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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Rohit Verma




Brief Sketch:


An alumni of GMC, Kota, Rajasthan (MBBS) and AIIMS, New Delhi (MD  Psychiatry), Dr. Rohit Verma further pursued his professional training at GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi and PGIMER RML Hospital, New Delhi as Senior Resident and Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi as Assistant Professor before rejoining AIIMS, New Delhi in the capacity of Assistant Professor from 2014. Apart from patient care, teaching and administrative responsibilities, he has been involved in research on various platforms. He has been commended for his work on disability in severe mental illness (Dr. BB Sethi Award) and disaster related mental health (Dr. GC Boral Award) by national societies. With interest towards the interface of Neurology and Psychiatry, he conducted research and was acclaimed for it by national and international research societies (Junior Scientist Award & Travel Grants). He is working in the field of Brain Mapping & Stimulation with state-of-the-art set up at AIIMS.


Designation  Assistant Professor

Email id rohit.aiims@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; completed Qualifying Examination 5/2005, Degree and Thesis completed 2008

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Rajasthan, Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan, 2002




Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, July 2014 – Till Date

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Drug De-addiction, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt. S. K. Hospital, New Delhi India, January 2013 – July 2014

Senior Resident, Academic-Regular, Department of Psychiatry and Drug De-addiction, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital New Delhi India, June 2010 – November 2012

Senior Resident, Academic-Regular, Department of Psychiatry and Drug De-addiction, Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical College and associated group of hospitals, New Delhi India, January 2009 – April 2010

Junior Resident, Academic-Regular, Department of Psychiatry and Drug De-addiction, All India Institute of Medical Sciences and National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, New Delhi India, July 2005 – Dec 2008

Predoctoral Internship, Maharao Bhim Singh Hospital, Government Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan, India, 12/2002-12/2003

Areas of Interest

• Brain Stimulation – ECT, rTMS, TBS, tDCS

• Brain Mapping – QEEG, ERP, fNIRS

• Movement Disorders –Neuropsychological underpinnings

• mHealth – Mobile App development for management of Mental Illness

• Severe Mental Illness – FEP biological underpinnings, Botulinum toxin for sialorrhoea


Awards & Honours

Indian Council of Medical Research Financial Assistance Grant to MD/MS/DM/MCH Thesis Programme - Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, 2006


Congress Travel Award by Melvin Yahr International Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders - XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Kenes International, Shanghai, China, 2011


Dr. B. B. Sethi Award - Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Patna, 2011


• Fellowship Travel Award by Y-Mind Sao Paulo Advanced Science School, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), State of São Research Funding Agency (FAPESP) - Y-Mind: The Cutting-Edge Science for Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Prevention, São Paulo, Brazil, 2013


Congress Travel Award by Melvin Yahr International Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders - XX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014


Dr. G. C. Boral Award II - Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Mysore, 2014


Indian Council of Medical Research International Travel Grant for Non-ICMR Scientists - Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, 2015


Travel Award by The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society - 2nd Middle East Camp for Parkinson’s, Movement Disorders, and Neuromodulation, Dubai, UAE, 2015


AIIMS Intramural Research Grant - New Delhi, 2015-17


Junior Scientist Award by The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society 5th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress, Manila, Philippines, 2016


Travel Award by The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society - 3rd Taiwan International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Taiwan, 2017


Posts, memberships and fellowships

Assistant Editor: Asian Journal of Cognitive Neurology

Member, Editorial Board: International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Technical Expert: National Accreditation Board of Hospitals, National AIDS Control Organization

Geriatric Teaching Expert: National Institute of Social Defense

ECT Expert: National Human Rights Commission

Expert Committee Member, Disability Certification in Mental Illness: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment


Member of –

• Delhi Psychiatric Society (DPS)

• Indian Medical Association (IMA)

• Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (IASP)

• Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS)

• Indian Psychiatric Society - North Zone (IPS-NZ)

• Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD)

• Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health (CCSMH)

• Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorder (APRD)

 Movement Disorder Society (MDS)


Total number of publications till date
Articles – 56; Books – 2; Book Chapters – 5


Details of ALL publications (the full citation) of peer reviewed publications

2016 -

1.       Kumar N, Srivastava MVP, Verma R, Sharma H, Modak T. Can low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation precipitate a late-onset seizure in a stroke patient? Clinical Neurophysiology 2016;127:1734–6.

2.       Verma R. Advent of rTMS as a neuromodulatory approach for managing neuropsychiatric conditions. Minds Newsletter 2016;6(3):2.

3.       Patil V, Gupta R, Verma R, Balhara YP. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Associated with Lithium Toxicity. Oman Medical Journal 2016 Jul;31(4):309-11.

4.       Sood M, Chadda RK, Deb KS, Bhad R, Mahapatra A, Verma R, Mishra AK. Scope of Mobile Phones in Mental Health Care in Low Resource Settings. Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine 2016;5:2:33–37.

5.       Anand KS, Verma R. Parkinson’s Disease: Focus on Non Motor Symptoms. Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy 2016;29(1):48-51.


2015 -

6.       Malhotra M, Shrivastav DK, Verma R. Effect of psychosocial environment in children having mother with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 2015 Apr 30;226(2-3):418-24.

7.       Mina S, Jabeen M, Singh S, Verma R. Gender differences in depression and anxiety among atopic dermatitis patients. Indian Journal of Dermatology 2015 Mar-Apr;60(2):211.

8.       Sachdeva A, Verma R. Internet Gaming Addiction: A Technological Hazard. International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction 2015;4(4):e26359.

9.       Garekar H, Bhargava M, Verma R, Mina S. Aggression and Psychosis in Patients Seeking Emergency Psychiatric Care in New Delhi, India. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience 2015;17:251.

10.   Sharma S, Sharma S, Chandra M, Mina S, Singh Balhara YP, Verma R. Psychological well-being in primary survivors of Uttarakhand disaster in India. Indian J Soc Psychiatry 2015;31:29-36.

11.   Jorwal P, Verma R, Balhara YS. Psychological health of caregivers of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional comparative study. Journal of Social Health & Diabetes 2015;3:95-101.


2014 -

12.   Verma R, Apala, Kumari S, Dhiman V. Stimulant treatment for ADHD. British Journal of Psychiatry 2014;204:490.

13.   Verma R, Anand KS. HIV presenting as Young Onset Dementia. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2014;13(2):110-2.

14.   Anand KS, Verma R, Garg J. Levosulpiride induced extra pyramidal symptoms: A case series. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014;17, Suppl S2:160-244.

15.   Manaktala PS, Anand KS, Janardan V, Verma R. Half and half nails (Lindsay's nails) in chronic renal disease. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2014 Oct;62(10):44-5.

16.   Anand KS, Garg J, Verma R, Chakraborty A. Hashimoto's encephalitis: Unusual cause of reversible dementia. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2014;3:284-6.

17.   Verma R, Anand KS, Sharma B B, Garg J. Neurocysticercosis presenting as parkinsonism. Authors' Reply. Neurol India 2014;62:110-1.

18.   Balhara YP, Verma R. A review of web based interventions for managing tobacco use. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2014 Jul;36(3):226-35.

19.   Verma R, Mina S, Sachdeva A. Auto cannibalism in mental retardation. Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences 2014 Jan;9(1):60-2.

20.   Mina S, Verma R, Balhara YP, Ul-Hasan S. Road rage: prevalence pattern and web based survey feasibility. Psychiatry Journal 2014;2014:897493.

21.   Anand KS, Verma R. Yoga in Neuro-Psychiatry. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy 2014;5: e119.

22.   Jorwal P, Keshwani P, Verma R. Association of acanthosis nigricans with anthropometric and biochemical parameters in young Indian males. Annals of Nigerian Medicine 2014;8:65-8.

23.   Balhara YS, Verma R, Kalra B. Pharmacological management of psychiatric disorders in pregnancy complicated by diabetics Journal of Social Health & Diabetes 2014;2:70-6.

24.   Verma R, Mina S, Goyal S, Jakhar K. Venous dermatitis associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a case report. Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal 2014;10(1):11.

25.   Verma R, Apala, Kumari S, Dhiman V. Stimulant treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk of developing substance use disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, published online eLetter on April 18, 2014.


2013 -

26.   Verma R, Anand KS, Sharma BB, Garg J. Neurocysticercosis presenting as Parkinsonism. Neurology India 2013;61:656-7.

27.   Verma R, Mina S, Deshpande SN. An Analysis of Paramilitary Referrals to Psychiatric Services at a Tertiary Care Centre. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2013;22(1):54-9.

28.   Verma R, Mina  S, Sahni M, Kumar P. Association of corpus callosum agenesis with mental retardation and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal 2013;1(2):148-155.

29.   Verma R, Mina S, Ul-Hussan S, Balhara YPS. A descriptive analysis of patients presenting to psychosexual clinic at a tertiary care centre. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2013;35:241-7.

30.   Verma R, Sachdeva A, Singh Y, Balhara YPS. Acute mania after thyroxine supplementation in hypothyroid state: case report. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2013;17(5):922-3.

31.   Balhara YP, Verma R, Deshpande SN. A study of profile of disability certificate seeking patients with schizophrenia over a 5 year period. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2013 Apr;35(2):127-34.

32.   Verma R, Apala, Mina S. Trichotillomania: a threshold response to stress? British Journal of Psychiatry, published online eLetter on November 3, 2013.

33.   Balhara YP, Verma R. Management of depression in diabetes: A review of psycho-social interventions. Journal of Social Health & Diabetes 2013;1:22-6.

34.   Verma R. Inappropriate anti-psychotic use in low income countries. British Medical Journal, published online eLetter on September 13, 2013.

35.   Mina S, Apala, Hussain S, Verma R. A pilot study of relationship of verbal fluency to disability in females with schizophrenia. Asian Journal of Cognitive Neurology. 2013;1(1):10-16.

36.   Mina S, Gautam P, Verma R. Symptom bias. British Journal of Psychiatry, published online eLetter on February 13, 2013.

37.   Verma R, Mina S, Balhara YPS. Drug facilitated interview: intervening in Ganser’s syndrome. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 2013;4(1):118-121.


2012 -

38.   Balhara YP, Verma R. Schizophrenia and suicide. East Asian Arch Psychiatry 2012 Sep;22(3):126-33.

39.   Verma R, Balhara YPS, Deshpande SN. Angular cheilitis after paroxetine treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012; 32(1):150-1.

40.   Balhara YPS, Verma R, Sharma S, Mathur S. A study of predictors of anxiety and depression among stroke patient caregivers. Journal of Midlife Health 2012 Jan-Jun; 3(1): 31–5.

41.   Balhara YPS, Verma R. Psychoactive Nutraceuticals. Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals 2012; 1(1): 27-36.

42.   Anand KS, Verma R. A Case of Undue Violent Behavior Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 2012; 27(1): 10-2.

43.   Verma R, Anand KS. Gender differences in anxiety and depression among the caregivers of patients with dementia. Advances in Alzheimer's Disease, 2012;1:17-21.

44.   Mina S, Verma R. Anxiety and Depression amongst the urban females of Delhi in Antepartum and Postpartum period at a tertiary care centre. Delhi Psychiatry Journal, 2012; 15(2): 347-351.

45.   Anand KS, Verma R. Efficacy and Tolerability of Escitalopram for treating Depression in Parkinson’s Disease. Delhi Psychiatry Journal 2012; 15(1): 57-63.

46.   Anand KS, Verma R, Mina S. Neurological signs in Functional Weakness. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2012; 3(1): 87-90.


2011 -

47.   Verma R, Balhara YPS, Mathur S. Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.  Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, 2011; 6: 13-8.

48.   Balhara YPS, Verma R, Deshpande SN. A comparative study of treatment-seeking inhalant abusers across two cohorts from a tertiary care center in India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2011;33:129-33.

49.   Verma R, Balhara YPS, Deshpande SN. Inhalant abuse: a study from a tertiary care de-addiction clinic. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 2011; 21: 157-63.

50.   Balhara YPS, Verma R, Gupta CS. Gender differences in stress response: Role of developmental and biological determinants. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2011, 20(1): 4-10.

51.   Verma R, Balhara YPS, Dhawan A. Inhalant abuse: an exploratory study. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2011; 20(2):103-6.

52.   Verma R, Balhara YPS, Deshpande SN. Workplace Inhalant Abuse in Adult Female: brief report. Case Reports in Psychiatry Vol 2011, Article ID 905380, 2 pages doi:10.1155/2011/905380.

53.   Verma R, Anand KS, Chandra M, Prakash N, Sachdeva A. Neurocysticercosis association with cognitive and aberrant behavioural symptoms: A case report and review. Journal of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 2011; 1(4): 229-233.

54.   Verma R, Sharma S, Balhara YPS, Mathur S. (2011). Anxiety and Depression among caregivers of patients with Neurological Illness. Delhi Psychiatry Journal, 2011; 14(1): 120-123.

55.   Verma R, Mina S. Psychiatric morbidity in prisoners with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Psychiatry, published online eLetter on August 31, 2011.

56.   Verma R, Sharma S, Balhara YPS. A preliminary study of understanding psychological health of care givers for stroke patients. International Journal of Students’ Research, 2011; 4 (1): 118-121.


Details of ALL publications books/monographs/project reports/ proceedings from workshops (non-peer reviewed publications)

Books & Book Chapters

1.       Sood M, Verma R. Schizophrenia Information Booklet. AIIMS, 2016.

2.       Sagar, R., Verma, R. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. In: Postgraduate Textbook of Pediatrics. Eds. Lodha R, Ramji S, Menon PSN, Gupta P. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2015; pp. 782-7.

3.       Anand, K.S., Verma, R. Understanding Parkinson’s Disease. A Reader’s Guide. National Book Trust India, 2015.

4.       Anand KS, Verma R. Dementia – early warning signs. In Caregiver Training Manual for Alzheimer’s Disease. ed Tripathi M. ARDSI, Delhi Chapter, 2014.

5.       Anand KS, Verma R. Handling Violence in Dementia. In Caregiver Training Manual for Alzheimer’s Disease. ed Tripathi M. ARDSI, Delhi Chapter, 2013.

6.       Anand KS, Verma R. Handling Self Care in Dementia Patients: Tips for Caregivers. In Caregiver Training Manual for Alzheimer’s Disease. ed Tripathi M. ARDSI, Delhi Chapter, 2012.

7.       Anand KS, Verma R. Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia (BPSD) – Tips for management by caregivers. In Caregiver Training Manual for Alzheimer’s Disease. ed Tripathi M. ARDSI, Delhi Chapter, 2011.


Conference Abstract Publications

1.       Balhara YPS, Mishra A, Verma R, Sarkar S. The Art And Science Of Being A Good Peer Reviewer. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2017;59(Supplement S2):S154.

2.       Verma R, Dudani K, Mina S, Goyal S. Electrophysiology as Diagnostic tool in Psychiatry. Symposia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2016;58(S1):10-40.

3.       Sood M, Chadda RK, Deb KS, Verma R. Improving Communication with the Caregivers of Persons with Mental Illness. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2016;58(S1):10-40.

4.       Verma R. Mobile Telephony for Severe Mental Illnesses. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 350.

5.       Parmar A, Verma R. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Co-Morbid with Miyoshi Myopathy: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 429.

6.       Gupta P, Chawla N, Verma R, Sood M. Socio-Demographic and Clinical Profile of Patients with Difficult to Treat Severe Mental Illnesses Attending a Tertiary Care General Hospital.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 448.

7.       Gupta S, Kataria D, Verma R, Ramesh OS, Prasad S. Correlation of Quality of Life to Spirituality, Religiosity and Personal Beliefs of Caregivers of Patients with Mental Illness: A Cross-Sectional Study.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 473.

8.       Mahapatra A, Verma R, Sood M, Chadda RK. Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Somatic Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: An Exploratory Study.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 475.

9.       Amin S, Kochhar KP, Patil A, Babu N, Chhabra D, Gupta S, Verma R, Kumar N. Cognitive Neurophysiological and Autonomic Reactivity Correlates of Anxiety and Pain Perception in Contingent Stress an Exploratory Study.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 480.

10.    Modak T, Mohan S, Kumar S, Verma R, Kumar N. Trance and Possession Disorders or Psychosis: Diagnostic Issues in a Case of Hypoparathyroidism- A Case Report.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 492.

11.    Balhara YPS, Verma R, Ranjan R, Sarkar S. Disability in Patients with Dual Diagnosis. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 341.

12.    Sood M, Verma R, Deb KS, Singh P, Sapkota N. Mobile Telephony in Mental Health: Relevance for Social Psychiatry in South Asia.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry Oct-Dec 2016; 32(4): 349.

13.    Balhara YPS, Verma R, Sarkar S. Abstracts of XXII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, Agra 6-8 November 2015. Stigma and Mental Disorders: What Happens when Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Use Disorders Co-occur? Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2016;32:69-80.

14.    Verma R, Kumar N, Sood M, Patnaik P. Effectiveness and tolerability of voltage dependent and time dependent brief pulse electro-convulsive mechanisms. Brain Stimulation 2015;2(8):388.

15.    Verma R, Kumar N, Singh S. Response rate of rTMS in treatment refractory OCD as a variable of gender endotypic expression. Brain Stimulation 2015;2(8):427.

16.    Dhiman V, Sharma A, Verma R. Psychiatric aspects of Parkinsonian disease: An overview. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2015 January;57(Supplement):S180.

17.    Apala, Verma R. A comparative study of alexithymia between neurotic patients and caregivers. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2014 January;56(Supplement):S64.

18.    Verma R, Balhara YPS, Prahraj SK, Deb K. Web-Based Intervention in Psychiatry: Challenging the Didactic Perspective. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2014 January;56(Supplement):S82.

19.    Mina S, Shalini, Jabeen M, Verma R. A comparative study of psychiatric comorbidity in vitiligo and psoriasis. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2014 January;56(Supplement):S52.

20.    Shekhawat LS, Verma R, Dudani K, Sharma S. Mental health morbidity in disasters: Update on Indian standpoint. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2014 January;56(Supplement):S9.

21.    Verma R, Mina S, Sharma S, Balhara YPS. Referrals to psychiatric Service: An analysis of the content of referrals. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013 January;55(Supplement):S99.

22.    Verma R, Balhara YPS, Ul-Hasan S, Mina S. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in a clinic based population. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013 January;55(Supplement):S76.

23.    Verma R, Chandra M, Mina S, Deshpande SN. An analysis of paramilitary referrals to psychiatric services at a tertiary care centre. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2012 April;54:S98.

24.    Mina S,Balhara YPS, Verma R, Mathur S. Study of anxiety and depression in antepartum and postpartum period. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2012 April;54:S95.

25.    Verma R, Anand KS, Mina S. A study of clinical variables in Parkinson's disease affecting sleep quality. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2012; 18(Supplement 2):S23.

26.    Anand KS, Verma R, Singh K, Rajoria A. Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: Association with Severity and Disability. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2012; 18(Supplement 2): S19.

27.    Verma R, Mina S, Agarwal A, Jiloha RC. Relationship amongst Patient and Caregiver's Expectations of Illness to clinical diagnosis. European Psychiatry 2011;26(Supplement 1):586.

28.    Verma R, Balhara YPS, Deshpande SN. Patients' satisfaction with their mental health care and quality of life. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2011 April;50:1.

29.    Verma R, Agarwal S, Kumar P. A descriptive comparative study of pharmacological versus non-pharmacological intervention initiation in a tertiary care general hospital psychiatry unit in India. European Psychiatry. 2010;25 Suppl 1:1-1718.

30.    Balhara YPS, Jhnajee S, Verma R. Factors associated with initiation, maintenance and decision to quit in tobacco use. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008 April;50:1.

31.    Deb KS, Verma R, Prashanth R, Sagar R. Modified Electro-Convulsive Therapy: Extent of Conformity with Standard Guidelines. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008 April;50:1.

32.    Verma R, Deb KS, Bichitra NP, Sagar R. Modified Electro-Convulsive Therapy: A comparative study of sine-wave and pulse wave methods. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008 April;50:1.

33.    Balhara YPS, Verma R, Sagar R. Studying the spectrum of parameters for bipolar spectrum disorders: Findings from a developing country. Bipolar Disorders 2008, 10 (Suppl. 1), 30–90.

34.    Verma R, Balhara YPS, Sagar R. Difference in cognitive functioning of euthymic bipolar in patients with and without a history of psychotic symptoms. Bipolar Disorders 2008, 10 (Suppl. 1), 30–90.

35.    Kushwaha V, Jhanjee S, Verma R, Ambekar A. Amphetamine Type Stimulants: “Forewarned Is Forearmed”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007 April;49:26.

36.    Agrawal A, Chadda RK, Chawla JM, Verma R. Telepsychiatry: Empowering Psychiatry through Technology. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007 April;49:26.

37.    Balhara YPS, Verma R, Kushwaha V, Dhawan A, Chawla JM. Duration of ward stay and compliance to treatment in substance users. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007 April;49:27.

38.    Agrawal A, Verma R, Khandelwal SK, Kattimani S. Outcome of Schizophrenia: Is It Really Better in Developing Countries. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007 April;49:26.

39.    Verma R, Dhawan A, Agarwal A, Balhara YPS, Deb KS. Inhalant abuse: Profile of patients presenting at adolescent clinic of national drug dependence treatment center, AIIMS. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007 April;49:26.

Presentations at scientific meetings/ conferences/ workshops (Previous two years)

1.       Symposium Lecture – 22nd World Congress of Social Psychiatry (WASP-2016), New Delhi, India; Nov 2016: Disability in patients with dual diagnosis & time for paradigm shift in care.

2.       Symposium Lecture – 22nd World Congress of Social Psychiatry (WASP-2016), New Delhi, India; Dec 2016: Mobile telephony in mental health: relevance for social psychiatry in south asia.

3.       Presentation – Mental Health: Sensing and Intervention, UBICOMP Workshop 2016; Harmony: Close Knitted mHealth Assistance for Patients, Caregivers and Doctors for Managing SMIs.

4.       Presentation – 5th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress (AOPMC), Manila, Philippines, March 2016: A comparison of depressive symptoms and sleep disturbances in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson plus syndrome.

5.       Symposium Lecture – World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress 2015, Kochi, India; Sept 2015: Improving communication with the caregivers of persons with mental illness

6.       Symposium Lecture – 40th Annual Conference of IPSNZ 2015, Srinagar, India; Oct 2015: The Broken Mind: Post Disaster Psychological Sequel

7.       Symposium Lecture – 22nd National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (NCIASP-2015), Agra, India; Nov 2015: Stigma and Mental Disorders: What happens when psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders co-occur?

8.       Symposium Lecture – National Conference of Physiology and Pharmacology (APPICON-2015), Jodhpur, India; Nov 2015: Cognitive remediation

9.       Presentation – 1st International Brain Stimulation Conference, Singapore, March 2015:  Effectiveness and tolerability of voltage dependent and time dependent brief pulse electro-convulsive mechanisms.

10.    Presentation – 1st International Brain Stimulation Conference, Singapore, March 2015:  Response rate of rTMS in treatment refractory OCD as a variable of gender endotypic expression.


Investigator/co-investigator in funded projects

1.       A study of brain activation using functional near infrared spectroscopy and quantitative electro-encephalographic spectral analysis in catatonia – Ongoing (funded by AIIMS Intramural Grant; 2015-17)

2.       A prospective study of sleep pattern, perceived stress and coping strategies in first year medical undergraduate students – Ongoing (funded by AIIMS Intramural Grant; 2016-17)


Investigator/ co-investigator in non-funded projects

1.       Comparison of the effectiveness of Music and Yoga Nidra for brain activation: randomized controlled pilot study – Completed in June 2016

2.       A retrospective chart review of the pattern and outcome of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) therapy in a tertiary care centre – Completed in February 2016

3.       Development of A Mobile Based Intervention Framework for Difficult to Treat Severe Mental Illnesses in Low-Resource Settings Ongoing

4.       A cross-sectional study of association of illness disability and cognitive functioning in patients to caregiver needs in first episode schizophrenia Ongoing

5.       A retrospective chart review of the pattern and outcome of electroconvulsive therapy in a tertiary care centre – Ongoing

6.       A pilot randomized controlled trial of targeted prefrontal cortex modulation with bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for reducing craving in patients with opioid dependence Ongoing

7.       A study of allocentric neural navigation process schematic utilizing dynamic optic array for prospective control – Ongoing


Thesis supervised for MD/ PhD


- as guide (None)


-as co-guide (1- Completed; 4 - Ongoing)                                

Any other relevant information


Technology Development

1.       Mobile app for activity scheduling and monitoring of patients with severe mental illnesses (SMIs), 2016 {e-Harmony}



1.       Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

2.       Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi


Community Work

1.       Provided specialist services at Medical Camp in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh - 2016

2.       Provided specialist services at Medical Camp in Leh, Laddkah – 2016

3.       Provided specialist services at Medical Camp in Morena, Madhya Pradesh – 2017

4.       Public lectures for community awareness towards mental illness


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