Dr Rishi Nayyar
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Dr Rishi Nayyar
यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. '; document.write(''); document.write(addy_text92744); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.
Contact: 26594884
Areas of special interest
Female and paediatric urology
Reconstructive urology
Major publications
Nayyar Rishi, Sarda Anil K, Kaza RCM, Anand VJ. The obstructed kidney. Indian J Surg 2005; 67(1): 21-8
Nayyar Rishi, Gupta NP. Review article: Use of bisphosphonates in prostate cancer: Current status. Indian J Urol. 2007; 23(1): 51-4
Rishi Nayyar, Pankaj Wadhwa, Ashok K Hemal. Pure Robotic extended pyelolithotomy: Cosmetic replica of open surgery. J Robotic Surg. 2007; 1(3): 207-11
Kumar R, Nayyar R, Kumar V, Gupta NP, Hemal AK, Jagannathan NR, Dattagupta S, Thulkar S. Potential of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in predicting absence of prostate cancer in men with serum prostate-specific antigen between 4 and 10 ng/ml: a follow-up study. Urology. 2008; 72(4): 859-63
Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P Gupta, Ashok K Hemal, Rajeev Kumar. Two concomitant robot-assisted procedures in one anesthesia session: our experience. J Endourol. 2009; 23(2): 263-7
Rishi Nayyar, Rajeev Kumar, Virendra Kumar, Naranamangalam R Jagannathan, Narmada P Gupta, Ashok K Hemal. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging – current status in the management of prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2009 Jun;103(12): 1614-20
Rishi Nayyar, Nitin Sharma, Narmada P Gupta. Prognostic factors affecting progression and survival in metastatic prostate cancer. Urol Int. 2010;84(2):159-163
Ashok K Hemal, Rishi Nayyar, Ranjit Rao. Robotic repair of primary symptomatic obstructive megaureter with intracorporeal or extracorporeal ureteric tapering and ureteroneocystostomy. J Endourol. 2009 Dec;23(12):2041-6
Rishi Nayyar, Nitin Sharma, Narmada P Gupta. Docetaxel based combination chemotherapy with zoledronic acid and prednisone in hormone refractory prostate cancer: Factors predicting response and survival. Int J Urol. 2009 Sep;16(9):726-31
Narmada P Gupta, Rishi Nayyar, Ashok K Hemal, Satyadeep Mukherjee, Rajeev Kumar, Prem N Dogra. Outcome Analysis of Robotic Pyeloplasty: A large Single Center Experience. BJU Int 2010 Apr; 105(7): 980-983
Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P Gupta, Ashok K Hemal. Robotic management of complicated ureteropelvic junction obstruction. World J Urol. 2010 Oct;28(5):599-602
Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P Gupta. Critical appraisal of technical problems with the robotic surgery. BJU Int. 2010 Jun;105(12):1710-3
Rishi Nayyar, Prabhjot Singh, Narmada P Gupta, Ashok K Hemal, Prem N Dogra, Amlesh Seth, Rajeev Kumar. Upgrading of gleason score on radical prostatectomy specimen compared to the pre-operative needle core biopsy: An Indian experience. Indian J Urol 2010;26:56-9
Ashok Kumar Hemal, Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P Gupta, Lalgudi N Dorairajan. Experience with Robot Assisted Laparoscopy Surgery for Upper and Lower Benign and Malignant Ureteral Pathologies. Urology. 2010 Dec;76(6):1387-93
Narmada P Gupta, Rishi Nayyar, Prabhjot Singh. Robot assisted adrenal sparing surgery for pheochromocytoma: Initial experience. J Endourol. 2010; 24(6): 981-5
Ashok K Hemal, Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P. Gupta, Lalgudi N. Dorairajan. Experience with robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery in upper tract urolithiasis. Can J Urol. 2010 Aug;17(4):5299-305
Rishi Nayyar, Narmada P Gupta. Role of systemic peri-operative chemotherapy in management of transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. Indian J Urol. 2011 Apr;27(2):262-8.
Hemendra N Shah, Rishi Nayyar, Srinivas Rajamahanty, Ashok K Hemal. Prospective evaluation of unidirectional barbed suture for various indications in surgeon-controlled robotic reconstructive urologic surgery: Wake Forest University Experience. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Jun;44(3):775-85
Rishi Nayyar, Nikhil Khattar, Rajeev Sood. Functional evaluation before stone surgery. Is it mandatory? Indian J Urol. 2012; 28(3):256-62
Rajeev Sood, Nikhil Khattar, Rishi Nayyar, Sachin Kathuria, Vineet Narang, Devashish Kaushal. Case for resurgence of radical perineal prostatectomy in Indian Subcontinent. Indian J Urol. 2012; 28(4):418-23
Major awards
Certificate of Merit in the IX National Level Science Talent Search Exam – 1994
Distinction in Physiology in 1st MBBS examination, 1996
Quiz for undergraduates, MAMC, 2000 – 1st prize
SurgiQuiz for postgraduates, MAMC, 2002 – 3rd prize
Quiz for Urology MCh students at XVth NZUSICON, Srinagar 2005 – 2nd prize
Marudhar Urology Trust Jodhpur best paper award at XVIth NZUSICON, Jaipur, 2006 – 2nd prize
Quiz for urology MCh students at XVIth NZUSICON, Jaipur, 2006 – 2nd prize
Vijayawada prize for best poster at 40th USICON, Patna, 2007 – 3rd prize
Agra Urological Association Best Video award at XVIIth NZ-USICON held at Lucknow on 2nd-4th November 2007 – Agra Urological Association Best Video award – 2nd prize
Mrs Dwarka Prasad Travel Grant, AIIMS, 2007
Brij Kishore Patna Best paper prize and travel fellowship at 41st USICON, Chennai, 2008 – 1st prize
Late G. M. Phadke Travelling Fellowship at 41st USICON, Chennai, 2008 – 1st prize
Dr. J. R. Chawla Gold Medal in Urology, AIIMS, 2007
Achiever’s award from Delhi Urological Society, 2010
AUA/IAUA Chakrobortty Fellowship from American Urological Association, 2011
Major appointments
Formerly Associate Professor, PGIMER and Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi
Reviewer for many major international and national peer reviewed journals
IJU Editorial committee member, 2014
Short term training in Renal Transplant surgery, transplant nephrology, pathology and immunology at AIIMS, 2013