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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Radhika Tandon

Additional Professor (Community Ophthalmology)

Professor of Ophthalmology

Cornea and Refractive Surgery Unit and Officer–in-charge National Eyebank



Graduate and Post-graduate training at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

Registration Details

  1. Medical Council of India,
  2. General Medical Council, UK
  3. Foreign Medical Graduates Certification (FMGEMS),USA

Research Interests

Cornea, Eyebanking, Stem cell culture, Lens epithelial cell culture, Paediatric Cataract Surgery, Keratoprosthesis

Clinical Experience

Experience includes training in the United Kingdom. Joined as faculty at RPC, AIIMS in 1993 in Squint and Neuro-Ophthalmology. Joined the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services Unit in 1998. Helped in the design and planning of the Cornea Research Lab and the Cornea services clinic.

Honours And Awards

The President of India's Silver Medal; Gold medal by Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Best Case Presentation, Delhi Ophthalmological Society; Included in International Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women; Appointed an examiner in Ophthalmology for final FRCS examination by the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Examined for final FRCS examination in Ophthalmology in Edinburgh in May 2000 and in Chennai in September 2001, 2002 and 2003. Awarded Commonwealth Fellowship to study keratoprosthesis, eyebanking and stem cell culture in Moorfield’s Eye Hospital, London; Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton; U K Transplant Service and Cornea Bank, Bristol; and Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead.


  1. 1992:- Qualified as Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London.
  2. 1992:- Qualified as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
  3. 1998:- Elected member of the Indian National Academy of Science, Allahabad.
  4. 2002-3:- Commonwealth Fellowship in UK

Membership Of Professional Societies

  1. All India Ophthalmological Society
  2. Strabismological Society of India (was treasurer from 1994 to 1998).
  3. Glaucoma Society of India.
  4. Delhi Ophthalmological Society
  5. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  6. New York Academy of Sciences
  7. Advisory Board of American Biographical Institute
  8. Member of the National Academy of Sciences,India.
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