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All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029, India

List of Awards Received on "4th AIIMS Annual Research Day on 29th & 30th January, 2025 at JL Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi

Faculty Member:-

Dr. Rupesh K. Srivastava (Translational Immunology, Osteoimmunology & Immunoporosis Lab (TIOIL)) received 2nd Prize for Excellence in Basic Sciences
Title: Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (LR) Arrelorates Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) via Targeting Neutrophls

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Verma received Commendation Prize for Excellence in Basic Sciences
Title: Synergistic correlation between host angiogenin and dengue virus replication

Senior Demonstrator Staff:-

Dr. Kiran Kumari awarded 1st Prize under Senior Resident Category

Ph.D Students:-

Deeksha Madhry received 3rd Prize in the sustainable development goals (SDG) Category for her poster presentation
Title: Biotin based Northern Blotting (BNV) A-cost-efficient, non-hazardous and sustainable alternative

Manish Tripathi secured 2nd prize in the Ph.D. category for his poster presentation
The poster, titled "Pvx_112660 – Stomatin along with Lipid Interaction Study: A New Insight of Plasmodium vivax Invasion into Human Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes," focuses on host-parasite interactions in Plasmodium vivax

Kanchan Saini (from Lab of Infection Biology and Translational Research) received 3rd Prize in the sustainable development goals (SDG) Category for her poster presentation

Akhil Kumar secured (3rd Prize) in PhD Category for Best poster award
Poster Title: Evolutionary conserved Fat Storage – inducing transmembrane (FIIM2) protein is crucial for lipid droplet biogenesis

M.Sc. Students:-

Akansha Verma from Translational Immunology, Osteoimmunology & Immunoporosis Lab (TIOIL) received Commendation Prize in the poster presentation in M.Sc Cateogory

Atul Kumar Dandriyal received 1st Prize in the M.Sc. Category
Poster Title:- To determine if composition of fat inside lipid droplets prevents or triggers lipophagy

Areeba Aziz received 3rd Prize in M.Sc Category
Poster Title:- Mechanistic role of tRNA dervied RNA fragments (tsRNAs) during Dengue Virus (DENV) infection


