Purchase of Modular Multipara Monitor with Integrated Automating Charting System Up-gradable for ICU Monitoring System-61Nos. + Central Stations-03 Nos.. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2025/B/5869669 Dated: 25-01-2025, End Dt. 24.02.2025. Pre-bid is on 06.02.2025 at 12.00 Noon). ) Tender No.172/CNC/Cardio/2024-25/St.
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Purchase of Modular Multipara Monitor with Integrated Automating Charting System Up-gradable for ICU Monitoring System-61Nos. + Central Stations-03 Nos.. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2025/B/5869669 Dated: 25-01-2025, End Dt. 24.02.2025. Pre-bid is on 06.02.2025 at 12.00 Noon).) Tender No.172/CNC/Cardio/2024-25/St.
Tender No.172/CNC/Cardio/2024-25/St.
GeM bid No.GEM/2025/B/5869669 Dated: 25-01-2025, End Dt. 24.02.2025. Pre-bid is on 06.02.2025 at 12.00 Noon).
Purchase of Modular Multipara Monitor with Integrated Automating Charting System Up-gradable for ICU Monitoring System-61Nos. + Central Stations-03 Nos.. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29
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