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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Department of Geriatric Medicine

Globally, life expectancy has increased by 25 years since 1950. Healthy older individuals contribute positively to society in many ways, and the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes enabling them to continue doing what they enjoy for as long as possible.

India is undergoing a rapid demographic shift, with a rising number of senior citizens. Life expectancy in India has increased significantly, from 32 years at the time of independence in 1947 to over 70 years today. This phenomenon of population aging has profound implications for society, particularly the healthcare system. Older adults require financial security, emotional and social support, and—most critically—regular access to effective and affordable healthcare.

Recognizing these challenges, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) took an early initiative by establishing a weekly geriatric clinic in 1993, which was later upgraded to a daily service in August 2010. This marked the foundation for the development of a dedicated Department of Geriatric Medicine. Under the visionary leadership of Prof. (Dr.) A B Dey, a separate academic department was established in January 2012. The department admitted its first batch of MD students in the same year and opened a dedicated Geriatric Medicine ward in July 2012. Over time, the department expanded its clinical services to provide holistic care, integrating physiotherapy, counseling, dietary services, and a specialized Memory Clinic for dementia patients.

The department has also been at the forefront of research and innovation in aging-related fields. It has established a dedicated departmental research laboratory and has contributed to multiple national and international research projects. Key areas of research include dementia, sarcopenia, longevity, superagers, centenarians, and assistive devices for older adults.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Ageing

The Department of Geriatric Medicine at AIIMS is a WHO Collaborating Centre (CC) for Healthy Ageing in India, playing a crucial role in developing strategies and policies to promote healthy aging across the country. This recognition underscores the department’s leadership in geriatric healthcare, education, and research at both national and global levels.

National Centre for Ageing (NCA), AIIMS

Today, the Department of Geriatric Medicine operates from the National Centre for Ageing (NCA) at AIIMS, New Delhi, offering comprehensive outpatient, inpatient, and ICU services for older adults. The NCA serves as a hub for geriatric clinical care, medical education, and research, training undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students while conducting cutting-edge studies in geriatrics and gerontology.

Looking ahead, the department remains committed to advancing the field of geriatric medicine, fostering innovation, and strengthening India's healthcare system to meet the evolving needs of its aging population.

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