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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Proactive Disclosure of Department of Phy. Med. & Rehabilitation 

S.No. Name of the Equipment Name of the Manufacturer Name of Supplier Date of Purchase Cost of Procurement Recommended Frequency for maintenance (yearly, half yearly, quarterly) Date of last Maintenance Check whether functional or not If not functional details of action taken.
1 Functioanl Electial Stimulator M/s Cybermatic corp. Korea Ms/ Hospimedica International 14/03/07 128,360 Quaterly 7/1/2012 Functional NA
2. Automatic Bio Feed control Exerciser M/s Reck Technik Gmbh@co germany M/s Hospimedica International 7/9/2007 676080 Quarterly 7/1/2012 Functional NA
3. Body Fat analyzer Ms/ Avon Weighing Systems M/s Avon Weighing Systems 11/2/2007 248175 Half Yearly 14/01/12 Functional NA
4 Foot ankle CPM Ms/ Rimces S.R.L. Balogne Italy M/s Hospimedica International 20/3/08 212610 Halfy Yearly 20/02/2012 Functaional NA
5 Automatic compression system M/s Chatanoog Group USA M/s Internatioal Electro Medical Company 27/03/08 USD 1785 Quarterly 19/11/2011 Functaional NA
6. Socket Router with dust collector M/s P & o  international Inc New Delhi M/s P & o International Inc New Delhi 18/11/11 627469 Half Yearly 1/3/2012 Functaional NA  
7. Pediatic Tilt Table (Motorised) M/s  Arjo Hintleigh AkronProducts U.K. M/s Hospimedic Internatioanl 14/09/09 258405 Half Yearly 1/3/2012 Functaional NA
8. Pedograph Foot Pressure scannning System M/s Zebiris Medical Mzx Eyth Germanay M/s Hospimecica International 10/12/2009 1868670 Quaterly 1/3/2012 Functaional NA
9. EMG Telemitry system M/s Horaxon Inc USA M/s Hospimecdica International 10/12/2009 2393667 Quaterly 1/3/2012 Functaional NA
10. Portable Metabolid analyzer and Telemetry unit M/s  MESSP ZOO France M/s Indus International 9/3/2010 Euro 27960 Quarterly 14/3/12 Functaional NA
11 Ultrasound machine with color dopler M/s Terason 77-79 Tarrace Hali Ave Burllinton Trivitron Medical System, New Delhi 8/6/2010 148800 Quarterly 3/4/2012 Functaional NA
12 Scanning Laser Therapy unit M/s Physiomed Doornstart Edegen M/s Indus International 8/9/2010 Euor 7666 Quarterly 5/3/2012 Functaional NA
13 Unweiging support for gail training M/s Biodex Medical system Inc M/s Hospmedica International     5/10/2010 454600 Yearly 5/3/20112 Functaional NA
14 GE MEC 5500 Stres test system M/s Wipro GE Health care Pvt. Ltd Ms/ Wipro GE Health care Pvt Ltd. 18/10/2011 US 20000 Quaterly 2/3/2012 Functaional NA
15 Tens  -IFT COMBO UNIT M/s Mediquib Enterprise New Delhi Ms Mediquib Enterprise New Delhi 28/08/10 11500 Half Yearly 15/03/2012 Functaional NA
16 Laster Therapy unit 3 Probe M/S BTL Industire s Bulgoria M/s mEDITRONIX Corporation 27/10/10 316786 Halfy Yearly 4/1/2012 Functaional NA
17 Ice Making machine M/s International Electro  Medical Company M/s Internatioal Electro Medical Company 7/9/2012 175000 Half Yearly 11/01/2012 Functaional NA
18 Message Table with matress (Hydraaulic) M/S Entre Horne B.V. netherland M/s Hospimedia Internatnioal 5/10/2012 104465 yearly 24/01/20112 Functaional NA
19 Ultrasond Therapy unit M/s Electronic Pegams S.R. I. Italy M/s Hospimedica International 5/10/2010 161367 Half Yearly 12/1/2012 Functaional NA
20 Spine casting Frame M/s P &  o International Ince New Delhi M/s P& o Internatioanl Inc New Delhi 21/04/11 123750 Halfy Yearly 1/3/2012 Functaional NA
21 Ultrasond and Electotherapy combinatinon therapy M/s Chattanooga Group M/s Internatinoal Electro Medical Company 1/5/2011 145200 Half Yearly 17/01/12 Functaional NA
22 Shockwave therapy unit M/s EME SRL Italy M/s Mediqub Enterprise N delhi 7/6/2011 960000 Quarterly 25/01/12 Functaional NA
23 Ultrasound machine (Hands free) with suction M/s Emraf Nonius B.V. Netherland M/s  Hospimedica Intenational 15/03/11 384921 Quarterly 25/01/12 Functaional NA
24 Balance Evaluation and traiing system M/s Biodex Medical system Inc M/s Hospimedica International 13/8/11 782448 Quarterly 6/12/2011 Functaional NA
25 Microwave Diatheremy and Traction unit with couch M/s Medizine Electronic Luxombergq M/s M.W. Enterprised N. delhi 29/09/11 1234828 Quarterly 6/12/2011 Functiionial NA
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