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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Biswadip Chatterjee



2. NAME in HINDI: डॉ. विश्वदीप चटर्जी

3. Designation: Additional Professor of Psychiatry, NDDTC and Department of Psychiatry

4. Designation in Hindi: अपर प्रोफ़ेसर, राष्ट्रीय व्यसन उपचार केंद्र

5. Qualifications: MBBS; M.D. (PSYCHIATRY)

6. Email ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7. Field of interest:

  • Biological and genetic aspect of addictive behaviours

  • Substance Use among adolescents and children

  • Capacity building in the area of substance use

  • Community-based treatment of substance use

8. Speciality clinics and services:

  • Adolescent Drug Treatment Clinic

  • Rehabilitation Services

  • Community Drug Treatment Clinic, Trilokpuri

9. Total number of publications: 47

Full Articles - in indexed journals

  • Chatterjee B*, Jain R, Chawla N, Raghav R. Serum Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) and its correlation with stress and craving in detoxified opioid-dependent subjects. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;102964. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102964

  • Gupta S, Chatterjee B*, Sarkar S, Dhawan A. Change in the profile of the service utilizers of a community-based drug treatment clinic: a retrospective study from India. Journal of Substance Use. 2021 Aug 22;0(0):1–6. DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2021.1968970

  • Jain R, Chatterjee B, Gupta A. Assessment of codeine abuse among substance-abuse patients based on urinalysis: A retrospective study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 Aug 1;62:102719. DOI:10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102719

  • Singh A, Rao R, Chatterjee B, et al. Cognitive functioning in patients maintained on buprenorphine at peak and trough buprenorphine levels: An experimental study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2021;61:102697. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102697

  • Bhatia G, Chatterjee B, Dhawan A. Adolescents, Drugs, and COVID-19: Special Challenges During the Pandemic. Indian J Psychol Med. 2021; XX:1–5. DOI: 10.1177/0253717621988998

  • Gupta S, Bhatia G, Sarkar S, Chatterjee B, Balhara YP, Dhawan A. Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders and its correlates in patients with opioid dependence: An exploratory study. Indian J Psychiatry 2020;62:501-8. DOI: 10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_705_19

  • Dhawan A, Mishra AK, Ambekar A, Chatterjee B, Agrawal A, Bhargava R. Estimating the Size of Substance Using Street children in Delhi Using Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS). Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2019.101890

  • Singh VV, Gupta S, Sarkar S, Chatterjee B. Problematic dicyclomine use: A case report and narrative review. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2020;48:101891. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2019.101891

  • Sagar R, Sahu A, Pattanayak RD, Chatterjee B. Assessment of cognitive functions inipolarI

  • disorder: A 1‐year naturalistic follow‐up study. Bipolar Disorder 2018; 20(3): 248–259. doi:10.1111/bdi.12584.

  • Chawla N, Mandal P, Chatterjee B, Dhawan A. Tramadol associated Pica: A case report. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2019;73(1):43-43. doi:10.1111/pcn.12789

  • Chadda RK, Chatterjee B. Need for psychosocial interventions: From resistance to therapeutic alliance. Indian J Psychiatry 2018;60:440-3

  • Sarkar S, Parmar A, Chatterjee B. Substance use disorders in the elderly: A review. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health 2015; 2:74-82

  • Sahu A, Gupta P, Chatterjee B. Depression is more than just sadness: A case of excessive anger and its management in depression. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2014;36(1):77.

  • Chatterjee B, Sharan P. Tardive dyskinesia in a pregnant woman with low dose, short-duration risperidone: possible role of estrogen-induced dopaminergic hypersensitivity. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2014;26(1):E44–46.

  • Chatterjee B, Quraishi R, Jain R. Sociodemographic and Drug Use Characteristics of Treatment-seeking Cannabis Users at a Tertiary Care Center in India. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment. 2013 Apr;1. DOI: 10.1097/ADT.0b013e31828bf7f2

  • Quraishi R, Jain R, Chatterjee B, Verma A. Laboratory Profiles of Treatment-Seeking Subjects with Concurrent Dependence on Cannabis and Other Substances: A Comparative Study. International Journal of High-Risk Behaviors and Addiction. 2013 Dec 23;2(3):107–11.

  • Chatterjee B, Pattanayak RD, Sagar R. Consultation — liaison in paediatric population. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2012; Supp(1):65-71

  • Chatterjee B. Smokeless evidence. British Dental Journal 2012 21;213(6):263

  • Chatterjee B, Pattanayak RD, Sagar R. Emotional and behavioural issues in a child with leukaemia. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2012; Supp(1):101-104

  • Chatterjee B, Kumar N, Jha S. Role of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Maintenance Treatment of Resistant Depression. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2012;34(3):266-269

Scientific reports:

  • Dhawan A, Chatterjee B, Bhargava R, Mandal M, Rao R, Chopra A. Survey on Substance Use Among School and College Students: Report of the focused thematic study. National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India; 2021

  • Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Chatterjee B, Mandal M. Report of Project Screening & Intervention for Drug/ Substance abuse among School going children in New Delhi. Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, GNCT of Delhi, New Delhi, India; 2021.

  • Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Chatterjee B, Mandal M, Malhotra S. Extent of Mental Health Issues & Addictive Behavior Among Adolescents Seeking Help in Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics, Delhi. Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT Delhi; 2020

  • Dhawan A, Ambekar A, Bhargawa R, Mishra A, Agrawal A, Chatterjee B, Chopra A. Mapping and size estimation of street children who use drugs in Delhi. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E), GoI Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and NDDTC (AIIMS), New Delhi, India; 2016.


  • Chatterjee B, Dhawan A, Mishra S. Training module for Child Welfare Police Officers (CWPO) on adolescent substance use. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi; 2022.

  • Chatterjee B, Dhawan A, Mishra S. Training module for Community based Peer led Intervention (CPLI) workers on adolescent substance use. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi; 2022.

  • Chatterjee B, Dhawan A, Mishra S. Training module for functionaries of Outreach and Drop-In Centre (ODIC) on substance use. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi; 2022.

  • Chatterjee B, Dhawan A, Mishra S. Training module for staffs of Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs) on substance use. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi; 2022.

  • Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Chatterjee B, Mandal M. Prevention and Intervention for Substance Use in Schools Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual for Government Schools, GNCT of Delhi. Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, GNCT of Delhi, New Delhi, India; 2021.

Book chapters:

  • Chatterjee B, Sen MS, Chawla N. Substance use in adolescence. In; Kaloiya GS et al editors. Basics of Addiction Psychology. [ISBN Number: 978-93-5346-328-1]

  • Dhawan A, Chatterjee B. Children with Substance Use. In: Kapoor R et al editors. A Handbook on counselling: for Training, and Skill Development of staff of Child Care Institutions (CCIs). Delhi: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR). 2017. P. 42-53

  • Sharan P, Chatterjee B. Global burden of mental illness. In: Resource book of the PG Diploma on mental health for IGNOU

Abstracts indexed:

  • Kathiresan P, Chatterjee B, Rao R. Night hospitalization as a treatment model for patients with substance use disorders: the concept and its outcome. Indian J Psychiatry 2020:62(SS-1);S20-21

  • Jain R, Ghosh S, Chatterjee B. Critical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse Testing in De-addiction Programs. Indian J Psychiatry 2020:62(SS-1);S153

  • Sagar R, Chatterjee B, Goyal N, Sahu A. Mental Health Promotion and Prevention in school setting: Are we prepared for tomorrow. Indian J Psychiatry 2020:62(SS-1);S154

  • Chatterjee B, Kattula D, Bhatia G, Mishra S. Recovery in Addiction Psychiatry: concept and interventions. Indian J Psychiatry 2020:62(SS-1);S67

  • Jhanjee S, Mandal P, Chatterjee B. Tobacco use in vulnerable populations in India: A review. Indian J Psychiatry 2020:62(SS-1);S93

  • Chatterjee B, Mandal P, Rao R, Kattula D. Rehabilitation of special populations in addiction psychiatry. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2019;35(SS-4):275

  • George AB, Chatterjee B. Substance use and road traffic accidents: a review of critical aspects. Indian J Psychiatry 2019:61(SS-3);S593

  • Verma K, George AB, Chatterjee B. Inhalant use disorders: A review of Recent research. Indian J Psychiatry 2019:61(SS-3);S584

  • Chatterjee B, Quraishi R, Rao R. Genetic aspects of addictive disorders. Indian J Psychiatry 2018:60(SS-1);S26

  • Chatterjee B, Dhawan A, Chopra A, Bhargawa R, Pattanayak RD , Tikoo VK. Profile, pattern and correlates of inhalant use among children in India. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2017;SS-1:88

  • Saini R, Panda UK, Chatterjee B. Stigma and Substance Use Disorders: An Overview. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2017;33(SS-1):S27

  • Chatterjee B, Agarwal A, Lenin Singh RK, Adarkar S, Ambekar A, Rao R, Khandelwal S. "Drug Treatment Clinics": A Government of India Scheme to Promote Affordable, Accessible and Quality Addiction Treatment Services in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2016;58 (Supplement):S29

  • Jhanjee S, Jain R, Chatterjee B, Mandal P. E-Cigarettes Use: Is it an Acceptable Alternative? Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2016; 32(4): 386

  • Mandal P, Chatterjee B, Sagar R, Prakash S. Stigma Towards Mentally Ill Among Health Care Staffs in India and Way Forward. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2016; 32(4): 413

  • Ganesh R, Chatterjee B. Cannabis Use Disorder: Review of Treatment Options. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2016; 32(4): 459

  • Chatterjee B, Mandal P, Sagar R, Kumar N. Attitude towards mentally ill among nursing professionals: Evidence from a tertiary care general hospital. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 57 (Supplement): S92

  • Dhawan A, Chatterjee B, Balhara YPS, Bhargava R. Issues in Child and adolescent substance use. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 57 (Supplement): S186

  • Chatterjee B, Sagar R, Vivekanandan S. Correlation of serum BDNF level with clinical symptom domains in Bipolar Disorder-I. Bipolar Disorders 2014;16(Suppl. 1): 81-82

  • Chatterjee B, Sagar R, Vivekanandan S, Sahu A. Association of serum BDNF with verbal and visual memory deficit in subjects with bipolar disorder-I. Bipolar Disorders 2014;16(Suppl. 1): 66

  • Chatterjee B, Mandal P, Kumar N, Sagar R. Mental illness: Who do the health professionals blame? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013;55(5Suppl 1): S66

  • Sahu A, Chatterjee B, Sagar R. Assessment of cognitive impairment and functional disability in euthymic state in type I bipolar disorder: Is the recovery “complete”? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013;55(5Suppl 1): S81

9. Presentations made at scientific meetings/ conferences/ workshops:

  • Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) and Its Correlates in Detoxified Opioid-dependent Subjects: A Comparative Study. NIDA International Poster Session at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Virtual Scientific Meeting; June 23, 2020

  • Profile, pattern and correlates of inhalant use among children in India. Presented at: 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health; 27-29 October, 2017. Organized by: International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH).

  • Management for Substance Use among Adolescents across Settings. 1st National Conference of Addiction Psychiatry Society of India ‘ADDICON 2021’; 2021 December 10-11; Delhi, India

  • Interventions for Substance use in School Setting: Sharing experiences. 28th National Conference of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry; 2021 November 26–28; Imphal, Manipur, India

  • Addressing substance using children and their psychosocial needs. WASP Asia Pacific Hybrid Congress 2021; 2021 September 16-18; New Delhi, India

  • Mental Health Promotion and Prevention in school setting: Are we prepared for tomorrow. 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society; 2020 January 22-25; Kolkata , India

  • Recovery in Addiction Psychiatry: concept and interventions. 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society; 2020 January 22-25; Kolkata , India

  • Tobacco use in vulnerable populations in India: A review. 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society; 2020 January 22-25; Kolkata , India

  • Night hospitalization as a treatment model for patients with substance use disorders: the concept and its outcome. Contested for K. C. Dube award in 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society; 2020 January 22-25; Kolkata, India

  • Critical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse Testing in De-addiction Programs. 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society; 2020 January 22-25; Kolkata, India

  • Rehabilitation of special populations in addiction psychiatry. 26th Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (NCIASP); 2019, November 30-December 1;Bhubaneswar, India.

  • Trends in the Profiles of the Patients Visiting a Community Based Substance Use Treatment Centre in an Urban Resettlement Colony in India: A Retrospective Chart Review. XXI Annual Meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine; 2019 November 13-16; New Delhi, India.

  • Substance Use in Externalizing Disorders in Adolescence. XXI Annual Meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine; 2019 November 13-16; New Delhi, India.

  • Intervention for Substance Use among Adolescents Across Settings. XXI Annual Meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine; 2019 November 13-16; New Delhi, India.

  • Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) and its correlates in detoxified opioid-dependent subjects: a comparative study. Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry (ANCIABP); 2019 September 20-21; Agra, India

  • Genetics of Alcohol and Opioid dependence. Prevalence, association and implication on treatment outcome. In: 3rd Global conference of Biological Psychiatry, 23-26 August 2018. Mumbai, India

  • Substance use and road traffic accidents: a review of critical aspects. In: 71st Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS-2019), 31st January-03rd February, 2019. Lucknow, India

  • Inhalant use disorders: A review of recent research. In: 71st Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS-2019), 31st January-03rd February, 2019. Lucknow, India

  • Genetic aspects of addictive disorders. Presented at: 70th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, 2018; 5-8 Feb 2018. Organized by: Indian Psychiatric Society, Central institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, India.

  • Drug use problem: Focusing on the population groups with specific needs. Presented at: 1st National Conference on Addiction Psychiatry; 27-29 November, 2017. Organized at: National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India

  • Beyond drug dependence treatment: facilitating rehabilitation and understanding recovery. Presented at: 1st National Conference on Addiction Psychiatry; 27-29 November, 2017. Organized at: National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India

  • Stigma and Substance Use Disorders: An Overview. Presented at: 24th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (NCIASP-2017); 17-19 November 2017. Organized by: Indian Association of Social Psychiatry

10. Funded projects

A. Principal Investigator/Co-PI in funded projects title along with year completed/ongoing

  • Role of specific single-nucleotide gene polymorphisms (SNPs) with treatment adherence and outcome with naltrexone among patients with opioid dependence: A naturalistic follow-up study. Funding agency – ICMR. Year and status 2020 (on-going). Funding amount – INR 50,69,576

  • Role of genetic polymorphism in determining risk and severity of opioid dependence: A case-control study. Funding agency -Intramural funding from AIIMS. Year and status - 2019 (on-going). Funding amount – INR 10,00,000

  • Development of Training Modules on Substance Use for the training of Child Welfare Police Officers, functionaries working in Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs), Out Reach Drop-in Centre (ODICs) and Community Based Peer Led Intervention (CPLIs). Funding agency - MoSJE, GoI. Year and status – 2021 (completed in December 2022). Funding amount - INR 5,69,576

  • A comparative study to assess the autonomic and hemodynamic (fNIRS) changes due to induced stress among detoxified opioid-dependent subjects. Funding agency -Intramural funding from AIIMS. Year and status - 2022 (operative approval awaited). Funding amount - INR 10,00,000

  • Comparison of serum Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) level in detoxified Opioid-dependent subjects with healthy controls. Funding agency – Intramural funding from AIIMS. Year and status - 2017 (completed in April 2019). Funding amount – 2,00,000

B. Co-investigator in funded projects title along with year completed/ongoing

  • Training Medical Officers on Treatment of Substance Use Disorders through an Online Training Programme. Source of funding - National Institute of Social Defence, MoSJE, GoI. Year and current status - 2021 (on-going). Total amount - INR 32,60,000/-

  • Developing and testing an Online Training Programme for Medical Officers on Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Source of funding - National Institute of Social Defence, MoSJE, GoI. Year and current status - 2018 (on-going). Total amount - INR 16,48,500/-

  • Developing and Implementing Training Mechanism for use of Essential Narcotic Drugs (ENDs) for treatment of Opioid Dependence. Source of funding - ‘National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse, NFCDA’ by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. Year and current status - 2017 (on-going) Total amount - INR 76,21,950/-

  • Screening and intervention for substance use among school-going children in Delhi. Source of funding - Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Year and current status – 2019 (completed in 2021). Total amount - INR 80,00,000

  • Establishing and Implementing Capacity Building Mechanisms for Addiction Treatment Facilities in India. Source of funding - Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. Year and current status – 2019 (on-going). Total amount - 15,38,00,000

  • Scheme for establishing Addiction Treatment Facilities (ATFs) in Govt Hospitals. Source of funding - Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India Year and current status – 2019 (on-going) Total amount - Flexible budget (approx. 62,48,03,025)

  • Scheme for Strengthening DDAP: Establishment of DTCs. Source of funding Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Drug De Addiction Programme (DDAP), GoI. Year and current status – 2014 (on-going) Total amount - Flexible budget (renewal every year)

  • Extent of mental health issues and addictive behaviour among adolescents seeking help in Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHCs) in Delhi. Funding agency – Govt. of India as a part of ROP 2018-19 under National Health Mission. Year and current status - 2018 (completed in 2020). Total amount - 18,85,000

  • Survey on substance use among school and college students. Source of funding - MoSJE, GoI. Year and current status - 2017 (completed in 2020). Total amount - Approx. INR 20 lakhs

  • Mapping and size estimation of the street children who use drugs in Delhi. Funding agency – Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment (MoSJE, GoI) Year and current status - 2015 (completed). Total amount - 18,81,000

11. Non funded projects

  1. Principal Investigator/Co-PI in non-funded projects title along with year completed and ongoing

  • Retrospective study to analyze the profile, the pattern of substance use and outcome of treatment of adolescent patients who sought treatment for opioid use. Current status: 2022 (on-going)

  • COVID-19 experience and literacy among substance use disorder (SUD) patients. Current status: 2022 (on-going)

  • Assessment of impact of COVID-19 and related measures on substance use and associated factors among treatment-seeking adults. Current status: 2020 (on-going)

  • Assessment of impact of COVID-19 and related measures on substance use and associated factors among treatment-seeking adolescents. Current status: 2020 (on-going)

  • Night hospitalization as a model for rehabilitation of patients with substance use disorders. Current status: 2019 (completed)

  • Profile of patients seeking treatment at community substance use clinic in an urban resettlement area in Delhi. Current status: 2019 (on-going)

  • Predictors of non-adherence to naltrexone maintenance treatment in opioid-dependent individuals. Current status: 2018 (on-going)

B. Co- investigator in non-funded projects title along with year completed and ongoing

  • Urinary ethyl glucuronide testing to detect recent alcohol use among opioid-dependent patients maintained on buprenorphine. 2022 (on-going)

  • Experience of Patients on Methadone Maintenance Treatment Receiving Take Home Methadone Doses During Covid-19 Pandemic In India: A Mixed-Method Study. Year and current status - 2021 (ongoing)

  • A study to assess seroprevalence of viral hepatitis and setting up referral mechanisms for further intervention for persons who inject drugs seeking treatment from an addictive disorders treatment centre. Year and current status 2018 (on-going)

  • Adult ADHD in patients with opioid dependence: An exploratory study. Year and current status - 2018 (completed)

  • Factors affecting outcome in terms of agonist versus antagonist management in adolescents with opioid dependence. Year and current status - 2017 (on-going)

12. Thesis supervised for MD/ DM:

As guide (number only): Two

As co-guide (number only): Six

  • Assessment of clinical and HPA axis hormones in response to stress challenge in buprenorphine-maintained patients: An exploratory study.

  • A Pilot Study on Dropouts in Adolescent Outpatients with Substance Use Disorder

  • Assessment of clinical and neuroendocrine response to induced stress in detoxified opioid dependent subjects

  • Association of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) Levels with Severity of Alcohol Dependence in Treatment-Seeking Patients of Alcohol Dependence: An Exploratory Study

  • Family Functioning and Parenting styles in Adolescent Substance Use

  • Assessment of factors associated with short term retention of opioid dependent subjects on oral naltrexone

  • Cognitive functioning in buprenorphine maintained opioid dependent patients at peak and trough buprenorphine levels: An experimental study

  • A comparative study of pattern and severity of substance use and co-morbidity among out-patient youth and older adult opioid users

13. Significant events/achievements/awards

  • Best research paper award for the year 2017-18 on the occasion of the 63rd Institute Day of AIIMS. This award was for publishing the article “Sagar R, Sahu A, Pattanayak RD, Chatterjee B. Assessment of cognitive functions in bipolar I disorder: A 1‐year naturalistic follow‐up study. Bipolar Disorder 2018; 20(3): 248–259. doi:10.1111/bdi.12584.” in journal with highest impact factor.

  • Best stall” award for the year 2018 was won by the Rehabilitation Services of NDDTC as a part of the celebration for the 63rd Institute Day of AIIMS, Delhi.

  • Awarded BMJ SOUTH ASIA AWARD 2016 as a team member for “Scheme for Strengthening DDAP: Establishment of DTCs. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Drug De Addiction Programme (DDAP)” under the category Best NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR

  • Recipient of 1st prize for best oral presentation titled “Impact of age at onset on course of Bipolar Disorder - I: A comparative study of early-onset versus adult-onset illness from India” at 13th Congress of ASEAN Federation of Psychiatry & Mental Health; 2012 November 16-17; Singapore.

  • Recipient of 1st prize for best poster presentation titled “Comparison of various socio-demographic and attitudinal variables in relation to choice of coercive setting among Para-medical professionals working in a general hospital” at First Indo-European Symposium on Coercion; 2013 February 1-3; Mysore, India.

  • Recipient of ICMR Thesis financial assistance under MD/MS/DM/MCH Thesis Financial Assistance Programme of ICMR, Manpower Development.4.

  • International Travel Grant Award from ICMR to attend 16th Annual Conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders. 2014 March 18-21; Seoul , Korea.

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