Purchase of Fully Automated Immunoassay Systems Enzyme Linked Fluoroscent Assay ELFA Chemiluminescence Enzyme Immunoassay CLEIA Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay ECLIA tender uploaded on CPPP with T.No. 39/CNC/BB/2024-25/St. (Tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_849458_1) dated 19.02.2024 pre-bid on 24.02.2025 at 11.30 AM Bid submission End date: 05.03.2024 for department of Blood Bank (CNC), AIIMS, New Delhi-reg.
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<h3 class="detailh3" style="text-align: center;">VIEW TENDER DETAILS</h3>
<div class="detail">
<div class="left">Tender No.</div>
<div class="right">(Tender No. 39/CNC/BB/2024-25/st.)</div>
<div class="left">Title</div>
<div class="right">Purchase of Fully Automated Immunoassay Systems Enzyme Linked Fluoroscent Assay ELFA Chemiluminescence Enzyme Immunoassay CLEIA Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay ECLIA-01 No. for department of Blood Bank, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29</div>
<div class="left">Date of Uploading</div>
<div class="right">19/02/2025</div>
<div class="left">Date of Pre-bid meeting</div>
<div class="right">24/02/2025 in the Room No. 3, Ist Floor, Store Section, New Pvt. Ward, Ansagi Nagar, New Delhi-110029</div>
<div class="left">Date of Closing</div>
<div class="right">05/03/2025</div>
<div class="left">Date of Opening</div>
<div class="right">06/03/2025</div>
<div class="left">Document</div>
<div class="right"><a href="/images/pdf/tender/NIT39.pdf" target="_blank"> <img src="/images/Download.png" border="0" /></a></div>