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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Dr. Sujata Satapathy



Sujata Satapathy



Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology



Dept. of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029, India



MA (Psy), B. Ed, M. Phil (Psy), Ph. D (Psy).


E-mail ID

यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.

यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.


Areas of Expertise

Trauma psychology (disaster, physical & sexual abuse, domestic violence, dissociative disorders), Home and Community Based Psychosocial Trauma Intervention, Trauma FocusedCBT for children & adults, CBT for Depression & Anxiety, Supportive therapy,Marital therapy and Stress& Conflict management.


Fields of Current Research Interest

Psychosocial-cognitive interventions for children with ADHD; Development of intervention in the field of Psycho-oncology;Trauma: suicide & crime; Culturally compatible psychotherapy.


Total no. of Publication till date

44 (excluding abstract publications, publications in proceedings and magazines, e-publications,and project reports) in indexed peer reviewed journal.


Details of Key publications since 2000-2016 onwards (the full citation)-* means communicating author

1.    Satapathy S*, Kaushal T, Chadda R K, Bakhshi S (2017). Psychological Interventions for Paediatric Cancer Patients: A Comparative Review and Emerging Needs in India, Indian Journal of Pediatrics: Accepted.

2.    Satapathy S*, Choudhary V, Sagar R (2016). Tools to Assess Psychological Trauma & Its Correlates in Child Sexual Abuse: A Review & Current Needs in Asia.  Asian Journal of Psychiatry: Accepted

3.    Satapathy S*, Choudhary V,  Sagar R. Sharma R (2016).Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Children with ADHD in India: A Comprehensive & Comparative Research Update. Indian J Psychological Medicine;39.

4.    Choudhary V, Satapathy S*, Sagar R. (2016). Review of randomized controlled trials on psychological interventions in child sexual abuse: Current status and emerging needs in the Indian context. Indian J Psychol Med;38:279-84

5.    Torbia, R., Satapathy, S*, Saxena, V. A., Saxena, S. (2016). Psychiatric morbidity in Government Old Age Homes in Delhi. Indian Journal of Geriatric Mental Health- in press

6.    Singh, K. andSatapathy, S*. (2016). Psychological distress and quality of life among rescue workers-an exploratory study”. Indian Journal of Psychosocial Research-in press

7.    Satapathy S*, Swain R, Pandey V, Behera C (2015). An Adolescent with Bestiality Behaviour: Psychological Evaluation and Community Health Concerns, Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 41 (1), 23-26.

8.    Kalra N, Khakha D C, Satapathy S*, Dey AB (2014). Impact of Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation (JPMR) and Deep Breathing Exercises on Anxiety, Psychological Distress and Quality of Sleep of Hospitalized Older Adults, Journal of Psychosocial Research, 10 (2), 211-223. 

9.    Singh K&Satapathy S* (2014).Post-traumatic Stress among Disaster Workers: Implications for Stress Management at Organizational Level, International Journal of Stress Management Professionals, Vol.2, 53-59

10.         Satapathy S(2014).Psychosocial Health Promotion of Disaster First Responders. Chapter 11 in Maheswari, N & Kumar, V.K. (Eds) ‘Military Psychology: Concepts, Trends and Interventions’, Sage Publication New Delhi.

11.         Satapathy S*&Sekar K (2012). Psychological Functioning of Tsunami Affected People with Disabilities: Impact of Age. Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 10 (3), 171-183.

12.    Satapathy S. (2012), ‘Mental Health Impacts of Disasters in India: Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Analysis’, in Sawada, Y. and S. Oum (eds.), Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy Responses. Chapter 12 in ERIA Research Project 2011-8, Jakarta: ERIA. pp. 419-45

13.    Satapathy S* and Bhadra, S (2010). Disaster Psychosocial Care and Mental Health Services in South Asian Countries, SAARC Disaster Studies, SDMC Journal, 2 (1), 19-41.

14.    Satapathy, S(2010). Disaster Management Education in Indian Schools: Gaps, Challenges & a Human Resource Plan Model for School Education Sector. Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. LVI, No.4, pp979-995.

15.    Satapathy S (2010). Disaster Psychosocial Care. Learning Unit for Course Materials on Social Work, IGNOU Publications, New Delhi, India

16.    Satapathy S (2010). Disaster Health Care Management. Learning Unit for Course Materials on Social Work, IGNOU Publications, New Delhi, India

17.    Satapathy S (2009).Disability Focused Disaster Recovery Planning in India: Development Perspective and Other Implications for Making the Actual Mainstreaming Happen, Disaster Advances-An International Journal, Vol.2 (2), 41-48.

18.    Satapathy S (2009).Psychosocial and Mental Health Support Services in Fire Tragedies in India: A Qualitative Analysis, Disaster Advances-An International Journal, Vol.2 No.4, 25-31.

19.    Satapathy S (2009).Psychosocial Trauma in Disasters: Child Development & Clinical Implication. In Radheshaym& Khan (Eds) book on “Clinical Child Psychology”, Kalpaz, Delhi, India.

20.    Satapathy S (2008). Psychosocial and Demographic Correlates of Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Adolescents, Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 63-75.

21.    Pemde H*&Satapathy S (2008). Disaster Management: Issues Related to Children’s Health. In the book Social Pediatrics. Jaypee Publishers, New Delhi

22.    Walia A*andSatapathy S. (2007): Review of Kumbakonam School Fire: Lesson Learnt, Journal of Emergency Management, 5 (1), 58-62.

23.    Satapathy S* and Walia A (2007). A Situational Analysis of Affected Parents’ and other Stakeholders’ Perception of a Fire Disaster Management in India: July 2004, Disaster Management and Response, 5 (4), 111-118.

24.    Satapathy S* andWalia, A(2007).A home-baseddisaster psychosocial intervention programme: case study of a school fire disaster victim in India, Australian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, Vol. 2007-2, Oct.2007.

25.    Satapathy S (2007). Integrating Disaster Risk Reductioninto Education Through Teacher Training Curricula. In Towards a Culture of Prevention: Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School- Good Practices and Lessons Learned. Published by UNISDR, pp 33-36.

26.    Satapathy S* andWalia A(2006).Intervening with the process of recovery from a traumatic life event: case study of a child victim of a school fire disaster in India. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, Vol-5, Issue-3,3-7

27.    Bhave S*, Pemde H,&Satapathy S (2006). Adolescents and Disaster Affected Situations. In S Bhave (Ed) “Bhave’s Text Book of Adolescent Medicine”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India

28.    Ganesan R*, Kaur D, Maheshwari RC, and Satapathy S. (2003). Demographic Correlates of Locus of Control and Perceived Ladder of Success: A study of women entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 7, 1-15

29.    Ganesan R*, Satapathy S,Kaur D, Maheshwari RC, and (2003). Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing Enterprises: Factors and Problems. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Vol.28, No. 1-2, 81-88

30.    Satapathy S* and Singhal S. (2003). Stress and Behavioral Problems among Visually Impaired Adolescents: Grade and Gender Differences. Disabilities and Impairments: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 17 (2), 77-86.

31.    SatapathyS* and Singhal S. (2002). Stress and Behavioural Problems between Visually Impaired and Non-Impaired Adolescents: Grade & Gender Differences.  Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume.39, 23-31.

32.    Satapathy S* and Singhal S. (2002). Academic Performance of Visually Impaired and Hearing-Impaired. Disabilities and Impairments: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.16 (1), 19-28.

33.    Satapathy S* and Singhal, S. (2002). Social-Emotional Adjustment of Hearing-Impaired and Non-Impaired: Grade and Gender Differences. Journal of Psychological Researches, Dec- 2002.

34.    Satpathy S* and Satapathy S (2002). Medical Negligence or Diagnostic Conundrum? A Medico-Legal Case Study. Medicine and Law Journal, UK, Volume. 21, No. 3, 2002.

35.    Ganesan R* and Satapathy S (2002). Background Differences and Entrepreneurial Traits among Indian Women Entrepreneurs, International Journal Entrepreneurship, Vol.6, 75-87.

36.    Satapathy S* and Singhal S (2001). Predicting Social-Educational Adjustment of the Sensory Impaired Adolescents.Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies, 17 (2), 85-93.

37.    Satapathy S and Singhal S (2000). Mental Health of Visually and Hearing Impaired Adolescents. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies, 16 (2), 119-227.


Book Published/Under publication

38.    Satapthy S (2009). Psychosocial Care in Disaster Management –A Training of Trainer’s Module, NIDM Publications, New Delhi, India, 2009.

39.    Satapathy S (2013). Needs of Children in Disasters- A Training Module. NIDM Publications, New Delhi, India.


Under Review Process

40.    Satapathy S, Swain R, Behera C, Kar A (2016). Diagramatic suicide notes: A case series. Indian Journal of Psychiatry

41.    Mahapatra A*, Choudhary V, Satapathy S, Sagar R (2017). Psychiatric implications of childhood sexual abuse: an update on Indian research. Asian Journal of Psychiatry

42.    Choudhary V, Satapathy S*, Sagar R. (2017). A Qualitative Study on the Multidimensional Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Cultural Aspects of Clinical Assessment & Intervention, International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

43.    Satapathy S*, Choudhary V, Swain R, Behera C, Sharma R, Mahapatra A (2017).Adverse Childhood Experiences and Other Psychosocial Correlates of Males Accused of Sexual Offences: An Exploratory Study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.

44.    Sharma R, Satapathy S*, Choudhary V, Sagar R, Mahapatra A (2017). Psychological Correlates associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences in Children  and Adolescents Diagnosed with Dissociative Disorders. Journal of Trauma & Treatment


Key Areas of Expertise in conducting Training Programmes/


Training Programmes:

1.One and two weeks training/training of trainers’programme on Community based Disaster Psychosocial Support

2.One week training programme on Needs of Children in Disasters

3.One week training programme on Community based Disaster Management

4.One week training programme on stress management

Training-Workshops on (Duration: 1-6 days):

5.Trauma focused CBT (separately for disaster, sexual abuse, domestic violence survivors)

6.CBT for Anxiety & Depression

7.CBT for Couple Therapy

8.Stress, Compassion fatigue,& Burnout Management

9.Conflict Management

10.  Assessment & Intervention in Traumatic Lifevents in Childhood

11.  Executive Leadership Development & OB Lab

12.  Interpersonal Relationship and Social Skills


Symposiums conducted/Invited lectures/Key Presentations made at Scientific meetings, conferences,workshops.


Bold indicates the name of the presenter.


1.    Sagar S, Satapathy S, Sagar R (2017). Conducted a workshop on Safe Behaviours on Road for IIT students on 18th Feb 2017 at IIT Delhi, India.

2.    Satapathy S (2017). Invited lecture on conflict management skills in workplace during the workshop on human relationship skills in the work place on 21 Feb 2017 at AIIMS, New delhi.

3.    Satapathy S (2016). Presented an oral paper on traumatic life events in childhood and subsequent adult sexual offendersduring the World Conference on Social Psychiatry held from 30th Nov-4th Dec 2016 at New Delhi, India.

4.    Symposium on: Trauma in Children and Adolescents with Sexual Abuse in India: A Current Update on Impact, Assessment, Clinical Management and Policy Framework. Satapathy S, Sagar R,Sharma R, Mahapatra A,Choudhary V (2016). 22nd International Conference on Child & Adolescent Psychiatry scheduled from 18-22 Sept 2016 at Calgary, Canada.

5.    Satapathy S, Sagar R, Sharma R, Choudhary V (2016). Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Children with ADHD in India in last 40 Years:  Where Do We Stand?22nd International Conference on Child & Adolescent Psychiatry scheduled from 18-22 Sept 2016 at Calgary, Canada.

6.    Satapathy S, Sharma R, Sagar R, Choudhary V & Mohapatra A (2016). Psychological Correlates associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences in Children  and Adolescents Diagnosed With Dissociative Disorders. 22nd International Conference on Child & Adolescent Psychiatry scheduled from 18-22 Sept 2016 at Calgary, Canada.

7.    Satapathy S, Choudhary V, Sharma R & Mohapatra A (2016).Adverse Childhood Experiences And Other Psychosocial Correlates Of Adult Males Accused Of Sexual Offences:
An Exploratory Study.
22nd International Conference on Child & Adolescent Psychiatry scheduled from 18-22 Sept 2016 at Calgary, Canada.

8.    Satapathy S (2016). Invited lecture on Intervention on Psycho-Social support for victims and offenders of sexual violence during a two days national seminar on Sexual abuse from 14-15 August at Goa, India

9.    Satapathy S (2016). Aseries of half day invited workshop on essential human skills for hospital managers for the target audience of CMOs/CCMOs of UP State government during Executive Development Training Programme conducted by SGPGI, Lucknow, India.  

10.     Gupta S &Satapathy S (2016). Conducted a workshop on Psychological First Aid for Nurses working in Trauma Centre, during the World Trauma Conference held at AIIMS. 

11.     Satpathy S (2016). Invited lecture on attitudes of the critical care team towards the patients and their caregivers during the workshop on critical care nursing held on 23 Feb 2016 at AIIMS, New Delhi.

12.     Satapathy S. Memebr of SAARC Regional Consultative Meeting to Identify Priorities of Actions for Children in South Asia Living in Changing Climate, 7-9 Sept 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal

13.     Satapathy S, Swain R, &Behera C. Poster on Correlates of Personality and Tattoos in female suicides. 6th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health. March 22-25, 2015, Hotel Keio Plaza. Tokyo, Japan

14.     Satapathy S Poster on Trauma-focused CBT for Sexually Abused Female Adolescents- A group therapy model. 6th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health. March 22-25, 2015, Hotel Keio Plaza. Tokyo, Japan

15.     Satapathy S. (2015). Chairing a concurrent session on Stress and Health (6th Nov 2015) during the 2nd International Conference on “Stress Management Professional” -ICSMP 2015, 6-7 Nov 2015, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500045, India

16.     Satapathy S (2015). Presentation during the panel discussion on Need for Stress Counseling protocol for Professional approach on 7th Nov. 2015 during the 2nd International Conference on “Stress Management Professional”-ICSMP 2015, 6-7 Nov 2015, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500045, India

17.     Satapathy S. (2015). Symposium on Psychosocial Adversities and Psychological Trauma in Children: Key Frameworks during 13th Annual Conference on Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19-21 Nov 2015, AFMC Auditorium, AFMC, Pune, India

18.     Satapathy, S. (2015). “Current Psychotherapeutic Approaches, Psychosocial Adversities (including disasters) and Psychological Trauma in Children: Indian scenario” during 13th Annual Conference on Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19-21 Nov 2015, AFMC Auditorium, AFMC, Pune, India

19.     Satapathy, S (2014).Invited lecture during the“State Level Conference on “Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation” at Police Auditorium Gulshan Ground, Jammuon 12 Feb 2014

20.     Satapathy, S (2014). Essential Components of Community Based Modified TFCBT for Traumatic events Affected Children, 40th Annual Conf. of IACP, 28 Feb-2 March 2014, Chennai, India

21.     Satpathy S. Invited Oral PPT presentation on the electronic version of the  Poster “Community based TF-CBT for Sexually Abused Adolescents in Disaster Affected Areas”. Asia-Pacific Workshop on Building Individual and Organizational Capacity for Psychological Interventions after Disasters. December 7-12 2014, SWT University, Mianyang, Sichuan, China

22.     Satapathy, S& Mehta, M. (April-2013). National Guidelines on  PSSMHS-Country position, India, South Asia Regional Advocates CapacityBuilding Workshop on IASC Guidelines for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, 23rd – 27th April 2013, at Pegasus Reef Hotel, Hendala, Colombo, Sri Lanka

23.     Lecture on Inetrpersonal Communication: Principles and Process during the Wrokshop on Communictaion skills for 2nd semester MBBS students on 30th January 2016 at LT-I, AIIMS, New Delhi

24.     Lecture on Gender/social/cultural sensitivity in clinical communicating during the Wrokshop on Communictaion skills for 2nd semester MBBS students on 7th February 2016 at LT-I, AIIMS, New Delhi

25.     Conducted a Half-day Workshop on Coping with Stress for nurses, lectures and tutors of the Nursing College of AIIMS on 10th March 2016, organized by the Nursing College, AIIMS, New Delhi during a 3 days programme on Psychiatric Nursing Update for nurses from 9-11 March 2016 at Education Hall, CEMET, AIIMS, New Delhi.

26.     Invited lecture on Attitudes of Critical Care Team on 23 Feb 2016 during a two-day workshop on Critical Care Nursing, organized by the Nursing College, AIIMS, New Delhi, from 22-23 Feb 2016 at Education Hall, CEMET, AIIMS, New Delhi.

27.             Lecture on “Communication in Teams: Principle, Process and Barriers” during half-day workshop on communication skills for JRs, SRs, and Faculty on 30th Oct 2015 at CMET, AIIMS, New Delhi. 

28.     Lecture on “stress management” at UGC-HRDC Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, Delhi University during the Orientation programme for university teachers from June 8-July 4 2015 (on 17th June 2015).

29.     Lecture on Understanding sex, gender and gender sensitization and one group activity session on Myths, Facts, and experiences during the two day workshop titled “ Awareness and sensitization on child sexual abuse in Sports Academies” 22-23 July 2015 at Sports authority of India, Patiala, Punjab, India.  

30.     Resource person for the audio recording (27th Oct 2015) on Psychological assessments in mental disorders for the programmes on PG Diploma in Mental Health (PGDMH) of IGNOU, New Delhi

31.     Chairing a session during A South Asia regional advocacy for capacity building on Inter Agency Standing Committee Guidelines (MHPSS) in emergency settings: April-2013 in Sri Lanka

32.     Presented a paper on “Combined effort of Art of Living, Counseling, CBT and Medical Treatment on specific mental disorders: Some Interventional Case Studies”, National Conference on Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology, at Pondicherry, India, 29th Sep –1st Oct, 2002.

33.     Presented a paper on “Factors Affecting Rural Women Entrepreneurship”, in National Seminar on Structure of Employment and its interface with Technology, IIT Delhi, 27th -28th March, 2002.

34.     A paper on “Mental Health of Visually and Hearing Impaired Adolescents, Presented in Award Session of National Conference on Researches in Clinical Psychology, AIIMS, Delhi, February 2002.

35.     Presented a paper on “Impact of Background Differences on Some Selected Psychosocial Variables: A Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing Enterprises”, Fifth Biennial Conference on Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad, 9-11 January, 2003. Proceedings- page number. 1-21

36.     A Paper on Mental Health Consequences of Kumbakonam School Fire Tragedy was presented at the National Workshop on Mainstreaming Psychosocial Care into Disaster Management Framework, 23-25 Nov 2004

37.     A Paper on “A SWOT analysis of New Delhi s coping capacity in the event of a major earthquake” was accepted for the Poster Presentation in The 16th World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 18-21st June 2006, Toronto, Canada

38.             A Paper on “A SWOT analysis of New Delhi’ s coping capacity in the event of a major earthquake- Coping with Health Emergencies” was presented in India Disaster Management Congress, 27-28 Nov 2006, at VigyanBhawan, New Delhi.

39.             A Paper on “Emerging need of community based disaster psychosocial care: experience of Kumbakonam school fire tragedy” was presented in India Disaster Management Congress, 27-28 Nov 2006, at VigyanBhawan New Delhi

40.              A paper on Disasters & Disability: Issues & Concerns was presented at the National Workshop on Needs of Children in Disasters, 14-15 December 2006, New Delhi, India.

41.      A paper on Disability Issues in Disasters was presented at the International Conference on International Conference on Tsunami Preparedness of Persons with Disabilities, 11-12 January 2007, Royal Phuket City Hotel, Phuket, Thailand

42.      A paper on Children with Special Vulnerabilities- Role of Pediatricians was presented at National Conference on Children in Disasters, 8-9 September 2007 at New Delhi, India.

43.      A paper on Disaster Psychosocial Care & Mental Health Services: NIDM’s Experience was presented at National Conference on Psychosocial Support & Mental Health Services in Disasters, 26-27 November 2007 at NIMHANS, Bangalore, India.

44.      A paper on Women with Critical Health Care Needs in Emergencies: A Field Operational Model to Reduce Psychological Distress would be presented (poster) at 3rd International Congress on Women’s Mental Health, 17-20 March 2008, Melbourne, Australia.

45.      A paper on Mental Health of Disaster Affected Women in India: Study of a Fire Disaster was presented (oral) at 3rd International Congress on Women’s Mental Health, 17-20 March 2008, Melbourne, Australia.

46.     Three papers (one oral & two poster) at XXIX International Congress of Psychology, 20-25 July 2008, Berlin, Germany

47.     One paper (oral) on Cultural Practices in Post-Disaster Psychosocial Care & Mental Health Services: A Tool Kit for Practitioners at IACCP, August, 2008 at Bremen, Germany – Could not attend due to personal problems

48.     Sekar K &Satapathy S (2010). Determinants of Psychosocial Health of Tsunami Affected People with Disability: Research Difficulties & Issues.

49.     Satapathy S&Sekar K (2010). Psychological Functioning of Tsunami Affected People with Disabilities.

50.             Both papers: oral presentation at the International Conference on Rebuilding Sustainable Communities with the Elderly and Disabled People after Disasters, from 12-15 July 2010 at Boston, USA.

51.     Satapathy, S&Sekar, K (2011). Psychological Distress, Quality of Life and Post-traumatic Stress among Tsunami affected People With Disabilities, 17th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 31 May- 4 June 2011, Beijing, China

52.     Satapathy, S (2011). Mental Health Impact of Natural Disasters in India in past two decades, December 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia 

53.     Satapathy, S (2012). Psychological Interventions for Disaster Affected Children: Field practices in India, February 2012, Beijing, China


Principal Investigator in funded project (2005 onwards)

Total: 3 between 2005-2012

2015 Sept-2017 March One intramural funding

Satapathy, S, Sagar R, Sharma R, and Choudhary V (2017). 18 months duration. Development of a non-computer based manual cognitive training kit for children with ADHD between 6-11 years of age.


Co-investigator in on-going research projects at AIIMS

1.    Association of menstruation with completed suicide –A hospital based case control study: Dr. Behera C, Satapathy S, Swain R, Gupta SK

2.    Students’ suicide: A prospective study from South Delhi:  Behera C, Satapathy S, Swain R

3.    Association of inflammatory cytokines with suicidal deaths: a hospital based comparative cross-sectional study

4.    Tattoos in completed suicides and other deaths- Behera C, Satapathy S, Swain R 

5.    Stress & mental health of medical students across academic years: Tej Laxmi, Madan N, Satapathy S

6.    Development and validation of KAP of computerization of services in AIIMS- Sheetal, Satapathy S, Satpathy S 

7.    Online survey of Indian adolescents’ /youths’ (14 to 24 years) understanding (KAB) on and/or towards elderly health. Chatterjee P, Satapathy S

8.    Effects of  multimodal intervention on elderly with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) Geriatric memory clinic of AIIMS- A randomized control fesibility trial.Chatterjee P, Satapathy S  Mohan , Nehra A.


Investigator in non-funded project along with year


1.    Satapathy S, Chadha RK, Bakhshi S, Rath GK. Kaushal T (2015) Development of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Intervention & Family Therapy Module for Child & Adolescent Cancer Survivors.

2.    Satapathy S, Sagar R, Choudhary V, Sharma R, &Mohapatra A (2016). Psychological Correlates associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Dissociative Disorders.

3.    Satapathy S, Choudhary V, Swain R, Behera C, Sharma R, &Mohapatra A. (2016). Psychosocial Correlates of Adult Male Accused of Sexual Offences: An Exploratory Study.


Dissertation supervision (Co-Guide) for M.Sc. nursing/ MD/DM students 2012-2017

Total: 12


Chief-guide in Ph.D Thesis

·   Child Sexual Abuse: Development of Multidimensional scale and Psychological Trauma Focused Intervention Module, Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, AIIMS

·   Psycho-behavioural and Cognitive Functioning of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Development and Feasibility of Composite Psychological Intervention Module


Co-guide in Ph.D thesis (on going)

·   Cancer in Older Adults: The development of a comprehensive screening tool and biomarkers, Ph.D student of Dept. of Geriatric Medicine, AIIMS


Funded extra-mural project as PI- Waiting for financial approval

·   Initial approval of ICMR Research project on “Development of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Intervention & Family Therapy Module for Child & Adolescent Cancer Survivors”


Extra-mural funded project. As Co-PI

·   Online survey (web based) on knowledge-attitude and perception of the young generation (age 14  to 30 years) about elderly health of various states of India, - a pilot initiative. Dr. PrasoonChattarjee, Asst. Prof., Geriatric Medicine –PI. Funded by Times Group, India


Members expert committee-

·   National Committee Member of Central Adoption Resource Agency of Ministry of Women & Children of Govt. of India for clearance of inter-country adoptions. 

·   Psychological evaluation and selection interview of Candidates for Antarctica expedition of Ministry of Earth Sciences of Govt. of India

·   SAARC Regional Expert consultative meeting for Children living in changing climate in South Asia

·   Member of expert resource persons Committee for the development of comprehensive e-learning course Disaster management. (Developed Course-4: Psychosocial support and mental health services management during emergencies in India) by Centre for Development of Advance Computing (CDAC, Govt. of India). Audio-visual lecture series materials were developed for e-education of public in general, students and professionals working in this area in particular. 



·         Mentor of DU Innovative Research Project--Status of Electronic Gadget Usages and its impact on Physical & Mental Health during Adolescence through Young Adulthood: An Exploratory Study 2016.

·         ICSSR Ph. D. Fellowship

·         Prof. Anima Sen Award (A cash of Rs. 1000/ and a certificate) for the best research paper in –2002 (Disabilities & Impairments Journal) ----February 2004

·         World Bank Institute Faculty Development Programme Short-term Fellowship (3 months) at University College London, London, UK -2009:Earthquake risk perception and risk reduction behavior analysis in Turkey, Japan, USA.

·         FICDM – Fellow Member, International Congress of Disaster Management.

·         International consultant for development of teacher training curriculum on disaster management for govt. of Sri Lanka, 16-20 April 2007 at Colombo. School Curriculum development on disaster management, life competency skills at primary and secondary level.

·         International Member of UNICEF MENA Pool of DRR Expertsfor any disaster intervention for children

·         In-service professional Training: Disaster psychosocial therapeutic intervention, Hypnosis, Patients’ emotions management, counseling skills, disability management, training skills, development & management of virtual training courses (World Bank Institute, Washington), etc

·         Life Membership in Indian/International Professional Bodies: Life Member of Delhi Association of Clinical Psychologists. Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry Psychological Association,Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Indian Association of Health Psychology, Indian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health,International Association of Women’s Mental Health.

·         Associate Member (2008, 2009): American Psychological Association

·         Member: Association of Psychological Sciences

·         Invited resource person in many government institutes

International Capacity Building 

1. One Two-week international Course on Disaster Risk Management & Schools (31st July-11 August 2006) for Sri Lankan School Principals and Authorities- as Nodal Officer & Course Director

2. One 6 day training course on School Safety for Sri Lankan teachers-2008- course Director & Nodal Officer

3. Part of the course team for a 15 day training course on General Disaster Management for participant from 24 African Countries-2010, 2011, 2012

4. Coordinator of 5- day training-cum workshop on Children in Disasters for 8 SAARC countries from 7-11 Feb 2011 at Hyderabad, India.UNICEF & save the Children and SAARC Disaster Management Centre are the partners


Reviewers/Member of Editorial Board

J of Child Psychology & Psychiatry/International J of Psychological Counseling/International J of Medicine/Australian e-Journal of Advancement on Mental Health/International Journal of Organisational Culture, Case Studies/Educational Research/South Asian J of Disaster Studies/Disaster Advances-An International Journal/Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour/Indian J of Community Medicine/J of Indian Association of Applied Psychology/J of Emergency Management/J of Trauma & Treatment

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