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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


Chief, Professor & Head

Professor Naseem Shah has done her graduate (B.D.S.) and Postgraduate (M.D.S.) studies from Government Dental College & Hospital, Bombay University and is currently working as the Professor & Head of Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at CDER, AIIMS.

She has more than three decades of experience in clinical care, teaching and research in the following fields:

  1. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.
  2. Public Health Dentistry
  3. Geriatric Dentistry
  4. Dental Education

She served as the Additional Director of the National Oral Health Care Programme of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. (1999 – 2005), the President of Federation of Operative Dentistry of India (1995) and Edited “Endodontology”, an official publication of Indian Endodontic Society for 16 years (1989-2004)

She has over 115 research papers, 3 books (Co-edited), and chapters in 3 books. She has conducted and guided several research projects. She is the Recipient of “Best Teacher” award of the Indian Academy for Advanced Dental Education (2008). She has been an Expert Member of several committees of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. Of India, University Grants Commission and on the Advisory Board of various Universities.

Currently she is engaged in research in the following;

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

  1. Regenerative Endodontics
  2. Hard tissue remineralization of teeth

Public Health Dentistry

  1. Oral health promotion, prevention and interventions for the disabled population of India
  2. Oral Health status of drug addicts

For more details..



Official Address

Prof.& Head,

Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

& Chief,Centre for Dental Education & Research,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

New Delhi – 110029

Tel. 91-11-26589304

Fax: 91-11-26862663

E-mail- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education Master of Dental Surgery (Bombay University)

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Experience 32 years after post-graduation – Clinical, Teaching and Research

Founder Editor of “Endodontology” – An official publication of Indian Endodontic Society (1989- 2005)

Addl. Director – National Oral Health Care Programme (1998-2005)

Director since 2006

Publications - Total - 115 International - 31 National – 84

Books – 3 (Co-edited)

Chapters in Books – 3

Research – Individual - 22

Guided – 19

Public Health Dentistry including

Projects & Publications



  1. Shah N, Mathur VP and Logani A. Strategies for Oral Health care for handicapped persons. A WHO – Government of India Project (2008-2009).
  2. Shah N, Pandey RN, Duggal R and Mathur VP. Multi centric Oral Health Survey - A GOI-WHO project 2006-07.
  3. Shah N. Addl. Project Director, National Oral Health Care Programme, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.(1999 - 2005)
  4. Shah N. Macro-economics & Health - Oral Diseases. In collaboration with National Commission on Macro-economics & Health. A project of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry of Finance, Government of India.(2004).
  5. Parkash H, Jain V andShah N.A clinical, anthropometric and biochemical study to evaluate the nutritional status of geriatric patients before and after prosthodontic rehabilitation. (2001-04).
  6. Shah N, Parkash H, Khetrapal K and Sundaram K. Study of Oral health status and treatment needs of the elderly population in the Community – An ICMR supported project.(1998-2000).
  7. Shah N and Sharma PP. Role of oral habits in the etiology of Oral Submucous Fibrosis with special emphasis on Pan-masala and Areca-nut chewing (1996-1997).
  8. Shah N and Deshpande S. Psychiatric morbidity in patients of Oral Submcous Fibrosis. (1994-1995).

Papers - International

    1. Shah N. Geriatric oral health issues in India. Int. Dent. J 2001; 51: 212-218.
    2. Shah N, Thukral G, Parkash H, Khetrapal K & Sundaram K.“Edentulousness, denture wear and needs in Indian elderly-A community-based study”. J Dent. Res. Vol. 81 Special Issue A, March 2002 Abstract No. 2730.
    3. Shah N, Parkash H, Sundaram KR. Edentulousness, denture wear and denture needs of Indian Elderly. J Oral Rehab.2004;31:467-476.
    4. Shah N, Sundaram KR. Impact of socio-demographic variables, oral hygiene practices, oral habits and diet on dental caries experience of Indian elderly: a Community-based study. Gerodontology 2004; 21: 43-50.
    5. Thukral G, Shah N and Parkash H. Oral Health status and treatment needs of institutionalized elderly in India. ”. J Dent. Res. Vol. 81 Special Issue A, March 2002 Abstract No. 2737.
    6. Shah N. Gender issues in oral health of Indian elderly. Int Dent J.2003; 53:475-484.
    7. Shah N.Oral Health Care System for elderly in India. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 2003; 3, Supplement 1.Abstract No. IS 16-4.
    8. Bansal M, Mohanty BK, Shah N, Chaudhry R, Bahadur S and Shukla NK. Radiation related morbidities and their impact on quality of life in head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy. Qual Life Res 2004; 13:481-88.
    9. Shah N.Oral health care system for elderly in India. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 2004; 4: S162-S1648.
    10. Shah N. Challenges for Geriatric Oral Health Care in India. Developing Dentistry, FDI 2004;5(2):20-27.
    11. Shah N.Need for Gerodontology education in India. Gerodontology 2005; 22: 104-105.
    12. Mahal AS andShah N. Implications of the Growth of Dental Education in India. J Dent Ed. 2006; 70: 884-891.
    13. Kaushik M, Jaiswal A, Shah N and Mahal A. High end physician migration from India. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2007; 85: xxx


  1. Shah N. Role of fluorides in dental health: Recent concepts and developments. J. Ind. Paediatric. 1988; 55:693-710.
  2. Shah N. Role of dental surgeons in diagnosis of serious systemic conditions-Report of three cases. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987; 59:183-186 .
  3. Shah N. Oral cancers in India: Etiological factors and prevention. J Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1989; 60:3-6.
  4. Prakash H andShah N.Current trends in prevention of dental caries. Stomatol. Ind. 1989; 3:9-15.
  5. Shah N and Parkash H. Oral Manifestation of HIV Infection. Annals of National Academy of Medical Sciences. 1997;33:93-99
  6. Shah N. Geriatric oral health: Present status and future possibilities. Proceedings of workshop on “Strategies for improving oral health care systems, dental technologies and reforms on dental education in the next millennium”. Ind. Dent. Assoc.1998; 27-33.
  7. Shah N and Sundaram KR. Impact of Socio-demographic variables, oral hygiene practices and oral habits on Periodontal Health status of Indian Elderly: A community-based study. Ind J Dent Res 2003; 14(4):289-297.
  8. Shah N. Geriatric dentistry: The need for a new specialty in India. Natl Med J Ind. 2005; 18 (1):37-38
  9. Goyal P, Kale SC, Chaudhry R, Chauhan S and Shah N. Association of common chronic infections with coronary artery disease in patients without any conventional risk factors. Ind. J Med Res. 2007; 125:133-140.
  10. Shah N and Duggal R. Oral lesions of acquired syphilis: A case report. J Int. Coll. Dent. 1996;40:21-22.
  11. Shah N and Parkash H. Oral Manifestation of HIV Infection. Annals of National Academy of Medical Sciences. 1997;33:93-99
  12. Goyal P, Kale SC, Chaudhry R, Chauhan S and Shah N. Association of common chronic infections with coronary artery disease in patients without any conventional risk factors. Ind. J Med Res. 2007; 125:133-140.


Parkash H and Shah N. “National Oral Health Care Programme - Implementation Strategies” A book published jointly by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Director General of Health Services and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, January 2001.

Chapters in Books

  1. Shah N. Oral and Dental Diseases: Causes, prevention and treatment strategies. In Burden of Disease in India. National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare & Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 2005
  2. Shah N. Geriatric Oral Health – Unit contributed in the PG Diploma course on Geriatric Medicine - Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, 2005

Educational booklets

  1. Shah N. “Oral Health Care for the Elderly” published by the Help Age India, 2002.
  2. Parkash H andShah N.Training manual on Oral Health for Health care workers.
  3. Parkash H andShah N.Training manual on Oral Health for School teachers.

Video Film

Co-produced a video film entitled “Kripya Muskuraiye” (Smile please!) on oral Health Education for training of Health care workers under the National Oral Health Care Programme of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Director General of Health Services, Government of India, 2002

Produced revised Edition of “Kripya Muskuraiye” (Smile please!) in 2006

Publication in Health magazines

  1. Co-authored an article on “Dental Caries: Causes, Prevention and Treatment” in Vigour Zoom Vol.1 issue 4, Feb-March 2002, a National bi-monthly Health Magazine for health care professionals.
  2. Shah N and Prasad S. “Oral screening: A mandatory step for prevention of infective endocarditis” News Letter, Pediatric Cardiac Society of India. Vol.2 Issue 4, January 2003.
  3. Shah N. Tobacco and Oral cancer. Vigour Zoom Vol.1 issue 4, Feb-March 2002, a National bi-monthly Health Magazine for health care professionals.

Papers presented at the Conferences:


  1. Presented a paper on “Oral cancer prevention with special emphasis on oral submucous fibrosis in India” at the 1st World Congress on Oral Prevention held on 6-8th July 1987 at Paris.
  2. Invited Speaker at the 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association and 54th Indian Dental Association (CDA - IDA) between 28th Jan.-1st Feb 2000 . Presented a paper on "Oral health care needs of elderly: An Indian perspective."
  3. Invited to present country status report on Oral Health at the Special Symposium on Oral Health held at the Ist International Conference on "Rural Aging -A global challenge" held between 7-11th June 2000 at Charleston, West Virginia, USA. Presented a paper on "Geriatric Oral Health Issues in India."
  4. Invited speaker at the World Assembly on Tobacco Counters Health (WATCH-2000) held at New Delhi from 4th to 8th Dec. 2000. Presented a paper on "Tobacco related oral health problems in India".
  5. Gave a poster presentation entitled “Edentulousness, Denture Wear and Needs in Indian Elderly-A Community-based Study” at the 80th World General Assembly of the International Association for Dental Research held at San Diego, USA between 5th-9th March 2002.
  6. Invited speaker at a symposium on “Oral health care system for the elderly in Asia” organized at the 7th Asia Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology held at Tokyo between 24-28th November, 2003. Presented a paper on “Oral Health care system for the elderly in India.”
  7. Invited speaker at a symposium organized by the Japan Society of Geriatric Dentistry on “Dental Education on Gerodontology” Presented a paper on “Geriatric education in India” on 28th November 2003, organized at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
  8. Invited as a temporary consultant by WHO to participate in the SEANET-NCD meeting on “Scaling up prevention & control of NCD” held at Phuket, Thailand from 22nd-26th October, 2007. Presented a paper on “Oral Health Surveillance”
  9. Invited as a Guest Speaker at an International workshop on Research priorities in Dental Science and Technology organized by the Indian Society for Dental Research held at Hydrabad on 1-3rd December, 2007. Presented a paper on “Oral Health promotion & disease prevention.”
  10. Also participated in the Oral Health Policy Framing symposium at the above workshop & presented a paper on “Lessons learnt from the Multi centric oral health survey - reducing inequalities in Oral health care”
  11. Invited speaker in a symposium on “Educational issues in Geriatric Oral Health”held at ISDR General Assembly held at Toronto, Canada on 2nd-5th July, 2008. Presented a paper on “Teaching, learning and assessment: Researching models of practice”


  1. Invited speaker at the scientific symposium organized by the Bombay Branch of Indian Dental Association in 1980. Presented a paper on “Mechanisms of Fluoride Action in Caries Prevention."
  2. Presented a paper on “Fluoride controversy : Some facts and figures” at IV Annual Conference of Federation of Operative Dentistry held at Bangalore on 23 –24th Jan. 1987.
  3. Presented a paper on “Clinical profile and its relationship to various oral habits in Oral Submucous Fibrosis” at the Annual conference of Indian Society for Dental Research held at Manglore in Dec. 1995.
  4. Was an invited speaker at a workshop on “Strategies for improving oral health care systems, dental technologies and reforms on Dental Education in the next millennium” held at India Habitat Centre between January 12-14th 1998, New Delhi. Presented a paper entitled “Geriatric Oral Health : Present Status and Future Possibilities.”
  5. Invited speakers - Presented a paper on “Dental Caries – Etiological factors with special emphasis on role of diet” at the National Workshop on Oral Health Care Programme of Ministry of H and FW and AIIMS on 27th –28th Aug. 99
  6. Invited to talk on “Early Diagnosis and Screening for Oral Cancer” as a resource-person at a WHO workshop on “Cancer Screening” organized by IRCH, AIIMS in collaboration with DGHS and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India on 16th and 18th Oct. 2001 & on 23rd and 27th April 2004.
  7. Conducted a Symposium on “National Oral Health Care Programme” at the 58th National Conference of Indian Dental Association from 22-25th January, 2004 at Vijaywada, A.P.
  8. Invited to participate in a symposium on Special Care Dentistry held by British council on 17th December 2004 at their office at New Delhi. Gave a talk on “Case for strengthening Geriatric Oral Health care in India.
  9. Presented a paper entitled “Oral Health Promotion for elderly in India” at the National Consensus Workshop for Oral Health Promotion and Tobacco Cessation, organized on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day under the aegis of National Oral Health Care Programme

Work done in the field of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Founder Editor of “Endodontology” – An official publication of Indian Endodontic Society (1989- 2005)

Research Projects

  1. Shah N Revascularization for management of infected, non-vital immature teeth (2005-07)
  2. Shah N Comparative study of Surgical Fenestration and Conventional Surgical and Non-surgical Techniques in the management of Large Periapical Lesions. (1995-1996)
  3. Shah N and Gupta U. An in-vitro study of anti-microbial effect of different root-canal medicaments and irrigants (1991-1992).
  4. Shah N. Comparative study of cutting efficiency of hand, gyromatic and path-finder root-canal instruments – A SEM study (AIIMS sponsored study 1990-1992).
  5. Shah N. A comparative study of fracture resistance offered by core build-up with silver amalgam, composite resin and glass-ionomer with and without post in non-vital endodontically treated teeth (AIIMS sponsored study 1990-1992).
  6. Shah N. Management of endo-perio lesions (1990-1992).
  7. Shah N. Role of Calcium hydroxide in conservative treatment of large peri-apical infections and cysts (1988-1990).
  8. Shah N. Pulpotomy for the treatment of hyperemic pulps in adult teeth (1986-1988)
  9. Shah N. Non-surgical management of periapical lesions (AIIMS sponsored study 1982-83).
  10. Shah N. Comparative study of the anti-microbial effectiveness of three root-canal drugs (MDS dissertation 1975-1976).

Research Projects Guided

    1. The effect of variation of incisal design and bonding agents on the shear bond strength of porcelain laminate veneers - An in-vitro study. 1997-2000.
    2. A clinical and scanning electron microscopic study to assess the clinical performance of porcelain and indirect advanced composite resin veneers. 1998-2001.
    3. A spectrophotometric evaluation of colour changes of different veneering materials after exposure to commonly consumed beverages. 2000-03.
    4. A comparative evaluation of effects of different acid etchants on porcelain and changes in enamel and dentinal topography: A SEM study. 2000-03
    5. An electromyographic and spectrophotometric study to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in partially edentulous patients pre and post unilateral fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation. 2001-04
    6. A comparative evaluation of fluoride release from different orthodontic bonding agents and surface alteration of in enamel around bracket margin: An in-vitro study. 2001-04.
    7. Identification of presence of common chronic infections as an emerging risk factor for atherosclerotic coronary artery disease in patients coning for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) during their pre anesthetic checkup.2003-2005 (DM- Cardiac Anesthesia)
    8. Comparative evaluation of sealing ability of three obturation techniques- A confocal microscopic study. 2006
    9. An in vitro evaluation of the effect of cyclic loading on the marginal adaptation and bond strength in direct v/s indirect class II MO composite restorations. 2005.
    10. Effect of prepolymerized composite megafiller on the marginal adaptation of composite restorations in cavities with different configuration factors –An ex-vivo SEM study. 2006.
    11. Influence of variable instrument taper on cleaning efficacy and resultant effect on strength of root canal system-An ex vivo comparative evaluation.2006.
    12. Effect of different Design preparations on flexural and fracture strength of fibre-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures: an in-vitro study. 2006.
    13. Comparative evaluation of remineralization and rehardening potential of high fluoride releasing Glass ionomer, silver damine fluoride and calcium hydroxide on demineralized dentin-an ex-vivo study. (2007).
    14. An in-vivo comparative evaluation of antimicrobial and remineralization potential of high fluoride releasing glass ionomer, silver diamine fluoride and calcium hydroxide on carious dentin - A pilot study. (2007)


5.1 International

      1. Shah N. Non-Surgical management of periapical lesions: A prospective Study. Oral Surg. Oral Med, Oral Path. 1988:66; 3665-371.
      2. Shah N and Kohli A. Burrowing cervical resorption. Austr. Endodon. N. 1992;118:22-23.
      3. Shah N and Sarkar C. Plasmacytoma of anterior maxilla mimicking a peri-apical cyst. Endodon. Dent. Traumatol 1992; 8:1-3.
      4. Shah N. Extra-oral tooth eruption and transposition of teeth following trauma. Endod. Dent. Traumatology This article was included the Safety Lit Injury Prevention Literature Update (2 August 2004) (SafetyLit is a free service of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice at San Diego State University.)
      5. Shah N, Logani A, Bhasker U and Aggarwal V. Revascularization for inducing apexogenesis/ apexification in non-vital, immature permanent incisors: a pilot study. J Endod. 2007; 34:919-925.
      6. Aggarwal V, Logani A, Jain V, Shah N. Effect of cyclic loading on marginal adaptation and bond strength in direct v/s indirect class II MO composite restorations. Oper Dent 2008; 33(5): 587-592.
      7. Aggarwal V, Logani A, and Shah NThe Evaluation of Computed Tomography Scans and Ultrasounds in the Differential Diagnosis of Periapical Lesions. J Endodon 2008:34;1312-1315.
      8. Vivek Aggarwal, Mamta Singla,, Ajay Logani, and Naseem Shah Endodontic Management of a Maxillary First Molar with Two Palatal Canals with the Aid of Spiral Computed Tomography: A Case Report. J Endodon 2008:34; 919-925.
      9. Logani A, Singh A and Shah N. Labial access opening: rule rather than exception. Accepeted for publication in Quint Int.2009.


      1. Dhanani N and Desai VM. Efficacy of three root-canal drugs. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1978;50:55-57
      2. Dhanani N and Desai VM. Role of Specific and non-specific drugs in root-canal sterilization. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1979;51:333-335
      3. Dhanani N. Factors influencing the marginal integrity of dental restoration. Dent Dial. 1979;6:19-22.
      4. Sidhu SS, Parkash H, Suberwal GL and Dhanani N. Management of dento-alveolar infection in anterior teeth by different treatment procedures. J Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1980; 50:79-80.
      5. Dhanani N. Restoration of broken incisal angles and edges with composite resins. J Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1981; 53:197-298.
      6. Shah N. Endodontic procedures in deciduous teeth. Dent. Dial. 1986; 11:14-18.
      7. Shah N. Severe dilaceraption and hypoplasia in permanent dentition caused by trauma to the deciduous teeth. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987;59:72.
      8. Shah N. Foreign bodies or metallic implants in the bone – In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology 1989; 1:15.
      9. Shah N. Calcium hydroxide in the management of large periapical infections, Endodontology 1989; 1: 19-24.
      10. Shah N. Gupta U and Tahlan A. Bactericidal potency of calcium hydroxide with and without camphorated monochlorophenol and an iodoform paste on anaerobic Shah N. Iatrogenic vertical root fracture. In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology. 1990; 2:23.
      11. Shah N. Horizontal root fracture in the mandibular second molar. Stomatol. Ind. 1990; 4:51.
      12. Shah N. Singh S and Gupta U. Antimicrobial potency of iodine-potassium iodide, chlorehoxidine and sodium hypochlorite as root-canal irrigant-An in-vitro study. Endodontology 1990; 2:19-23.
      13. Shah N. Persistent chronic hyperplastic pulpitis with resultant internal resorption and periapical lesion. In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology. 1990; 2:3
      14. Shah N. Pulpotomy for the treatment of hyperemic pulps in adult teeth. Endodontology. 1991;3:25-34.
      15. Shah N. Continued root development and internal resorption occuring simultaneously following trauma to an immature tooth - in Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology. 1991;3:39.
      16. Shah N. A comparative study of fracture resistance offered by core built-up with silver amalgam, with and without post, in non-vital, endodontically treated teeth. Endodontology. 1991; 2:19-24.
      17. Shah N. Unusual Radicular anomaly of a mandibular first molar- In Endodontic miscellany. Endodontology 1992; 4:29.
      18. Shah N. Diagnosis and treatment planning for Endo-perio lesions. Endodontology. 1992;4:11-21.
      19. Shah N. Radio-opaque bodies in the periapical area of a non-vital central incisor. Endodontology. 1993;5:13-14.
      20. Shah N. A 70o dilaceration of a mandibular central incisor-crown- In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology. 1993; 5:29.
      21. Shah N. Cracked tooth: etiological factors, diagnostic criteria, prevention and management. Endodontology. 1993;5:17-22.
      22. Shah N. Comparative study of cutting efficiency of hand, gyromatic and path finder root-canal instruments. A scanning electron microscopic study. Ind. J. Dent. Res. 1993; 4:1-15.
      23. Shah N. Endo-ortho relationship: An overview. J. Int. Coll. Dent. 1994;36:16-21.
      24. Shah N. Conservative-surgical management of external root-resorption. Endodontology 1994;6:
      25. Shah N. Endodontic Miscellany: External root resorption or trauma? Endodontology 1995; 7:20-30.
      26. Bhutani R andShah N. Intentional ankylosis of primary canines for maxillary protraction. Endodontology 1996; 8:17-20.
      27. Shah N. Split tooth in Endodontic miscellany: Endodontology. 1996; 8:64.
      28. Shah N. Large radicular cyst and internal resorption defect involving a maxillary central incisor. Endodontology.1997;9:20-22
      29. Shah N. Calcifying odontogenic cyst presenting as a radiopque periapical lesion. Endodontology 1997;9:60-61.
      30. Shah N. Comparative study of surgical fenestration and conventional surgical and non-surgical techniques in the management of large periapical lesions. Endodontology 1998;10:2-12.
      31. Gupta Y andShah N. Endodontic Miscellany- Connation or double tooth. Endodontology 1998; 10:21-22.
      32. Gupta YK andShah N. Endodontic miscellany - Mandibular bicuspids: unusual root and root canal morphology. Endodontology 1998; 10:56-58.
      33. Gupta YK andShah N. Endodontic Miscellany: Mandibular second molar with three roots – A case report. Endodontology. 1999; 11: 28-30.
      34. Gupta YK andShah N. Changing trends in the management of endodontically treated teeth. J. Int. Coll. Dent.1999; 46:43-45.
      35. Shah N and Gupta YK. Endodontic Miscellany: Hemisection and full coverage to relieve crowding and lingual displacement of a pulpo-periodontally involved mandibular first molar. Endodontology. 2000; 12:83-85.
      36. Mahajan M and Shah N. Intra-alveolar root fracture. In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology. 2001; 13:67-69.
      37. Shah N. External root-resorption, gingival recession and infra-bony pocket-A diagnostic dilemma. In Endoodntic Miscellany. Endodonotology. 2002;14:65.
      38. Dhawan P, Parkash H and Shah N. Clinical and scanning electron microscopic assessments of porcelain and ceromer resin veneers. Ind J Dent Res 2003; 14(4): 264-278.
      39. Shah N. In Endodontic Miscellany: Extra canal invasive root resorption as a late complication of radiotherapy to head and neck region. Endodontology 2004;16(2):65-66.
      40. Gupta R, Prakash H, Shah N and Jain V. A spectrophotometric evaluation of colour change of various tooth colour veneering materials after exposure to commonly consumed beverages. J. Ind. Prosthodontics. Soc. 2005; 5:72-78.
      41. Logani A, Singh A and Shah N. Apically extruded debris with three contemporary Ni-Ti instrumentation systems: An ex vivo comparative study. Ind J Dent Res 2008;19(2):182-85.

Chapters in Books

Shah N. “Biological considerations in Endodontic treatment” in Future & Advances in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics-FACE-I, 2001 Ed. Lakshmi Narayanan L and Rao CVN pp. 81-95

Publication in Health Magazines

  1. Gave an interview on “Endodontic Treatment” in Bridge Vol. 3 Issue 1.Feb. 2002, a Continuing Education Mannual published by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory.
  2. Co-authored an article on “Current advances in root canals instrumentation” in Bridge Vol. 3 Issue 2, March, 2002

Papers presented at the Conferences:


    1. Presented a paper on “Conservative endodontic treatment of peri-apical lesions: A longitudinal study” at the 2nd Scientific meeting of International Association of Dental Research –South East Asian Division held at New Delhi on January 27th 1988.
    2. Invited Speaker at the 1st Endodontic World Congress held at Mexico City, Mexico between 25th –27th Jan. 1990. Presented a paper on “Calcium hydroxide in Endodontics: Some experiences and review”.
    3. Presented a paper entitled “Fracture resistance offered by core built-up with silver amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer with silver alloy particles with and without post. An in –vitro study” at the Joint meetng of Royal College of Surgeons of England and Association of Surgeons of India held at New Delhi during 31st Oct.-3rd Nov. 1991.
    4. Presented a paper on “Pulpotomy for the treatment of hyperemic pulps in adult teeth" at the Ist South Asian Dental Congress and 45th Indian Dental Conference held at Bombay between 19-22nd Jan. 1991.
    5. Invited speaker from India at the 2nd Endodontic World Congress held at Paris on 25th –27th June, 1992. Read a paper entitled “Pulpo-periodontal inter-relationship: pathological manifestations and treatment philoshpies”.
    6. Presented a paper entitled “Recent advances in esthetic restorative materials used in Prosthodontics” at the World Congress on Prosthodontics held at New Delhi between 19-23rd February 1995.
    7. Gave a paper on “Efficacy of revascularization to induce apexification/ apexogensis in infected, non-vital immature teeth – A pilot clinical study” at the 7th World Endodontic Congress held at Vancouver, Canada on 22-25 August, 2007


  1. Invited speaker at the Scientific Session held at the Journal committee of the Indian Dental Association at Ahmedabad in Oct. 1978. Presented a paper on “Diagnosis and treatment planning in pulp diseases.”
  2. Presented a paper on “Factors causing micro-leakage in dental restorations, their prevention and management” under a series of scientific meetings being conducted at the Government Dental College and Hospital, Bombay in June 1979.
  3. Presented a paper on “Restoration of broken incisal angles and edges with composite resins” at the VIIIth Indian Prosthodontic conference held at New Delhi in 1981.
  4. Invited speaker at the symposium organised by Maharashtra State Branch of Indian Dental Association at Bombay in Sept. 1981. Presented a paper on “Current trends in Operative Dentistry.”
  5. Presented a paper on “Pulp management in deciduous teeth” at the Annual Conference of Indian Dental Association held at New Delhi in Dec. 1981.
  6. Presented a paper on “Non-surgical management of peri-apical lesions – A prospective study” at the 3rd Annual Conference of Federation of Operative Dentists of India held at Delhi in January 1986.
  7. Presented a paper on “Calcium hydroxide therapy in Endodontics – A case study” at the Annual Dental Conference of Delhi State Branch of the Indian Dental Association held at New Delhi on 23rd Jan. 1993
  8. Participated in a symposium on “Esthetic Dentistry” organized at the 12th Annual Conference of the Federation of Operative Dentists of India at Calcutta on 18-19th Dec. 1994.
  9. Presented a paper on “Conservative management of large peri-apical lesions” at the scientific meeting of the South Delhi Branch of the Indian Dental Association held in May 1996.
  10. Key-note speaker at the 11th Annual conference of Federation of Operative Dentistry and 4th Conference of the Indian Endodontic Society held at Amritsar on 24-25th Nov. 1996. Gave a talk on “Changing treatment philosophies for large periapical lesions.”
  11. Invited to conduct a Continuing Education course on "Management of Pulpo-perio lesions in general practice." by the Acadamy of Dentistry International at Hotel Kanishka, New Delhi, on 11th April 1999.
  12. Invited to give a talk on "Failures in Endodontics - Prevention and treatment" by the Faridabad branch of the Indian Dental Association on 2nd May,1999.
  13. Conducted a Continuing Education Course on “Basis for success in Endodontic Treatment” at the 12th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Dental Research and International Symposium on ART held at Chennai between 12th –14th Aug.99.
  14. Guest Speaker- at the Joint Conference of 14th Federation of Operative Dentists of India and 7th Indian Endodontic Society held at Gawhati on 3rd to 5th Dec.99. Presented a paper on "Pathogenesis and treatment of peri-apical lesions".
  15. Invited to conduct a course on "Basis for Success in Endodontic Treatment" at the 12th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Dental Research and International Symposium on ART held at Chennai between 12th –14th Aug.99.
  16. Invited speaker at the 2nd FODI PG student Convention held at Chennai between 30th June & 1st July 2001. Presented a paper entitled “Biological considerations in Endodontic treatment.”
  17. Invited speaker at the Assam Dental Association Meeting held at Regional Dental College, Gauhati, Assam on 5th October 2001. Gave a talk on “Understanding the principles of Endodontic Treatment”.
  18. Invited speaker at the 56th Indian Dental Conference held at Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, 18th -23rd Jan. 2002. Gave a talk on “Surgical or Non-surgical treatment for peri-radicular lesion of endodontic origin”
  19. Was invited for a panel discussion on “Rotary instruments Vs. Hand insruments and Intra canal medicaments” by the International College of Dentists at its Annual Convocation held on 12th April, 2003 at new Delhi
  20. Gave a talk on Management of Peri-radicular lesions and conducted a panel discussion on Endodontics at a scientific meeting of Indian Endodontic Society held on 19th December at AIIMS, 2004

Others – Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Oral Pathology, Surgery and Miscellaneous


    1. Shah N and Sharma PP. Role of oral habits in the etiology of Oral Submucous Fibrosis with special emphasis on Pan-masala and Areca-nut chewing (1996-1997).
    2. Shah N and Deshpande S. Psychiatric morbidity in patients of Oral Submcous Fibrosis. (1994-1995)
    3. Shah N, Kumar R and Singh MK. Oral submucous fibrosis: An immunological study (Study Shah N and Kale S. Role of intravenous conscious sedation in dental out patients (AIIMS sponsored study 1984-1985)

B. Research Projects Guided

      1. “Comparative evaluation of low energy lasers, ultrasound energy and microwave diathermy in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis” – An Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) supported project
      2. Evaluation of mandibular mass lesions by conventional radiography and computed tomography with histopathoogical correlation.1994-97.(In collaboration with Deptt. of Radio-Diagnosis )
      3. An electromyographic and spectrophotometric study to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in partially edentulous patients pre and post unilateral fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation. 2001-04.
      4. A comparative evaluation of fluoride release from different orthodontic bonding agents and surface alteration of in enamel around bracket margin: An in-vitro study. 2001- 04.
      5. Identification of presence of common chronic infections as an emerging risk factor for atherosclerotic coronary artery disease in patients coning for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) during their pre anesthetic checkup.2003-2005 (DM- Cardiac Anesthesia)


5.1 International

      1. Sidhu S.S., Parkash H and Dhanani N. Benign Osteoblastoma of the Mandible. J Dent. 1980:8;254-256
      2. Shah N and Sarkar C. Plasmacytoma of anterior maxilla mimicking a peri-apical cyst. Endodon. Dent. Traumatol 1992; 8:1-3
      3. Shah N. Roy Choudhary A and Sarkar C. Primitive Neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of maxilla in an adult. Oral Surg, Oral Med, Oral Pathol. 1995; 80: 683-86.
      4. Shah N and Sharma PP. Role of oral habits in the etiology of oral submucous fibrosis – A clinical study. J Oral Pathol. Med. 1998; 27: 475-9.
      5. Roy Choudhary A, Shah N, Parkash H, Chopra P and Mukhopadhyay S. Eosinophilic granuloma of jaws. Br. J Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 1998;36:380-383.
      6. Gupta YK and Shah N. Intranasal tooth as a complication of cleft lip and alveolus in a four-year-old child: case report and literature review. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2001 11(3):221-4.
      7. Shah N, Gupta YK and Ghose S. Zimmermann-Laband syndrome with bilateral developmental cataract - a new association? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2004 Jan; 14(1):78-85.
      8. Shah N, Handa KK and Sharma MC. Malignant masenchymal tumor. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2004; 62:744-9.
      9. Batra P and Shah N. Olmsted syndrome--a rare syndrome with oral manifestations.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2004 ; 97 :599-602.
      10. Batra P andShah N. Recalcitrant osteomyelitis following tooth extraction in a case of malignant osteopetrosis. Int Dent J 2004; 54(6):

Papers included in International Database

Included in London Dysmorphology & Neurogenetics Database in the Ophthalmo-genetics or GENEEYE-2004

      1. Batra P andShah N.Olmsted syndrome--a rare syndrome with oral manifestations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2004 ; 97 :599-602.
      2. Shah N, Gupta YK and Ghose S. Zimmermann-Laband syndrome with bilateral developmental cataract - a new association? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2004; 14:78-85.


      1. Parkash H, Sidhu SS, Dhanani N and Grewal MS. Ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyl and Retinitis Pigmentosa- A new syndrome, J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1983;55:355-357.
      2. Parkash H, Dhanani N, Chopra P. Unusual cysts of the jaws. J Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1985; 57:175-179.
      3. Shah N and Parkash H. Marked hereditary gingival fibromatosis – A case report. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1986;58: 139-142
      4. Shah N. Oral Cancer. Science-ki-Duniya Quarterly Journal of CSIR 1986; 11:14-18.
      5. . Shah N, Kale S, Sidhu SS and Gode GR. Intravenous conscious sedation with Diazepam and propanidid in dental out-patient – A comparative study. Stomatologica India. 1987; 1:3-10.
      6. Shah N and Chopra P. Multiple complex compound odontomes involved in a dentigerous cyst. Stomatologica India, 1988; 2:17-20.
      7. Shah N. An unusual case of bilateral mandibular second and third molar impactions. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987; 59:94.
      8. Shah N. Severe dilacerations and hypoplasia in permanent dentition caused by trauma to the deciduous teeth. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987; 59:72.
      9. Prakash H andShah N. Inverted mandibular third molar in coronoid notch. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987; 59:158.
      10. Shah N. Role of dental surgeons in diagnosis of serious systemic conditions-Report of three cases. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1987; 59:183-186.
      11. Shah N. Twin, bilateral supplemental mandibular premolars with double mesiodens. Stomatol India 1988;2:35.
      12. Shah N. Foreign bodies or metallic implants in the bone – In Endodontic Miscellany. Endodontology 1989; 1:15.
      13. Shah N. Complications of early and delayed exfoliation of deciduous teeth. In X-ray oddities. Stomatol. Ind. 1989; 3:8.
      14. Shah N. Odontodysplasia of mesiodens or a ghost mesiodens. In X-ray odditis. Stomatol. Ind. 1989; 3:390.
      15. Shah N. Horizontal root fracture in the mandibular second molar. Stomatol. Ind. 1990; 4:51.
      16. Shah N. X-ray oddities. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1991; 61:261.
      17. Shah N and Parkash H. Histeocytosis-X : A case report and review of literature. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1991;62:94-96.
      18. Shah N, Loomba K, Kohli A and Sarkar C. Oro-facial manifestations in Neurofibromatosis (Elephantiasis Neuromatosis) J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1993;64:83-87.
      19. Shah N. Hematological and histological studies in oral submucous fibrosis. J Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1993; 64:383-388.
      20. Shah N, Kumar R and Singh MK. Immunological studies in oral submucous fibrosis. Ind. J. Dent. Res. 1994; 5:81-87.
      21. Shah N. Deshpande S and Parkash H. A preliminary study of the psychiatric morbidity in oral submucous fibrosis. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1995; 66:17-19.
      22. Shah N Parkash H and Chopra P. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma in a 4 year old child. A case report J. Int. Coll. Dent. 1995; 37:28-30
      23. Roy Chaudhary A, Shah N and Parkash H. Langerhans cell histocytosis of the mandible presenting as periodontal disease-a case report. J. Int. Coll. Dent. 1996; 39:13-16
      24. Shah N and Duggal R. Oral lesions of acquired syphilis: A case report. J Int. Coll. Dent. 1996;40: 21-22.
      25. Gupta YK andShah N.Cleido-cranial dysplasia - a case report. Int Coll. Dent. 1998;44:21-23.
      26. Shah N. and Gupta YK. Generalized odontodysplasia-A case report. J. Ind. Soc. Pedo. Prev. Dent. 1998; 16: 40-43.
      27. Shah N and Gupta YK. Ameloblastic fibroma of mandible mimicking a lateral periodontal cyst. J. Ind. Dent. Assoc. 1999;70:7-9
      28. Gupta YK, Shah N and Safaya R. Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma of mandible-a case report. Ind. J Dent. Res. 2000; 11:59-64.
      29. Gupta V, Kapoor A, Shah N, Gupta A and Mukhopadhyay S. Evaluation of Panoramic Radiography and Axial Computed Tomography in Cases of Ameloblastoma and Central Gaint cell Granuloma of Mandible. Ind. J Dent Batra P andShah N. “Midline Lethal Granuloma-A clinical enigma”. Ind J Dent Res.2003; 14 (3):174-183.

Chapter in Book

Shah N. Dental Surgery in MCQs in Medical Sciences Vol. 2 1990 Ed. Grover J.K. (ed) CBS Publishers, Delhi 1990.

Publication in Newsletters

Shah N and Prasad S. “Oral screening: A mandatory step for prevention of infective endocarditic” News Letter, Pediatric Cardiac Society of India. Vol.2 Issue 4, January 2003

Papers presented at the Conferences:


      1. Presented a paper on “Oral cancer prevention with special emphasis on oral submucous fibrosis in India” at the 1st World Congress on Oral Prevention held on 6-8th July 1987 at Paris.
      2. Presented a paper on “Oral submucous Fibrosis: Clinical hematological and immunological profile” : at the 13th Asian pacific Dental Congress held between 28th Jan-1st Feb. 1988, held at new Delhi.


    1. Presented a paper on “Familial gingival hyperplasia – a rare case” at the Annual Conference of Indian Dental Association held at New Delhi in December 1985.
    2. Presented a paper on is “Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) an auto-immune disorder? A preliminary study” at the 43rd Annual Dental Conference held at Poona during 27-30th Dec. 1988.
    3. Presented a paper on “Immunological studies in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: at the VII National Conference of the Indian Society of Dental Research, held at Ahmadabad on 11-12th Dec. 1993
    4. Presented a paper on “Clinical profile and its relationship to various oral habits in Oral Submucous Fibrosis” at the Annual conference of Indian Society for Dental Research held at Mangalore in Dec. 1995.
    5. Invited speaker at the Annual conference of Federation of Operative Dentistry of India and Indian Endodontic Society, held at Varanasi between 1-4th November 2003. Presented a paper on “How to prepare manuscript for Biomedical journals”
    6. Professional activities

      Membership of Scientific Societies

      1. Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences –MNAMS.
      2. Fellow of International College of Dentists –FICD.
      3. Fellow of Academy Dentistry International - FADI
      4. Member of the International Association for Dental Research-IADR
      5. Member of Federation Dentistry International –FDI
      6. Life Member of the Indian Dental Association.
      7. Past-President of the Federation of Operative Dentists of India (98-99).
      8. Founder member of Indian Endodontic Society
      9. Life Member of Indian Society for Dental Research.
      10. Associate Life member of the Indian Prosthodontics Society.
      11. Member of the Dental Education Society of India.

      Extension, Continuing Education and Community Services:

      1. Scientific Chairperson – 1st and 2nd National Endodontic Convention held at New Delhi and Lucknow in 1990 and 1995 respectively.
      2. Moderator for one of the Scientific Sessions at the IInd Endodontic World Congress held at Paris during 25th –27th June 1992.
      3. Organized 9 Continuing Education Programmes in Endodontics for the Indian Endodontic Society. I was one of the teaching faculties in 4 of these programmes.
      4. Conducted several dental camps at the Spastic Society of Northern India in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Delhi.
      5. Member of the Project Review Committee of Indian Council of Medical Research.
      6. Member of University Grant Commission’s expert committee for travel grant and cultural exchange programmes.
      7. External Examiner for final BDS and MDS in Operative Dentistry and Endodontics Examination of Delhi, Nagpur, Ahmadabad and Rohtak University.
      8. Technical expert for selection of senior faculty in Dentistry at the Union Public Service Commission.
      9. Invited to be a Member-Expert by Central Health Education Bureau to develop material for School Teachers and Panchayat Leaders on “Tobacco Free Initiative” sponsored by WHO in October 2000.
      10. Invited to be a Faculty to develop a unit on "Oral Health in Geriatric Population" for a diploma course started in Geriatric Medicine by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
      11. Member of the Editorial Committee of the International Geriatric Oral Health Group. Jointly drafted the editorial on “Geriatric Oral Health Concerns”.(Published in The National Medical Journal of India 2001;14:105 and in the Indian Journal of Dental research 2001;XII,1-2.)
      12. Member expert at Ministry of Human Resource Development for selection of candidates for Commonwealth fellowship 2005, 2007.
      13. Member of UGC expert committee to grant Deemed to be University status to various institutions and Commonwealth Fellowship for Teachers.
      14. Technical expert at Defense Research and Development Organization for selection of dental surgeons.
      15. Member, Board of Studies, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana.


      1. Was awarded Bombay University’s Merit Scholarship during MDS training in the year 1974-76.
      2. Was honoured and awarded a plaque for conducting the endodontic course by the International College of Dentists.
      3. Was awarded the best scientific study award at the Annual Conference of the Indian Dental Association, Delhi State branch held at New Delhi on 23rd January 1994 for the study “Calcium Hydroxide Therapy in Endodontics”
      4. Awarded the best research paper award for the year 1995 for the paper “Immunological studies in Oral Submucous Fibrosis” by the Indian Society for Dental Research at its Annual Conference held at Manglore in Dec. 1995.
      5. Awarded the Fellowship of Indian Society for Dental research (ISDR) at the 12th Annual Conference of ISDR and International Symposium on ART (Atraumatic Restorative Technique) held at Chennai between 12th –14th Aug.99.
      6. Awarded - ISDR President's award in recognition of services to the profession at the 12th Annual Conference of ISDR and International Symposium on ART held at Chennai between 12th –14th Aug.99.
      7. Chairperson, Ethics Committee of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, May 2004 - 05.
      8. Awarded the Best Teacher Award by the Society for Continuing Dental Education of India at the International workshop on Research Priorities in Dental Science and Technology organized by the Indian Society for Dental research held at Hydrabad on 1-3rd December, 2007.
      9. Member of University Grants Commission’s committee on granting Deemed to be Universities status, travel fellowships Etc.
      10. Member of Union Public Service Commission for staff selection

Stem Cell Facility


Name Designation
Dr. Sujata Mohanty Asstt. Prof.



Last Updated: 2/8/14

The Department of Cardiology at AIIMS was established under the leadership of Prof. Sujoy B. Roy. The department has developed excellent facilities for clinical care and has fully developed facilities for adult and pediatric interventions including coronary interventions, valvuloplasty, device closure of congenital shunts and electrophysiology services (including radiofrequency ablation, pacemaker, bi-ventricular pacemaker and cardioverter defibrillator implantation). Laboratory testing facilities include treadmill testing, holter recording, echocardiography (including transthoracic, transesophageal, 3-D and fetal echocardiography), Tilt testing for syncope and electrophysiology testing including CARTO system mapping. The department has done pioneering work in the field of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease including juvenile mitral stenosis, coronary artery disease including angioplasties, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and congenital heart diseases.

Following are the names of the Heads of the Department of Cardiology since its inception:

Prof. Sujoy B Roy

Prof. Madan Lal Bhatia

Prof. Rajan Tandon

Prof. Harbans Singh Wasir

Prof. Subhash Chand Manchanda

Prof.Kewal Krishan Talwar

Prof. K. Srinath Reddy

Prof. Vinay Kumar Bahl (Present Head of the Department)


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