“e-Healthcare platform for India”

Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-HealthCare 2016

6th International CME of society for cost effective use of Technology helthcare (sceuteh)

08th to 10th September 2016

6th International Conference of
Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-Healthcare

Nursing Conference

Day 1:8th September 2016
Venue: JLN Auditorium
Time(Hrs) Topic
0800 Registration
0900 -1230 Preconference workshop on Personality
Development, Communication and
Presentation Skills (PDCP)
1230-1300 Inauguration
1300 Lunch
1400-1700 SNOMED CT Workshop
Day 2: 9th September 2016
Venue:- JLN Auditorium
0800-0915 Oral Paper Presentations
0915-1030 AIIMS e technology: Techno smart AIIMS
e-Learning- Learn on the go
Open PACS: Images beyond your imagination
Appointment system: Herculean task made easy
Video Consent: Believe what you see
Online Donation: Lend a helping hand
Lab Module :A way ahead
Quality Assurance module and duty rota
1030-1130 Nursing informatics; Global vs. Indian scenario:
Discover the difference
Role of Nursing Informatics in AIIMS
1130-1145 Tea Break
1145-1300 Plenary Session
1300-1400 Lunch Break/Poster Evaluation
1400-1600 Microsoft Office: Tips and Tricks
1600-1700 Quiz
Day 3:10th September 2016
Venue: JLN Auditorium
0800-0930 Oral Paper
0930-1015 Symposium on Specialization in Nursing
Benefits of specialized Nursing: From Administrative view point
Licensure exams: Need of the hour
1015-1030 Tea Break
1030-1115 A holistic approach to health care
Teamwork in ED
Legal and ethical aspects in e-health
Body mind equilibrium in medical profession
Evidence based practice: uncertain to certain
1115-1200 Evidence based practice: uncertain to certain
Use of informatics in Nursing Research
Utilization of EHR in Research
Role of Libraries in Clinical Research
1200-1300 Plenary session
1300-1330 Valedictory