Name |

Dr Rakesh Garg,
Fellowship in Palliative Medicine
Fellowship in Clinical Research Methodology & Evidence-Based Medicine
Contact Details |
Mobile: 9810394950
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Twitter: @DrRakeshGarg8
Present position and Institution |
Additional Professor,
Anesthesiology, Critical Care, Pain and Palliative Medicine, DR BRAIRCH,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Education |
MBBS: University College of Medical Sciences.
MD (Anesthesiology): Maulana Azad Medical College.
Senior Residency: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
Publications |
Total of 250 publications (International and National).
Authored 25 chapters in Books.
Editor of 2 books.
Areas of Interest |
Onco-Anaesthesiology, Acute and Chronic Pain, Airway, Resuscitation, Research |
Organization and Academic contributions |
Secretary ISA Delhi
Council Member for ISSP (Indian Society for Study of Pain), Delhi Chapter.
Governing Council: Executive Member - Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (RSACP). Year 2018-2021.
Vice President- All India Difficult Airway Association (AIDAA) 2019-2021.
Executive Member – Society of Oncoanaesthesia and Perioperative Care (SOAPC)
Editors: Pubmed Indexed Journals
Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Onco-Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Associate Editor: Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology.
Associate Editor: Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
Associate Editor: BMC Emergency Medicine
Associate Editor: Journal of Medical Case Reports.
Editorial Board member of 12 International and National journals.
Journals reviewer: Reviewed over 1000 manuscript for International, and National Journals
Trainer and Instructor:
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Core Member for the formulation of Guidelines, Courses and Programmes:
Key author and core committee member for the formulation of the first Indian Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) guidelines under the aegis of Indian Resuscitation Council (IRC) and Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists.
Core committee member for the formulation of National Airway Guideline under the aegis of All India Difficult Airway Association (AIDAA). Formulated first Indian guidelines for Adult, Obstetrics, Paediatric, ICU, Extubation airway management.
Core Committee member for position statement of the Indian chest society for Bronchial thermoplasty for severe asthma.
Core Committee member for the formulation of consensus guidelines for perioperative management of patients for cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC) under Society of Onco- Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care (SOAPC).
Key member and core committee member for framing the module for Basics of research methodology and Publication under the aegis of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA).
Formulated Course and core committee member -First Responder Course for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.
Core committee member for the formulation of National Emergency Life Support (NELS) course for all medical professionals under the aegis of Government of India (GOI), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) and DGHS (Director General Health Services).
Other Contributions:
Conducted over 50 Airway Workshops, Mechanical Ventilation, CPR workshop, Research Methodology, Vascular access workshop, Pain Management and Palliative Care etc.
Delivered over 150 guest lectures at various conferences and workshops. Chaired various sessions and judge for competitive papers at conferences.
Presented over 90 presentations (oral/poster) at conferences.
Award received |
Biography published in the 2016 Edition (33rd Edition) of Who's Who in the World, based on the reference value of the outstanding achievements.
Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) Reviewer Recognition Awards 2017 by Singapore Medical Association.
Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) Reviewer Recognition Awards 2015 for reviewing with Distinction in recognition of outstanding service as a reviewer of scientific manuscripts submitted for publication in the Singapore Medical Journal for Singapore Medical Association.
2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who
Publoans Peer Review Award 2017 for outstanding performance for review of manuscripts at National and International journals.
Felicitated with a plaque at Global Health Care Summit 2017, Kolkatta by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) for contributing and exemplary work for drafting the first Indian CPR Guidelines.
Conferred with Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy
ISA Proficiency Award 2019.
Felicitated by DGHS, MOHFW on Doctor’s Day 2019.
ISA Bhopal Award 2018 For Academic Excellence Conferred by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at ISACON 2018 Agra with citation and cash award.
Dr Y.G. Bhoj Raj Award 2018– Best Review Article In IJA conferred by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at ISACON 2018 Agra with citation and cash award
ISA President's Award 2015 for Significant contribution towards the development of National Module for Workshop on Research Methodology and conducting workshops for India Society of Anaesthesiologists.
Received President's Appreciation Award 2017 for the service rendered to the formulation of Cardiopulmonary-resuscitation (CPR) guidelines under the aegis of Indian Resuscitation Council (IRC) and ISA.
Conferred with Fellowship by the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (FICA, Fellows of the College)
Selected as TOP 100 Health Professionals 2017 by the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England
Felicitated at World Sepsis Day by ISCCM on World Sepsis Day Meet 2013 for active participation in Critical Care activities and contribution.
Awarded The 2015 Leaders Awards(Healthcare) for achieving "Excellence in Pain Management of the Year" -
"Outstanding Scientist" award for contribution and achievement in the field of Anaesthesiology- Outstanding Scientist Award (in the category of Medicine / Anesthesiology) by Venus International foundation
2nd Prize for SMJ Best Research Paper Award 2011
Felicitated for support to Indian Journal of Anaesthesia as Editor at ISACON 2016, ISACON 2017, National conferences of ISA.
Facilitated by the Government of India for starting New Renal transplant Unit at Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi.
Received awards for Best Paper /Poster presentation at various conferences.