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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142





Professor & Head Department of Onco-Ansesthesia,Pain and Palliative care

Editor, Indian Journal of Palliative Care

Room No-242, 2nd Floor

Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

New Delhi 110029, India

Tel # 091-11- 26565457, M # 9811326453, Telefax 91-11-26588227

E-mail # यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. , यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.


  1. To increase the knowledge and awareness  of Cancer Pain Management and Palliative care amongst the public and medical community.
  2. To see smiling pain free cancer patients.




  • Cancer Pain Management and Palliative Care
  • Onco-Anaesthesia




  • Teaching Anaesthesiology,Pain and Palliative care  to Senior Residents.
  • Teaching Pain & Palliative Care to MBBS, MD, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Nursing Students.
  • Keynote Lectures at Various National and International Conferences.
  • Supervisor & Co-Supervisor of Phd, MD  of Palliative Medicine, Radiotherapy, Medical Oncology and General Surgery, student of Theology from Belgium and student of psychology from Delhi University.







2011-till date

Professor and Head

Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


Additional Professor

Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,New Delhi

2003 – 2007

Associate Professor

Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

1999 – 2003

Assistant Professor

Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Oct 1995 – Dec 1998

Associate Professor

Rajawadi Municipal Hospital, Mumbai

Sept 1991– Oct 1995

Assistant Professor

Rajawadi Municipal Hospital, Mumbai









1986 – 1991

SMS Medical college, MD (Anaesthesiology)


1981 – 1986

SMS Medical College, MBBS


2011 – 2013

Cardiff University, MSc in Palliative Medicine





  1. Organized International Neuropathic Pain Update in the month of Nov. 2016 at India Habitate Centre.


  1. Organizing Chairperson of Scientific Program of 23rd International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care Feb. 2016 at, Pune, India.


  1. Organized Ultrasound Guided workshop at International Conference on Recent Advances in Pain at Kolkatta in August 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.


  1. Organized workshop on Basic on Palliative Care at Government Medical College Jodhpur in June, 2015.


  1. Organized Ultrasound Guided workshop at AIIMS,Jodhpur on May 17th,2014


  1. Chief Coordinator of ‘IAPC affiliated basic course in Palliative Care’ which is held twice in a year in the month of June and November at Dr. B.R.A. Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


  1. Organizing Chairperson of Scientific Program of 21st International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care from 14-17th Feb. 2014 at, Bhuvneshwar, India.



  1. Organized 1-15th Foundation Course on Palliative Care every year in the month of February. Last course was conducted in the month of Feb. 2014.



  1. Organizing Chairperson of 2nd International conference on Interventional Pain Management from 24th -26th Aug 2012, New Delhi.



10. Organizing Co-chairperson of Scientific Program of 19th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care from 9-12th Feb. 2012 at Kolkata, India.



11. Organizing Chairperson of Scientific Program of 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care from 11-13th Feb. 2011 at SGPGI, Lucknow, India.



12. Organized CME on Pain Management on 4th Oct. 2009 at Dr. B.R.A. Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, ALL India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.



13. Organizing Secretary of 16th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care from 13-15th Feb. 2009 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.



14. Organized Workshop on Cancer Pain Relief and Morphine Availability for Medical Professionals, Drug Controllers and Legislators in Meerut, India in Feb. 2008.



15. Organized Workshop on Cancer Pain Relief and Morphine Availability for Medical Professionals, Drug Controllers and Legislators in SGPGI, Lucknow, India in Feb. 2007.



16. Organized Workshop on Cancer Pain Relief and Morphine Availability for Medical Professionals, Drug Controllers and Legislators in Agra, India in Feb. 2006.



17. Organized one day Workshop on Cancer Pain Relief by Morphine Availability for Medical Professionals, Drug Controllers and Legislators, June 2002, New Delhi.






1)    IASP Council Board Member of Internation Association of Study of Pain for six years.


2)    ‘Chief Editor’ of Indian Journal of Palliative Care since 2009.


3)    Appointed as Board of Directors of International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) in 2014 for three years.


4)    ‘Deputy Team leader’ of Training-of-Trainers in Palliative CareProgramme by Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network, 2012-2016.


5)    Appointed as ‘Master mentor’ of Palliative care program in India.


6)    Recepient of “Award of Excellence in Palliative Medicine amongst SAARC countries” at 21st International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care in 2014.


7)    Recepient of ‘Susan Raj Pain Physician of the year 2012-2013 Award” at World Institute of Pain conference in Nov. 2013,Kolkata


8)    Dr. Prithivi Raj Oration Lecture “Evidence Based Chronic Pain Management” at 2nd International conference on Interventional Pain Management from 24th -26th Aug 2012.



9)    Recipient of ‘IASP Award for Excellence in Clinical Research or Practice and/or Policy Changes in Pain Management in the Developing Countries’, at the 14th World Congress on Pain at Milan in Aug. 2012.



10) Received an Award for outstanding abstract presentation in 1st Global Conference on Peri-operative care in Nov. 2012 at MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, Texas.



11) Nominated as Expert by WHO for IMPACT Mission to Khartoum, Sudan, from 23 – 26th April 2012 to assess Palliative care status of country.



12) Selected the member of Organizing Committee of 1st, 2nd, 3rd  & 4th  International Conference on Opioids at Boston, USA held in June 2011-2014.



13) Member of the Development of Implementing Framework for Palliative Care Across India. Appointed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of 2012. 



14) Faculty for Training-of-Trainers in Palliative CareProgramme by Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network, 2012-2014.



15) Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Anaesthesiology (2012-2016).



16) Editorial Board Member of Annals of Palliative Medicine (2012-2016).


17) Section Editor of Recent Advances in Pain.



18) Nominated as Honorary faculty for certificate course of Indian Association of Palliative Care.2010



19) Nominated as member of Task Force of National Cancer Control Program, India.



20) Reviewer of International Journals: British Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Journal of Anaesthesiology, Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care and American Journal of Oncolgy. ’



21) Participated in educational activity entitled “Achieving a Balance: Pain Management and Risk of Opioid Misuse and Abuse” organized by Postgraduate Institute of Medicine held on 31st Aug. 2010- Montreal, Canada.



22) Organized six workshops at various State Medical Colleges of Uttar Pradesh to increase the awareness of Cancer Pain Management.



23) Best research protocol presentation award at AIIMS golden Jubilee celebration 2007 at AIIMS, New Delhi.



24) Best Paper award in Biennial Conference of Research Society of Anesthesiologist held on 10-12th Nov. 2006 at Armed force medical College, Pune.



25) Best Poster award in Biennial Conference of Research Society of Anesthesiologist held on 10-12th Nov. 2006 at Armed force medical College, Pune.



26) Member of International participants meeting on ‘Pain Survey’ in Asia-Pacific Region held on 28th Oct. 2006 at Singapore.




  • Member of International Association of study of Pain.
  • Member of World Institute of Pain
  • Member of European Association of Palliative Care
  • Member of International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care.
  • Member of American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Life Member of Indian Society of Anesthesiology.
  • Life Member of Indian Association of Palliative Care.
  • Life Member of Research Society of Anesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology.
  • Life Member of Indian Society of Critical care.
  • Life member of Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesia
  • Life member of Indian Society of Oncology.
  • Life member of Indian Society of Study of Pain.



      Ph D # 7

      MD/MS # 8

      MSc Nursing # 2


Supervised Ms. Caroline Barry medical student from Hull York Medical School, University of York, Heslington, York, UK, Y010 5DD. as observership from 1ST Oct.2007 to 7th Oct.2007.


Supervised PhD thesis of Theology Student from Belgium.


Supervised PhD thesis of Psychology student from Delhi University.


Ongoing Phd – 4




  1. Sushma Bhatnagar, Rakesh Garg. Cancer Pain in children. In: Muralidhar Joshi, editor. Text book of Pain Management. 3rd Edition. Paras Medical Publisher.
  2. Sushma Bhatnagar, Rakesh Garg, Nishkarsh Gupta. Recent Advances in Oncoanesthesia. In: Raminder Sehgal, Anjan Trikha. Year Book of Anaesthesiology 2016, Volume 5. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd..

How to start and Run a Pain Clinic “Palliative care in Pain Management” Sushma Bhatnagar 252-257,Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,New Delhi

  1. Freedom from Pain.  “Interventional Pain Management Technique  in Cancer Patients” Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Surjya Upadhaya, Page number 19-29; IK International House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi


  1. Freedom from Pain ‘Experience of Paedratic Cancer pain Management at IRCH, AIIMS; Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Page number 214-219; 2009; IK International House Pvt.LTD. New Delhi


  1. Dental Horizons. “Palliative Dentistry” Sushma Bhatnagar, Vijay P Mathur, Shiv P Rana. Page number 82-88; Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad and New Delhi.


  1. Text Book of Geriatric Medicine.‘Palliative care for the terminal cancer’ Alka Goyal and Sushma 703-705;Pras Medical Publisher,Hyderabad and New Delhi.




Book Edited

Freedom from Pain. 2009, IK International House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi


Book in the process

 A hand book on Cancer Pain Management from developing countries perspective by IASP PRESS




























  1. Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Status of Cancer Pain Management in Developing Countries.’  World Institute of Pain Conference at Newyork in the month of May 2016.


  1. As Faculty for a TrainingTraining-of-Trainers in Palliative Care Programme, on 10-16th March, 2016 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  1. Delivered Key note lecture on ‘Neuropathic pain management in resource poor countries’ during the international Neuropathic Pain update in Nov. 2016.


  1. Delivered key note lecture on “Consequences of therapeutic progress on patient care’ during the inaugral session meeting of Indo-Frech collaboration in Nov. 2015.


  1. Attend the AIIHPC Global colloquium on Palliative Care meeting on 14-15th Oct, 2015 at Dublin.


  1. External Faculty to Conduct Training Training-of-Trainers in Palliative Care Programme, on 10-17th Sept, 2015Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  1. Invited to Deliver Plenary Lecture on Newer Opioids- Threat to Oral Morphine in South East Asian Countries at Asia Pacific Hospice Network on 30th April to 3rd May, 2015 at Taiwan


  1. Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Status of Palliative Care in Developing Countries.’ At Philedelhia, organized by American Assocoation of Hospice and Palliative Care in Feb, 2015.


  1. As Faculty Training of Trainers in Palliative Care Program  at Lien Collaborative for Palliative Care, on 30-11-2014 to 06-12-2014 at Sri Lanka


10. As Faculty for a TrainingTraining-of-Trainers in Palliative Care Programme, Dhaka, Bangladesh 8th-14th August 2014


11. Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Status of Palliative Care in Developing Countries.’ At Luven University, Belgium in June, 2013.


12. Selected as International faculty by the Lien Collaborative Singapore, Programme for Palliative Care in Bangladesh held at Bangladesh and SriLanka.


13. Invited forGrand round from MD Anderson Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA in Nov. 2012.


14. Invited for oral presentation on “Pulsed RFA of Mandibular and Maxillary Nerve in Orofacial pain in advanced Head and Neck Cancer patients- A randomized clinical controlled study”, in 3rd World Congress of the International Academy of oral Oncology held from 14th-17th July, 2011 at Singapore. abstract/oral oncology 47 (2011) S28-S73.


15. Invited as a faculty and juryfor defense of dissertation of a theology student on 24th April, 2010 at Promotion Hall, Naamestraat 22 atLuven, Belgium.


16. Invited forElective Rotation fellowship from MD Anderson Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA for 15 days. From 5th May, 2008.


17. Invited for Educational activity titled Clinical and Pharmacological Perspective on Opiods Use - Evidenced Based Strategies for Risk Assessment and Attenuation” at Tempa FL on May 10, 2008 and is awarded 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s).


18. Online course completed titled “Increasing Patient Access to Pain Medicine around the world – A frame work to improve National Policies that Govern Drug Distribution” Pain and Policy Studies Group- WHO Collaborating Center for Policy and Communication on Dec. 19th, 2008.


19. Visited the Centre Hospitalier Regional Universities de Lille, France for one month, had scientific collaboration and written joint paper May- June 2007.


  1. Invited to attend one month Advance course in Palliative Care at Sir Sobell House, Churchill Hospital, Oxford University, OXFORD, UK. 25th May- 21st June 2003.


  1. Invited to attend Advance Course in Pain and Symptom Management on 19-23rd June, 2003 at University of New Castle and awarded CME credit 13.





  1. As an External Faculty “IAPC Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care” on 2-3rd July, 2016 at Rajasthan.


  1. As a Speaker “Workshop on International Update on Pain Management &Palliative Care advance” on 25th June, 2016 at Dehradun.


  1. Workshop on Palliative and Supportive Care 12th International conference of Asian Clinical Oncology Society(ACOS) on 8-10 April 2016 at Hotel the Ashok, New Delhi, India


  1. Meeting on Project: - “Advance stage cancer pain  management evaluation of Yogic breathing intervention on biochemical markers, patients pain perception quality  of life” on 26th Feb, 2016  at National Institute of Mental health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) at Bangalore.


  1. As a faculty member & Speaker “31st Annual National Conference of ISSPCON”  on 5-7 Feb , 2016 at Indore 


  1. Co- Chairperson “23rd International conference of “Indian Association of Palliative Care” (IAPCON 2016) on 12-14th Feb, 2016 at Pune.


  1. To Attend the Foundation Course IAPC “International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person Foundation Course in IAPC on 11-13th Jan, 2016 at Bangalore.



  1. Plenary lecture “Ultrasound Guided Blocks in Cancer Pain Patients at National Conference of Indian Association of Study of Pain in Feb. 2016.


  1. Invited as Examiner MD, Palliative Medicine by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.


10. Main Resource Person and Workshop Coordinator  “Workshop on Research & Publication”  on 6th Dec 2015 at Circle Club, Kolkata


11. As a Faculty “4th ICPM Conference “on 7-9 Nov, 2015 at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India


12. Conduct a CME & Workshop “CME cum Workshop on Pain and Palliative Medicine” on 21st August, 2015 at Amritsar.


13. As a guest faculty “1st COPAC Conference (Cancer Anaesthesia, Pain & Critical Care” on  1-2 Aug, 2015 at Bangalore.


14. As a Faculty “International Conference on recent advances in Pain” on 28-30 Aug, 2015 at Kolkata.


15. As a Gust Faculty “4th Education in Cancer Pain (ECAP)  Conference on 11-12th July, 2015 “at Mumbai


16. As a Speaker CME on Palliative Care on 22nd June, 2015 at  Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur.


17. As a National Faculty of IAPC on 20-21 June, 2015 at Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCH & RCH), Jaipur.


18. As an External Examiner for conducting MD (Palliative Medicine) Practical Examination on 4th June, 2015 at Mumbai.


19. As a Faculty “CME cum Workshop on USG guided interventional Pain Management” on 29th March, 2015 at Patna


20. As a Lead Facilitator and Faculty “22nd International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care” on 13-15th Feb, 2015 at Hyderabad.


  1. A Postoperative Pain Meeting (EPOCH) on 18th Jan, 2015 at Mumbai.


22. Plenary lecture “Ultrasound Guided Blocks for Chronic Pain at Tata Memorial Hospital in July, 2015.


23. Plenary lecture “Application of evidence based medicine in public policy matters’ during the 21st International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care in Feb.2014.


24. Invited lecture ‘Chronic Cancer pain syndrome’ during National conference of Indian Association of Study of Pain at DYPatil Medical College, Navi Mumbai in Feb.2014.


25. Plenery lecture ‘Myths and misconception of Oral Opiods for pain relief’ on June 26th during UN International Drugs abuse day organized by Ministry of Defence at Sirifort Auditorium in June 2014.


26. Invited lecture ‘Cancer Pain in India- Challenges and Opportunites’ Tata Memorial Hospital in Aug.2013


27. Invited lecture “Ambulatory patient analgesia newer developments” at SMS Medical College,Jaipur in June 2013.


28. Invited for lecture “Palliative Care beyond pain” at World Institute of Pain conference on Nov. 15th, 2013 at Kolkata.


29. Invited as an Examiner of IAPC certificate course in Palliative care at Acharya Haihar Regional Cancer Centre on 17th Aug, 2013 at Cuttack.


30. Faculty for IAPC basic certificate course held 22-23rd Jun, 2013 at Jaipur.


31. Key note lecture on “Evidence Based Ultrasound Guided Neurolytic Block” at ISSPCON 2013, at Nagpur, Maharashtra on 1st -3rdFeb 2013.


32. Dr. Prithivi Raj Oration Lecture “Evidence Based Chronic Pain Management” at 2nd International conference on Interventional Pain Management from 24th -26th Aug 2012.

33. Keynote Lecture on “Audit in Palliative Care” at 19th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care at Banglore.

34. Invited lecture “Use of oral morphine for pain management – Introduction, Safeguards, rational use” CIP, Ranchi on 19th March 2012.

35. Invited for lecture on “Use of oral morphine for pain management – Introduction, safeguards, rational use” at KEM Mumbai on 21st Feb 2012.


36. Co-Chairperson, Speaker, Lecture “Palliative care Research-Indian Scenario” at 19th International conference of IAPC, Kolkata on 10-12th Feb 2012.

37. Invited for lecture “Use of oral morphine for pain management – Introduction, Safeguards, rational use” Govt Medical College, Chandigarh On 14th  Nov.2012.

38. Invited  for lecture in 18th National Conference of Indian Society of Study of Pain at PGI Chandigarh on 11-13th Feb. 2011

39. Invited for lecture in a workshop on Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia as a Guest Faculty to share experience and expertise in the field at Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon on 13th March 2011.

40. Invited for lecture on April 10th, 2011 on use of oral morphine for pain management – introduction, safeguards, rational use byDeptt. Of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India for a national exercise on National capacity building of medical professionals on treatment of substance use disorders’’.   

41. Invited to attend 6th Conference in the series on All India Students’ Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest (AISSQ2011) as a Speakers, Session Chairs, Co-Chairs and Participants. at Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi on 13th March 2011.

42. Invited for lecture on Workshop “Pain Management (including opioids for moderate to severe cancer pain)” on 21st February 2011 at New Delhi.

  1. 43.  Invited chairperson a sessiononPalliative and supportive care. ICON – Indian Co- operative Oncology Network on 24th March, 2011.

44. Invited Judge poster session in 2nd Conference of the Asian Society of Neuro-Anaesthesia and Critical Care & 12th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Neuro-Anaesthesia & Critical Care to be held on 26th February 2011 at New Delhi.

45. Invited Guest speaker – “Ultrasound guided Neurolytic blocks in abdominal malignancy” in the conference 26th Annual National Conference of Indian Society for study of pain to be held form 18th to 20th February 2011 at Chandigarh.

46. Invited Faculty in the CME on Pain & Palliative Care to be held on 24th October in Association of Oncologists of North East India, Guwahati.

47. Invited for lecture “Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients”  held on 18th September 2010 at Regional Cancer Centre, Tripura.

  1. 48.  Invited as an Examiner of IAPC certificate course in Palliative care on 14th Aug. 2010 at Jaipur.

49. Invited Guest lecturer inCME on Pain Management held on 21st Aug. 2010 at Guwahati.

50. Invited Panelist in the Symposium on Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Anesthesia for Cancer Surgery held from 26-27th June 2010 at Mumbai.

  1. 51.  Invited lecture in a Workshop on Ultrasound Guided Nerve Block held on 4th April, 2010 at Mumbai.

52. Keynote speaker in Pain Management workshop for young pain physician organized by Department of Anaesthesiology, Dayanand Medical College  & Hospital, Ludhiana,  12th June,2011.


53. Appointed as expert by WHO project to see the status of Palliative care at Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack, Orissa, 6th June 2011


54. Keynote lecture  on “Recent Advances in Cancer pain Management” at Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University  Meerut, Uttar Predesh, 23rd April 2011


55. Invited Chairperson in   6th Conference in the series on All India Students’ Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest (AISSQ2011) as a Speakers , Session Chairs, Co-Chairs and Participants. at Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi on 13th March 2011.

56. Faculty in the CME on Pain & Palliative Care to be held on 24th October in Association of Oncologists of North East India, Guwahati.

57. Speech on Palliative Care held on 18th September 2010 at Regional Cancer Centre, Tripura.

58. Invited as an Examiner of IAPC certificate course in Palliative care on 14th Aug. 2010 at Jaipur.

59. Guest lecturer inCME on Pain Management held on 21st Aug. 2010 at Guwahati.

60. Panelist in the Symposium on Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Anesthesia for Cancer Surgery held from 26-27th June 2010 at Mumbai.

61. Invited Faculty to attend Workshop on Ultrasound Guided Nerve Block held on 4th April, 2010 at Mumbai.

62. Invited Faculty to attend 17th International Conference on IAPC held from 11-14th Feb. 2010 at Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu.

63. Examiner of Indian Association of Palliative Care Basic Certificate Course on 2nd Jan. 2010 at Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Center Jaipur.

64. Invited Faculty to Attend Annual Conference of the Research Society of Anesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology held on 9-11th Oct. 2009.

65. Invited expert to attend the workshop on Media relationship and Executive committee meeting held from 22-23rd Aug.2009 at Bangalore.

66. Faculty for IAPC basic certificate course held on 7th June, 2009 at Indore.

67. Invited Lecture   “Pain Management in Lung Cancer” in 8th International Conference of RGCON-2009 from 27-29th March, 2009 New Delhi.

68. Invited faculty in the CME on Cancer Gall Blagdder held on 13th May, 2007 Patna.

69. Invited  faculty to talk on “Prediction of life expectancy in Advance Stage Cancer Patients” 28th Annual Conference of the Association of Radiation Oncologist’ Varanasi from1-2nd Dec.2006.

70. Chairperson for the session in 17th National Conference of Research Society of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 10-12th Nov. 2006.

71. Invited faculty to talk on ‘Cancer Pain Management in Gynecological Malignancy’ National Conference of Gynea-Oncology  from 23-25th Nov. 2006.

72. Invited faculty to deliver a lecture and Chair a session in 10th National Conference of International Trauma Anesthesia and Critical Care Society from 8-10th Sept. 2006.

73. Keynote speaker - “End of life issue in cancer patients.” Sushma Bhatnagar, Conference Proceedings on National Conference on Aging and Dying : Relevance of Indic Perspective to End of life care.  4-6 November 2005,IIT-Khargpur.

74. Guest lecture- “Head and neck cancer–A challenge for Anaesthesiologist.” In 3rd Wisacon-2005,Jaipur on 1&2 October-2005.

75. Guest lecture-“Chronic Pain Management” at 16th National Conference of RSACP 2004. 15-17TH October 2004,Mumbai.

76. Keynote Lectures - “Oncoanaesthesia –Role in Palliative care” -11th International conference of IAPC-2004, Chandigarh. 13-15th Feb 2004.

77. Keynote Lectures – “Common concern of Cancer Pain Patients-International Congress on Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine”, Delhi. 20-22nd Feb. 2004.

78. Invited speaker in 37th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology from 12-13th April, 2003, New Delhi.

79. Keynote Lecture - “Intrathecal Implant in Cancer pain management-A palliative care boon” in 10th International conference on IAPC, Hyderabad.  1-3rd Feb.2003.

80. Guest Lecture – “Recent Advances in Palliative Care”.  50th National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists. 27-30th December, 2002, Coimbatore, India.

81. Keynote Lecture - “Recent trends in Palliative care” in GOLDCON-2002, Coimbatore.  27-30th Nov.2002.

82. Keynote Lecture - “Legislative barrier in Cancer pain management-Indian Scenerio” in RASPCON-17-19TH Nov. 2002, Bhopal.

83. Invited lecture RSACPON-2002 on 17-19th Nov. BMHRC, Bhopal.

84. Guest Lecture “Cancer pain management” WHO Workshop-2001 Organized by IRCH, AIIMS.  28-29th December 2001.

85. Keynote Lecture – “Barriers in Cancer Pain Management”, 2nd Foundation Course on Palliative Care.











Chief Investigator


  1. To study the impact of nutritional intervention in delaying the progression of cachexia to refractory cachexia in female cancer patients: A study based in India."


  1. An Exploratory Cross Sectional study to identify the social contents of pain in cancer patients.”


  1. Development of tool to assess total pain in cancer patients.”


  1.  Molecular Determinates of Response to opioids in cancer patients: Indian Scenario.”


  1. A Randomized Control Study to Evaluate The Efficacy of Scrambler Therapy in The Management of Oncological Pain in Cancer Patients.


  1. To Find Social Determinants of Cancer Pain.


  1. A two-part, placebo-controlled, study of the safety and efficacy of Sativex oromucosal spray (Sativex®; Nabiximols) as adjunctive therapy in relieving uncontrolled persistent chronic pain in patients with advanced cancer, who have inadequate analgesia even with optimized chronic opioid therapy.


  1. Ultrasound guided pulsed radiofrequency ablatation of intercostal nerves provides effective pain relief of incidental pain from rib metastasis: A prospective study


  1. A Randomized Prospective Study of Pulsed Radiofrequency versus Alcohol Neurolysis of Mandibular Nerve for Oro-facial Pain in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.


  1. The Impact of Hospital Based Care for Palliative Care patients


  1. Acceptance of Death and Dying in Palliative Care


  1. Nature and frequency of spiritual problems and concerns faced by patients of the pain clinic, IRCH, AIIMS
    1. An open-label, phase II study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MC-5A therapy in the management of oncological Pain in cancer patients.
    2.  A Randomized, Comparative, Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate versus oral morphine in patients with breakthrough pain.
    3. A multicentre, non comparative, follow on study to assess the long term safety of Sativex oromucosal spray therapy in patients with cancer related pain.
    4. A randomized, two arm, open-label, comparative, phase IV clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided nerve blocks given during initial treatment phase versus oral morphine in the management of patients with intractable gastrointestinal cancer pain.
    5. Development of the protocol for comprehensive cancer pain management and its implementation in Dr. BRA, IRCH, AIIMS in Phase-I
    6. A prospective Evaluation of the Incidence and Characteristics of Breakthrough Cancer pain episodes (BTCP) in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
    7. Efficacy of The Anterior Ultrasound-Guided Superior Hypogastric Plexus Neurolysis in intractable pelvic cancer pain in gynaecological cancer patients and assessment of Quality of life before the neurolysis and after neurolysis.
    8. An Open-Label Study Investigating Long-Term Safety and tolerability of Nasalfent (Fentanyl Citrate Nasal Spray) in the treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain (BTCP) in Subjects taking Regular Opioids Therapy.
    9.  Incidence and Prevalence of Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Patients.
  1. Evaluating the correlation of serum levels of morphine and its metabolites on pain in cancer patients.
  2. Evaluation of the effect of rhythmic breathing process-Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayam (SKP) on pain perception among advance stage cancer patients having pain.”
  3. Role of Radiofrequency of mandibular in Head and Neck cancer pain patients. 
  4. Comparison of Epidural Triamcinolone and Betamethasone for lumbosacral radicular pain: a prospective randomized study.
  5. Prospective, randomized placebo controlled, double blind study of tranexamic acid in patients undergoing head and Neck Cancer surgery.
  6. Pre-emptive analgesia and response to laryngoscopy with Gabapentin, Pregabalin in patients undergoing MRM under General Anaesthesia: A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Placebo controlled Study.
  1. Comparison of Oral Ketamine with Oral Midazolam and Intramuscular Ketamine for Pediatric Oncology Procedure.
  2. Use of Flexo-Metallic Tube for Head and Neck Cancer Surgery.
  3. A Comparative Study between Continuous Extrapleural Intercostal Nerve   Block with a Mixture of Bupivacaine and Clonidine and Epidural Morphine mixed with Clonidine in Post-Thoracotomy Pain”- A prospective randomized double blind study. (sponsored by Terry Fox, USA).
  4. Thoracic Epidural in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery for Intra and Postoperative Analgesia.
  5. Oral Ketamine as an Adjuvant to Morphine for Neuropathic Cancer Pain Relief.-Completed in 2003.
  6.  A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Study-Comparison Between Ganisetron and Ondansetron on Post Breast Surgery Emesis.
  7. Tramadol for postoperative shivering – A double blind comparison with pethidine.
  8. Protocol for Pediatric Radiotherapy.
  9. Prevalence of Co-Morbid Conditions in Cancer Patients and their Impact on Peri-operative Morbidity and Mortality.
  10. Thoracic Epidural in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery for Intra and Postoperative Analgesia.




  1. Pre-emptive Analgesia with Epidural Morphine
  2. Post-operative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients undergoing MRM - Comparison of Ondansetron and 20% 02 / Ondansetron and 50% 02  / and 50% 02. 
  3. An Approach to Palliation in Incurable Head and Neck Cancer; A Common Problem In India. 
  4. Evaluation of Analgesic Effect of Salmon Calcitonin in Metastatic Bone Pain.

                                  COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS


  • Evaluation of Sm153 EDTMP in Bone Palliation - Collaboration with Department of Nuclear Medicine In-progress.
  • Role of minimally invasive guided therapy in treatment of lung metastasis-Collaboration with Department of general surgery.
  • Role of minimally invasive image guided therapies in treatment of focal liver neoplasm. Collaboration with Dept of Radiotherapy.
  • Role of minimally invasive guided therapy in treatment of focal bone Neoplasms-Collaboration with Department of orthopaedics.








  1. 1.   Sushma Bhatnagar, If Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?” -The need for resource stratified guidelines, Indian J Palliat Care, 2016, 22 (1), 1-2.


  1. 2.      Sushma Bhatnagar, Simon NobleSantosh K ChaturvediJoris Gielen “Development and psychometric assessment of a spirituality questionnaire for Indian Palliative Care Patients” AM J HOSP PALLIATIVE CARE, 1049909115617933, 2016  |  Volume : 22  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 9-18.
  2. 3.      Sushma Bhatnagar, Mayank Gupta, Integrated pain and palliative medicine model, Ann Palliat Med 2016;5(3):196-208



  1. 4.      Joris Gielen,  Sushma Bhatnagar, Santosh K. Chaturvedi “Prevalence and Nature of Spiritual Distress Among Palliative Care Patients in IndiaJournal of Religion and Health,pp 1-15,First online: 06 May 2016


  1. 5.      Gielen J1Bhatnagar S2Chaturvedi SK “Spirituality as an ethical challenge in Indian palliative care: A systematic review Palliat Support Care.” 2015 Oct 29:1-22


  1. 6.      Arif Ahmed,,Sushma Bhatnagar, ,Deepa khurana, ,Saurabh Joshi, ,Sanjay Thulkar. Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Treatment of Intercostal Nerves for the Prevention of Incidental Pain Arising Due to Rib Metastasis: A Prospective Study. AM J HOSP PALLIAT CARE December 10, 2015 1049909115617933


  1. 7.      Bhatnagar SJoshi SRana SPMishra SGarg RAhmed SM. Bedside Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis in Upper Abdominal Cancer Patients: A Randomized, Prospective Study for Comparison of Percutaneous Bilateral Paramedian vs. Unilateral Paramedian Needle-Insertion Technique.Pain Pract. 2014 Feb;14(2):E63-8


  1. 8.     Rakesh Garg and Sushma Bhatnagar.Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Survivors. Pain Management. (2014) 4(4), 309–31


  1. 9.     D. MudulayD. SuryanarayanaN.K. ShuklaS. BakshiD.N. Sharma, S. BhatnagarS. Thulkar. Multimodality management and surgical outcomes following post neo-adjuvant chemotherapy radical chest wall resection & reconstruction for PNET chest wall. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 09/2012; 38(9):785. DOI:10.1016/j.ejso.2012.06.158 


  1. 10.  Rakesh GargAlka Bhatnagar, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra.  Incidental finding of organized thrombus in right inferior pulmonary vein extending in left atrium in the patient scheduled for esophagectomy: What should an anesthesiologist look for? Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 04/2014; 30(2):301-2. DOI:10.4103/0970-9185.130133


  1. 11.  Aanchal SatijaSuraj Pal SinghKomal Kashyap, Sushma Bhatnagar, Management of Total Cancer Pain: A Case of Young Adult. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 05/2014; 20(2):153-6. DOI:10.4103/0973-1075.13265


  1. 12.  Aanchal SatijaSyed Mehmood AhmedRahul GuptaArif Ahmed,Shiv Pratap Singh RanaSuraj Pal SinghSeema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Breast cancer pain management - A review of current & novel therapies. The Indian Journal of Medical Research 02/2014; 139(2):216-25


  1. 13.  Alka Goyal, Sushma Bhatnagar, Editorial, Neuropathic pain in cancer. Ann Palliat Med 2014;3(1):1-3


  1. 14.  Arif Ahmed MD,Sushma Bhatnagar MD,Shiv Pratap Singh Rana MD, Syed Mehmood Ahmad DA, Saurabh Joshi DNB, Seema Mishra MD“Prevalence of Phantom Breast Pain and Sensation Among Postmastectomy Patients Suffering from Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study” Pain Pract. 2014 Feb;14(2):E17-28.


  1. 15.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Alka Goyal,  Anchal Sharma, Saurabh Joshi, Sayed Mehmood Ahmed. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care.Journey of Patients with Cancer:A Systematic Evaluation at Tertiary Care Canter in India. AM J HOSP PALLIAT CARE. June 2014 Vol.31no.4,406-413.


  1. 16.  Sushma Bhatnagar.Editorial, Who is really afraid of death? Indian Journal of Palliative Care.Year2013,Volume19,Issue:2,page 81-82.


  1. 17.  Sushma Bhatnagar , Saurabh Joshi. Personal reflection. Humanity,The Wonder Grug,Which Needs No Prescription and Doses Still Needs to be Defined.Journal of Palliative Medicine,Volume 16, Number 10, 2013


  1. 18.  Kumar N, Bhatnagar S, Velpandian T, Patnaik S, Menon G, Mehta M, Kashyap K, Singh V, Surajpal. Randomized Controlled Trial in Advance Stage Breast Cancer Patients for the Effectiveness on Stress Marker and Pain through Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayam.Indian J Palliat Care. 2013 Sep;19(3):180-5.


  1. 19.  Sushma Bhatnagar,Editorial, Indian Journal of Palliative Care.Who is Responsible for this Entire Hustle Bustle:Lets Put on the “Blue Hat. Indian J Palliat Care. 2013, Sep-Dec; 19(3): 129–130.
  2. 20.  Sushma Bhatnagar. Editorial,To find the story behind the story.Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Year 2013, Volume 19, Issue 1 [p. 1]


  1. 21.  Alka Goyal, Syed Mehmood Ahmed, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Persistent hiccough in cancer patients: Presentation of syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic harmones induced hyponitaemia. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2013;19:110-2


  1. 22.  Sushma Bhatnagar.Editorial,Need of evidence-based practice in chronic pain.Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Year 2012, Volume 18, Issue 3 [p. 147-148]


  1. 23.  Rajalakshmi P, Srivastava DN, Rastogi S, Julka PK, Bhatnagar S, Gamanagatti S. Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of tibialchondroblastomas: A report of three cases. World J Radiol. 2012 Jul 28;4(7):335-40.


  1. 24.  Alka Goyal, Rahul Gupta, Syed Mehmood, SVS Deo, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar.Palliative and end of life care issues of carcinoma thyroid patient. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Year 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2 [p. 134-137]


  1. 25.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Hemanshu Prabhakar.Palliative care beyond oncology! Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Year 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2 [p. 85-86]


  1. 26.  Mishra Seema, Sushma Bhatnagar, Syed Mehmood Ahmad, Arif Ahmed. Pain and symptom management in advanced gastrointestinal malignancies patients at tertiary care cancer center: A retrospective study. European Journal of Pain Supplements Volume 5, Issue 2, November 2011, Pages 509


  1. 27.  Seema Mishra;  Sushma Bhatnagar, Shiv P S Rana; Deepa Khurana; Sanjay Thulkar. Efficacy of the anterior ultrasound-guided superior hypogastric plexus neurolysis in pelvic cancer pain in advanced gynecological cancer patients.Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2013;14(6):837-42.


  1. 28.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Dwaipayan Banerjee, Saurabh Joshi, Rahul Gupta. Assessing psychosocial distress: a pain audit at IRCH-AIIMS. Ann Palliat Med2013  Accepted for publication Apr 22, 2013.doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2224-5820.2013.04.04


  1. 29.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Saurabh Joshi. "A Good Death"--Sequence (Not Stigma), to an Enigma Called Life: Case Report on End-of-Life Decision Making and Care. American J Hosp Palliat Care. 2012 Sep 6. 


  1. 30.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Rahul Gupta, Saurabh Joshi. Ultrasound Guided Nerve Block in Abdominal Malignancy. Indian Journal of Pain 2012;26:137-143.


  1. 31.  Rakesh garg, Saurabh Joshi, Seema Mishra, Sushma bhatnagar. Evidence based Practice of chronic pain. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 18(3); 155-161; 2012.


  1. 32.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Saurabh Joshi. Palliative Care for Young Adults: An Issue which needs Higher and Better Awareness. Indian Journal of palliative Care. Sept/Dec.2011/Vol-17/Issue-3


  1. 33.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Roshni S., Vikas Gogia, Sandeep S. Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Patients—Prevalence and Management in a Tertiary Care Anaesthesia-Run Referral Clinic Based in Urban India.   Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2010: 13(7).


  1. 34.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Rahul Gupta. Bedside Ultrasound: A Radiologic Boon for Placement of Complex Nerve Blocks for Abdominal Malignancies.  Journal of Palliative Medicine. November 2011, 14(11)


  1. 35.  Gaurav Prakash, Sameer Bakhshi, Vinod Raina, Sushma Bhatnagar, Atul Sharma, Lalit Kumar, NK Shukla, PK Julka, GK Rath.Characteristics and Pattern of Mortality in Cancer Patients at a Tertiary Care Oncology Center: Report of 259 Cases. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 11, 1755-1759


  1. 36.  Prathiba Rajalakshmi; Shishir Rastogi; Deep N Srivastava; Sushma Bhatnagar; Pramod Kumar Julka; Shivanand Gamanagatti.Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of tibialchondroblastomas: A report of three cases.World journal of radiology 2012;4(7):335-40.


  1. 37.   Seema Mishra; Shiv Pratap Singh Rana; Sushma Bhatnagar; Gaurav Nirvani Goyal; Surjya Prasad Upadhya. A comparative efficacy of amitriptyline, gabapentin, and pregabalin in neuropathic cancer pain: a prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. American journal of hospice & palliative care 2012;29(3):177-82.


  1. 38.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Sadeep Khanna, Roshni S.,Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Seema Mishra, S.P.S.Rana. Early ultrasound guided neurolysis for pain management in gastrointestinal and pelvic malignancies:  An Observational study in a tertiary care center of urban India. Pain Practice, 12: 23–32, 2012


  1. 39.  Vikas Gogia, Chaudhary P, Arif Ahmed, Mishra S.,Bhatnagar S.Intrathecal Morphine Pump for Neuropathic Cancer Pain: A Case Report. Am J Hosp Palliat Care.American Journal of Hospice and palliative Medicine, 29;409-411: 2012 .


  1. 40.   Pain and symptom management in advanced gastrointestinal malignancies patients at tertiary care cancer center: A retrospective study .Mishra Seema, Sushma Bhatnagar, Syed Mehmood Ahmad Arif Ahmed . European Journal of Pain Supplements , vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 509-509, 2011


  1. 41.  S. V. Suryanarayana Deo, N.-K. Shukla, Archit Pandit, Deepak Jha, Sushma Bhatnagar. Management of central arch mandibular squamous cell carcinoma in a resource constrained population – Challenges and solutions . Journal: Oral Oncology - ORAL ONCOL , vol. 47, pp. S149-S150, 2011


  1. 42.  Shiv Rana, Rahul Gupta, Deepa Khurana, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Cancer Pain Management: Basic Information for the Young Pain Physicians. Indian Journal of Palliative Care. May-Aug 2011/Vol-17/Issue-2.


  1. 43.  Joris Gielen, Harmala Gupta, Ambika Rajvanshi, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Arvind K Chaturvedi, Stef Van den Branden, Bert Broeckaert. The attitudes of Indian palliative-care nurses and physicians to pain control and palliative sedation. Indian J palliate care 2011:17:33-41. 


  1. 44.  Joris Gielen, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Arvind K. Chaturvedi, Harmala Gupta, Ambika Rajvanshi, Stef Branden, Bert Broeckaert,  Can curative or life-sustaining treatment be withheld or withdrawn? The opinions and views of Indian palliative-care nurses and physicians. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, (2011) 14:5-18


  1. 45.  Seema Mishra, Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Surjya Prasad Upadhyay, and Sushma Bhatnagar. Use of Epidural Steroid as an Adjuvant in Neuropathic Cancer Pain Management: A Case Report. Am J Hosp Palliat Care November 2010 27: 482-485.


  1. 46.  Vikas Gogia, Frenny N. Philips, Himanshu Khurana, Roshni S., Sandeep Khanna, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Ultrasound Guided Neurolytic Brachial Plexus Block for Intractable Pain in a Patient of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Involving the Upper Limb. Indian j. Pain 2010;24:72-73



  1. 47.  Arif Ahmed, Himanshu Khurana, Vikas Gogia,Seema Mishra, and Sushma Bhatnagar.Use of Sustained Release Oral Morphine as a Bridge in Withdrawal of Morphine in Patients on High Doses of Oral Immediate Release Morphine for Cancer Pain. Am J Hosp Palliative Care 2010;27(6)413-5
  2. 48.  Gaurav N Goyal, Deepak Gupta, Roopesh Jain, Sunil Kumar, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for Intractable Post- Thoracotomy Scar Pain not Relieved by Conventional Treatment. Pain Practice:The official Journal of world Institute of Pain 2010; 10 (4): 366-9.


  1. 49.  Bhatnagar Sushma, Upadhayay Surjya, Seema Mishra, Prevalence and Characteristics of Breakthrough Pain in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2010;13(3):291-5.


  1. 50.  Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Freeny Ann Philip MD, Vasudha Singhal, Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Surjya Prasad Upadhyay, Govindi Chauhan.Psychosocial Concerns In advanced cancer Patients: An Observational Study at Regional Cancer Centre, India. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. August 2010 27: 316-319.


  1. 51.  Upadhyay SP, Rana SP, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Successful Treatment of an Intractable Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) Using Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation (PNFS). Am J Hosp Palliative Care 2010; 27; (1):59-62.


  1. 52.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Singh M, Gupta D, Jain R, Chauhan H, Goyal GN.Pediatric cancer pain management at a regional cancer center: implementation of WHO Analgesic Ladder.Middle East J Anesthesiol. 2009 Jun;20(2):239-44.


  1. 53.  Sharma K, Mohanti BK, Rath GK, Bhatnagar S.Pattern of palliative care, pain management and referral trends in patients receiving radiotherapy at a tertiary cancer center.Indian J Palliat Care. 2009 Jul;15(2):148-54.


  1. 54.  Upadhyay SP, Chauhan H, Jain R, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Perioperative Gabapentine for Postoperative Pain and Early Functional Recovery After Modified Radical Mastectomy for Carcinoma Breast. Indian J. Pain 2009; 23:388-392.


  1. 55.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Chaudhary P, Rana S P. Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Review of Prevalence, Characteristics and Management. Indian Journal of Palliative Care.2009;15 (1):14-18.


  1. 56.  Milind Kumar, Shikha Goyal, Karuna Singh, Subhas Pandit, DN Sharma, Arun K Verma, GK Rath, Sushma Bhatnagar. Breaking Bad News Issues: A Survey Among Radiation Oncologists. Indian Journal of Palliative Care.2009; 15 (1):61-66.


  1. 57.  D.N. Sharma,G.k.Rath,Monica Malik, Sushma Bhatnagar,Amit Bahal, P.K.Julka,Profile of Pediatric Cancer Patients Treated with External Beam Radiation Therapy Under Anesthesia at a Regional Cancer Center of India. Austral Asian Journal of Cancer. Issue: Vol.8, No.4 - October 2009


  1. 58.  Sushma Bhatnagar. Interventional Pain Management: Need of the Hour for Cancer Pain Patients. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2009; 15 (2): 93.  


  1. 59.  Ramesh, Nootan K Shukla, Sushma Bhatnagar. Phantom Breast Syndrome.Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2009; 15 (2): 103-107.


  1. 60.  Kuldeep Sharma, Bidhu K Mohanti, Gaura K Rath, Sushma Bhatnagar. Pattern of Palliative Care, Pain Management and Referral Trends in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy at a Tertiary Cancer Centre. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2009; 15 (2): 148-154.


  1. 61.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S,Singh M, Gupta D, Jain R, Chauhan H, Goyal GN. Pediatric cancer pain management at A Regional Cancer Center: Implementation of WHO Analgesic Ladder. Middle East Journal of Anaesthesiology 2009; 20(2):239-244.


  1. 62.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Gupta D, Goyal GN, Agrawal R, Jain R, Chauhan H. Respiratory Support in Oncology Ward Setting: A Prospective Descriptive Study.Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2009; 26:159-164.


  1. 63.  Mishra S, Prashant N, Goyal GN, Khurana H, Gupta D, Bhatnagar S. Rate Dependant Bundle Branch Block- Transition From Left Bundle Branch Block to Intraoperative Normal Sinus Rhythm. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 2009; 20(2):295-298.


  1. 64.  Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Himanshu Khurana, Surjya Prasad Upadhya, Arif Ahmed, Seema Mishraand Sushma Bhatnagar. Successful Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain with Intrathecal Morphine Pump. Indian J Pain 2009; 23: 344-346.


  1. 65.  Freeny Ann Philip, Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Seema Mishra and Sushma Bhatnagar. What is happening to Me!! I really I don’t know. How to tackle this question? Journal of Psychology and Counselling 2009; 1(5):64-65.


  1. 66.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Gupta D, Goyal GN, Jain R, Chauhan H. Management of Neuropathic Cancer Pain Following WHO Analgesic Ladder: A Prospective Study. Am J Hosp Palliative Care 2009; 25 447-451.


  1. 67.  Gupta D, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Khurana H, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Long-Term Silicone Urinary Catheter Is A Simpler Alternative to Radical Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrostomy For Palliation of Malignant Vesicouterine Fistula. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2009; 26(1):66-7.


  1. 68.  Khurana H, Mishra S, Jain R, Goyal GN, Bhatnagar S. Management of Postoperative Chylothorax In A Patient With Carcinoma Thyroid With Lymphadenopathy. Middle.East.Journal of Aneasth 2009; 20(1):121-124.


  1. 69.  Das SC, Chauhan H, Gupta D, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Peaceful Surrender to Death Without Futile Bargaining to Live Relieves Terminal Air Hunger and Anguish. Am J Hosp Palliative Care. Am J Hosp Palliative Care 2009; 25: 496-499.


  1. 70.  Das SC, Khurana H, Gupta D, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Co morbidities in a Cancer Patient: Problems in Pain Management and Palliation. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2009; 26(1):60-3.


  1. 71.  Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Prakash Chaudhary, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Review of Prevalence, Characteristics and Management; Indian Journal of Palliative Care; 2009, 15 (1): 14-18.


  1. 72.  Himanshu Khurana, Seema Mishra, Roopesh Jain, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Sushma Bhatnagar. Management of Postoperative Chylothorax in a Patient with Carcinoma Thyroid with Lymphadenopathy. Middle.East.Journal of Aneasth 2009; 20(1):121-124.


  1. 73.  Bhatnagar S, Mishra S, Srikanti M, Gupta D. Cancer Pain Management at a Tertiary Care Cancer Center in India-A Retrospective Analysis of 3,238 Patients. J Opioid Manag. 2008; 4(6):361-8.



  1. 74.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra; Sanjay Thulkar. Himanshu Chauhan. Bedside Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis with Bilateral Para-median Needle Entry. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2008; 11(9):1195- 1199.


  1. 75.  Deepak Gupta, Narendra G. Babu, Himanshu Khurana, Sanjay Thulkar, Seema Mishra & Sushma Bhatnagar: Pakter Curved Needle Set Refines Ultrasound Guided Ganglion Impar Neurolysis: The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2008; 18(2).  


  1. 76.  S. Mishra S.Bhatnagar D. Gupta, S. Thulkar. Anterior Ultrasound Guided Superior Hypogastric Plexus Neurolysis in Pelvic Cancer Pain. Anaesthesia Intensive Care2008;36: 732-735


  1. 77.  Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Interventional Palliation: Hour of Need for Evolution of Palliative Medicine. Journal of Palliative Medicine.2008; 11(7).


  1. 78.  G.K.Rath, P.K.Julka. S.Thulkar, D.N.Sharma, Amit Behl, S.Bhatnagar. Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Metastasis: Results of Treatment of Forty Patients. J Cancer Res. Ther. March 2008; 4(1).


  1. 79.  Mazumdar Ashish, Mishra Seema, Bhatnagar Sushma , Gupta Deepak Intravenous Morphine Can Avoid Distressing Constipation Associated With Oral Morphine: A Retrospective Analysis of Our Experience In Eleven Patients In Palliative Care In-Patient Unit. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2008; 25 (4):282-284.


  1. 80.  Surjya Upadhyay, Roopesh Jain, Himanshu Chauhan, Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra, and Sushma Bhatnagar. Oral Morphine Overdose in a Cancer Patient Antagonized by Prolonged Naloxone Infusion. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2008:25; 401-405.


  1. 81.  Amit Prakash, Deepak Gupta, Roopesh Jain, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Suction Catheter as a Low-Diameter Emergency Airway Device in the setting of Severe Tracheal Stenosis. Anaesthesia Intensive care 2008; 36(3):461-462.


  1. 82.  Gupta Deepak, Mazumdar Ashish, Singh Manisha, Mishra Seema, Bhatnagar Sushma. Pre-insertion Doppler: Another Benefit of Ultrasound Imaging During Central Venous Access. Anaesthesia Intensive Care 2008; 36(3):457.


  1. 83.  Ravi Agrawal, Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar: Contralateral Nostril acts as Conduit for Nasotracheal Tube Exchange under Fiberbronchoscope Guidance. The Internet J of Anesthesiology. 2008: 16 (2).


  1. 84.  Deepak Gupta, Guarav Nirwani Goyal, Himanshu Chauhan, Seema Mishra Sushma Bhatnagar: An Initiative to End-of-Life Decisions in Cancer Care: The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care. 2008: 6(1).


  1. 85.  Manisha Singh, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Ravi Agrawal, Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar: Pre-Anesthetic Evaluation of the Patient undergoing Head and Neck Surgery. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2008: 16(2).


  1. 86.  Prem K. Singh, Roopesh Jain, Seema Mishra, Sunil Kumar, Sushma Bhatnagar, and Suryanand Deo. Management of Pericatheter Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Intrathecal Implantation of a Drug Delivery System, Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2008; 25: 237-239.


  1. 87.  Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Gupta D, Diwedi A. Incidence and Management of Phantom Limb Pain According to World Health Organization Analgesic Ladder in Amputees of Malignant Origin. Am J Hosp Palliative Care. 2007 Dec-2008 Jan; 24(6):455-62.


  1. 88.  Gupta Deepak, Mishra Seema, Bhatnagar Sushma, Jain Vaibhav, Gamanagatti Shivananad. Trial of Angioembolization of Advanced Stage Tumors’ Feeding Arteries Exemplifying Aggressive and Active ‘Interventional Palliation’. J Palliat Med. 2008 Mar-Apr; 11(2):250-3.


  1. 89.  Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Meenu Gupta, Madhurima Srikanti, Anindya Mondal, Alok Dwedi. Efficacy and Safety of a Mixture of Ketamine, Midazolam and Atropine for Procedural Sedation in Paediatric Oncology: A Randomized Study of Oral versus Intramuscular Route. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2008:44 (4):201-4.


  1. 90.  Mishra S., Bhatnagar Sushma. Gupta D. Diwedi. .Incidence and Management of Phantom Limb Pain According to WHO Ladder in Amputees of Malignant Origin. Anaesthesiology. 2007,Jul; 107(2007 meeting Abstract):A 1381


  1. 91.  Bhatnagar Sushma, Gupta Deepak, Mishra Seema, Srikanti Madhurima, Singh Manisha, Arora Rajni. Preemptive antiemesis in Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy: Oral Granisetron versus Oral Ondansetron in Double Blind, Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia. 2007,19(7) 512-516.


  1. 92.  Gupta D, Mishra S., Bhatnagar Sushma. Somatiozation Disorder, A Cause of Difficult Pain: A Case Report. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2007, June; 24(3):219-223


  1. 93.  Gupta D, Bhatnagar S, Mishra S. Defaulting Oncology Patient in a Multispecialty State-Run Hospital in India. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2007 Feb-Mar; 24(1):59-62.


  1. 94.  Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Deepak Gupta. Aggressive Approach to Pain and Symptom Management is a Key for Effective Palliation in Terminally ill Pediatric Patients. Internet Journal of Anaesthesiology 2007: 14(1).


  1. 95.  Gowthaman Gunabushanam , Sanjay Sharma , Sanjay Thulkar , Deep N. Srivastava , Goura Kishor Rath, Pramod Kumar Julka and Sushma Bhatnagar. Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Metastases from Breast Cancer: Results in 14 Patients.  Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, January 2007:  8(10): 67-72.


  1. 96.  Madhurima Srikanti, Seema Mishra, and Sushma Bhatnagar. A Mechanical Complication from an Anterior Mediastinal Mass: Unusual Positioning of the Central Venous Catheter. Anesth Analg 2007; 104: 222-223.


  1. 97.  Mishra, Seema MD; Bhatnagar Sushma MD; Singhal, Amit Kumar MD. High-Dose Morphine for Intractable Phantom Limb Pain.Case Report. Clinical Journal of Pain, 2007; 23(1):99-101.


  1. 98.     Gupta Deepak, Mishra Seema, Chauhan Himanshu, Bhatnagar Sushma. Anaphylactoid Reaction to Haemaccel ® Infusion and Contact Sensitization to Opticlude ® Orthoptioc Eye Patches: A Case Report. Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine 2007; 9:108-113.


  1. 99.     Himanshu Khurana, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Roopesh Jain, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar: Management of Postoperative Delirium in a Head & Neck Cancer Patient. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2007:15(1).


100. Sushma Bhatnagar, Madhurima Srikanti, Roopesh Jain and Seema Mishra. Prognosis in Patients with Advanced Incurable Cancer. European Journal of Palliative care 2007;14(4)  


101. S. Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, M. Srikanti, D. Gupta,  A Mechanical Complication from an Anterior Mediastinal Mass: Unusual Positioning of the Central Venous Catheter, Anaesthesia 2007; 62 (2), 197–198.


102. Meenu Gupta, Seema Mishra, Deepak Gupta, Mohan Gujjar, Sushma Bhatnagar: Prevention of Pain on Protocol Injection: A Comparative, Randomized, Double Blind Study between Lignocaine, Pethidine, Dexamethasone and Placebo. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2007:11 (2). The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2006: 10 (2).


103. Deepak Gupta, Sushma Bhatnagar, and Seema Mishra. Defaulting Oncology Patient in a Multispeciality State-Run Hospital in India. European Journal of Palliative Care 2007; 14 (2):50-53.


104. A.K.Singhal, S.Mishra, S.Bhatnagar and R.Singh. Epidural Morphine Analgesia Compared with Intravenous Morphine for Oral Cancer Surgery with Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2006; 50 (2), 234-238.


105. Sushma Bhtanagar, Parag Bhardwaj. One Rupee Scale. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2006, 9(2).


106. Seema Mishra and Sushma Bhatnagar. Managing Phantom Limb Pain .European Journal of Palliative care 2006; 13(2): 54-56.


107. Sushma Bhatnagar, M.Srikanti, Seema Mishra. .Management of Dysponea in Terminally Sick Patients.  European Journal of Palliative Care 2006; 13(4):142-146.


108. Jayanta Kumar Mitra, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Advanced Head & Neck Cancer-Care Beyond Cure. The Internet Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2006:4(2)


109. S.Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, M.Srikanti, D.Gupta. Clinical Implication Of Routine Bacterial Culture From Epidural Catheter Tips in Postoperative Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study. Anesthesia 2006; 61: 878-882.


110. Seema Mishra, Amit Kumar Singhal, Sushma Bhatnagar, Khalid Zuber: Anaesthetic Management of a case of Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Permanent Pacemaker Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy and Pacemaker Repositioning. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2006: 11(1).


111. Deepak Gupta, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra: Euthanasia: Issues Implied Within. The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care. 2006; 4(2).


112. M. Gurjar , S. Bhatnagar  Sushma, Mishra , V. Jain  and A. K. Singhal .A Case Of Churg–Strauss Syndrome Undergoing Radical Mastectomy Under General Anaesthesia and Thoracic Epidural Analgesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006; 23; 980-982.


113. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Madhurima S,Mohan Gurjar, Anandya Sunder Mondal .A Randomized Double-Blinded Study of Clonidine as an Analgesic Adjuvant to Continuous Extrapleural Intercostal Bupivacaine for Post-Thoracotomy Pain.  Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 2006; 34: 586-591.


114. Anirban Hom Choudhuri, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra,  Epistaxis after Nasotracheal Intubation in Oral Cancer Surgeries - A Comparison between Fibreoptic Intubation and Conventional Technique. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia .2006; 50 (4): 275-278.


115. Amit Prakash, Manisha Singh, Seema Mishra, Ajay Gupta, Sushma Bhatnagar. Doxorubicin- Induced Acute Congestive Heart Failure Associated with Hypocalcaemia. European Journal of Oncology 2006; 11:259-261.


116. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra. Determining prognosis in Patients with Advanced Incurable Cancer. Indian Journal of Medical & Paediatric Oncology.2006: 27(4): 19-20.


117. Pahwa Mansi, Babu Nandita, Bhatnagar Sushma. Fighting Cancer Is Half The Battle… Living Life Is The Other Half. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics; 2005:1(2)98-102.


118. A.S.Mondal, Sushma Bhatnagar, S.Mishra, A.K.Singhal. Occipital lobe Brain Stem and Cerebellar Infarction During Cancer Surgery. J.Anaesth Clin.Pharmacol 2005; 21(2): 195-198.


119. Sushma Bhatnagar. Palliative Medicine and Modern Cancer Care. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2005:26 (2), 25-27.


120. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Rajeev Ranjan Jha, Amit Kumar Singhal.  Airway Management of the Patients Undergoing Oral Cancer Surgery: A Retrospective Study. European Journal of Anaesthesia (2005), 22:7:510-514.


121. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Rajeev Ranjan Jha, Amit Kumar Singhal, Naresh Bhatnagar. The LMA FastrachTM ETT Facilitates Fiberoptic Intubation in Oral Cancer Patients. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, (2005): 52 (6), 641-645.


122. Amit Kumar Singhal, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Recent Advances in Management of Intravascular Catheter Related Infections. Indian Journal of Medical & Paediatric Oncology 2005: 26 (1); 31-40.


123. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Rajeev Ranjan Jha, Amit Kumar Singhal. Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy in Oral Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. (2005); 49 (5) 413-416.


124. Mohan Gurjar, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra. Clinically Significant Air Entrapment in Bowel after Percutaaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy under General Anesthesia. Indian Journal of Gastroentrology, (October 2005): 24, 227.


125. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra , Madhavi Ravindra, Amit Singhal, Anindya Sunder Mondal, Naresh Dua. A Retrospective Study of Prevalence of Co-Morbid Conditions and their Impact on Postoperative Outcome in Cancer Patients. Indian Journal Anesthesia 2004; 48(2):124-128.


126. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Amit Kumar Singhal. Recent Trends in Cancer Pain Management .Indian journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.2004; 25(4); 22-28.


127. N. Dua, Sushma Bhatnagar, S. Mishra, A. K. Singhal. Granisetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 2004:32(6); 761-764.


128. AK Singhal,S Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, K Ganessan, A Sharma. Imatinib Induced Pulmonary Oedema. Clinical Intensive Care 2004; 15(2/3); 57-59.


129. Seema Mishra, Amit Kumar Singhal, T. R. Kannan, Sushma Bhatnagar.  Intravesical Lidocaine For Formalin-Induced Suprapubic Pain: Case report. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care 2004; 21(1) 58-60.


130. Rajiv Ranjan Jha, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Rupture of Left Main Bronchus Associated With Radiotherapy –Induced Bronchial Injury And Use of a Double Lumen Tube in Oesophageal Cancer Surgery. Anaesthesia Intensive Care 2004; 32: 104-107.


131. Sushma Bhatnagar, Madhavi Ravindra, Anirban Hom Choudhuri, Seema Mishra, Amit Singhal, Anindya S Mondal, Naresh Dua. Phenytoin induced gingival hypertrophy – A case of problematic airway. J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2004; 20(2): 197-199.


132. Naresh Dua, Amit Kumar Singhal, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Oncological emergencies. Hospital Today 2004; 9(1): 31-35.


133. S.Mishra, S.Bhatnagar, AK Singhal. Obstruction of Nasotracheal Tube by Dislocated Turbinate. Clinical Intensive Care 2003, 14 (1-2): 55-56.


134. Anirban Hom Choudhuri, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra. NIPPV in Neutropenic Patients – Case Report. J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2003; 19(3): 333-335.


135. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Rajeev Ranjan Jha. Evaluation of the Analgesic Effect of Salmon Calcitonin in Metastatic Bone Pain. Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2003; 9:  8-13.


136. Girija Prasad Rath, Sushma Bhatnagar. Principles of Peri-Operative Fluid Management. Hospital Today 2003; 8(3): 151-156.


137. Himanshu Prabhakar, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, R.Narang. Intraoperative Atrial Fibrillation of Unknown etiology. A unique complication. The Internet Journal of Anaesthesiology 2003; 7 (2).


138. TR Kannan, Sushma Bhatnagar, A. Saxena, A Berry. Oral Ketamine as an Adjuvant to Morphine for Neuropathic Cancer Pain Relief. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2002; 23(1):


139. Sushma Bhatnagar, Saxena A, Kannan TR, Punj J, Panigrahi MR, Mishra S:  Tramadol for Postoperative Shivering – A double blind comparison with pethidine. Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2001; 29: 149-154.


140. J Punj, Sushma Bhatnagar, A Saxena. Malignant Hyperthermia in the Indian Sub-Continent: Non-Availability of Dantrolene – A Cause of Concern? Internet Journal of Anesthesiology.  ISSN 1092-406.


141. S. Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, M. Panigrahi, TR Kannan. Cyanosis of Tongue with LMA Mask; An Unusual Complication. Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. ISSN 1092-406X. 


142. Asootosh Barry, Sushma Bhatnagar. Assessment of QOL. Hospital Today 2001; 6(3.)


143. Ajay Kumar, Sushma Bhatnagar. Noise Pollution and Music: Medical Concern. Hospital Today 2001; 6(6).


144. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Cancer Pain Assessment. Hospital Today 2001; 6(3).


145. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Preemptive Analgesia. Hospital Today 2001; 6(4). 


146. Sushma Bhatnagar, Abha Saxena. Central Venous Catheterization-An Unusual Complication, J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2000; 16(1): 127-132.


147. Sushma Bhatnagar, Kannan TR. Recent Trends in Palliative Care. Hospital Today 2000; 5(4).


148. Punj J, Sushma Bhatnagar.  Total Parenteral Nutrition. Hospital Today 2000; 5(8).


149. Ajay Kumar, Sushma Bhatnagar. Cancer; Mental Health-Gender Difference.  Hospital Today 2000; 6(8).


150. Vineet Mahajan, Sushma Bhatnagar. Pharmacological Treatment of Cancer Pain.  Hospital Today 2000; 5(8).


151. Punj J, Sushma Bhatnagar. Evaluation of Patient with Pain. Hospital Today 2000; 5(5).






























  1. Sushma Bhatnagar, SPS Rana, Seema Mishra, SVS Deo,Pulsed RFA of Mandibilar  and Maxillary Nerve in Orofacial pain in advanced Head and Neck Cancer patients- A randomized clinical controlled study. 3rd World Congress of the International Academy of oral Oncology to be held from 14th-17th July, 2011 at Singapore. abstract/oral oncology 47 (2011) S28-S73



  1. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Sandeep Khanna, Roshni S., S.P.Rana. Early Ultrasound Guided Neurolysis for Pain Management in Gastrointestinal and Pelvic Malignancies:  Experience in a Tertiary Care Center of Urban India. 13th World Conference of Pain on 29th Aug. to 2nd Sept.2010 at Montreal, Queteb, Canada.


  1. Sushma Bhatnagar, SPS Rana, Seema Mishra, SVS Deo,Pulsed RFA of Mandibilar  and Maxillary Nerve in Orofacial pain in advanced Head and Neck Cancer patients- A randomized clinical controlled study. 3rd World Congress of the International Academy of oral Oncology to be held from 14th-17th July, 2011 at Singapore. abstract/oral oncology 47 (2011) S28-S73


  1. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Roshni S., Vikas Gogia, Sandeep S. Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Patients—Prevalence and Management in a Tertiary Care Anaesthesia-Run Referral Clinic Based in Urban India.   3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain which was accredited by European Accreditation Council for CME held from 27-30th May, 2010 at Athens, Greece.


  1. Attended and presented poster titled “Ultrasound Guided Celiac Plexus Block can be an Effective Line Pain Management Technique in Advance Upper Abdominal Cancer Pain” at 12th World Congress on Pain from 17-22nd Aug. 2008 Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. This has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide the ECCME(1) ,AMA(30.5) and AAFP(30.0) award point.


  1. Attended and presented Poster titled “ Efficacy and Safety of Mixture of Oral Ketamine, Midazolam and atropine fro Paediatric sedation”at  23rd Annual Meeting of Society for Ambulatory Anaesthesia from 1-4th May,2008 AT Miami Beach,USA and awarded 10.25 Category 1 credits towards the AMA Physician Recognition Award


  1. Attended and presented Poster titled “Total Freedom from Pain at Tertiary Cancer Center in India- A Retrospective Analysis of 3238 Patients”27th Annual Conference American Pain Society from 8-10th May 2008 at Tempa Convention Centre Tampa, FL, USA.


  1. Attended a workshop on Life and Music on 2nd June 2033 at Sir Michael Sobell House, Churchill Hospital, Oxford on 2nd June, 2003.


  1. Attended one month Advance course in Palliative Care at Sir Sobell House, Churchill Hospital, Oxford University, OXFORD, UK. 25th May- 21st June 2003.


10. Invited to attend Advance Course in Pain and Symptom Management on 19-23rd June, 2003 at University of New Castle and awarded CME credit 13.









  1. Present a poster during the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Pallaitive Care on 8-10 May, 2015 at Copenhagen, Denmark.


  1. Present a poster during the 15th world congress on pain at Buenos Aires, Argentina from 6-11th Oct, 2014.


  1. Present a paper as a poster during the 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care to be held from 30th may to 2nd June, 2013 at Prague, Crech Republic.


  1. Efficacy of the Anterior Ultrasound-Guided Superior Hypogastric Plexus Neurolysis in pelvic cancer pain in advanced gynaecological cancer patients. Seema Mishra MD , Sushma Bhatnagar MD, Shiv PS Rana MD , Deepa Khurana MD, Sanjay Thulkar MD. EFIC 2011; 21-24th Sept 2011, Hamburg , Germany.


  1. Retrospective analysis of carcinoma of lung patients, seeking palliative care consultation in tertiary care center: from symptoms management to psychosocial counseling and outcome.,Seema Mishra, Alka Bhatnagar, Syeed Mehmood, Deepa Khurana,, Sushma Bhatnagar at The 15thth Annual International Symposium.Palliative Medicine & Supportive Oncology 2012, Key Largo, Florida, USA, February 23-25th 2012.


  1. Present a paper as a Poster during the 13th World congress of the European Association for Palliative Care to be held from 30th May to 2nd June, 2013 at Prague, Czech Republic.


  1. SVS Deo,NK Shukla, Ashwin K. and  Sushma Bhatnagar Palliative Care Surgery for advance gastrointestinal cancers- Surgical Oncology, AIIMS Experience. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.Abstract published Oral Oncology 47(2011)S74-S156


  1. Prevalence of Phantom Breast Phenomenon Among Post-mastectomised patients with breast Cancer: A Prospective Study”  Arif Ahmed, M.D., Shiv Rana M.D., Deep Khurana, M.D., Seema Mishra, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar, M.D., Vikas Gogia, M.D.


  1. “Glossopharyngeal Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation versus Oral Morphine dose Escalation for Incidental pain in Oropharyngeal Cancer patients: A Prospective Randomized Study” Vikas Gogia, M.D., Anchal Sharma, M.D., Arif Ahmed, M.D., Seema Mishra, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar, M.D.


  1. “Early Ultrasound-Guided Neurolysis for pain Management in Gastrointestinal and Pelvic Malignancies: An Observational Study in a Tertiary Care Center of Urban India” Sandeep Khanna, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar, M.D., Roshni Sreedharan, M.D., Sanjay Thulkar, M.D., Seema Mishra, M.D.


11. SPS Rana,Arif Ahmed, Deepa Khurana, Charu, Seema Mishra, Susham Bhatnagar. Radiofrequency treatment for Occipital Neuralgia in Malignant Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study.  Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


12. Vinod Kumar, Vikas Gogia,Anchal Sharma,Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra. Pleurodesis in Mlaignant Pleural Effusion: A Retrospective Analysis of Tertiary Palliative Care. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


13. Vikas Gogia,Anchal Sharma,Arif AHMED, Deepa Khurana, Charu Suklecha, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Pulsed Radiofrequency Lesioning of the Glossopharyngeal Cancer pain:A case series. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


14. Nirmal Kumar,Sandeep Babbar,Shveta Katyal, Shiv Pratap Rana,Seema Mishra,Sushma Bhtanagar. Efficacy of Scrambler Therapy in Neuropathic Pain in a Tertiary care Cancer centre. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


15. Joris Gielen, sushma Bhtanagr,Seema Mishra,Harmala Gupta,Ambika Rajvanshi, Bert Broeckaert. Accepatance of Death and Dying by patienst and their relatives in Indian Palliative care. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


16. Anchal Sharma, Alka Bhatnagar, Vikas Gogia, Deepa Khurana,Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Journey of Cancer Patients: A systematic Evaluation. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


17. Gaurav Prakash, Sameer Bakshi, Vinod Raina,Sushma Bhatnagar,Atul Sharma,Lalit Kumar, NK Shukla, PK Julka,GK Rath.Characteristic and pattern of mortality in Cancer Patients,at Tertiary care Oncology Centre: Report of 259 cases. Indian Journal of Palliative Care /supplement/Jan.2011 at 18th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care.


18. Seema Mishra, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar, M.D., Gaurav N. Goyal, M.D., Surjya Prasad Upadhya, M.D., Shiv Pratap Rana, M.D.A Comparative Efficacy of Amitriptyline, Gabapentin and Pregabalin in Neuropathic Cancer Pain at ASA 2009, 18-21st Oct, New Orleans, USA. A596.


19. S. Bhatnagar, S. Mishra, H. Khurana, R. Jain, S. Upadhyay, S.K. Sharma. Prevalence and Management of Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Patients at Tertiary Care Cancer Hospital—A Retrospective Analysis. 5th World Pain Conference. World Institute of Pain.12 – 15 March 2009.Hotel Hilton, New York, USA.


20. Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Dr. Surjya Prasad Upadhya. A comparative efficacy of Amitriptyline, Gabapentin and Pregabalin in   Neuropathic Cancer Pain: A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


21. Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Prakash Chaudhary, Dr. Deepak Gupta. Respiratory Support in Oncology Ward Setting: A Prospective Descriptive Study in 16th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


22. Vasudha Singhal, Dr Seema Mishra, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Surjya Upadhya ,  Mrs Govindi Chauhan,, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar. Psychosocial Concerns In advanced cancer Patients: An Observational Study at IRCH, AIIMS, in 16th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


23. Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Shiv Pratap Rana. Retrospective Audit of A Newly Developed Palliative Care Ward in a Tertiary Care     Institute. in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


24. Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Vikas Gogia, Dr.Gaurav N Goyal. Incidence of Neuropathic Pain in Cancer Patientsa at a Tertiary Care Cancer Centre in India, in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


25. Dr Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Himanshu Khurana, Dr. Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Dr. Surjya Prasad Upadhyay. Implantable Drug Delivery System (Idds) For Intractable Pain In Carcinoma Rectum Patients- Our Experience; in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


26. Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Surjya Upadhyay. Journey of oncology patients from their home to pain and palliative clinic at DR BRA IRCH, AIIMS: A prospective study ; in 16th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


27. Dr. Himanshu K., Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar. Palliative Care In Pediatric Population: A Challenge For All Of Us. ; in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


28. Dr Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Surjya Prasad Upadhyay. A Prospective Evaluation of the Incidence and Characteristics of Breakthrough Cancer Pain Episodes (BTCP) in Head and Neck Cancer Patients ; in 16th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


29. Joris Gielen, Harmala Gupta, Ambika Rajvanshi, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra , Arvind K. Chaturvedi , Stef Van den Branden , Bert Broeckaert. The Attitude of Indian Palliative-Care Nurse and Physician toward Pain Treatment and Palliative Sedation in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


30. Dr.Vikas Gogia, Dr.Siddharth Sharma, Dr.Gaurav Goyal, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar. Steroid Injection in Cervical Epidural For Neuropathic Pain: Short Term Experience  in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


31. Dr. Frenny Philip, Dr Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra. What is happening to me!! I really don’t know. ; in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


32. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Surjya Prasad Upadhyay, Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar. A retrospective analysis of side effects in long term treatment of cancer pain with oral morphine. ; in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


33. Dr. Arif Ahmed, Dr Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr. Seema Mishra. Successful Morphine Withdrawal in a Patient Treated With a High Dose of Oral Morphine for a Long Period. ; in 16th  International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care , held on 13th -15th Feb 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.


34. Gaurav N. Goyal, M.D., Manisha Singh, M.D., Deepak Gupta, M.D., Seema Mishra, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar,. A Prospective Analytical study of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters in Surgical Patients.-A1140, ASA (American Society of Anaesthesiologist Annual Meeting, October 18-22, 2008 Orlando, F, USA.


35. Seema Mishra, M.D., Sushma Bhatnagar, M.D., Deepak Gupta, M.D., Gaurav N. Goyal, M.D., Sanjay Thulkar, M.D. Ultrasonography Guided Neurolysis: Bedside Interventional Palliation of Gastrointestinal Cancer Pain. A1565. ASA (American Society of Anaesthesiologist Annual Meeting, October 18-22, 2008 Orlando, FL, USA.









  1. Workshop – conducted to develop Framework for Palliative Care all over India, held from 11th to 12th January, 2013 at Trivandrum, Kerala.
  2. Attended “58th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists held 26th to 29th December 2010 at Lucknow, India.
  3. Manisha Singh, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. An Audit of Routine Clinical Practice of Blind Insertion of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters In Surgical Oncology Patients. 46th Annual conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist (Delhi Chapter) 7th-8th April, 2007 Page No. 96-97, Delhi.
  4. Roopesh Jain, Madhurima Srikanti, Seema mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Mechanical Complication of Anterior Mediastinal Mass: A Cause of Unusual Positioning Of Central Venous Catheter. 46th Annual Conference of Indian Society Of Anaesthesiologist (Delhi Chapter) 7th-8th April,2007 ,Page No. 108-109, Delhi
  5. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar .Management of Neuropathic Cancer Pain Following WHO guidelines. 7th SACA Congress of South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologist 22nd Feb. -24th Feb 2007, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  6. Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Somatization Disorder, A Cause of Difficult Pain: A Case Report. XIV international conference of Indian Society of palliative care 10th Feb -12th Feb 2007 Mumbai, Maharashtra.
  7. Attended “World Conference Expanding Paradigms: Sciences, Consciousness & Spirituality” Organized by IRCH, AIIMS.  24-25th February 2006.
  8. Madhurima Srikanti, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra Efficacy and Safety of a Mixture of Ketamine, Midazolam and Atropine for Procedural Sedation In Paediatric Oncology: A Randomized Study Of Oral Vs. Intramuscular Route. 17th Biennial National Conference of RSACP 10-12th Nov. 2006, Pune.
  9. Current Concept of etiology and Management of Neuropathic Pain’ Biennial Conference of Research Society of Anaesthesiology held from 10-12th Nov. 2006.

10. Madhurima S, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Mohan Gurjar, Anandya Sunder Mondal .A Randomized Double-Blinded Study of Clonidine as an Analgesic Adjuvant to Continuous Extra pleural Intercostals Bupivacaine for Post-Thoracotomy Pain. 17th Biennial National Conference of RSACP 10-12th Nov. Page No. 56, 2006, Pune.

11. Gupta D, Agarwal A, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Oncologic emergencies. The Journal of General Medicine 2006; 18 (3): SS5-6. Indo-US Emergency Medicine Summit, 2006 held at New Delhi INDIA from 27th September-1st October, 2006. 

12. Gupta D, Agarwal A, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Economic Independence For Emergency Health Care. The Journal of General Medicine 2006; 18 (3): SS12. Indo-US Emergency Medicine Summit, 2006 held at New Delhi INDIA from 27th September-1st October, 2006. 

13. Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar “Incidence and Management of Acute and Chronic Phantom Limb pain in Amputees- A Prospective Study.”, Conference proceeding  on International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative care. 10-12th Feb. 2006.

14. Dr. Seema Mishra, Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar “High dose morphine for Intractable Phantom Limb Pain: A Case Report, Conference Proceeding on International conference of Indian Association of Palliative care. 10-12th Feb. 2006.

15. Attended workshop “How to write a paper” from 12-14th Jan. 2005 at K.L.Wig Center for Medical Education and Technology, AIIMS , New Delhi  ”

16. Attended “11th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care Department of Radiotherapy” 13th – 15th February, 2004, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

17. Meenu Gupta, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra , Annidya Sunder Mondal , Naresh Dua “Comparitive Double Blind Study of Different Concentrations of Intraoperative Oxygene on PONV in Breast Surgeries. ISACON-2003. Dec. 26th –30th Orrisa.

  1. 18.  Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, R.R.Jha, A.K.Singhal, N.Dua “Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy in Oral Cancer Patients: A prospective study.”. ISACON-2003.   Dec. 26th –30th. Orrisa.

19. Poster presented – “Principles of Palliative care.” Seema Mishra, R.R.Jha, Sushma Bhatnagar , 37th Annual Conference on Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (Delhi chapter) 12-13th April,2003

20. Emergencies in Palliative Care.” Naresh Dua, Seema Mishra, Susham Bhatnagar. 37th Annual conference on Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (Delhi chapter) 12-13th April,2003

  1. 21.  Ethical issues in Palliative Care.”  Amit Kumar Singhal, Seema Mishra, Susham Bhatnagar. 37th Annual conference on Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (Delhi chapter) 12-13th April,2003

22. Paper presented in. “Radiotherapy Induced Inflammation of Tracheobronchial Tree: a   Possible Cause of Rupture of Left Main Bronchus with a Double Lumen Tube in Esophageal Surgery.” : 37th Annual conference on Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (Delhi chapter) Rajeev Ranjan Jha, Seema Mishra and Sushma Bhatnagar. 12-13th April,2003

  1. 23.  Paper presented “Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure in Neutropenic Cancer Patients” Authors: Anirban Hom Choudhri, Sushma Bhatnagar and Seema Mishra. 37th Annual conference on Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (Delhi chapter). 12-13th April,2003
  2. 24.  Attended 37th Annual Conference “Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists”. 12-13th April, 2003.

25. Poster presented “Onco-Aneasthesia-Role of Anaesthesilogist” in 37th Conference of Indian Society of A anesthesiology (Delhi chapter). 12-13th April,2003

26. Attended Workshop – “Infections in the ICU”. 2nd March, 2003, New Delhi.

27. Paper presented “Intra Operative Atrial Fibrillation during Noncardiac Surgery –A case report”. Himanshu Prabhakar, Sushma Bhatnagar in   RSACPCON 2002.  Nov.17th to 19th 2OO2 at Bhopal. 

  1. 28.  Attended workshop on “Intensive Care: Current Trends & Techniques” organized by AIIMS, New Delhi.  23-24th Nov.2002

29. Paper presented “Obstruction of Nasotracheal tube by Dislocated turbinate. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar in   RSACPCON 2002.  Nov.17th to 19th 2OO2 at Bhopal.

30. Paper presented “Evaluation of Analegesic effect of Salmon Calcitonin in Metastatic bone pain”. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar in 10th International conference of Indian Society of Palliative Care at Hyderabad.

31. Attended “Transoesophageal Echocardiography Update 2002”.Organized by AIIMS.  21ST July, 2002.

32. Paper Presented   "Use of Oral Ketamine for Neuropathic Pain Relief in Cancer Patients”, ASCO PAN Asia Cancer Conference, Delhi.  Feb 24-26, 2002.

  1. 33.  Paper Presented – “Cancer Treatment in Developing Countries: The Problems and Opportunities for Clinical Research”.  ASCO PAN ASIA CANCER CONFERENCE (A-PACC). New Delhi, India. February 24-26, 2002.

34. Attended Workshop – “Research Methods in Clinical Oncology” Sponsered by EORTCon 23rd February, 2002, Indraprashtha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

35. Paper Presented “Approach to Palliation in Incurable Head and Neck Cancer - A Common Problem in India”, 9th International Conference of IAPC, Varanasi.  FEB 2002.

36. Paper presented – 1st North Zone Conference of Indian Society of Oncology & Operative Surgery Video Workshop.  April 7-8, 2001, Jaipur.

37. Poster Presented – “1st Biennial Workshop of RSACP”.  17-18th November 2001, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

38. Attended “1st Annual Conference of Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia” organized by AIIMS, New Delhi.  25th – 26th November 2000.

39. Presented a paper “Perianaesthetic Management of Head and Neck Cancer Surgery - A Retrospective Study of 125 Cases",   International Trauma Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society, Delhi. 17-19 November 2000.

40. Attended “International Trauma Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society–Annual Conference-2000.” 17-19th November, 2000, Airforce Auditorium, New Delhi

41. Attended "National Symposium and workshop on Critical Care" organised by Indian society of Critical care Medicine (Delhi Chapter) & Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. 8-10th Oct. 1999.

42. Presented paper entitled "Propofol for Paediatric Radiotherapy" at 5th Biennial Congress Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anesthesia (AOSRA). 29th Oct to 2nd Nov.1999, New Delhi.

43. Paper presented “A Study of Post-operative Shivering-Comparison of Tramadol Vs Pethidine" at 5th Biennial Congress Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia (AOSRA). 29th Oct to 2nd Nov.1999, New Delhi.

44. Attended “National Symposium & Workshop on Critical Care” organized by Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine & Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.  8th – 10th October, 1999, New Delhi.

45. Attended "33rd Annual Conference, Indian Society of Anesthesiologists" Delhi Branch, New Delhi. 17-18th April 1999.

46. Attended “33rd Annual Conference Indian Society of Anesthesiologists”. 17-18 April 1999, Ashok Hotel, New Delhi.

47. Attended “Second Annual Conference of Indian Association of Cardio- Vascular Thoracic Anesthesiologists”, Mumbai. Nov. 1998.

48. Attended Continuing Medical Education Credit Course by University of Minnesota, USA, on “International Update in Anesthesiology, Pain Management and Critical Care”, Mumbai. Dec. 1995.





NEWER FACILITY STARTED AT Dr. B.R.A IRCH, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


  1. Upgraded Unit of Ansethesia to Department of Onco-Ansethesia and Palliative Medicine.
  2. Started two new course at AIIMS;MD,Palliative Medicine and DM, Onco-Anaesthesia at Depatment of Onco-Ansethesia and Palliative Medicine.
  3. Strated Six bedded Pain and Palliative care ward.Structured Pain and Palliative care Progarm for whole of the hospital. 
  4. Strated Pain and Palliative care clinics all six  days in a week at IRCH,AIIMS.
  5. Planning and commissioning of manifold system at IRCH,AIIMS.
  6. Advance Interventional Pain Management techniques like PNFS (Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulator) and Programmable Intrathecal Implant.
  7. USG guided nerve blocks in supine position for Gastro intestinal and Gynacological Malignancy.
  8. Ultrasound guided line central venous line placements.
  9. Radiofrequency ablation for Cancer Pain Patients.

10. Scrambler Therapy in Cancer Pain Patients.

11. Indian Association of Palliative Care’s Certificate Course in Palliative Care Unit of Anesthesiology, Dr. BRA, IRCH is Nodal Center for conducting Indian Association of Palliative Care’s Certificate Course in Palliative Care twice in a year.

12. Reserch on psychosocial and spiritual  aspect of pain in Cancer patients

13. International cooborative research started in area of Pain and Palliative Care


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