“e-Healthcare platform for India”

Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-HealthCare 2016

6th International CME of society for cost effective use of Technology helthcare (sceuteh)

08th to 10th September 2016

Date Pre conference workshops Venue
3rd September 2016 Workshop On Research Ethics Publication Seminar Hall ,Trauma Center
4th September 2016 Educational Tour Delhi
5-7th September 2016 AIIMS Advanced Ultrasound Truma life Support (AUTLS) Seminar Hall ,JPNTC
8th September 2016 Personality Development communication and Presentation Skill(AIIMS-PDCP) JLN Auditorium, AIIMS.
8-10th September 2016 Main Conference (CEUTEH-2016) JLN Auditorium, AIIMS.