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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142


The Year 1990-91


Deputy Director R.S. Tyagi
System Analyst S.Kailash
Application Programmers S.N. Ragu Kumar
  Satish Prasad
  N. Gnanasekaran
  G.V. Raju
  P.M. Shrote



A course in understanding of computers and usage of DOS,WS,DBASE, was organised for the U.G. students in summer vacations.


A course in computer programming for 40 hours comprising of theory and practical was conducted for the postgraduate students of biotechnology.

A course in computer programming and understanding personal computers for 40 hours comprising of theory and practical were conducted for the M.D. and Ph. D. students of Dept. of Biochemistry.


Research Continuing

Study in displacement threshold of eyes(with R.P.Centre)

Placental volume measurement by ultrasound and fetal outcome in terms of Intrauterine growth retardation(with Obstetrics & Gynecology).

Awards, Distinctions & Events


Dr. R.S. Tyagi visited International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste,Italy, a UNESCO & IAEA Institution in connection with the award of Associate membership of ICTP, which has been conferred on him for the period Jan 1988-Dec 1993.

Hospital & Community Services

Hospital Services

The main aim of the facility is to run the mainframe computer for the hospital. Hospital services presently are in Casualty, Medical records, Private wards, Laboratories, Central labs for private wards patients, Nursing roster, Crystalloid and laundry.Besides the computer facility is also engaged in finance and accounts, administration, estate and stores sections.It also provides access to computers for all users for word processing database, spreadsheets computation, printing and plotting facilities for thesis, publication, presentation and teaching aids.

A charge of Rs. 1 per page for laser printing of thesis is made to all students.

Computerised Patient Care System(PCS) was implemented in Central Admission, Medical Records, Laboratories, Private Wards, Blood Bank, Nursing Roster during the year under review.

The extent of services to the Hospital, Departments, Administration & Library, continue for the year 1990-91 as in the previous year.

A Software Package was developed for National Medical Journal Information System .

Trainees/ Visitors

Two teams one headed by Deputy Secretary of Health, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, and the other headed by Secretary of Health of Assam visited the computer facility for seeking advice on computerisation of health services of the state.

Three training programs have been conducted for the faculty, nursing / hospital staff and administrative staff on the use of computers for patient care activities.


Papers Published

1.Chirala SK, Ragu Kumar SN. Area normalization of renal region of interests in radio nuclide renography data analysis: a misconception, Int J Radiat Appl Instrum (Part A: Appl Radiat Isot) 1990; 41: 243-245.

2.Kumar R, Vaidya MC , Kailash S. HLA analysis in population with non-specific aorto arthritis. Indian Heart J 1990: 42 :85-87.

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