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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Proactive Disclosure of Department of Transfusion Medicine

Equipments Procured Since 2007

S.No. Equipment Name Name of Manufacture Name of Supplier Year of Purchase Cost of Procurement Recommended frequency for maintenance (Yearly, half yearl, montly, quarterly) Date of Last Maintenance Check Whether functional or not If not functional detail of action taken
1 NAT Lab. Novartis Hemogenics 2009 Rs 6760000 Maintained by the firm Maintained by the firm Functional


2 Automated ELISA Processor Davinci Biomeroux 2008 Rs 374400 Half Yearly 23/3/12 Functional


3 Automated ELISA Processor Davinci Biomeroux 2008 Half Yearly 23/3/12 Functional


4. Blood Bank Refrigerator Helmer Medicon 2008 USD 5700 Half Yearly 21/2/12 Functional


5. Blood Bnak Refrigerator Helmer Medicon 2008 USD 5700 Half Yearly 21/2/12 Functional


6 Blood Bank Refrigerator Helmer Medicon 2008 USD 5700 Half Yearly 21/2/12 Functional


7 Blood Bank Refrigerator Frimed Medicon 2010 EURO 4000 Half Yearly 12/2/12 Functional


8. Blood Bank Refrigerator Terumo PenPol AVN Health Care 2011 Rs 331878  Half Yearly 21/2/12 Functional


9. Blood Bank Refrigerator Terumo PenPol AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 330151 Half Yearly Recently Received Functional


10 -80CFreezer Thermo Towa Optics 2008 USD 6142.50 Half Yearly 10/3/12 Functional


11 -80C Freeze Haier Advance Biosciences 2010 USD 8797.50 Half Yearly 26/12/12 Functional


12 Contact Shock Freezer Dometic Sripad 2011 EURO 39033 Half Yearly 22/2/12 Functional


13 Refrigerated Blood Bag Centrifuge Thermo NACO 2009 Provided by NACO Half Yearly 10/3/12 Functional


14 Component Balance Insignia Insignia 2009 100000 Half Yearly 18/2/12 Functional


15 Cell Counter AL System Spectrum 2010 EUOR 6418.75 Half Yearly 23/1/12 Functional


16 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Life Biosciences 2008 Euor 1215 Half Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


17 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Life Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Halfy Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


18 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Life Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Half Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


19 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Life Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Half Yearly 120/2/12 Functional


20 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Life Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Haly Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


21 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve M/S Life Biosciences 2008 Euor 1215 Haly Yearly 10/2/112 Functaional


22 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve M/S Life Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Half Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


23 Table Top Centrifuge Nuve Lif Biosciences 2008 Euro 1215 Halfy Yearly 10/2/12 Functional


24 Automated Blood Grouping Machine Diagast Biomerioux 2007 Rs 6440779 Halfy Yearly 1/3/12 Functional


25 ELISA reader Robonik NACO 2008 Proviced by NACO Haly Yearly 5/1/12 Functional


26 ELISA Plate Washer Robonik NACO 2008 Provided by NACO Haly Yearly 5/1/12 Functional


27 Platelet Agiator Helmer Medicon 2008 Rs 430250 Halfy Yearly 2/2/12 Functional


28 Platelet agitator Terumo PenPol AVN Health Care 2011 Rs 353621 Halfy Yearly 3/2/12 Functional


29 Bact Alert Biomerioux Biomerioux 2008 Rs 1040000 Halfy Yearly 12/2/12 Functional


30 Donor Couch Frasinius SR Biohealth 2008 Euro 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


31 Donor Couch Frasinisu SR. Biohealth 2008 Euor 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


32 Donor Couch Frasinius SR Biohealth 2008 Euro 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


33 Donor Couch Frasinius SR Health 2008 Euro 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


34 Donor Couch Frasinius SR Biohealth 2008 Euro 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


35 Donor Couch Frasinius SR Biohealth 2008 Euro 2650 Halfy Yearly 9/2/12 Functional


36 Donor Couch Sapn Health Care Span Health Care 2011 Rs 118125 Halfy Yearly 23/2/12 Functional


37 Donoru Couch Sapan Health Care Span Health Care 2011 Ra 118125 Halfy Yearly 23/2/12 Functional


38 Donor Cocuch Insignia Insignia 2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


39 Donr Couch Insignia Insiginia 2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


40 Donor Couch Insignia   2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


41 Donor Couch Insignia Insignia 2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


42 Donor Couch Insignia Insignia 2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


43 Donor Couch Insignia Insignia 2009 Rs 51133 Halfy Yearly 6/1/12 Functional


44 Multi Head Tube Sealer Fenwal REMI 2011 USD 7415 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


45 Battery Operated Single Tube Sealer Span Span 2009 Rs 156000 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


46 Single Head Tube Sealer Teru;mo PenPol AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121250 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


47 Single Head Tube Sealer Terumo AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121250 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


48 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


49 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal RREMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


50 Bloold Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functinoal


51 Blood Collection Monitror Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


52 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


53 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


54 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


55 Blood Collection Monitor Fenwal REMI 2011 Rs 164230 Halfy Yearly 3/4/12 Functional


56 Blood Collection Monitor Terumo  AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121390 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


57 Blood Collection Monitor Terumo AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121390 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional



58 Blood Collection Monitor Terumo AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121390 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


59   Blood Collection Monitor Terumo AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121390 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


60 Blood Collection Monitor Terumo AVN Health Care 2012 Rs 121390 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


61 Component Balance Insignia Rahul Diagnostic 2010 Rs 100000 Halfy Yearly 18/2/12 Functional


62 Analytical Balance Sartorius HP Scientific 2012 Rs 87750 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


63 Plasma Defroster Barkey REMI 2012 Rs 2500 Halfy Yearly Recently Received Functional


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