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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of students who are pursuing M.D.(Biochemistry)for JULY-2024 SESSION-Modification regarding
Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of students who are pursuing MDS(Paediatrics and Preventive Dentistry) for July-2024 SESSION-Modifications regarding
Re-allocation/revision of MD thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of following students who are pursuing MD (Medicine) - Modification regarding.
Arrangement for TWO MONTHS Extension for submission of THESIS PROTOCOL in respect of Jr. Resident (MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH)(6 Years Course) & Sr. Residents (DM/MCH (3 Years Course) enrolled in JANUARY-2024 Session at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
Mutual exchange of MS/MCH thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of following students who are pursuing MS/MCH - Modification reg.
Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of student who are pursuing (Forensic Medicine) for JULY-2023 SESSION - Modifications regarding.
Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of student who are pursuing M.S.(Otorhinolarngology) for JANUARY -2024 SESSION - Modifications regarding.
Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of student who are pursuing (Hospital Administration) for JANUARY -2024 SESSION - regarding.
Allocation of thesis CHIEF GUIDE in respect of student pursuing M.D. (Radiodiagnosis) for JANUARY -2024 SESSION - Modifications regarding.
Matter regarding non-allotment of MSc/M.Biotechnology/M.Sc Nursing students to all Faculty at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
Allocation of Thesis Chief Guide in respect of Sr. Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch) for the July,2023 session - reg.
Addtional extension for submission of THESIS deadline in respect of the students pursuing MD/MS/MDS t AIIMS, New Delhi - Final examination is due in MAY-2023 - reg.
Academic guidelines/rules for submission of Thesis Protocol/Thesis in respect of the Resident (PG) pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH course at AIIMS, NEw Delhi - reg.
Arrengement for TWO MONTHS Extension for sumbission of THESIS PROTOCOL in respect of J.R (MD/MS/MDS/& DM/MCH (3 years Course) encolled in JULY 2023 Session, AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Student Pursing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH (6 years) course for July,2023 session.- reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Dr. Asmita Gautam, Pursuing (Anaesthesiology) for July-23 Session - Revised list of thesis Chief Guide reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Student Pursing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH (6 years) course for July,2023 session.- reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Student Pursing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH (6 years) course for July,2023 session.- reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Student Pursing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH (6 years) course for July,2023 session.- reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Sr. Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch for July,2023 session. reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of Sr. Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch for July,2023 session. reg.
Extenstion of submission of THESIS deadline in respect of the MD/MS/MDS students of January -2021 at AIIMS, New Delhi  - Final Professional examination is due in December-2023 - reg..
Arrangement for Two Months extension for submission of Thesis Protocol in respect of Jr. Residents ( Acad.)/Sr. Residents ( Acad.) enrolled in January-23 session for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH course at AIIMS, New Delhi- reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS.DM/MCH ( 6 years) course for January-2023 Session - reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS.DM/MCH ( 6 years) course for January-2023 Session - reg.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis chief guide in respect of Senior Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch- regarding.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis chief guide in respect of Senior Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch- regarding.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS.DM/MCH ( 6 years) course for January-2023 Session - reg.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS.DM/MCH ( 6 years) course for January-2023 Session - reg.
Extionsion of rsubmission of thesis/dissertation deadline in respect of the Sr. Residents/Sponsored Trainee pursuing DM/M.Ch course at AIIMs, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 Pandemic - Final examination is due in May2023 - reg..
Request for retaiing Deptt. Allotted Thesis Guide for 2nd Thesis for 6 year M.Ch candidates Deptt. of Neurosurgery.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis chief guide in respect of Senior Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch-regarding.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis chief guide in respect of Senior Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch-regarding.
Arrangement for Two Months extension for submission of Thesis Protocol in respect of the students enrolled in July 2022 Session for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH course at AIIMS, New Delhi-regarding.
Arrangement for Two Months extension for submission of Thesis Protocol in respect of the students enrolled in July 2022 Session for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH course at AIIMS, New Delhi-regarding.
Arrangement for Two Months extension for submission of Thesis Protocol in respect of the students enrolled in July 2022 Session for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH course at AIIMS, New Delhi-regarding.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis chief guide in respect of Senior Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch-regarding.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD (Psychiatry)- regarding.
Allocation of thesis Chief Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS & DM/MCH (6 years Course)- regarding.
Implementation of Top Class College Education Scheme for OBC, EBC, DNT during the year 2022-23.

Grant of Temporary Permission under section 14 (1) of the IMC, Act 1956 read with section 61(2) of the Naitonal Medical Commission Act-2019 Mandatory compliance of the National Medical Commission oACt-2019 by all the Foreign nationals Residents reg.

To Streamline othe procedure regarding allocation of Thesis Chief guide in respect of Sr. Resident/Sponsored Trainee DM/M.Ch) reg..

State/UT/Community-wise physical allocation of scholarship and Timeline Activities under the Two scholarship Schemes viz. Post-Matric and Merit cum means Scholarship schemes for minorities Communities for the year 2022-23.

To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis CHIEF Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH - reg.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis CHIEF Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH - reg.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis CHIEF Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH - reg.
To streamline the procedure regarding allocation of thesis CHIEF Guide in respect of students pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCH - reg.
Standard Operating Procedure for MSc/M. Biotechnology/MSc Nursing Courses at AIIMS, New Delhi - reg.
Anti Ragging Squad Duty roster for Gents & Ladies Hostels form 14th Feb. to 14th March, 2022.
Suspension of Sort term & Elecctive Training - reg.
Arrangement for Academic activities in view of recent spurt of COVID-19 cases.
Training in "Infection Control Managements" for Resident Doctors - Mandatory compliance of training reg..
Arrangement for Academic activities in view of recent spurt of COVID-19 cases.
E-Training in "COVID-19 Managements" for Resident Doctors - Mandatory compliance of training regarding
Addition extension for submission of thesis deadline in respect of the students pursuing MD/MS/MDS at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 Pandemic-Final examination due in May 2022
Clarification regarding deadline for submission of THESIS in respect of the students pursuing DM/M.Ch (6 years Course) at AIIMS, New Delhi - Final examination is due in MAY-2022.
Additional extension for submission of THESIS deadline in respect of the students pursuing MD/MS/MDS at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 pandemic - Final examination is due in MAY-2-22 - reg..
Nomination/addition of any Regular Faculty in place of Contractual Faculty a thesis Co-Guide in respect of Resident Doctors - reg.
Extension for submission of Thesis deadline in respect of the students pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/M.Ch (6yeras course at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 Pandemic-Final examination is due in May-2022-Regarding
Reimbursement to student for ATLS/ACLS/BLS  courses conducted by the outside agencies / societies
Endorsement of advice / prescription putting clear signature and rubber stamp by Resident Doctors in respect of OPD /IPD patients at AIIMS, New Delhi - Regarding
Modification in Protocol, Thesis submission and final examination thereof in respect of M.Biotechnology and M.Sc. students enrolled in August 2020 Session in various courses at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 Pandemic-Regarding
Recommencement of Short Term/LongTerm & Elective Training Programmes for Foreign Nationals - reg
रेजीडेटं चिकित्सकों हेतु कोविड-19 प्रबंधन में ई-सटिंफिकेट पाठ्यक्रम प्रशिक्षण- प्रशिक्षण पाठ्य़क्रम के अनिवार्य अनुपालन संबंधी/Training for “E-Certificate Course in COVID-19 Managements” for Resident Doctors – Mandatory complance of training couse regarding
Additional extension of deadline for submission of THESIS PROTOCOL in respect of thestudents enrolled in january-21 session in various courses at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of COVID-19 Pandemic - reg.
Inviting nomninations for Orations - reg.
अल्प अवधि /दीर्ध अवधि एवं वैकल्पिक प्रशिक्षण को पुन: आंरभ करने संबंधी.
अल्प अवधि /दीर्ध अवधि एवं वैकल्पिक प्रशिक्षण को पुन: आंरभ करने संबंधी.
एम्स, ऩई दिल्ली में जुलाई-2020 तथा जनवरी 2021 सत्र के लिए स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रम ( एमडी /एमएम /एमडीएस) की नामावली में परिवर्तन संबंधी/Change of nomenclature for PG course ( MD/MS/MDS) for July 2020 & January-2021 Session at AIIMS, New Delhi – reg.
Recommencment of Short/Term/Long Term & Elective Training - reg.
Revised schedule of Pre-Professional Examination of IX semester from 1st Dec. to 24th Dec. 2020
Implementation of Three Scholarship Schemes : Progress and Monitoring in FY 2020-21
Cancellation of Short Term & Elective Training - reg.
आपातकालीन चिकित्सा विभाग में जूनियर रेजिडेटों ( शैक्षिक) की रोटेशन निति तैयार करके आपातकालीन चिकित्सा विभाग में रोगी उपचार सेंवाएं सुद्धढ करने के लिए जूनियर रेजिडेटों की संख्या बढाने संबंधी/ Augmentation of manpower to strengthen the patient care services in the Deptt. Of Emergency Medicine by formulating rotation policy of Jr. Residents ( Academic) to the Deptt. Of Emergency Medicine – Reg.
अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में कुछ रेजीडेट चिकित्सकों का प्राईवेट प्रैक्टिस/प्राईवेट कार्य में शामिल होने तथा कोचिंग संस्थानों के साथ संल्गन होने पर निषेधात्मक आदेश संबंधी/Involvement of some of the Resident Doctors, AIIMS in private practice/Private work & attachment with Coaching Institutions – Prohibition order reg.
Revision of tution fee for the undergraduate Programmes
Re-activation of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) for inviting applications ( fresh and renewal both) under National Scholarship for Higher Education for ST students for the financial year 2020-21
Insturctions for Students for filling the Application form in NSP 2020-21
FAQ's for Students for NSP 2020-21
Re-activation of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) for inviting applications ( fresh and renewal both) under National Scholarship for Higher Education for ST students for the financial year 2020-21
Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes/Central Sector Schemes in NCT of Delhi
Submission of Ph.D seat details for Ph.D Prospectus for the July, 2020 session.
Submission of Thesis by students enrolled in various courses at AIIMS, New Delhi in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic
स्नातकोत्रर पाठ्यक्रमों हेतु मूल्यांकनकर्ताओं की सूची को अपडेट करनें संबंधी/ Updating Assessor’s list for postgraduate course
NIRF, M/o HRD- Data Capture System - Medical
थीसीस/डीसर्टेशन को दोनों तरफ से मुद्रित किए जाने संबंधी।/Printing of Thesis/Dissertation in both side-regarding
अ.भा.आ.सं. ऩई दिल्ली में विभिन्न एम.एस.सी./मास्टर डिग्री पाठ्यक्रमों की नामावली में परिवर्तन/Change of Nomenclature in respect of various M.Sc/Master Degree Courses at the AIIMS, New Delhi
Regarding two Scholarship Schemes for minority communities viz Post matric and Merit-cum-Means for the year 2019-20
ऱेजीडेन्ट चिकित्सकों के संबंध में थिसिस के सह-गाइड के रुप में नियमित संकाय-सदस्च के नामांकन संबंधी/ Nomination of Regular Faculty as thesis Co-Guide in respect of Resident Doctors – reg.
रेजीडेट डांक्टर्स के संबंध में सबमिशन-त्यागपत्र की सूचना-अनुपस्थिति रिपोर्ट एवं अवकाश प्रार्थना पत्र संबंधी/ Submission intimation of resignation/absentee report and leave application in respect of Resident Doctors – reg.
कनिष्ठ रेजीडेट ( शेक्षिक) को शैक्षिक छुट्टियों आंन ड्यूटी छुट्टियों के दौरान सीएमई/ सम्मेलन/ संगौष्टी /कार्यशाला इत्यादि ( देश में या विदेश में) में भाग लेने के लिए दिशा-निर्देश/ Guidelines for attending CME/Conference/Symposium/Workshop/etc. (within country or abroad) on Academic leaves/On duty leaves in respect of Jr. Residents (Academic) – reg.
आपात चिकित्सा विभाग में अपात चिकित्सा विभाग के रेजीडेट के लिए रोटेशन नीति बनाकर रोगी उपचार सेंवाओं को सशक्त करने के लिए कर्मचारियों की सख्या बढानें संबंधी/ Augmentation of Manpower to strengthen the patient care services in the Dptt. Of Emergency Medicine by formulating Rotation policy of Jr. Residents to the Deptt. Of Emergency Medicine – Reg.
Internship Programme of Intern from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019
Guidelines for leaves to Jr. Residents (Academic) Pursing MD/MS/MDS/M.Ch - reg
Mandatory Postgraduate Research Methodology Course and Qualifying Exam from Academic Session January 2019 onward regarding
Section 15(6) of Delhi Medical Council Act 1997 - Mandatory compliance of the Delhi Medical Council Act by all the Resident Doctors regarding
Training Programme on "Deceased organ and Tissue Donation" by ORBO for all Residents Doctors - Mandatory compliance of Training Program and submission of certificate regarding
Section 15(6) of Delhi Medical Council Act 1997 - Mandatory compliance of the Delhi Medical Council Act by all the Resident Doctors regarding   
Guidelines for submission of thesis protocol/ thesis and eligibility for Chief Guide in respect of Jr/Sr. Residents (Academic) pursuing MD/MS/MDS/DM/M.Ch- regarding
Submission of thesis protocol/thesis in respect of Junior Resident (PG) regarding   
Rotation of Senior Residents in different Departments/Centres - reg
Request for grant of permission to attend the various meetings/Conferences/Symposium/Training and workshop etc. in India and abroad for students -reg.
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