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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Patient Welfare Services


1.   Case Management, Service Coordination and Multi-Disciplinary Team Work:


         i.       To create a therapeutic network among the patient, doctor, family & the community for the management of psycho-social & economic aspects of the illness.

        ii.       To do case management and the coordination of services both within and external to the healthcare service

       iii.       To help the team in discharge planning & making protocols.

2.      Management of patient welfare services

        i.            To facilitate the dispensation of free medicines & surgical items to the poor patients.

       ii.            To exempt hospital levy charges of BPL and indigent patients.

      iii.            To provide Railway concession facility to outstation patients as per Government rules to ensure the regular follow-up of the patients.

      iv.            To facilitate the accommodation facilities to outstation patients in Dharamshala.


3.      Management of Financial assistance

        i.            To help arrange financial support for carrying out patient’s treatment where needed from Governmental schemes eg Umbrella scheme of Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi, PMNRF, CMRF, Vice-President Fund, HMDG etc.

       ii.            To tap out financial resources through NGOs, Trusts, CSR Units and voluntary donors for the patients who are not eligible under government schemes.


4.      Ayushman Bharat -Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna(AB-PMJAY)

        i.            To create awareness, to facilitate and coordinate the AB-PMJAY beneficiary to avail treatment under the scheme.

       ii.            To coordinate with all the stakeholders e.g. Treating Doctors, Nodal Officer, Nursing Officers etc. in the effective implementation of the program.

      iii.            To guide and monitor the work of PMAMs (Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitras) and PCMs (Patient care managers) in the implementation of the program.

      iv.            To coordinate with NHA (National Health Authority) and SHA (State Health Agency)


5.      Facilitation of services available for EWS (Economically Weaker Section) patient

        i.            To create awareness about the Delhi High Court Order for free treatment of EWS patients in more than 46 notified private hospitals.

       ii.            To advocate and coordinate the referral of EWS patients


6.      Counseling, Therapeutic& Crisis Interventions

        i.            To provide Counseling and targeted therapeutic interventions to address adjustment to diagnosis, trauma, possible role changes, emotional/social responses to illness and treatment aimed at helping patients/families/care providers seeking treatment in hospital.

        ii.            To empower & enable the patients through comprehensive psychosocial assessment and Case Work so that he/she can cope up with the illness/disability.

       iii.            To provide support in the cases of bereavement, grief and loss support work in order to improve coping mechanisms and psycho-social outcomes, in relation to depression, disability, suicide, sudden and traumatic death.


7.      Group Work & Community Organization

        i.            To disseminate Health-education and Health-awareness through IEC material.

       ii.            To organize Health-camps (eg. Blood Donation Camp, AIDS Awareness Camp, Eye Donation Camp).

      iii.            To create awareness among the people to stimulate people’s participation in health care programs.

      iv.            To conduct group-activities for specific groups of patients and their attendants.


8.      Transplant coordination & authorization

        i.            To motivate & coordinate the Organ donations & transplantation through Organ Retrieval Banking Organization (ORBO).

       ii.            To coordinate the Renal Authorization Committee meeting and assessment of unrelated Kidney Donors as per the Transplant of Human Organ Act 1994.

      iii.            To act as an axis of the wheel of multidisciplinary cadaver donor transplant team and play an important role at every stage of cadaver organ donation and transplantation.

      iv.            To felicitate donors and to organize promotional activities for organ donations.

       v.            To conduct research studies on the issues related to organ donation and transplantation.

      vi.            To assist the hospital authorities in registration and renewal of registration for different organ transplants.


9.     Emergency Medical Social Services

        i.            To provide 24 x 7 Medical Social Services in Casualty, Trauma centre& ORBO.

       ii.            To provide referral services to the patients due to non-availability of the beds in the hospital. 

      iii.            To give specialized services during Epidemics, Disasters and Natural Calamities.

      iv.            To facilitate and provide comprehensive psycho-social support/counseling and advocacy to victims of gender-based violence in One- Stop Centre.


10.  Rehabilitation

        i.            To facilitate the rehabilitation of unknown, without attendant, abandoned destitute, orphan patients through Govt. / NGOs.

       ii.            To coordinate with the competent authorities for the rehabilitation of Medico-Legal Cases.

      iii.            To facilitate the physical & vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities by channelizing various Govt. /Non-Governmental resources.

      iv.            To provide comprehensive psycho-social and rehabilitation services to patients of drug/alcohol dependence through National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC).


11.  Policy, Program Design, Research & Training

        i.            To develop policy, design and evaluation of programs at the organization level.

       ii.            To guide and support the implementation of ‘patient-centric’ models of care at an organisational level.

      iii.            To impart training to NSS, BSW, MSW students from different colleges across the country.

      iv.            To impart training to the medical, non-medical students and paramedical staff.

       v.            To engage in psycho-social-economic research and publish research papers in various national/international journals/books etc.


12.  Planning & Administration

        i.            To coordinate with the Hospital Administration and various Departments to improve the patient welfare activities and create a more patient-friendly environment.

       ii.            To coordinate with the computer facility for digitalization of the Medical Social Services.

      iii.            To reply RTI’s and parliament questions relevant to patients welfare. 

      iv.            To manage various information and guidance services in the main hospital.


13.  Education & Resourcing

        i.            To participate/organize seminar and conferences related to Medical Social Work profession at National and International level contributing to the knowledge base.

       ii.            To organize Continuing Medical Social Work Education to maintain competence and culture about new and developing areas in the field.

      iii.            To contribute in future planning in health services by innovative social work practices, programs and research activities.



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