“e-Healthcare platform for India”

Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-HealthCare 2016

6th International CME of society for cost effective use of Technology helthcare (sceuteh)

08th to 10th September 2016


Oral paper presentation (Other than Nurses)

I st Prize-Dr Praveen, Senior Resident, Lab medicine (Automated haematology analyzer as a cost effective aid to screen and monitor sepsis II nd Prize-Ms.Amanpreet Kaur, PhD student Lab medicine (Rapid and cost effective genetic diagnosis by using STR markers)

Poster Presentation (Doctors)

I st Prize-Ms.Renu Saini ,PhD Scholar (Stress level monitoring of health care workers in a complex system).

I st Prize-Dr. Subhav Sinha (Web applications to map EHR using SNOMED CT)

II nd prize-Ms.Renu Saini, PhD Scholar (Automated assessment of hand hygiene compliance in Emergency and ICU using kinetic camera).

Oral paper presentations-Nurses (IT)

I st prize-Teenu Xavier,NIS AIIMS (Effect of online continous medical education programme in improving the knowledge of nurses regarding Glagow coma scale.

II nd Prize-Sandhya C ,NIS AIIMS (Level of patient satisfaction regarding services obtained at single window exit counters,AIIMS.

II nd Prize-Jyothis George,NIS JPNATC AIIMS (Views and perspectives of nursing administration regarding material management.)

IIIrd Prize-Mohammed Jesal H, NIS AIIMS (Patient satisfaction towards the use of self service kiosk at AIIMS RAK OPD)

IIIrd Prize- Babita Yadav ,NIS AIIMS (Digitization of AIIMS staff and public satisfaction)

Oral paper presentation- Nurses (Clinical)

I st prize-Merin Lisa Kuriakose ,NIS AIIMS (Quality of sleep in patients on Haemodialysis and patients on renal transplantation)

IInd prize-Mr.Rejish Koshy Mathew, NIS AIIMS (Health literacy rate of patients presenting to out patient department.)

IInd prize-Marfi C, NIS AIIMS (practice of WHO surgical safety checklist in OT on cataract surgery.)

III rd prize-Srinithya Raghavan, Infection control nurse AIIMS (Effect of in-service educational health and safety in terms of knowledge and awareness among nurses in a selected tertiary care hospital in India.)

III rd prize-Angeleena Singh ,NIS AIIMS (Comparison between blood levels of some biochemical parameters after overnight fasting and after 8 hours fasting.)

Oral paper presentations (Emergency and critical care))

Ist prize- Sumi Sunny , Project nurse JPNATC (Role of nurse in intracranial pressure monitoring by ultrasound in patients with severe traumatic brain injury .

IInd prize-Reghunathan N, NIS AIIMS (Health and well being ,reasons for medical leaves and emotional problems among nurses working in AIIMS, New Delhi)

III rd prize-Ashitha E B,NIS JPNATC AIIMS(Proactive role of nurses in extubation and reintubation of patients admitted in Neurosurgery ICU)

III rd prize-Nikhil B ,NIS AIIMS (factors affecting transfer of patients from emergency department of AIIMS to Safdurjung Hospital.

Poster presentation –Nurses and Technologists (Clinical)

I st prize-Merin Lisa Kuriakose,NIS AIIMS (Impact of REAP program in improving the attitude of nurses towards research )

II nd prize- Preethy Rajesh, NIS AIIMS (Improving emergency care in neurosurgery patients in AIIMS.)

IInd prize- Sumi Sunny , Project nurse JPNATC (Cost effectiveness of cell saver in patients with thoracolumbar surgery)

III rd prize-Umavati,MLT AIIMS (Demographic profile and smear findings in patients susceptible to Pulmonary Tuberculosis.)

Poster presentation –Nurses and Technologists (IT)

I st prize- Rejish Koshy Mathew , NIS AIIMS (Role of NIS in workflow optimization in CNC OPD of AIIMS, New Delhi.)

II nd prize-Sangeetha G ,NIS AIIMS (Effectiveness of electronic birth module among physicians working in AIIMS)

III rd prize-Anita Kumari, NIS AIIMS (Efficacy of resident evaluation system in Neurosurgery )

Special Appreciation award:

R.K Kaul , MRD (EHR status in AIIMS)

Quiz Competition

I st - Super speciality Paediatric Hospital and post graduate teaching centre,Noida

II nd-Army Hospital, New Delhi