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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Constitution of Various Committees at AIIMS



S.No. Committees
1 एम्स, नई दिल्ली में रोग निवारण एवं प्रकोप प्रतिक्रिया प्रकोष्ठ का पुनर्गठन करने संबंधी/Re-constutuion of Disease Prevention and Outbreak Response Cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi -  Reg.
2 एम्स नई दिल्ली में स्थान समिति ( स्पेस कमेटी) का पुनर्गठन करनें संबंधी/Re-constitution of SPACE COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
3 एम्स परिसर में होने वाली चोरी की धटनाओं की जांच हेतु समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/Reconsitituion of Committee for Inquiring the theft cases occurred in AIIMS premises - reg.
4 Re-constitution of Procurement Review Committee to expedite procurements reg
5 एम्स नई दिल्ली में खाद्य सुरक्षा मांनिटरिंग समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/Reconstituion of FOOD SAFETY MONITORING COMMITTEE at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
6 एम्स नई दिल्ली में सीमेट हेतु प्रबंधन समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/Re-constitution of MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR CMET at AIIMS, New Delhi.reg
8 Constitution of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee at Central Animal Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi- reg
9 Constitution of INSTITUTIONAL ANIMLA ETHICS COMMITEE at Central Animal Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
10 Constitution of Committee for installation of AED in non clinical areas of AIIMS, New Delhi
11 Re-Constitution of Experimental Animal Welfare Committee at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
12 Constitution of OT Management ( OTUsers) Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
13 Re-constitution of the committee on BIO-SAFETY FOR RECOMBINANT DNA RESERACH at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg..
14 Re-constitution of SPACE COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg..
15 Constitution of Committee for Sanitation and Swachhta at AIIMS, New Delhi- Reg.
16 Re-constitution of the Internal Complaint Committee for Sexual harassment of Women at the Workplace ( ICCSHWW) at AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
17 Constitution of Institute Ethics Committee for PG Research ( BASIC SCIENCE & CLINICAL SCIENCE) at the AIIMS, New Delhi
18 Reconstitution of WOMAN GRIEVANCE Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi.
19 Reconstitution of Space Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi.
20 Re-constitution of Disease prevention and outbreak Response Cell at the AIIMs, New Delhi - reg.
21 Re-constitution of the Internal Complaint Committee for Sexual harassment of Women at the Workplace ( ICCSHWW) at AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
22 Re-constitution of "MACP Committee" for Group 'A, 'B' & 'C' employees (upto Level-11 pre-revicsed GP-6600 in P.B-III) of AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
23 Re-constitution of LIBRARY COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
24 Constitution of Internal Compliant Committee for SEXUAL HARASSMENT of Women at the Workplace (CCSHWW) at NCI, Jhajjar - reg.
25 Constitution of HOUSE ALLOTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - change of Chairman - reg.
26 Constitution of INSTITUTE ETHIC COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - change of Member Secretary - reg./ /अ.भा.आ.स , नई दिल्ली में संस्थान नीति विषायक समिति का गठन – सदस्य सचिव के परिवर्तन संबंधी
27 Constitution of Governing Body and various Standing Committee (Institute Body,  Standing Academic Committee, Standing Estate Committee, Standing Hospital Appairs Committee & Standing Selection Committee) of the Institute
28 Constitution of Library committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi- Change of Chairman - reg./एम्स नई दिल्ली में पुस्तकालय समिति का गठन – अध्यक्ष के बदलाव संबंधी
29 Constitution of Standing Finance Committee of AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
30 ऱाष्ट्रीय कैंसर संस्थान, झज्जर में कार्यस्थल ( आईसीसीएचडब्लूडब्लूय) पर महिलाओं के यौन उत्पीडन में संबंधित आतंरिक शिकायत समिति को गठन -संबंधी/Constitution of Internal complant Committee for Sexual Harasment of Women at the Workplace ( ICCSHWW) at NCI, Jhajjar-reg.
31 Constitution of Standing Finance Committee of AIIMS, New Delhi-reg.
32 Re-constitution of Permanent Negotiating machinery (PNM) Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
33 Re-constitution of INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE at Central Animal Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
34 एम्स नई दिल्ली में यौन उतपीडन की शिकायतों के निवारण संबंधी समिति का पनुर्गठन – सदस्य की बदली के सबंधं में/Re-constitution of the Committee for addressing complaints of Sexual Harasment at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Changes of Chairperson – Reg.
35 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में यौन उत्पीडन की शिकायतो के निवाऱण संबंधी समिति का पुनर्गठन – अध्यक्ष की बदंली के संबंध में/Re-constitution of the Committee for addressing complaints of Sexual Harasment at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Changes of Chairperson – Reg.
36 Re-constitution of Disease Prevention and Outbreak Response Cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
37 Re-constitution of Disease Prevention and Outbreak Response Cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
38 Constitution of revised Wet Lab Sub-Committee for AIIMS SET-Facility
39 Strengthening of administration - Periodical Review under FT 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 - revised compostion of Representation Committee regarding
40 अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थाtन ऩई दिल्ली में संस्थान नीति विषयक समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/ Re-constitution of INSTITUTE ETHICS COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
41 Re-constitution of Committee to oversee the sanitiation and hygiene at AIIMS Campus - reg.
42 केद्रीय पशु सुविधा, एम्स, ऩई दिल्ली में संस्थान की पशु नीति विषयक समिति के पनुगठन संबंधी/Re-constitution of INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE AT CENTRAL ANIMAL FACILITY, AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
43 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में सीमेट हेतु प्रबंधन समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/ Re-constitution of MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR CMET at AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
44 Constitution of Store Purchase Committee(s)(DO) - reg.
45 Constitution of Main Negotiation Committee (DO) - reg.
46 Formation of an internal committee comprising for taking care of day to day needs of differetly-abled persons as well as for implementation of Schemes passed in the W.P. (C) no. 292/06 titles - Disabled Rights Group and Anr. Vs. UOI & Ors".
47 Technical Committee for Protective Wear/Testing during treatment/procedure in Non-COVID areas-reg
48 Re-constitution of MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR CMET at AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
49 Restoration of Hospital Services Post Lockdown- regarding
50 Reconstitution of Committee for Redressal of Grievance of SC/ST/OBC employees at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
51 Constitution of OT MANAGEMENT (OT USERS) COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
52 Constitution of Committees for Co-Ordination of various activities related to management of patients in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic - reg.
53 नैदानिक परीक्षणों में प्रतिकूल घटनाओं की निगरानी के लिए संस्थान की नीति विषयक समिति की सहायता हेतु उप-समिति के गठन संबंधी/ Constituting of Sub Committee to assist institute Ethics Committee for monitoring of Adverse Events in clinical trials – reg.
54 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में प्रयोगिक पशु कल्याण समिति का पुनर्गठन करने संबंधी/Re-constitution of Expermental Animal Welfare Committee at AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
55 अग्नि निरीक्षण दल ( फायर आंडिट टीम), अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली के गठन संबंधी/ Constitution of Fire Audit Team, AIIMS New Delhi – reg.
56 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में ओ.टी प्रबंधन ( ओ.टी.प्रयोक्ता) समिति का गठन/Constitution of OT Management (OT USERS) at the AIIMS, New Delhi
57 मानव अगं प्रतिरोपण अधिनियम 1994 के तहत प्राधिकरण समिति का गठन, संशोधित दिशा-निर्देश/Authorization Committee under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 revised guidelines
58 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में यौन उत्पीडन की शिकायतोंके निवारण सबंधी समिति के पनर्गठन के संबंध में/ Re-Constitution of the Committee for addressing complaints of Sexual Harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
59 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में स्टेम सेल समिति के गठन संबंधी / Constitution of STEM CELL COMMITTEE at the AIIMS- New Delhi – Reg.S, New Delhi – Reg.
60 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में बायों-मेढिकल एवं स्वास्थय अनुसंधान हेतु संस्थान की नीति विषयक समिति के गठन संबंधी अधिसूचना/ Notification about constitution of INSTITUTE ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR BIOMEDICAL & HEALTH RESEARCH at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
61 एम्स, ऩई दिल्ली में अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति अन्य पिछडा वर्ग कर्मचारियों की शिकायतो कें निवारण के लिए समिति के तहत विशेष आमंत्रित सदस्य का ऩामाकन के संबंध में/ Nomination of Special Invitee under the Committee for Redressal of grievances of SC/ST/OBC employee at AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
62 शुद्धि-पत्र अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में संस्थान निति-विषयक समिति का पुनर्गठन करने संबंधी/ CORRIGENDUM - Re-constitution of INSTITUE ETHIC COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
63 Working arrangement of Co-Member Secrtary of the Committee for addressing Complaints of sexual harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg. /एम्स नई दिल्ली में यौन उतपीडन की शिकायतों के निवारण संबंधी समिति के सह-सदस्य सचिव की कार्य चालन व्यलस्था संबंधी
64 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में छात्रो की शिकायतो के निवारण हेतु समिति के गठन संबंधी/ Constitution of Committee for Redressal of Grievances of Students in AIIMS, New Delhi .
65 एम्स, ऩई दिल्ली में रीकम्बीनेन्ट डी.एम.ए अनुसंधान हेतु जैव-सुरक्षा संबंधी समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/Re-constitution of the Committee on BIO-SAFETY FOR RECOMBINANT DNA RESEARCH at the AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
66 Constitution of SECURITY AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi
67 Re-Consitution of the Committee for addressing complaints of sexual harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi- Reg.
68 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली के जराचिकित्सा खंढ के लिए आतरिक परियोजना निगरानी समिति का पुनर्गठन करने संबंधी/ Re-constitution of Internal Project Monitoring Committee for Geriatric Block, AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
69 अ.भा.आ.सं. में आरटीआई अधिनियम के तहत मागीं गई जानकारी की पहचान करने के लिए समृद्ध अनुभव वाले जन सूचना आजिकारियों एव प्रधम अपीलीय प्रधीकरण समिति की संरचना हेतु/Composition of Committee amongst PIO & First Appellate Authority with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI Act at AIIMS, New Delhi
70 आरटीआई अधिनियम के तहत नागरिक को स्वत: प्रकटीकरण के बारे में सलाह के लिए प्रमुख हितधारको की सलाह कार समिति की संरचना/Composition of Consultance Committee of Key Stake holders for advice on suo-motu Disclosure to the citizen under RTI Act at AIIMS, New Delhi
71 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में संस्थान निति विषयक समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी/ Re-constitution of Institute Ethics Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
72 अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में इंजीनियरिंग सलाहकार समिति के पुनर्गठन संबंधी / Re-constitution of Engineering Advisory Committee at AIIMS, New Delhi – Reg.
69 फेफडे, ह्दय-फेफडे प्रतिरोपण कार्यक्रम सबंधी समिति/Committee for Lung, Heart-Lung Transplant programme - Reg.
70 अखिल भारतीय आयुविंज्ञान संस्थान की राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति का पुनर्गठन
71 Re-constitution of Committee for Redressal of Grievance of SC/ST/OBC employees at AIIMS - reg.
72 Re-constitution of Committee to oversee the sanitation and hygiene at AIIMS Campus
73 Constitution of EHS advisory Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
74 Constitution of Counseling Committee for the complaints of SC/ST/OBC employees at AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
75 Reconstitution of Shops & Establishments Committee of Hostel at the AIIMS, New Delhi
76 Constituting of Sub-committee to assist Insititute Ethics committee for monitiorning of Adverse Events in clinical trials - Reg.
77 Project Monitoring Committee for the Surgical Block, AIIMS , New Delhi - Reg.
78 Constitution of Committee for Redressal of grievances of faculty and other employees at AIIMS
  Constituting of Committee for examination Proposal for Development of Hospital Information System using Open Source Software- Reg.
79 Constituting of Wet Lab Sub-committee for AIIMS SET Facility
80 Constituting of Skills Lab Technical Committee for AIIMS SET Facility
81 Constituting of Committee for examining Proposal for Development of Hospital Information System using Open Source Software - Reg.
82 Constituting of Project Management Committee for Upcoming Paid Ward Block -reg
79 Constitution of Committee for Website Management at AIIMS, New Delhi-reg
80 Reconstitution of Shops & Establishments Committee of Hostels at the AIIMS, New Delhi
81 Reconstitution of Space Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
82 Re-Constitution of the HOUSE ALLOTMENT COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
83 Re-Constitution of the Committee for addressing complaints of sexual harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
84 Filling up the vacancy in the Institute Body, Governing Body and other Standing Committee of the AIIMS, New Delhi
85 Constitution of Food Safety Monitoring Committee at AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
86 Project Monitoring Committee for monitoring of construction of Burn & Plastic Block at JPNA Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
87 Re-Constitution of the Project Monitoring Committee for New OPD block, Masjid Moth Campus, AIIMS, New Delhi
88 Project Monitoring Committee for monitoring of construction of Burn & Plastic Block at JPNA Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
89 Standing Store Purchase Committee, NDDTC
90 Constitution of Committee for the expension project of NDDTC
91 Start of "Publications Divison" at AIIMS, New Delhi under Academic Section
92 Constitution of Sub-Committees for Skills Development, Virtual Teaching and Telemedicine (SVT) Facility at AIIMS
93 Constitution of Committee for Skills Development Virtual Teaching, and Tele-medicine (SVT) Facility at AIIMS
94 Re-Constitution of the Committee for Telemedicine Facility at AIIMS, New Delhi
96 Re-Constitution of COMMITTEE FOR TRANSPORT at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
97 Re-constitution of EXPEIMENTAL ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
98 Nomination of Member of MEDICAL BOARD at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
99 Committee to review of various project (on-going/approved/yet to be approved at JPNA Trauma Centre) - Reg. (dt:- 23-09-2017)
100 Nomination of Co-Member Secretary of WOMEN GRIEVANCE CELL at AIIMA, New Delhi - Reg.
101 Committee to review of various projects (on-going/approved/yet to be approved at Masjid Moth - Reg.
102 Committee to review of various projects (on-going/approved/yet to be approved at JPNA Trauma Centre) - reg.
103 Re-constitution of MEDICAL BOARD at the AIIMS, New Delhi-
104 Constitution of LIBRARY COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
107 Constitution of Committee for carrying out renovation of various Institute Houses at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
108 Constitution of RE-CONSTITUTION OF INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE at Central Animal Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
109 Re-constitution of Disease Prevention and Outbreak Response Cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
110 Re-constitution of the Committee for Addressing complaints of sexual harasment at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
111 Constituion of Committee to Oversee On-going Computerisation & OPD Transformation Project at the AIIMS, New Delhi - Reg.
112 Constitution of MEDIA CELL AND PROTOCOL DIVISON at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
113 Constitution of SECURITY AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE at the AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
114 Constitution of Biomedical Waste Management Committee at AIIMS as per the Biomedical Waste Management Rule 2016
115 Nomination of Chairperson of Woman Grievance Cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi
116 Nomination of Chairperson of the Committee for Addressing Complaints of Sexual Harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi
117 Constitution of Coordination Committee for Recruitment to Faculty and Non Faculty Posts at the AIIMS, New Delhi
118 Constitution of Departmental Screening Committee for grant of Financial upgradation to the eligible employees of the AIIMS, New Delhi under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme of the Govt.of India
119 Constitution of Committee for Addressing Complaints of Sexual Harassment at the AIIMS, New Delhi
120 Constitution of Women Grievances Cell at the AIIMS
121 Constitution of Institute Ethics Committee for Post Graduate Research at the AIIMS , New Delhi
122 Constitution of Institute Ethics Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
123 Constitution of Committee for Surgical Centre at the AIIMS, New Delhi
124 Constitution of Hospital Management Board at the AIIMS, New Delhi
125 Constitution of Computer Facility & Computerisation Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
126 Constitution of Security and Traffic Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
127 Constitution of OT Management (OT Users) Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
128 Constitution of Roster Implementation Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
129 Constitution of Gymkhana Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
130 Constitution of Medical Publication at the AIIMS, New Delhi
131 Constitution of Library Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
132 Constitution of Committee for Transport at the AIIMS, New Delhi
133 Constitution of Committee for Telemedicine Facility at the AIIMS, New Delhi
134 Appointment of faculty Coordinator for central Workshop at the AIIMS, New Delhi
135 Constitution of Disease Prevention and Outbreak cell at the AIIMS, New Delhi
136 Re-constitution of Management Committee for CMET at the AIIMS, New Delhi
137 Constitution of Cafeteria Comiittee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
138 Constitution of House Allotment Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
139 Re-constitution of Horticulture Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
140 Constitution of Experimental Animal Welfare Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
141 Constitution of Media Cell and Directory Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
142 Constitution of Stem Cell Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
143 Constitution of Environmental Management Group(EMG) at the AIIMS, New Delhi
144 Constitution of Space Committee & Convergence Block Space Re-Allocation Committee at the AIIMS
145 Reconstitution of the Medical Board at the AIIMS, New Delhi
146 Constitution of a Medical Board for Medical Support to the Indian Antarctica Expedition team
147 Constitution of Store Purchase Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
148 Constitution of Engineering Advisory Committee at the AIIMS
149 Reconstitution of Assessment Committee to assess all the requirement for the purchase of Machinery & Equipment at the AIIMS,New Delhi
150 Constitution of a Committee to oversee the progress of Mother and Child Centre at the AIIMS,New Delhi
151 Constitution of Animal Ethics Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
152 Constitution of Dean's Committee at the AIIMS.
 153 Constitution of Management Committee of Vishram Sadan at the AIIMS, New Delhi
 154 Constitution of Radiation Safety Committee at the AIIMS,New Delhi.
 155 Constitution of Livery Committee at the AIIMS,New Delhi
 156 Constitution of Anti Ragging Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi.
157 Constitution of Fire and Security Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi.
158 Constitution of EHS Advisory Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
159 Constitution of Grievance Redressal Committee at the AIIMS, New Delhi
160 Constitution of the Committee on Bio-Safety for recombinant DNA Research
161 Constitution of Staff Council
162 Constitution of Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (IC-SCRT)
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