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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Dr. SVS Deo

Curriculum Vitae 


Name: Prof. S.V.S.Deo  

Designation: Professor and Head of Department  


Other Affiliations / Honorary positions:  

  • In Charge – Delhi Cancer Registry
  • Vice President – Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
  • President Elect – Association of Breast Surgeons of India
  • Treasurer – Breast Surgery International
  • President – NCR Oncology Forum
    • Founding member & President -Indian Society of Peritoneal Surface Malignancies
    • Convener – Cancer Telemedicine Guidelines In India (ICMR)
    • National Coordinator & Subject Expert – NBE Surgical Oncology program.


Educational Qualifications & Fellowships  

MBBS,  MS (Surgery) , Senior Residency in Surgical oncology (AIIMS)

FACS  - Fellow of American College of Surgeons

FUICC - Fellow of International Union Against Cancer, Geneva


Surgical Oncology Fellowships


1998 - UICC Fellowship, Memorial Sloan kettering Cancer centre , USA

2002 - IASO-Detroit Fellowship , Karmanos Cancer Center, USA

2003 - UICC Fellowship, Arthur James cancer Center ,Ohaio State University, USA

2004 - American College of Surgeons Visiting Fellowship - M.D. Anderson Cancer center , Houston & University of Chicago ,USA.


Areas of Clinical Interest:

(Mention Maximum 3 areas of clinical interest)

  • Breast, Head & Neck, Sarcoma, Peritoneal Surface malignancies (GI&Gynae).
  • Complex Surgical Oncology, Organ conservation, Oncoplasty, HIPEC , Cancer Genetics & Risk Reducing Surgery.



  1. American   College  of  Surgeons - International  Guest  Scholar  Award- 2003
  2. UICC - Geneva  -  ICRETT   Cancer research Fellowship  1998
  3. UICC - Geneva -   ICRETT   Cancer research Fellowship   2003
  4. Young   Scientist Award  - Indian  Society  of Oncology – Delhi 1998
  5. Young Scientist Award –Indian  Society of Oncology –Hyderabad 2000
  6. IASO - Detroit Fellowship - Outstanding  young  IASO Member 2001.
  7. Gold  medal and distinction – Final MBBS.
  8. Dr.C.V Krishna Rao Memorial oration ,APASICON 2018.
  9. Dr.Arun Benerjee Memorial Oration, IPGMER, Kolkota ,2019.
  10. Brig.Rasmay Ganguly Memorial oration , ASICON 2021.



  1. Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO)
  2. Association of Surgeons of India (ASI)
  3. Society of Surgical Oncology, USA
  4. American College of Surgeons.
  5. European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO)
  6. International Surgical Society (ISS)



Total number of Research Projects involved

As  P.I       -   08

As Co P.I  -   20


Title and list of Funded research Projects  

Hospital Based Cancer Registry & Pattern of care and survival studies for Common Cancers (Breast , Head & Neck, Cervix) .



INR 35,00,000/-


South Asian Breast Cancer Risk Prediction, Genetic testing and Health Management (SURAKSHA). Multi centre International project.


DBT-Welcome Trust


GBP 30,000

Diversity of Oral micro biome of smokeless tobacco induced oral cancer patients as compared to tobacco chewers and non tobacco chewer healthy individuals- A metagenomic approach”




Govt. of India

INR 50,00,000/-


“Cancer Registry - Patterns of care and survival studies on cancer in childhood, lymphoid and hematopoietic malignancies, other gynaecological malignancies



INR 500,000/-

“Comparative Sphingolipid  profiling of breast cancer cell and tissue types for identification of Potential Metastatic Biomarkers”



INR 4715480/-



Total Number of publications : 225


Chapters in Books : 15


Editor of Books : 2


Ten best Publications:  

1)      Deo SVS, Shukla NK, Kallianpur AA, Mohanti BK, Thulkar SP. Aggressive multimodality management of locally advance retromolar trigone tumors. Head Neck.2012:5:220-224.

2)      Deo  SVS, Shukla NK, Goel AK .Short stay Surgery for breast cancer. An audit of experience from a regional cancer centre in North India. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 1997:23,335-338.  

3)      Deo SVS, Purkayastha J, Shukla NK, AsthanaS .Myocutaneous  versus thoraco-abdominal flap cover for soft tissue defects following surgery for locally advanced and recurrent breast cancer . J Surg Oncol. 2003; 83(1):31-5.

4)  Deo SVS, Sridhar D, Shukla NK. Management of inflammatory tracheoesophageal adhesions during transhiatalesophagectomy. Surg Today. 2003; 33(5): 332-5.

5)      Deo SVS ,Manisha Bhutani, Nootan K. Shukla, VinodRaina, Goura K. Rath, Joydeep Purkayasth.  Randomized trial comparing neo-adjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in operable locally advanced breast cancer (T4b N0-2 M0). J Surg Oncol; 2003; 84(4); 192-197.

6)      Deo SVS, Samaiya A, Asthana S, Anand M, Shukla NK, Kumar R Sentinel lymph node biopsy assessment using intraoperative imprint cytology in breast cancer patients: results of a validation study.  Asian J  Surg. 2004 Oct;27(4):294-8.

7)      Deo SVS, Singh V, Mokkapati PR, Shukla NK, et al.Clinical Spectrum, Pattern, and Level-Wise Nodal Involvement Among Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients - Audit of 945 Oral Cancer Patient Data. Indian J Surg Oncol.Mar:11(1):86-91:2020.

8)      Deo SVS, Kumar S, Ray M, Bhoriwal S, Mishra A, Sharma J, K R, Kumar N, Saikia J, et al. Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Surgical services -AIIMS, New Delhi Experience..Indian J Surg Oncol. 2021 Dec;12(Suppl 2):294-300  

9)      Deo S, Ray M, Bansal B, Bhoriwal S, Bhatnagar S, Garg R, Gupta N, Sharma A, Kumar L, Thulkar S, Dhamija E, Mathur S, Das P . Feasibility and outcomes of cytoreductive surgery  and HIPEC for peritoneal surface malignancies in low and middle income countries :A single center experience of 232 cases. World J Surg Oncol. 2021 Jun 5;19(1):164

10)  Deo SVS, Kumar S, Bhoriwal S, Shukla NK, Sharma A, Thulkar S, Das P, Bhagat P, Dhall K, Pathy S, Mohanti BK. Colorectal Cancers in low and middle income countries -Demographic pattern and clinical profile of 970 patients treated at a tertiary care cancer center in India. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 Jul;7:1110-1115








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