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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142


International & National Conferences and Notable Events

  1. IAGG World Congress San Francisco ,July 2017
  2. Indian Ageing Congress; November, 2016
  3. International Conference in Geriatrics and Gerontology- November, 2015
  4. 17th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International- November, 2014
  5. World Health Day, April 2012
  6. Organizing Chairman, International Conference in Geriatrics and Gerontology- February, 2012


Awards & Honors


1.     Dr A B Dey was elected as Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences in 2016.

2.      Dr A. B Dey delivered Prof AVenkobaRao Oration of Indian Academy of Geriatrics in its 13th Annual Conference in Chandigarh in November 2015.

3.     The Department was awarded “VayoshresthaSamman” National Award 2014 by “Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment to the DepartmentGeriatric Medicine as the Best Institution for Research in   the field ld of Ageing.  On 1st October 2014

4.     The department was awarded “Jack Watters memorial award 2016” for the project “EASYcare Standard instrument for early detecting geriatric syndrome in very old

5.      Dr N N Prem had won first prize and Gold medal in poster presentation in Gericon 2012,Jodhpur and- First Prize and Gold medal in paper  presentation in Gericon 2013,Chennai.







Ø  Conducted a symposium on Dementia in  10th Asia/ Oceania Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG 2015) Thailand.

Ø  The residents and PhD students have launched Geriatric update in ICGGM 2015 AND IAC 2016.

Ø Dr Joyita Banerjee, Dr Akash Kumar Ambashtha ,Dr Nidhi Soni ,Dr Venugopal.G., Dr Hrishikesh Indani, Dr. Rishav Bansal, are Indian association of palliative care(IAPC) certified in pain and palliative care



 Ø  Swapnil Jathar

- 2nd prize in category of oral paper presentation at Gericon 2012, Jodhpur.

- He also contributed to chapter ‘biomarkers of aging’ in textbook of API. 

Ø  Venugopalan G.

-          poster in International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) 2015 in April 23-26, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.

-          He also won Silver medal for Oral presentation in 11th Annual conference of Indian Academy of Geriatrics (IAG) GERICON 2013, Chennai

-           Best  Oral presentation in 3rd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (ICGGM) and International Network of Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) 2015, New Delhi. 

-          Poster in IAGG World Congress July  2017 San Francisco.

Ø  Dr Sriniwas Thakur won 3rd prize in poster presentation in GERICON 2015. 

Ø  Dr Rishav bansal won 1st prize in platform  presentation awarded by and 1st prize in quiz competition in  IAC 2016 .

  • -Dr Hrishikesh Indani  received Travel Grant for clinical placement at "Falls and Blackout Unit", St James Hospital, Ireland under Prof. Rose Anne Kenny. 

-He also presented poster on "Evaluation of Sirtuins as Biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease"  in 10th International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IAGG) Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, Chiang Mai, 2015.

-He won Best Oral presentation and 3rd prize in Clinicosocial case presentation in 3rd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (ICGGM) and International Network of Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) 2015, New Delhi. 

-He also got 2nd prize in quiz and 3rd prize in platform presentation in Indian Ageing Congress (IAC), 2016.

-   He is ICMR certified in Bio-statistical methods and Indian Institute of Public Health certified in Research methodology

Ø  Dr  Ayantika haldar won Shri Venkateshwara prize in social and interdisciplinary science in  IAC 2016. 

Ø  Dr Kamal Bandhu got 2nd prize in poster presentation in IAC 2016. 

 Ø  Dr Manicka Sarvanan  won 3rd prize in quiz competition in IAC 2016. 

Ø  Dr Pramod kumar have won 2nd prize in journal club competition in ICGGM 2015.





Type of presentation

Title of presentation

Name of the conference





Rashmita Pradhan


Evaluation of FOXO3a protein in serum as a marker of ageing* 2nd PRIZE

XIIIth Annual Conference of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics


Government Medical College



Rashmita Pradhan


Evaluation of proteins in serum as marker of ageing*


Best Poster

3rd International Congress of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine  (ICGGM), 2015


India Islamic Cultural Center

New Delhi





Effect of ageing on skeletal muscle and muscle stem cells in correlation with calorierestriction:A morphometric analysis


Ist Prize (Shared)

Indian Ageing Congress 2016



New Delhi


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