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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Display # 
S. NO. Title Opening Date Closing Date
1 Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS((RE.No.83/CNC/2014-15/St.) 06-04-2015 20-04-2015
2 Tender invite AIIMS for procurement of Inkless Stamp Pads & Ball Point pens in Examination Section(Notice No.6/AIIMS/ES./Pen.Stamp pad/2015-16) 31-03-2015 15-04-2015
3 Tender invite AIIMS for procurement of Inkless Stamp Pads & Ball Point pens in Examination Section(Notice No.6/AIIMS/ES./Pen.Stamp pad/2015-16) 31-03-2015 15-04-2015
4 Specification for Elisa kit for Fecal Calprotectin (Eurospital Calprest, Catalogue -9031)- 2 kits.(Tender No.03/IRCH/AS/2014-15/N-1210) 31-03-2015 15-04-2015
5 Purchase of Two items for Genetics Unit, Deptt of Pediatrics(Short rate Enquiry 11/14-15/Revolving fund/GU) 27-03-2015 06-04-2015
6 Corrigendum regarding Suprapubic Catheterization Sets.(R.E.No.66/TC/Surg./2014-15) 26-03-2015 03-04-2015
7 for Purchase ofAPC-Rat IgG2a,Isotype control, e-Flour-660 Mouse-IgG2b,k, Isotype Control, PE-Rat IgG1,k, Isotype Controlon, JPNA Trauma Center, AIIMS 24-03-2015 27-03-2015
8 Purchase of APC Rat Anti-human RORyt Antibody,eflour 660-Mouse Anti Human AhR-Antibody, PE-Rat Anti Human IRF4-Antibody,PE Mouse Anti-Human IL-22-Antibody for JPNA Trauma Center, AIIMS 24-03-2015 27-03-2015
9 Purchase ofCytoscopy/TURP Drap Set. 24-03-2015 14-04-2015
10 Purchase of Triage (ID) Bands for emergeny services. 24-03-2015 14-04-2015


  • Purchase of Hydraulic hand Dynamometer


    Tender No.
    (Rate Enquiry No. 01/Med/DSPC/2017-18)
    Purchase of Hydraulic hand Dynamometer
    Date of Uploading
    Date of Closing
    Date of Opening
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