AK, Halder A, Jain M, Srivastava A. Association of Cadmium, Chromium, Manganese and Lead with hyperprolactinemia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2020; 14: 4-7.
  82. Rishi I, Halder A, Sharma JB, Jain M, Sharma M. Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism and Sequencing of HS6ST2 Gene in Patients of Idiopathic Premature Ovarian Failure. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020; 14(2): GC01-GC08
  83. Jain P, Wadhwa N, Joshi MK, Jain M, Halder A, Mishra K. Cellular mesenchymal epithelial transition (C-MET) gene copy number variation in gastric adenocarcinoma: A pilot search for new marker for targeted therapy in HER-2/neu resistance. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2020 Jan-Mar; 63(1): 86-89. doi: 10.4103/IJPM.IJPM_396_19. PubMed PMID: 32031129.
  84. Jain M, Sharma A, Halder A, Kaushal S. Intra-individual genomic variation study in tissues (Blood vs. Testis) through SNPs Microarray: Case report in two idiopathic Sertoli cell only Syndrome patients (SCOS). Journal of Reproduction & Infertility 2020 (accepted)
  85. Halder A and Pandey D. CFTR gene variants in Indian CBAVD and its relevance in genetic counselling. IJMR 2020 (accepted; commentary).
  86. Halder A, Rana R, et al. Salient yet silent: A need for strategies to cope with violence against infertile women during COVID-19 pandemic. Indian Journal of Public Health 2020 (submitted)
  87. Manisha Singh, Manish Jain, Samrat Bose, Ashutosh Halder, Tapas Chandra Nag, Amit Kumar Dinda, Sujata Mahanti. 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol for differentiation of MSCs & amelioration of Parkinsonian symptoms in rats. The EMBO Journal. 2020 (submitted)
  88. Wadhwa N, et al. Human telomerase RNA component (hTERC) gene expression and chromosome 7 ploidy correlates positively with histologic grade of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. Cytopathology. 2020 (CYT-2020-0122;submitted)
  89. Sharma M, Bidhan J, Halder A, Sharma JB, Mahey R, Gupta S. A Preliminary Study of Human Sperm Citrate Synthase Expression in Patients with Failed ICSI Cycles. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2020 (IJRCOG-8749; submitted)
  90. Jain M, Halder A, et al. Identification of Genomic imbalances (CNVs as well as LOH) in Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome cases through Cytoscan Microarray. Andrology 2020 (submitted).
  91. Halder A, Kumar H, Kalsi AK, Jain M. Dihydrotestosterone: a potential biomarker of hyperandrogenaemia in PCOS. 2020 Reprod Med and Biol (submitted)
  92. Kalsi AK, Halder A, Jain M. An investigation on bone mineral density in hyperprolactinemia. 2020 (submitted)
  93. Halder A, Chaudhary I, Jain M. Sex Ratio Trajectory in Mouse. Syst Biol Rep Med 2020 (submitted)


Published Abstract (Indexed Only)
  1. Delhanty JDA, Sherlock J, Tutschek B, Halder A, Rodeck CH, Adinolfi M. Detection & analysis of fetal cells in TCC using FISH & PCR amplification of unique fetal DNA sequences. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1995; 57(4): A32 (159).
  2. Tutschek B, Sherlock J, Halder A, et al. Collection of fetal cells from cervical canal during 1st trimester of pregnancy: Sampling technique, molecular analysis and isolation of purely fetal material. Europe. J Hum. Genet. 1996; 4(suppl.1): 20 (1.014).
  3. Sherlock J, Tutschek B, Halder A, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of 4 Chromosome anomalies from TCC. Europ.J. Hum. Genet. 1996; 4 suppl.10: 126 (9.026).
  4. Halder A, Tutschek B. Analysis of meiotic segregation in human nondecondensed interphase spermatozoa by multi color directs FISH. J Med Genet. 1996; 33 (suppl.1); S48 (12.001).
  5. Ruangvutilert P, Halder A, Sherlock J, Jauniaux E, Anenzo MP, Adinolfi M. A minimally invasive prenatal diagnosis technique for the collection of transcervical cells. Am J Hum Genet 1997; 61(4) supplement: Abst. No. 924, Page A 161.
  6. Halder A & Park YK. Rapid detection of ploidy in paraffin embedded formalin fixed tissue in perinatal autopsy material by interphase FISH: a search for the right tissue. Am J Hum Genet 1998; 63(4) supplement: abstract No. 871.
  7. Halder A, Park YK, et al. Sex Chromosome chimerism in early pregnancy: a report of 3 cases. Eu J Hum Genet 1999; 7: P251 (May, Suppl.)
  8. Halder A, Park YK, et al. Trisomy 21 beyond first trimester: are they all mosaic? Evidence to support. Cytogent Cell Genet 1999; 85: P633 (July, Suppl.).
  9. Halder A, Fauzdar A and Kumar A. Rapid Molecular Approaches for Aneuploidy Diagnosis. Int J Hum Genet. 2004; Sup. 1: 31-38.
  10. Halder A, Fauzdar A & Kumar A. Extreme Skewing of Sex Ratio in Recurrent Early Missed Abortions. In Abstract Book of the 12th World Congress on Human Reproduction (Venezia, March 10-13, 2005); Electronic Publication (
  11. Halder A, Halder S, Fauzdar A. A Preliminary Investigation on Molecular Basis for Clinical Aggressiveness in Cervical Carcinoma by Comparative Genomic Hybridization and Conventional Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization. J of Cancer Research & Therapeutics 2006; 2: S15.
  12. Halder A. Dynamics of Pre zygotic and post zygotic Sex Ratio. Journal of Andrology 2009; pp. 70. Allen Press, Inc PO Box 368, lawrence, KS 66044 USA: (34th American Society of Andrology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2009)
  13. Verma R, Kumar L, Halder A, Sharma A, Gupta R, Saxena R. Multiple Myeloma: Clinical Implications of Cytogenetic Aberrations on Selected Plasma Cells on Conventional Cytogenetics and Interphase Flourescence In Situ Hibridization (FISH). Blood 2010; 116 (21): 4987
  14. Verma R, Kumar L, Gupta R, Halder A, Sharma A, Saxena R. Impact of cytogenetics on clinical outcome in multiple myeloma: A risk stratification model. ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings 2011; 29 (15_suppl): e18576
  15. Jain M, Halder A. Sertoli cell only syndrome: Status of sertoli cell maturation and function. Indian J Endocr Metab 2012; 16: S514-515.
  16. Halder A, Jain M, Chaudhary I, Mohan V, Kumar P. Suspected microdeletion syndromes and molecular cytogenetic techniques: an experience with 330 cases. In 63rd annual conference of ASHG 2013, Boston, USA (3246T), p583
  17. Halder A, Jain M, Chaudhary I, Mohan V, Kumar P. Suspected microdeletion syndromes and molecular cytogenetic techniques: an experience with 330 cases. Molecular Cytogenetics 2014; 7 (Suppl 1): 20 (O7). DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-7-S1-O7. ISSN: 1755-8166.
  18. Halder A, Jain M, Kumar P. Primary Testicular Failure: Genotype Phenotype Correlation of 140 cases. Andrology 2014; 2 (suppl. 1): 66-67 (poster no.16).
  19. Halder A.  Assessment of DNA microarray for evaluation of microdeletion syndromes. Ind J Hum Genet 2014; 20 (suppl 1): S23
  20. Jain M, Halder A. A Preliminary Study on Human Spermiation Defect. Ind J Hum Genet 2014; 20 (suppl 1): S116.
  21. Halder A, Kumar P and Jain M. Genomic and epigenomic factors in male infertility. In: Cross breed male infertility and bovine genomics. Edited by De S, NDRI, Karnal, India. 2016;pp.80.( % 20 breed%20male%20infertility.pdf)
  22. Jasrotia S, Gupta R, Iqbal S, Sharma A, Halder A, Kumar L. Dysregulation of nuclear factor-kappaB pathway in multiple myeloma patients at diagnosis and relapse. J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr 8050)
  23. Halder A, Kumar P and Jain M. Primary testicular failure: a search for ideal biomarkers. Ind J End & Meta 2017; 21 (suppl 1): pp. S2. March issue (IJEM_420_16)
  24. Halder A, Kumer H, Kalsi AK, Jain M. Polycystic ovary syndrome: The pros and cons of various diagnostic criteria and investigation to find out associations of various factors implicated with PCOS. Ind J Endoc Metab 2017 suppl (poster no. 123; IJEM_466_17)
  25. Kalsi AK, Jain M, ….., Halder A. Macroprolactinemia: prevalence and etiopathologic associations. Ind J End Metab 2017 suppl (poster no. 144; IJEM_482_17)
  26. Halder A, Kumar H, Kalsi AK, Jain M. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): a potential biomarker of hyperandrogenaemia in polycystic ovary syndrome. Ind J End Metab 2018 suppl. IJEM_429_18R2.
  27. Kalsi AK, Halder A, Jain M. An investigation on bone mineral density in hyperprolactinemia. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2019; 23 (suppl 1): pp. S36 (IJEM_314_19)


Books/Book Chapters/Monographs/Proceedings
  1. Halder A. Advances in Human Cytogenetics: an overview. In: Advances in Human Cytogenetics (CME Monograph Series II of National Academy of Medical Sciences of India). Editor: Halder A. 2002; pp.1-38.
  2. Halder A, Fauzdar A & Kumar A. Extreme Skewing of Sex Ratio in Recurrent Early Missed Abortions. In: Human Reproduction; Editors: Genazzani AR, Schenker J, Artini PG, Simoncini T; Publisher: CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma, 2005; vol. 2 pp. 69-73.
  3. Halder A, Fauzdar A & Kumar A. Do gonadotropins used for ovarian stimulation in assisted reproduction cause increase in chromosome aneuploidy, chromosome mosaicism and skewed sex ratio in embryos? In: Gonadal and Nongonadal Actions of Gonadotropins. Editor: Kumar A, Rao CV, Chaturvedi PK; Publisher: Narosa, New Delhi, 2010; vol. 1 pp.327-337.
  4. Halder A. Clinical & Molecular Cytogenetics. In: API text book of medicine Editor: YP Munjal), 9th edition. 2012, Vol.1, Ch 3. pp 180-188.
  5. Halder A & Manish Jain. Molecular Cytogenetics Manual. 2012
  6. Handbook on Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling. Edited by RK Marwaha, I Panigrahi & A Halder. Noble Vision (Medical Book Publishers; ISBN No. 978-81-906227-4-5) First Edn. 2013.
  7. Halder A. Molecular cytogenetics. Chapter 26. In: Handbook on Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling. Edited by RK Marwaha, I Panigrahi & A Halder. Noble Vision (Medical Book Publishers; ISBN No. 978-81-906227-4-5) First Edn. pp.181-186; 2013.
  8. HosseiniA & Halder A. Genornics and human genome project. Chapter 27. In: Handbook on Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling. Edited by RK Marwaha, I Panigrahi & A Halder. Noble Vision (Medical Book Publishers; ISBN No. 978-81-906227-4-5) First Edn. pp.187-189; 2013
  9. Halder A. Clinical, Conventional & Molecular Cytogenetics. In: API textbook of medicine Editor in chief: Dr.YP Munjal, 10th edition. 2014 (released on March 2015), Vol.1, Ch 3.
  10. Halder A. Approach to Fetal Malformations. In: Proceeding (The wonderful World of Clinical Genetics) of IAMGCON 2015 Jodhpur, India; pp.56-69.
  11. Halder A. Genetic counseling for infertile couples. ISSRF News Letter 2015; sp issue 16: pp 14-19.
  12. Halder A. Clinical, Conventional & Molecular Cytogenetics. In: API textbook of medicine Editor in chief: Dr. Sandhya A. Kamath, 11th edition. 2018, Vol.1, Ch 3
  13. Jain M, Halder A. Y Chromosome. In: Basics of Human Andrology: A Text Book. Editors: A Kumar, M Sharma (Springer, New Delhi. First Edn. 2017; Part I, chapter 7, pp77-98)
  14. Jain M, Kumar P, Halder A. Primary testicular failure. In: Basics of Human Andrology. Editors: A Kumar, M Sharma (Springer, New Delhi. First Edn. 2017; Part VII, chapter 24, pp417-436)



  1. Contribution in commercial syndrome data base computer software programme: London Dysmorphology Data Base, London, UK (LDDB) on Osteodysplastic Syndrome
  2. Contribution in commercial syndrome data base computer software program: Possum Database, Melbourne, Australia on Osteodysplastic Syndrome
  3. Contributed to London Dysmorphology & Neurogenetics Databases for its Ophthalmo-genetics or GENEEYE (latest addition) for its photographic library on Amniotic bands of early amnion rupture.        
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