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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

Dr. Ranga Travel Grant



Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 29

No.F.9-12/85-Acad.II (Vol..III)                                                                                                                  Dated: 6th, Aug., 2007



SUBJECT: Nomination for the Award of  "DR. RANGA TRAVEL GRANT".

It is circulated for information of all concerned that the Institute has instituted the award of "Dr. Ranga Travel Grant".

1.          The criteria for selection of the awardees are as follows:-

i)     All the Senior Residents, Senior Demonstrators, Junior Residents, Junior Demonstrators and Ph.D. students will be eligible for this award.

ii)    Those students who are entitled to get TA/DA under the research scheme in which they are employed will not be entitled to be considered for this award.

iii)     Such  travel  grant awards will be given for  attending  national  and  International conferences held in India.

iv)    Only actual train fare by First Class or Second Class air conditioned coach subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,000 will be paid to the awardee.

v)    The candidate will be entitled for this award only once in three years.  The award will be given to a candidate, who has not availed it within last three years.  However if no such candidate is available, the request may be considered.

2.             No candidate will be considered for this award until: -

     (a)      He/she is the first author of the paper to be presented.

     (b)      He/She will present the paper himself/herself.

     (c)      His/her paper has been accepted for presentation.

3.           Only one candidate will be awarded travel grant for a particular conference.

4.         In case of large number of applications for a particular conference, preference will be given (a) according to seniority (b) to the  one who has not availed of this award earlier.

5.         The decision of the Dean and Director for the award/travel grant will be final.

Applications for the above-mentioned award are, therefore, invited from interested Senior Residents, Senior Demonstrators, Junior Residents, Junior Demonstrators and Ph.D.  Students on the prescribed format through   their respective heads of the Department latest by the 30th September, 2007.   for  the conferences covered during the period from October,2007  to March, 2008.  Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.


                                                                                                                                     ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER




1.         Name of the applicant                                                         :

2.         Designation                                                                        :

3.         Date of Birth                                                                       :

4.        Date, month & year of  registration / joining the post         :

5.         Particulars of the Conference Symposium etc. viz                 :

            name, dates month & year, place (venue) etc., which

            he/she will like to attend.

5.        Whether he/she has availed  of this award earlier?                 :

           If so, please give full details, month & year of

           award etc.

7.         Whether he/she will present  the paper himself/herself.          :

8.          Whether  he/she is the first  author of the paper?                 :

            (Please attach a photocopy of abstract  of the paper

            to be presented in the conference, symposium etc.)

9.         Whether the paper has been accepted for presentation?        :

            (Please attach a photocopy of  the  acceptance letter

            from the sponsor of  the conference/symposium etc.)

10.       Any other details                                                                :

11.       Encls. attached         (1)  



Dated _____________      Signatures of the candidate ________________________

                                                Designation _______________________________

                                                Department  _______________________________



                                Signature of H.O.D._________________________

                                Department _______________________________

                                Date ____________________________________

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