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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Lab Services


Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

New Delhi

Hormone Assays offered by the Department




Thyroid hormones

T4, free T4, TSH





Roche Cobas e411


United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) Birmingham Thyroid Hormones


Thyroid hormones

T3, free T3



Roche Cobas e411


Calibrators and Quality Control samples


Steroid hormones

Cortisol, DHEAS, testosterone (in males)



Roche Cobas e411



UK NEQAS Birmingham Steroid Hormones

Steroid hormones



Roche Cobas e411



Calibrators and Quality Control samples

Steroid hormones




Diasorin Liaison XL



UK NEQAS Birmingham Steroid Hormones

Steroid hormones

Testosterone (in females), 17-OH progesterone



SCIEX QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS system


UK NEQAS Birmingham Steroid Hormones

Steroid hormones

Panel 1 and Panel 2 steroid analytes



SCIEX QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS system


Calibrators, Internal Standards and Quality Control samples

Peptide hormones

LH, FSH, Prolactin, Macroprolactin




Roche Cobas e411


UK NEQAS Edinburgh Peptide Hormones

Peptide hormones

Insulin, C-peptide



Roche Cobas e411


UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones

Peptide hormones


Diasorin Liaison XL


UK NEQAS Edinburgh Peptide Hormones

Peptide hormones

Direct Renin Concentration, FGF-23, Calcitonin, IGF-1


Diasorin Liaison XL



Calibrators and Quality Control samples

                Vitamin D

25-hydroxy-vitamin D


Diasorin Liaison XL



 Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS)


TPO antibody

GAD antibody


Roche Cobas e411



Calibrators and Quality Control samples



  • 64844 Hormone Assays were conducted in year 2021-22



Metabolic Lab






G8 Toshiba

BIO-RAD External Quality Assurance Services

Lipid Profile

Total Cholesterol, HDL- Direct, LDL-Direct, Triglycerides, VLDL

Cobas Integra 400 PLUS ROCHE

BIO-RAD External Quality Assurance Services

Plasma Glucose

(Fasting, post-prandial, 75gm GTT)

Cobas Integra 400 PLUS ROCHE

BIO-RAD External Quality Assurance Services

Serum and Urine Osmolality

Advanced Instrument

-Calibrator and Reference solution

-BIO-RAD External Quality Assurance Services for serum osmolality

Urine pH

Microprocessor pH meter

Widsons Scientific

pH reference solution and buffer solution

IgA Ttg

Euroimmun ELISA Kits

Graphs, blank and control wells

Serum Total Calcium, Phosphorus, Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum Album

Cobas Integra 400 PLUS ROCHE

BIO-RAD External Quality Assurance Services




23463 tests were conducted in 2021-22


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