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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


  • AIIMS Hospital is located at Ansari Nagar, in front of Safdarjung Hospital at the crossing of Ring Road and Aurobindo Marg. Main entrance is on Aurobindo Marg. ( Gate No. 1)


  • Telephone No.s of Central Enquiry— 26588500, 26588900, 26588700
  • L.E.D. Display scrolls, Guide maps, Display boards are installed at various strategic locations.
  • Enquiry counters & help desks also exist in the OPD at various locations where one can enquire and seek help in case of any problem. Besides, there are Medical Social Services located in Room No. 9, Ground Floor, OPD, where MSSO/Social Guides are available for any help.
  • Website - 

AIIMS Helplines :

  • Emergency Services numbers – 26594405 (Medicine Emergency), 26594706( Surgery Emergency)           26583062 (RP Centre Casualty) - operates round the clock
  • AIDS Helpline “Shubhchintak”- 26588333 (from 10:00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. Mon. to Fri.).
  • ORBO (Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation)- 1060, 26588360, 26593444
  • Poison Information Centre- 1800 116 117 ( toll free) 26593677, 26589391, ( functions round the clock)
  • Eye Donation (National Eye Bank) – 26593060, 26589461


  • It is located in Room No. 12, Ground floor, Private Ward Block, M.S. Office, AIIMS
  • The contact Nos. are - 26589279; 26593308 
  • Control Room functions round the clock, under the Dept. of Hospital Administration and managed by Duty Officers, who deal with any administrative problem, provide assistance and listen to public grievances with regard to patient care.


·        The new underground parking facility is operational at AIIMS since May 2013. This is a three-level parking lot can accommodate over 400 vehicles. 


·         AIIMS has a Trauma Centre known as Jai PrakashNarayan Apex Trauma Center, AIIMS. It is situated on Ring Road, just adjacent to Safdurjung Centre.


·         It is opeartional with 24 hours services for Trauma Patients.  The centre also acts as a referral hospital, where patients sent by zonal public hospitals and satellite trauma centres will be observed and treated.

AIIMS Outreach OPD, Jhajjar, Haryana :

·      A new campus of AIIMS is upcoming at Badsha, Distt. Jhajhar, Haryana. An  Outreach OPD of AIIMS, New Delhi  is started here since November 2012.

AIIMS Appointment System  :

·         AIIMS Appointment System is a framework to link various hospitals across the country for AADHAAR based online registration and appointment system, where counter based OPD registration and appointment system through Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) has been digitalized. The application has been hosted on the cloud services of NIC. Portal facilitates online appointments with various departments of different Hospitals using eKYC data of Aadhaar number, if patient's mobile number is registered with UIDAI. And in case mobile number is not registered with UIDAI it uses patient's name. New Patient will get appointment as well as Unique Health Identification (UHID) number. If Aadhaar number is already linked with UHID number, then appointment number will be given and UHID will remain same.

·         Appointment  for subsequent visits can also be sought through IVRS HELPLINE : 011-26589999


| Introduction | Nursing Officers | Job Description & Services |



A need was felt by the nursing administrators that a planned nursing in-service education needs to be started so as to increase the knowledge base of practicing nurses in order to improve & maintain high standard of nursing care at the AIIMS Hospital.

Aims / Objectives:-

  1. To increase the existing knowledge base of nurses practicing clinical nursing.
  2. To improve and maintain high standard of nursing care to patients at the AIIMS Hospital., which would increase the satisfaction level of patients / relatives.
  3. To improve communication skills among nursing personnel at AIIMS.
  4. To update knowledge regarding handling / upkeep of latest & sophisticated instruments and gadgets.
  5. To enable nurses to secure credit points for renewing their nursing license by the DNC.

The Program:-

Nursing in-service education is one of the cornerstones in professional development of nursing personnel working in AIIMS. A need based nursing in-service program has been started w.e.f. January 2011. This is started with the aim of updating clinical nursing knowledge on the premise of continuing nursing education. The program is well structured with thrice a week classes.( Two classes for bedside nurses and one class for Sister in-charges and above)

This is done for practicing nurses to increase their knowledge base in order to improve the standard of nursing care at the AIIMS. Once a week classes are conducted for middle level managers focusing on Nursing Administration and Management. In the month of January 2011, a well organized induction & orientation program was conducted for 133 newly recruited nurses at the main hospital by the In-service nursing educator.

In 2012, a total of 297 newly recruited nurses got oriented by designated nursing personnel in two sessions, regarding various aspects viz. hospital layout, various departments, OPD schedules and their professional duties and responsibilities.

The Personnel Involved:-

Facilitator : Mrs. B.D Prema H Kumar, Chief Nursing Officer (acting) [RN, RM & B.Sc (PC)]
Officer In-charge & Mentor : Mrs. Ansamma Neelakantan, Deputy Nursing Superintendent [RN, RM & B.Sc (PC)]
Educator/ Co-ordinator :

Mrs. Rebecca J. Herald, Sister Grade I(HR) [RN, RM, B.Sc.(N), Masters in Nursing (Gold Medalist)]

Mrs.Merin Lisa Kuriakose, Sister Grade II [RN, RM, B.Sc.(N), M.Sc (N)]

C.N.E. Schedule:-

The following C.N.E.classes were conducted for the year 2012 in the Main Hospital.

  1. Classes for Sister Incharges/ANS/DNS/NS/CNO
    • Materiel Management
    • Ethical and Legal issues in clinical nursing
    • Conflict Management
    • Stress Management
    • Nursing Administration
  2. Classes for bedside nurses
    • Patient safety
    • Nursing Process
    • Ethical and Legal issues in clinical nursing
    • Pre and post operative Nursing Management
    • Stress Management
    • Medication Administration Safety
| Introduction | Nursing Officers | Job Description & Services |

Surveillance of Hospital Infections at AIIMS

Role of Infection Control Nurses:


From the historical perspective, the History of Infections Control Committee at AIIMS dates back to Nov., 1973. Nurses from other hospitals were trained in Hospital Infection Control Policies/Protocol at AIIMS. It was initially chaired by the head of the Microbiology Deptt. & known as HIFCOM (Hosp. Infection Control Organizing Machinery). The HIFCOM Committee consisted of the following members:-

  • Nursing Supdt.
  • HOD Microbiology.
  • HOD Medicine.
  • One Infection Control Nurse .

However, later on it was re-constituted under the Chairperson Ship of the Medical Supdt.

Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC):


  • Chairman - Medical Supdt.
  • Members - CNO/Nursing Supdt., Officer In-charge MOT
  • One Senior faculty from specialty like Medicine, Ortho, Anesthesia, G.E., Gynae, Surgery Microbiology, Paed. Surgery and Hospital Admn.
  • Three Infection Control Nurses in Main Hospital, One ICN in CTVS, One ICN in NSC, One ICN in AIRCH, Two ICNs in Dr. RPC, One ICN in JPNA Trauma Centre, total 9 ICNs in the whole hospital.
  • Member Secretary- faculty from Hospital Administration.

Core Group:

  • Chairman - Medical Supdt.
  • One faculty each from Microbiology, Paediatrics, Intensive Care & Hospital Administration.
  • One Nursing Supdt., In-charge for Hospital Infection Control.
  • Three Hospital Infection Control Nurses.
  • One M.H.A. Resident.
  1. Activities of ICN
    • Environmental surveillance.
    • Surveillance of air in OT’s/ICUs
    • To check for sterilization & dis-infection practices.
    • In-use test of disinfectants
    • Autoclave checks
    • Water testing
  2. Monitoring of infections based on culture positivity. Its purpose being to know the organisms causing infections in the hospital and to monitor the anti-microbial resistance. Tabulation of data is done for individual departments every month.
  3. Continuous surveillance of infections for early detection of outbreak for which, appropriate control measures are undertaken.
  4. Surveillance of any community outbreak viz. Dengue, meningitis, diphtheria, meningococcemia etc. to prevent spread within the hospital amongst HCW’s.
  5. Staff health activities are carried out with the objectives:
    • Educating personnel about the Principles of Infection Control and stressing individual responsibility for Infection Control.
    • Collaborating with the infection control team in monitoring and investigating potentially harmful infectious exposures and outbreaks among personnel.
    • Providing care to personnel for work related illnesses or exposures.
    • Continuous training and on going education is carried out for freshly recruited residents, nurses and sanitation staff.
    • Identifying work-related infection risks and instituting appropriate preventive measures.

The goals are met by using vaccines optimally to prevent transmission of vaccine preventable diseases. Management of Job related illnesses and exposures is done by following the decisions on work restrictions as per the advice of the treating doctors. Records are maintained of all accidental HAI acquired by the staff with utmost confidentiality.

Advising HCS’s regarding terminal dis-infection of unit /Laundry, Proper Hospital Waste Management.


The role of ICNs at the main hospital has:

  • Contributed to a gradual decline over the years in the CIR at the AIIMS, Main Hospital.
  • Helped the individual departments to formulate empirical antibiotic treatment strategies.
  • Seen a cut in the cost of treating infections by the identification of impending outbreaks due to active surveillance indirectly.
  • Helped in changing practices viz. A switch over to digital thermometers from clinical thermometers, using distilled H2O ampoules to dissolve injections rather than using common stock solutions, wet mopping over dry sweeping, using ecoshield for fumigation over the use of formaldehyde etc.
  • Have helped in changing attitudes of HCW’s over the years and have made them more sensitive towards the infection control policies and protocols at AIIMS.

Inspite of increased antimicrobial resistance

Increased number of ICU’s / HDU’s

Increase in number of transplant patients admitted in the hospital, the infection

rate has continued to be the same meeting the International standards.

Average length of stay of patients in the hospital has declined from 5.9 in 1997-98 to 4.8 in 2006-07.

| Introduction | Nursing Officers | Job Description & Services |


Nursing sister grade-II is directly responsible to Nursing Sister Grade-I (Ward In-Charge) for total nursing care of the patient assigned to him/her

    1. Admission and discharge of the patients
    2. To maintain the personal hygiene of the patients, including bathing, care of mouth, back, nails, hair etc.
    3. Care of pressures points as needed.
    4. To assist the patient in elimination, offering and removing the bed pans and Urinals.
    5. Bed making.
    6. Assist in feeding the weak and debilitated patients.
    7. Writing of diet sheet, Supervision and distribution of diets.
    8. Assist in physiotherapy, ambulation and rehabilitation.
    9. Carry-out patient’s teaching and demonstration according to the need.
    10. Counseling the patients, and relatives.
    11. Care of the dying and dead.
    12. Administration of Medicines and Injections to the patients.
    13. Assist in administration of intravenous injections, infusion and Transfusion.
    14. Observing, recording and reporting of vital signs e.g. T.P.R. and Blood pressure.
    15. Carry out technical procedures, such as Naso-gastric intubation, Gastric Gavage and Lavage, Oxygen Therapy, Dressing and Irrigation, Enema, Catheterization hot and cold applications, suction etc.
    16. Collecting, labeling and dispatch of specimens.
    17. Preparation for and assistance in clinical tests and medical/surgical procedures.
    18. Urine testing for sugar, and albumin.
    19. Observation, recording and reporting of all procedures and tests.
    20. Escorting serious patients to and from the department/wards for investigations.
    1. Handing over and taking over charge of patients, and ward inventory in each hift.
    2. Maintenance of therapeutic environment in the ward.
    3. Keeping the ward clean and tidy.
    4. Routine care and cleaning of dressing trolleys, cupboards apparatus, mackintosh etc.
    5. Care of clean and soiled linen.
    6. Disinfection of linen, beds, floor and bed pans, and fumigation of rooms etc.
    7. Preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures.
    8. Preparation of surgical supplies.
    9. Maintaining interpersonal relationship with patients, relatives and health team members.
    10. Orientation of new staff/students.
    11. Demonstration and guidance to student nurses.
    12. Participation in staff education and staff meetings.
    13. Participation in professional activities.
    14. Demonstration and supervision of domestic staff.
    15. Report about the medico-legal cases if any admitted in the ward. To keep the senior nursing officials informed of the happenings / in the ward like fire, absconding patients, theft etc.
    16. Any other duty that may be assigned by sister grade-I from time to time.


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