डॉ. माधुरी गुप्ता
Department of Pharmacologyभेषजगुणविज्ञानविभाग,
AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 अ. भ. आ. सं., नईदिल्ली-110029
Telephone: 01126548577
Mobile No.9910355710
Email ID:
madhurijaiswal71@ymail.comयह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.
M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Research Interest/ area
Genomic study
Important Publications
Jaiswal AK, Bhatia D, Rajesh, Gupta M&Millo T.Analytical aspects and management of copper poisoning- A review, Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine.2019; 6(3):110-115.
Jaiswal AK, Sharma K, Raj J, Ojha RK &Gupta M. Analysis of caffeine in different Soft drinks using HPLC, J. Inst. Chemists. 2011; 83(2): 45-49.
Jha M, Jaiswal AK, Millo T &Gupta M. Snake bite poisoning - A Forensic review, The Indian Police Journal. 2009; 25(2): 38-50.
Gupta M, Moon DV, Moharana M, Lal N & Jaiswal AK. Determination of Antimony in Forensic samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, International, International J. of Medical toxicology and Legal Medicine. 2007; 9(2): 1-2.
Jaiswal AK, Moon DV, Moharana M &Gupta M. Determination of Lead in Forensic Samples by AAS, International Journal Medico-legal Update. 2006; 6(1): 23-25.
Singh VK, Gupta M, Anju, Jaiswal N & Gupta RN. Degradation of Organophosphorus Pesticides: Parathion and Methyl parathion, Journal Purvanchal Academy of Sciences. 2004; 10: 41-44.
Gupta RN, Upadhyaya KS, Kumar A, Jaiswal AK, Gupta M, Anju & Jaiswal N. Effect of group substitution on the Energy Levels of Naphthalene: LCAO-MO calculations. Journal Purvanchal Academy of Sciences. 2004; 10: 45-53.
Gupta M, Nizmuddin& Manoj KS. Synthesis and fungicidal activity of substituted Pyrazolo[5,4-b] Pyridine/Pyrid-6-ones and Pyrazolo[5,4,d] Thiazines, Boll. Chim. Farmac. 2001; 140(5): 311-15.
Nizamuddin, Gupta M&Srivastasva MK. Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Some New Furan Containing Azoles, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. 1999; 58: 1017-020.
Nizamuddin, Gupta M, Khan MK &Srivastasva MK. Synthesis of Pesticidal Activities of Some 3-Aryloxymethy–6-(2-Arylyloxymethyl)-1,2,4-Triazolo [3,4-b] 1,3,4-Thiadiazoles and 3-Aryl-8-Nitro-1,2,4-Triazolo [3,4-b] [1,3,4] Benzothiadiazepines. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1999; 58: 538-42.