Subrata Basu Ray
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Dr. Subrata Basu Ray
M.S. (BHU), D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S
Address : Room No. 1009, Ist Floor
PC Block
Deptt of Anatomy
AIIMS, N. Delhi
Phone : 011-26593216
Professional Experience after post-graduation:
Senior Demonstrator (IMS, BHU) : 1989-1991
Senior Demonstrator (AIIMS, N. Delhi) : 1991-1993
Assistant Prof. : 1993-1998
Associate Prof : 1998-2005
Additional Prof. : 2005-2008
Professor : (2008 -2018)
Professor (HAG) : 2019 onwards
Research Focus: Pain arising from burn injury is a devastating experience for patients. Results of our research in rodents show that blocking the B2 subtype of bradykinin receptor produces significant relief from burn-induced pain. An attempt to test this alternative hypothesis in a clinical trial to be conducted in the largest burn unit in the country could not be done, due to lack of funds. Other putative drugs, which have shown efficacy in rodents are the cannabinoid type 1 receptor and the somatostatin type 2A receptor agonist. These could relieve specific parameters of pain like pain-at-rest but not touch-induced allodynia.
1. George J. et al. 2014. J Burn Care Res 35:e391-398 (Published by American Burn Association)
2. Kumar R. et al. 2016. Indian J Med Res 144:730-740.
3. Kumar R. et al. 2018. Eur J Anaesthesiol 35:955-965.
Intrathecal catheterization with drug administration in rodents is a novel technique for simulating intraspinal administration of drugs during cardiac surgery. I underwent training at the Anesthesia Research Laboratory of University of California at San Diego for 3 months in 2008. It was supported by an International biomedical associateship grant from Indian Council of Medical Research, N. Delhi.
Substance P receptor antagonists when administered through catheters in rodents proved effective in ameliorating post-operative pain. A more potent effect was obtained when it was combined with local peripheral administration.
1. Gautam M et al. 2016. Spinal Cord 54:172-182.
2. Gupta S et al 2018. Ann Neurosci 25:268-276.
Current research work is focused on developing rat models of (1) Neuropathic pain by partial sciatic nerve ligation (2) Osteoarthritis by intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate. Both are chronic diseases which compromises the quality of life.
PhD students:
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey (2012)
Dr. Pranav Prasoon (2016)
Dr. Mayank Gautam (2018)
Dr. Rahul Kumar (2019)
Dr. Shivani Gupta (2020)
Mr. Amit Kumar
Current M.D. & MSc students:
Dr. HH Hanusan
Dr. Akhila MS
Ms. Kajol
Teaching experience outside AIIMS, N. Delhi
Assistant Prof at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal in 1997.