About Us

Presently, the Department is headed by Dr. Anushree Gupta. The Department is known for its commitment to biomedical research and continuous efforts of the Faculty has established a name for the Department in the areas of Leprosy, TB, Malaria and Cancer. New fields of research initiated in the Department include Cardiogenomics, Bioinformatics, Osteoimmunology, Molecular Biology, Virology and Autoimmunity. The Departmental Faculty have published more than 500 research articles/chapters in journals/books of national and international repute and hold more than a dozen patents. For their research contributions, they have been recognized by various International and National Awards, Prizes and Fellowships from several Science and Medical Academies. The research projects in the Department are funded by various agencies of the Govt. of India, such as DBT, ICMR, DST, CSIR, UGC, intramural support as well as International funding agencies like CNRS, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,etc. with several Ph.D. students/Project fellows working on research topics in the afore mentioned areas. The Department regularly invites eminent scientists and academicians to deliver seminars on current topics of international and national importance to apprise the students and Faculty members of Institute on recent advances related to the field of Biotechnology.