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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi





  1. Singhal S, Kumar P, Singh S, Saha S, Dey AB. Clinical features and outcomes of COVID-19 in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Geriatr. 2021;21(1):321. Published 2021 May 19. doi:10.1186/s12877-021-02261-3

  2. Ajmera Y, Singhal S, Dwivedi SN, Dey AB. The changing perspective of clinical trial designs. Perspect Clin Res. 2021;12(2):66-71. doi:10.4103/picr.PICR_138_20  

  3. Bansal R, Singh S, Singhal S, Dewangan G, Das CJ, Dey AB. Drooping shoulders: A rare manifestation of an uncommon disease. Natl Med J India 2020;33:276-7

  4. Singhal S. Do No Harm: The Hippocratic Oath. Natl Med J India. 2019;32(6):375. doi:10.4103/0970-258X.303624

  5. Rao AR, Aryal A, Thakral M, Painkra B, Chakrawarty A, Dey AB. Case Report: Hypercalcemia in an Older Patient with Type I Lepra Reaction. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2020 Oct;103(4):1439-1440. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-0114. PMID: 32700675; PMCID: PMC7543800

  6. Rao AR, Thakral M, Saini MK, Chatterjee P, Dey AB. Blood biomarkers in older subjects with mild behavioral impairment: A cross-sectional study from the memory clinic, all india institute of medical sciences, India. J Indian Acad Geriatr 2020;16:91-4

  7. Rao AR, Chatterjee P, Thakral M, Dwivedi SN, Dey AB (2020) Behavioural issues in late life may be the precursor of dementia- A cross sectional evidence from memory clinic of AIIMS, India. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234514.

  8. Subramanian, M.S., Rao, A.R., Bhattarai, U. et al. Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma with Renal Involvement Presenting with Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsy in a Frail Older Adult: a Case Report. SN Compr. Clin. Med. (2021). 

  9. Chakrawarty A, Ranjan P, Thrinath A, Aggarwal E, Isaac JA, Berry P, Baitha U, Upadhyay AD, Chowdhury S, Kumar A. Assessment of Preventive Practices Followed by General Public During COVID-19 Pandemic - A Cross-Sectional Survey From India. Cureus. 2020 Oct 31;12(10):e11274. doi: 10.7759/cureus.11274. PMID: 33274149; PMCID: PMC7707894.

  10. Dey AB, Bajpai S, Pandey M, Singh P, Chaterjee P, Sati HC, Pandey RM. Healthcare policies and programmes for older persons: Exploring awareness among stakeholders. J Healthc Qual Res. 2020 Nov-Dec;35(6):391-401. doi: 10.1016/j.jhqr.2020.06.010. Epub 2020 Oct 14. PMID: 33069633.  

  11. Chatterjee P, Yatnatti SK. Intergenerational Digital Engagement: A Way to Prevent Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Crisis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Jul;68(7):1394-1395. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16563. Epub 2020 Jun 3. PMID: 32397006; PMCID: PMC7273029. 

  12. Banerjee, J., Behal, P., Satapathy, S., Kandel, R., Upadhyay, A. D., Dwivedi, S., Kumar, L., & Dey, A. B. (2020). Implementing and validating a care protocol for older adults with cancer in resource limited settings  with a newly developed screening tool. Journal of Geriatric Oncology.

  13. Bajpai S, Upadhyay A, Sati H, Pandey R, Chaterjee P, Dey A. Hindi Version of Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III: Distinguishing Cognitive Impairment Among Older Indians at the Lower Cut-Offs. CIA. 2020;Volume 15:329-339.  doi:10.2147/CIA.S244707

  14. Subramanian MS, Singh V, Chatterjee P, Dwivedi SN, Dey AB. Prevalence and predictors of falls in a health‐seeking older population: An outpatient‐based study. Aging Med. January 2020:agm2.12096. doi:10.1002/agm2.12096

  15. Bansal R, Singhal S, Dewangan G, Kumar P, Satpathy S, Kumar N, et al. Diabetic complications and poor mental health in the aging population. J Geriatr Ment Health 2019;6:78-83.  

  16. Lee J. Banerjee J, Khobragade PY, Angrisani M, Dey AB. LASI-DAD study: a protocol for a prospective cohort study of late-life cognition and dementia in India. BMJ Open. 2019 Jul 31;9(7):e030300.

  17. Singhal S, Dewangan GC, Bansal R, Upadhyay A, Dwivedi SN, Das CJ, et al. Sarcopenia and its association with geriatric syndromes and quality of life in older Indian outpatients – a cross sectional pilot observational study. Journal of The Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 2019 Jun;15:66–74.

  18. Chatterjee P, Srivastava AK, Kumar DA, Chakrawarty A, Khan MA, Ambashtha AK, et al. Effect of deep tissue laser therapy treatment on peripheral neuropathic pain in older adults with type 2 diabetes: a pilot randomized clinical trial. BMC Geriatr. 2019 Aug 12;19(1):218.

  19. Rao AR, Kumar P, Gunasekaran V, Dey AB. Reversible chorea secondary to uremia in an older adult. AGING MEDICINE. 2019;2(2):118–20.

  20. Singhal S, Singh S, Upadhyay A, Dwivedi S, Das C, Mohta S, et al. Serum creatinine and cystatin C-based index can be a screening biomarker for sarcopenia in older population. European Geriatric Medicine. 2019 May 17;10.

  21. Chatterjee P, Rebok GW, Dwivedi SN, Kumar DA, Madan R, Dey AB. Development of integrated care tool - BRIEF for screening the unmet psychosociomedical needs of older Indians. Indian J Public Health. 2019 Mar;63(1):51–7.

  22. Bansal R, Chatterjee P, Chakrawarty A, Satpathy S, Kumar N, Dwivedi SN, et al. Diabetes: A risk factor for poor mental health in aging population. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health. 2018 Jul 1;5(2):152. 

  23. Rai N, Venugopalan G, Pradhan R, Ambastha A, Upadhyay AD, Dwivedi S, et al. Exploration of Novel Anti-Oxidant Protein Sestrin in Frailty Syndrome in Elderly. Aging Dis. 2018 Apr;9(2):220–7   

  24. Banerjee J, Satapathy S, Upadhyay AD, Dwivedi SN, Chatterjee P, Kumar L, Rath GK, Dey AB. A short geriatric assessment tool for the older person with cancer in India-Development and psychometric validation. J Geriatr Oncol. 2018 Sep 14. pii: S1879-4068(18)30038-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2018.09.001. [Epub ahead of print]

  25. Venugopalan G, Dey S, Chakrawarty A, Chatterjee P, Sati HC, Dwivedi SN, Dey AB. Raised serum cystatin C can be a potential biomarker of frailty detected by cumulative deficit model. Aging Medicine. 2018;1-5.

  26. Chatterjee P, Kumar P, Kandel R, Madan R, Tyagi M, Kumar DA, Khan MA, Desai G, Chaudhary P, Gupta S, Grover K, Dey AB. Nordic walking training and nutritional supplementation in pre-frail older Indians: an open - labelled experimental pre -test and post-test pilot study to develop intervention model. BMC Geriatrics 2018; 18: 212.

  27. Pradhan R, Kumar R, Shekhar S, Rai N, Ambashtha A, Banerjee J, Pathak M, Dwivedi SN, Dey S, Dey AB. Longevity and healthy ageing genes FOXO3A and SIRT3: Serum protein marker and new road map to burst oxidative stress by Withania somnifera. Exp Gerontol. 2017 Sep;95:9-15.

  28. Banerjee JPradhan RGupta AKumar RSahu VUpadhyay ADChaterjee PDwivedi SDey SDey AB. CDK4 in lung, and head and neck cancers in old age: evaluation as a biomarker. ClinTranslOncol. 2016 Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print]

  29. Gunasekaran V, Banerjee J, Dwivedi SN, Upadhyay AD, Chatterjee P, Dey AB. Normal gait speed, grip strength and thirty seconds chair stand test among older Indians.ArchGerontolGeriatr. 2016 Aug 16;67:171-178. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2016.08.003. [Epub ahead of print]

  30. Venugopalan G, Navinath M, Pradeep B, Sobia N, ChandanJyoti D, Nitish N, Dey AB. Hypocalcemic Cardiomyopathy Due to Vitamin D Deficiency in a Very Old Man.J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(8):1708-9. 2015

  31. Singh H, Kandel R, Nisar S, Das CJ, Dey AB. An unexpected cause of orbital apex syndrome in an immune-competent elderly male.Oxf Med Case Reports.6:115-7. 2014 

  32. Kumar R, Mohan N, Upadhyay AD, Singh AP, Sahu V, Dwivedi S, Dey AB, Dey S. Identification of serum sirtuins as novel noninvasive protein markers for frailty.Aging Cell. 13 (6) ):975-80.  2014  

  33. Kumar PTiwari SCGoel ASreenivas VKumar NTripathi RKGupta VDey AB. Novel occupational therapy interventions may improve quality of life in older adults with dementia. Int Arch Med. 7: 26-29. 2014.

  34. Das PC, Kandel R,  Sikka K, Dey AB. Reversible Ototoxicity: A Rare Adverse Reaction of Liposomal Amphotericin-B Used for the Treatment of Antimony-Resistant Visceral Leishmaniasis in an Elderly Male. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports. 63-66. 2014.

  35. Costa AP, Hirdes JP, Heckman GA, Dey AB, Jonsson PV, Lakhan P, Ljunggren G, Singler K, Sjostrand F, Swoboda W,  Wellens NIH, Gray LC. Geriatric Syndromes Predict Post-Discharge Outcomes among Older Emergency Department Patients: Findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study.AcadEmerg Med. 21:422-33.2014

  36. Kumar P, Tiwari SC, Sreenivas V, Kumar N, Tripathi RK, Dey AB. Profile of older adults in memory outpatient’s clinic setting and effectiveness of occupational therapy intervention in patients with mild to moderate dementia. Ind J Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy. 7:297-302. 2013

  37. Amar A, Jathar S, Chatterjee P, Das PC, Dey AB. A case of splenic vein thrombosis presenting as fever of unknown origin in older patient: A case report and literature review. European Geriatric Medicine. 2013 Jun 1;4(3):196-7.

  38. Khandelwal DGoel AKumar UGulati VNarang RDey AB. Frailty is associated with longer hospital stay and increased mortality in hospitalized older patients. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16:732-5. 2012.

  39. Das PC, Kumar P, Chatterjee P, Dey AB. Prevalence of geriatric syndromes in an outpatient clinic and their association with co morbidities in elderly population at a tertiary care hospital of India. Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice.8 (10)465-69. 2012

  40. Das PC, Kumar P, Chatterjee P, Dey AB. Novel occupational therapy Strategy for cognitive impairment in old age. Journal of Indian Academy of Geriatrics.  8:55-58. 2012

  41. Gray LC, Peel NM, Costa AP, Burkett E, Dey AB, Jonsson PV, Lakhan P, Ljunggren G, Sjostrand F, Swoboda W, Wellens NIH, Hirdes J. Profiles of Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Findings From the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 62: 467-474. 2013  




  1. Rani K, Rastogi S, Vishwakarma P, Bharti PS, Sharma V, Renu K, Modi GP, Vishnu VY, Chatterjee P, Dey AB, Nikolajeff F, Kumar S. A novel approach to correlate the salivary exosomes and their protein cargo in the progression of cognitive impairment into Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci Methods. 2021 Jan 1;347:108980. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108980. Epub 2020 Oct 17. PMID: 33075328.

  2. Agarwal A, Ranjan P, Saraswat A, Kasi K, Bharadiya V, Vikram N, Singh A, Upadhyay AD, Baitha U, Klanidhi KB, Chakrawarty A. Are health care workers following preventive practices in the COVID-19 pandemic properly? - A cross-sectional survey from India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020 Dec 6;15(1):69-75. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.12.016. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33310264; PMCID: PMC7719197.

  3. Sreenath K, Dey AB, Kabra SK, Thakur B, Guleria R, Chaudhry R. Legionella pneumophila in Patients with Pneumonia at a Referral Hospital, New Delhi, India, 2015-2020. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2020 Dec 14. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-0653. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33319733.

  4. Sreenath K, Chaudhry R, Vinayaraj EV, Dey AB, Kabra SK, Thakur B, Guleria R. Distribution of Virulence Genes and Sequence-Based Types Among Legionella pneumophila Isolated From the Water Systems of a Tertiary Care Hospital in India. Front Public Health. 2020 Nov 23;8:596463. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.596463. PMID: 33330340; PMCID: PMC7719716.

  5. Smith JA, Zhao W, Yu M, Rumfelt KE, Moorjani P, Ganna A, Dey AB, Lee J, Kardia SLR. Association Between Episodic Memory and Genetic Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease in South Asians from the Longitudinal Aging Study in India-Diagnostic Assessment of Dementia (LASI-DAD). J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Aug;68 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S45-S53. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16735. PMID: 32815605; PMCID: PMC7507858.

  6. Farron MR, Kabeto MU, Dey AB, Banerjee J, Levine DA, Langa KM. Hypertension and Cognitive Health Among Older Adults in India. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Aug;68 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S29-S35. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16741. PMID: 32815597; PMCID: PMC7523549.

  7. Lee J, Ganguli M, Weerman A, Chien S, Lee DY, Varghese M, Dey AB. Online Clinical Consensus Diagnosis of Dementia: Development and Validation. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Aug;68 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S54-S59. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16736. PMID: 32815604; PMCID: PMC7513553.

  8. Lee J, Khobragade PY, Banerjee J, Chien S, Angrisani M, Perianayagam A, Bloom DE, Dey AB. Design and Methodology of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India-Diagnostic Assessment of Dementia (LASI-DAD). J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Aug;68 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S5-S10. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16737. PMID: 32815602; PMCID: PMC7503220.

  9. Mutneja E, Yadav R, Dey AB, Gupta P. Frequency and predictors of compliance among patients taking antihypertensive medicines. Indian Heart J. 2020 Mar-Apr;72(2):136-139. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2020.03.008. Epub 2020 Apr 13. PMID: 32534690; PMCID: PMC7296243.

  10. Bajpai, S., Tripathi, M., Pandey, R. M., Dey, A. B., & Nehra, A. (2020). Development and validation of Cognitive Training Intervention for Alzheimer’s disease (CTI-AD): A picture-based interventional program. Dementia (London, England)19(4), 1203–1219.

  11. Thakur, C. K., Chaudhry, R., Gupta, N., Vinayaraj, E. V., Singh, V., Das, B. K., Jadon, R. S., Wig, N., Lodha, R., Kabra, S. K., Dey, A. B., & Chhabra, M. (2020). Scrub typhus in patients with acute febrile illness: A 5-year study from India. QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians113(6), 404–410.

  12. Namdeo, M., Kandel, R., Thakur, P. K., Mohan, A., Dey, A. B., & Mitra, D. K. (2020). Old age-associated enrichment of peripheral T regulatory cells and altered redox status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. European Journal of Immunology

  13. Mutneja, E., Yadav, R., Dey, A. B., & Gupta, P. (2020). Frequency and predictors of compliance among patients taking antihypertensive medicines. Indian Heart Journal72(2), 136–139.

  14. Baghel, V., Tripathi, M., Parida, G., Gupta, R., Yadav, S., Kumar, P., Dey, A. B., Damle, N. A., Kumar, R., & Bal, C. (2019). In Vivo Assessment of Tau Deposition in Alzheimer Disease and Assessing Its Relationship to Regional Brain Glucose Metabolism and Cognition. Clinical Nuclear Medicine44(11), e597–e601.

  15. Singh AP, Ramana G, Bajaj T, Singh V, Dwivedi S, Behari M, et al. Elevated Serum SIRT 2 May Differentiate Parkinson’s Disease From Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019;12:129.

  16. Rai N, Upadhyay AD, Goyal V, Dwivedi S, Dey AB, Dey S. Sestrin2 as serum protein marker and potential therapeutic target for Parkinson’s Disease. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 Oct 9;

  17. Pradhananga S, Regmi K, Razzaq N, Ettefaghian A, Dey AB, Hewson D. Ethnic differences in the prevalence of frailty in the United Kingdom assessed using the electronic Frailty Index. AGING MEDICINE. 2019;2(3):168–73.

  18. Singh AP, Ramana G, Bajaj T, Singh V, Dwivedi S, Behari M, et al. Elevated Serum SIRT 2 May Differentiate Parkinson’s Disease From Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019;12:129.

  19. Chaudhry R, Kokkayil P, Ghosh A, Bahadur T, Kant K, Sagar T, et al. Bartonella henselae infection in diverse clinical conditions in a tertiary care hospital in north India. Indian J Med Res. 2018 Feb;147(2):189–94.

  20. Meher SK, Dey AB. Report and Analysis of Web Portal for Indian Old Age Persons. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;245:130

  21. Shekhar S, Yadav SK, Rai N, Kumar R, Yadav Y, Tripathi M, Dey AB, Dey S. 5-LOX in Alzheimer's Disease: Potential Serum Marker and In Vitro Evidences for Rescue of Neurotoxicity by Its Inhibitor YWCS.Mol Neurobiol. 2017 Apr 27. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0527-1.

  22. Singh AP, Bajaj T, Gupta D, Singh SB, Chakrawarty A, Goyal V, Dey AB, Dey S. Serum Mortalin Correlated with α-Synuclein as Serum Markers in Parkinson's Disease: A Pilot Study. Neuromolecular Med. 2018 Mar;20(1):83-89. doi: 10.1007/s12017-017-8475-5. Epub 2018 Jan 6.

  23. Dash S, Chaudhry R, Dhawan B, Dey AB, Kabra SK, Das BK. Clinical Spectrum and diagnostic yields of Mycoplasma penumoniae as a causative agent of community acquired pneumonia. J Lab Physicians 2018;10:44-9

  24. Bajpai S, Tripathi M, Pandey RM, Dey AB, Nehra A .Enhancing memory and activities of daily living in patients with early Alzheimer’s Disease using memory stimulation intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Adv Med Health Res 2017;4:54-60

  25. Singh H, Chakrawarti A, Guruprasad P, Singh H, Gupta YK. Difference in occurrence of muscle-related adverse effects of statins among male and female geriatric patients: A cross-sectional observational study. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2016 Oct 1;23(4):202.

  26. Rai N, Kumar R, Desai GR, Venugopalan G, Shekhar S, Chatterjee P, Tripathi M, Upadhyay AD, Dwivedi S, Dey AB, Dey S. Relative Alterations in Blood-Based Levels of Sestrin in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients.JAlzheimers Dis. 2016 Aug 24

  27. Shekhar S, Kumar R, Rai N, Kumar V, Singh K, Upadhyay AD, Tripathi M, Dwivedi S, Dey AB, Dey S. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 26;11(7):e0159099. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159099. eCollection 2016.

  28. Kumar R, Pradhan R, Ambashtha AK, Jathar S, Day AB, Day S. Comparative evaluation of seven isoforms of serum sirtuins as protein marker for frailty. Journal of Proteins & Proteomics. 2016 May 10;7(2).

  29. Pai R, Chaudhry R, Gupta N, Sryma PB, Biswas A, Dey AB. Tricky typhus ticks two: A report of two sisters from North India presenting with acute respiratory distress syndrome due to scrub typhus.Indian J Med Microbiol. 2016 Apr-Jun;34(2):244-6. doi: 10.4103/0255-0857.176847.

  30. Kumar R, Gupta A, Sahu V, Singh AP, Kumar S, Singh K, Dey AB, Dey S. Promising serum protein marker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease.Int J Dev Neurosci.47; 2015 Dec: 4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2015.04.020.

  31. Pillai RS, Mathur VP, Jain V, Shah N, Kalra S, Kumar P, Dey AB. Association between dental prosthesis need, nutritional status and quality of life of elderly subjects.Qual Life Res. 24(12):2863-71. 2015

  32. Chaudhry RValavane AMohan ADeyAB.Legionellapneumophila infection associated with renal failure causing fatality in a known case of sarcoidosis. Indian J Med Microbiol.32(3):324-7. 2014

  33. Pahwa S, Das CJ, Sharma S, Gupta AK, DeyAB. Hepatic hot spot sign: beacon of SVC obstruction.Clin Res HepatolGastroenterol. 38(4):387-8, 2014

  34. Chaudhry R, Valavane A, Mohan A, Dey AB. Legionella pneumophila infection associated with renal failure causing fatality in a known case of sarcoidosis. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 32: 324-327. 2014.

  35. Singh A, Dey AB, Mohan A, Mitra DK. Programmed death-1 receptor suppresses γ-IFN producing NKT cells in human tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 94(3):197-206. 2014

  36. Chaudhry R, Sharma S, Javed S, Passi K, Dey AB, Malhotra P. Molecular detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae by quantitative real-time PCR in patients with community acquired pneumonia. Indian J Med Res. 138:244-51.2013

  37. Chaudhry R, Das A, Premlatha MM, Choudhary A, Chourasia BK, Chandel DS, Dey AB. Serological & molecular approaches for diagnosis of leptospirosis in a tertiary care hospital in north India: a 10-year study. Indian J Med Res. 137(4):785-90. 2013

  38. Singh A, Mohan A, Dey AB, Mitra DK. Inhibiting the programmed death 1 pathway rescues Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific interferon γ-producing T cells from apoptosis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. J Infect Dis. 208(4):603-15. 2013.

  39. Noohu MM, Dey AB, Hussain ME. Relevance of balance measurement tools and balance training for fall prevention in older adults. Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics. 4:1-5. 2013.

  40. Singh A, Dey AB, Mohan A, Sharma PK, Mitra DK. Foxp3+ regulatory T cells among tuberculosis patients: impact on prognosis and restoration of antigen specific IFN-γ producing T cells.PLoS One. 7(9):e44728. 2012

List of chapters in books-       

  1. Dey AB, Prem NN.  International Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. In: Hazzards Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. McGraw Hill Education.7th Edition. Eds Halter JB, Ouslander JG, Studenski S, Asthna S, Supiano MA, Ritchie C. 2017; 83-110.

  2. Dey AB. Gunasekharan V.  Geriatric Syndromes :Practice in an Aging World. Progress in Medicine. Volume 28. 2018. Eds; Handa R. Evangel Publications. 2018: 103-106.

  3. Dey AB. Kandel R. Tuberculosis in old age. In: Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine. Third Edition. Eds: JP Michel, BL Beattie, FC Martin, JD Walston. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2017: 629-635.

  4. Dey, A. B., Hrishikesh I. Medicine in an Ageing World. In S. Kamath (Ed.), API Textbook of Medicine-11th Edition Chatterjee, P., Geriatric Syndromes. In S. Kamath (Ed.), API Textbook of Medicine-11th Edition

    5. Chatterjee, P. (2019). Health and Wellbeing in Late Life: Perspectives and Narratives from India. Springer Singapore.

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