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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142




  Research Projects:



  1. Development  and   dissemination of intervention   strategies for  specific learning  disability – (Funded by ICMR –
   2001- 2003)


  2. Disability associated with mental disorders: Their nature and evaluation  (Multicentric   Study,3 Centres), Funded
   by WHO.

  3. Epidemiology of mental disorders - Longitudinal Study ( Multicentric Study, 11centres) Funded by WHO.


  4. A Phase I Clinical Drug Trial on OCD-Funded by Pfizer


  5. Translation and validation of brief patient health questionnaire. (Funded by Pfizer ). 



   1. Translation of asthma control questionnaire for MAPI France.

  2. Urbanization and mental disorders- A Study of migrant population (Multicentric   Study,2 Centres), Funded by

   3. Multi-method health state valuation exercise. Sponsored by Global Forum for Health Research and WHO, Geneva..

   4. A methodical approach to the measurement of disability adjusted life-years in selected mental and physical health
       conditions in India. Sponsored By Global Forum for Health Research and WHO, Geneva.


   5. A prospective study in Indian women : How pregnancy and epilepsy interact to produce  psychosocial and mental
 health morbidity.  Funded by WHO (I).


   6. Phase III, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Sublingual
      Asenapine vs. Olanzapine and Placebo in In-Patients with an Acute Manic Episode.(A7501005)


   7. A Double-Blind, 9-Week Extension Study Evaluating the Safety and Maintenance of Effect of Asenapine vs.
       Olanzapine in the Treatment of Subjects with Acute Mania, (A7501006)


   8. A Double-Blind, 40-Week Continuation Study Evaluating the Safety of Asenapine and Olanzapine in the Treatment of
      Subject with Acute Mania.


   9.“A Multi-Center, Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group, Flexible Dose Titration, Add-On Study
       of Mecamylamine 5 to 10mg, in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Subjects who are Partial
       Responders or Non-Responders to Citalopram Therapy”, Protocol No: TC-5231-023-CRD-003.


  10. Development of pharmacogenomics SNP database for critical candidate genes involved in drug response in schizophrenia –         Multicentric study, funded by DBT, Principal investigator at AIIMS Centre, 2008-2010.


 11.  Institute funded  project on genetic study, titled :

            “Adjustment of advance “To observe for association between a catchol-O-methyl- transferees’ polymorphism G158A
              and OCD in Indian subjects and its correlation with neuropsychological finding”. The project is in collaboration with
              Biochemistry, AIIMS.


  12.  ICMR funded project for 18 months, titled:

             “Effects of the breathing technique (SKY) with standard treatment on depressive disorder patients in comparison to
               standard treatments alone”.


Co-investigator: 02


   1.    Institute funded project in C. N Center, A.I.I.M.S on PNES being conducted by the Department of Neurology AIIMS. Principal
           investigator is Dr. Achal Srivastava, Assoc Professor of Neurology.


   2.    ICMR funded project: Improvement of quality of life, depression and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus with rhythmic
           breathing (Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and Pranayam) in addition to standard treatment of diabetes. The principal investigator
           is Dr. V. P Jyotsana.



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