vStem Cell Facility was established in 2005 and has been pioneer in the field of Stem cell research. Facility’s moto is to decipher the potential of stem cell biology in basic and translational research. Thereby, accelerating stem cell treatments for patients with unmet medical needs.
vOur endeavor is to forge ahead in the ever evolving field of stem cell, regenerative medicine, Tissue engineering & nano Technology; with robust collaboration.
vFacility has successfully taken three fields of basic research from bench to bedside , i.e., Limbal stem cells and oral mucosal stem cells for ocular surface reconstruction; and hair follicle derived stem cells for treating vitiligo. The Facility believes in sharing the knowledge of this ingenuous field among the budding scientific talent, thereby imparting training to post graduates and professionals from different institutions across the globe.
vCurrent Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility was established in 2014 which funded by DBT-CoESCR and was meant for clinical research/ trials exclusively.