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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Other Services

Specialized services provided:

Sweat chloride estimation: 600 tests per annum performed free of cost. Test performed by prior appointment (011-26594610) on Mon-Wed afternoon in room number 3067, III floor teaching block, AIIMS.

Spirometry: 750 tests performed free of cost per annum in Pediatric Chest Clinic and also in room number 3067 by prior appointment.

Impulse oscillometry: 750 tests performed free of cost (as part of research grant)

Infant Pulmonary function test: Started from 2009 using Tidal Breath Volume Loop (TBVL), Rapid Thoracic compression (RTC) and raised volume rapid thoracic compression (RVRTC) by prior appointment.

Exhaled NO (Fe NO) for patients with asthma (Part of research project)

Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) for children with asthma (Part of research project)   

Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage: 250 per annum, using fiber optic bronchoscope and videoscope by prior appointment.

Saccharine clearance test (screening test for Primary ciliary dyskinesia): 15-20 tests per annum.

Cystic Fibrosis services:

Services established for >20 years with grants from International Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) association and Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide (CFW).

Diagnostic services: sweat test and mutation analysis

Clinical services: After diagnosis, patients are called every 1-3 months for follow up. CF nurse and physiotherapist receives patients, assess basic data, checks for adherence, Physiotherapy, PFTs, SpO2, records weight/ height, events since last visit, takes cough swabs/ sputum for bacterial cultures, Patients are assessed and records entered in pre-designed format and sent back to nurse for next appointment. 

Periodic patient education program is organized once in 6 months.

A Cystic Fibrosis South Asian Trust formed and registered with Government of India and is affiliated to Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide

Asthma services: This includes detailed clinical assessment, treatment and regular follow up. Suitable treatment regimen is selected in consultation with consultant. Suitable inhalation device is selected after assessment by the nurse and the techniques are demonstrated to the parents and child. Patients are reviewed every 8-16 weeks by appointment (day and time).

Follow up: Patients are called at interval of 12 (8- 16) weeks by prior appointment. Patients directly report to Doctor. Assessment is recorded in pre designed half page proforma, PEFR measured, medications are checked, adherence recorded and actual inhalation by the child is seen and recorded. Assessment is recorded, drugs are prescribed and next appointment is given. In addition, the patients can also visit the clinic earlier than the scheduled appointment, if required.

Services to HIV infected children: This includes counseling, clinical care and protocol based treatment. After diagnosis, all HIV infected children are followed up every 4-12 weeks. When indicated, they are treated with antiretrovirals (ART). In addition, they are managed for any concurrent infections/ conditions. Appropriate prohylaxis measures are also offered. Data are being collected for natural history of these patients. 

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