The following academic courses are conducted by the department:
DM (Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care)
Duration: Three (03) years course
Eligibility A candidate must possess MD (Anaesthesia) degree of a University recognized by Medical Council of India. The entrance exams are conducted in December and May every year.
For further information contact Examination Cell, AIIMS
Procedure of selection
For this program the candidate is selected through 2 step competitive examination held at national level.
Step-I Written examination of multiple choice questions based on MD (Anaesthesia), Critical Care and Basic Neuroanaesthesia. The candidates are short listed for step-II.
Step-II There is a departmental interview where candidates are examined to evaluate their clinical acumen and aptitude.
Final selection of the candidate is made on the bases of combined evaluation of step-I, and II
The selected candidates work as Senior Resident (DM) in the department. They are supposed to do all clinical work of OR, ICUs, and emergency both independently and also under supervision. The candidate is expected to maintain a log book of all anaesthetic, postoperative, and critical care experience. They are supposed to write one dissertation to qualify to appear in final DM exam. The final DM examination to award the degree takes place after the end of 3rd year.
Teaching Program
1. Seminar
2. Journal Club
3 Clinical Case Presentations
Final Examination
The final examination to award the degree of DM (Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care) consists of following steps
1. Theory examination
a. Paper - 1
b. Paper - 2
c. Paper - 3
2. Practical
a. One long case
b. Two short cases
c. Grand Viva (Includes Drugs, Equipments, and Radiology)
Duration: One (01) year course
Eligibility A candidate must possess MD / DNB (Anaesthesia, Medicine) or MS (Surgery) degree of a University recognized by Medical Council of India with three years’ post PG experience in Neurosciences or having a degree of DM (Neuroanaesthesiology, Neurology), MCh (Neurosurgery). The entrance exams are conducted in December and May every year.
For further information contact Examination Cell, AIIMS
Procedure of selection
For this program the candidate is selected through 2 step competitive examination held at national level.
Step-I Written examination of multiple choice questions based on Neurocritical Care, Critical Care and Basic Neurosciences. The candidates are short listed for step-II.
Step-II There is a departmental interview where candidates are examined to evaluate their clinical acumen and aptitude.
Final selection of the candidate is made on the bases of combined evaluation of step-I, and II
The selected candidates work as Neurocritical Care Fellow in the Neuro ICUs. They are supposed to do all clinical work of Neurosurgery ICUs, Neurology ICU, Stroke Unit at Neurosciences centre and Neurotrauma ICU at JPNA Trauma Centre, both independently and also under supervision. The candidate is expected to maintain a log book of all critical care experience. The final fellowship examination to award the degree takes place after the end of one year.
Teaching Program
1. Seminar
2. Journal Club
3 Clinical Case Presentations
Final Examination
The final examination to award the degree of Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Neurocritical Care) consists of following steps
Practical Exam
a. One long case
b. Two short cases
c. Grand Viva (Includes Drugs, Equipments, and Radiology)
Past Faculty
Name | Designation | Period | |
Dr. Surinder Singh Saini | Professor & Head | 1987-1992 | |
Dr. Hari Hara Dash | Professor & Head; Chief, NSC | 1987-2012 | |
Dr Pramod Kumar Bithal | Professor & Head | 1987-2016 | |
Dr. Neeraj Vishnoi | Associate Professor | 1993 | |
Dr. Ajit Kumar Kayal | Assistant Professor | 1993-1996 | --- |
Dr. Anju Romino Bhalotra | Assistant Professor | 1997 | |
Late Dr. Bibekananda Mohanty | Assistant Professor | 1998-2000 | --- |
Dr. Gyanendra Upamanyu | Assistant Professor | 1998 | |
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Sinha | Assistant Professor | 2000-2001 | |
संवेदनाहरण विज्ञान
पूर्व डीएम छात्र
नाम | समापन के माह / वर्ष | ईमेल |
डॉ. गिरिजा प्रसाद रथ |
जून 2005 |
डॉ. एम. राधाकृष्णन |
जून 2005 |
डॉ. इंद्रनील घोष |
जून 2006 |
डॉ. मुकेश मोहन गुप्ता |
जून 2006 |
डॉ. दीपक शर्मा |
दिसंबर 2006 |
डॉ. हेमंत भगत |
दिसंबर 2006 |
डॉ. वीरेन्द्र जैन |
जून 2008 |
डॉ. प्रदीप कुमार लाइ (एस) |
दिसंबर 2008 |
डॉ. दीपक सिंह |
दिसंबर 2008 |
डॉ. जुल्फिकार अली (एस) |
दिसंबर 2008 |
डॉ. प्रसन्ना बिदकर |
जून 2009 |
डॉ. मनीष कुमार मरडा |
दिसंबर 2009 |
डॉ. ज्ञानिंद्र पाल सिंह |
जून 2010 |
डॉ. राहुल यादव (एस) |
जून 2011 |
डॉ. आशीष बिंद्रा |
दिसंबर 2011 |
डॉ. सच्चिदानंद जी भारती |
दिसंबर 2011 |
डॉ. तुमुल चौधरी |
दिसंबर 2011 |
डॉ. केशव गोयल |
दिसंबर 2011 |
डॉ. चारु महाजन |
जून 2012 |
डॉ. बी किरण रेड्डी |
जून 2012 |
डॉ. नवदीप सोखल |
दिसंबर 2012 |
The following training courses are conducted by the department:
Duration: Three (03) years Residency training programme in Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care
Eligibility A candidate must possess MD / DNB (Anaesthesia) degree of a University recognized by Medical Council of India. The entrance exams are conducted in December and May every year.
For further information contact Examination Cell, AIIMS
Procedure of selection
For this program the candidate is selected through 2 step competitive examination held at national level.
Step-I Written examination of multiple choice questions based on MD (Anaesthesia), Critical Care and Basic Neuroanaesthesia. The candidates are short listed for step-II.
Step-II There is a departmental interview where candidates are examined to evaluate their clinical acumen and aptitude.
Final selection of the candidate is made on the bases of combined evaluation of step-I, and II
The candidates selected work as Senior Resident (non-DM) in the department. They are supposed to do all clinical work of OR, ICUs, and emergency both independently and also under supervision.
Teaching Program
1. Seminar
2. Journal Club
3 Clinical Case Presentations
Rotational Policy
There is a compulsory rotational policy for clinical exposure of the candidates to various sub-specialities of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care apart from Neuroanaesthesia, Neurotrauma, and Neurocritical Care. It is the only sub-speciality of Anaesthesia at AIIMS, New Delhi where the Senior Residents are exposed to most of the sub-specilalities of Anaesthesia. During the three years tenure the candidates are rotated to Trauma Anaesthesia (General, Ortho, and Neurotrauma) and Plastic Surgery at JPNA Trauma Centre, Onco-anaesthesia at BRA IRCH, General Anaesthesia including Laparoscopy, Transplant Surgery, Paediatric, Gynaecologic, ENT, and Ophthalmologic Anaesthesia at RPC.
Guidelines for Short-Term/Long-Term Training/Visiting Fellow in respect of Indian and Foreign National candidates
Training will be provided to the candidates sponsored by the Government/Autonomous Bodies or Institutions/Public Health Sector Organizations / MCI approved medical colleges and Government / Defence Services. The short-term training may not be allowed to the private practitioners.
· Fee: - A fee of Rs.1, 000/- per month will be charged from the trainees (Indian citizens) and a fee of Indian Rupees equivalent to US $200 will be charged from the foreign nationals/citizens. However, the candidates sponsored by the Defence Services only will not be charged any fee.
· At a given time the number of long-term / short-term trainees in a particular department should not exceed 50% of the sanctioned strength of faculty of that department.
The short-term training may be provided to the foreign national candidates sponsored by the foreign Government / Autonomous Bodies / Medical Institutions duly recommended by the Dean or any other competent authority of the concerned College / University / Institution.
· A fee of US $ 200 per month will be charged from the foreign national candidates.
· There will be no financial obligations on the part of the Institute / Govt. of India.
· No accommodation etc. will be provided to the trainees.
· If the foreign nationals want hands on training, approval of MCI is necessary.
This training will be provided to the candidates sponsored by the Government of India / Semi-Government / Autonomous Bodies / Institutions / Public Sector Organizations / Public Defense Services only. The long-term training is not allowed to the private practitioners / NGOs.
The persons with postgraduate degree and working on regular basis will be given preference.
· Fee: - A fee of Rs.1,000/- per month will be charged from the trainees (Indian citizens) and a fee of Indian Rupees equivalent to US $200 will be charged from the foreign nationals/citizens. However, the candidates sponsored by the Defence Services only will not be charged any fee.
· At a given time the number of long-term/short-term trainees in a particular department should not exceed 50% of the sanctioned strength of faculty of that department.
· The foreign nationals / citizens trainees will be treated as Observers and not allowed hands on training without prior permission of the Medical Council of India. If the foreign national trainees want hands on training then the approval of the MCI is necessary.
The department of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care at AIIMS is committed for advancement and promotion of Neuroanaesthesia and Neurocritical Care in India and abroad. The department regularly organizes a scientific event the “AIIMS Neuroanaesthesia Update”, every year starting from 2013. Eminent faculties of National and International repute along with AIIMS faculty participate in the meeting. It is a unique event where the anaesthetic procedures are telecasted live from the operation theatres and the delegates directly communicate with the anaesthesiologists and operating neurosurgeon as a part of the discussion. The department also started regular courses such as Cadaveric Hands-on Workshop on Airway Management and AIIMS Neurological Life Support (ANLS) with the target audience which includes emergency physicians, neurosurgeons, and neurologists apart from the anaesthesiologists. The department encourages faculty of national repute to deliver talks in the Neurosciences Centre based on recent neurosciences issues. The department also encourages faculty of International repute to be part of the departmental academic and research activities as a Visiting Professor.
For more details contact Dean / Registrar, Academic Section - II, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110 029, India
D.M. Students
Name |
Expected Month & Year of Completion |
Dr. Devjyoti Sharma | July 2021 | |
Dr. Sunil Routaray | July 2021 | |
Dr. Arohan Gupta | July 2021 | |
Dr. Chandrakant Prasad | July 2021 | |
Dr. Vikas Chauhan | December 2017 | |
Dr. Ashutosh Kaushal | December 2018 | |
Dr. Subodh Kumar | December 2018 | |
Dr. Ritesh Lamsal | December 2018 | |
Dr Bhagya Ranjan Jena | June 2019 | |
Dr. Ruhi Mamualiya | June 2019 | |
Dr. Hirok Ray | June 2019 | |
Dr. Ankur Dhanda | December 2019 | |
Dr. Ratnesh Shukla | June 2020 | |
Dr. Sidharth Srinivas Chaveli | December 2019 | |
Dr. Ankur Khandewal | June 2020 | |
Dr. V.Sameera | December 2020 | |
Dr. Rashmi Rani Mahapatra | December 2020 | |
Dr. Saurabh Barman | December 2020 | |
Dr. Deep Sengupta | December 2020 | |
Post- Doctoral Fellows
Name | Expected Month & Year of Completion | |
Dr. Sneha Singh | January 2018 | |
Dr Vineet Choudhary | July 2019 | |
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान
अंसारी नगर, नई दिल्ली - 110029
+91-11-26588500 / 26588700
फैक्स: +91-11-26588663 / 26588641
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