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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Shyam S. Chauhan

Dr. Shyam S. Chauhan


Room No 3009, Department of Biochemistry,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029

Ph. No. 011-26593272 (O)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Shyam S. Chauhan received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from V.P. Chest Institute, University of Delhi in 1988. He worked as post doctoral fellow at University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA from 1987-88 and at National Cancer Institute, NIH Bethesda MD, USA from 1988-1992. Dr. Chauhan joined AIIMS during 1992 as Assistant Professor and was promoted to the post of Professor in 2005. He is life member of Society of Biological Chemists (India), Indian Immunology Society, Association of Clinical Biochemists and Indian Association for Cancer Research. He has authored 60 original research papers and 5 chapters in books. Prof. Chauhan was awarded Fogarty International Research Fellowship to work as a visiting scientist at National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, (September 1999-October, 2000).

Name & E.mailTitle of the Thesis
Mr. Siddharth Mehra “Expression of cysteine proteases and their endogenous inhibitor in dilated cardiomyopathy”
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Name & E.mailTitle of the Thesis
Mr. Satyender Chander Tripathi "Study of potential cancers markers and drug target   in head and neck cancers".
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Mr. Ratanakar Singh "Study of PTEN regulated genes in human link glioblastoma cells".
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Mr. Subhash Chand Prajapati "Expression of dipeptidyl pepsidase III in human cell lines and malignant tissues " .
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Mr. Manish Kumar  A study on clinical significance of hn RNDP, BAF 180, EB-1, and S 100 A2 proteins in oral carcinogenesis.
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Ms. Mansi Manchanda "Regulation of human cysteine cathepsins by liver mansimann fibrotic agents in hepatocytes".
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  1. Research interests

    Prof. Chauhan’s laboratory works on regulation of gene expression of proteases and peptidases involved in carcinogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis. His research interests also include identification of newer diagnostic/prognostic markers and therapeutic targets of cancer.

  2. Important Publications
    1. Prajapati, S.C. and Chauhan, S.S.: Dipeptidyl peptidase III: Multifaceted oligopeptide N-end scissors. FEBS J. ( in press ) 2011.
    2. Samaiya, M., Bakhshi, S., Shukla, A.A., Kumar, L and Chauhan S.S.: Epigenetic regulation of cathepsin L expression in chronic myeloid leukemia. J. Cell. Mol. Med. ( in press), 2011
    3. Fatima, N., Ahmed, S.H., Salhan, S., Rehman, S.M., Kaur, J., Owais, M. and Chauhan, S.S.: Study of methyl transferase (G9aMT) and methylated histone (H3K9) expressions in Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous abortion (URSA) and normal early pregnancy.Mol Hum Reprod. (in press) 2011
    4. Mir, R.A. and Chauhan S.S.: Down regulation of matrix degrading cysteine protease cathepsin L by acetaldehyde: role of C/EBP α PloS One 6(6): e20768,2011
    5. Mittal, S., Mir, R.A. and Chauhan, S. S.: Post-transcriptional regulation of human cathepsin L expression. Biol.Chem. 392: 405-413, 2011.
    6. Macha, M.A., Matta, A., Chauhan, S.S., Siu, K.W. and Ralhan, R. (2010) Guggulsterone (GS) Inhibits ST/Nicotine modulated NF-kB and STAT3 pathways in Oral cancer SCC4 cells. Carcinogenesis 32: 368-380, 2011.
    7. Macha, M.A., Matta, A., Kaur, J., Thakkar, A., Chauhan, S.S., Shukla, N. K., Datta Gupta, S. and Ralhan, R.: Prognostic significance of nuclear pSTAT3 in oral cancer. Head and Neck 33: 482-489, 2011.
    8. Macha, M.A., Matta. A., Chauhan, S.S., Siu, K.W. and Ralhan, R.: Guggulsterone inhibits ST/nicotine induced phosphorylation of Bad, Bax by modulation of PI3K/Akt pathway in head and neck cancer cells. PLoS One 6(2): e14728, 2011.
    9. Macha, M. A., Matta, A., Chauhan, S. S., Siu, K.W. and Ralhan, R.: 14-3-3 zeta is a molecular target in guggulsterone induced apoptosis in head and neck cancer cells. BMC Cancer 10:655(1-12), 2010.
    10. Ralhan, R., He, H., So, A., Tripathi, S.C., Kumar, M., Hassan, H., Kaur,J. Kashat L., MacMillan, C., Chauhan, S.S., Freeman, J. and Walfish, P.: Nuclear and cytoplasmic accumulation of ep-icd is frequently detected in human epithelial cancers. PLoS One 5(11).e14130, 2010.
    11. Tripathi, S.C., Matta, A., Kaur, J., Grigull, J., Chauhan, S.S., Thakar, A., Shukla, N.K., Duggal, R., Dattagupta, S., Ralhan, R., Siu, K.: Nuclear S100A7 is associated with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer. PLoS One. 2010 Aug 3;5(8):e11939
    12. Jain, M., Bakhshi, S., Shukla, A.A. and Chauhan, S.S.: Cathepsins B and L in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: potential poor prognostic markers. Ann. Hematol., 89: 1223-1232, 2010.
    13. Katara, R., Mir, R.A., Shukla, A.A., Singh, N. and Chauhan, S.S.: Wild type p53-dependent transcriptional up regulation of cathepsin L expression is mediated by C/EBPα in human glioblastoma cells. Biol.Chem., 39: 1031-1040, 2010.
    14. Shukla A. A. Jain M, Chauhan,S. S.: Ets-1/Elk-1 a critical mediator of dipeptidyl peptidase-III transcription in human glioblastoma cells. FEBS J., 277: 1861-1875, 2010
    15. Tomar N, Bora H, Singh, R, Gupta N, Kaur, P, Chauhan, S.S., Sharma, Y.D., Goswami R: Presence and significance of a R110W mutation in DNA binding domain of GCM2 gene in patients with isolated hypoparathyroidism and their family members. Eur. J. Endocrinol., 162: 407-421, 2010<
    16. Mohapatra, S.C., Tiwari H.K., Singla, M., Rathi, B., Sharma, A., Mahiya, K., Kumar, M Sinha , S., and Chauhan, S.S. : Antimalarial evaluation of copper (II) nanohybrid solids: inhibition of plasmepsin II, a hemoglobin-degrading malarial aspartic protease from Plasmodium falciparum. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.;15: 73-85, 2010
    17. Sansanwal, P., Shukla, A.A., Das, T.K., and Chauhan, S.S.: Truncated human cathepsin L, encoded by a novel splice variant, exhibits cytotoxicity and altered sub-cellular localization. Protein Pept. Lett., 17: 238-245, 2010
    18. Matta, A., Tripathi, S.C., DeSouza, L.V., Grigull, J. Kaur, J. Chauhan, S.S. Srivastava, A., Thakar, A., Shukla, N.K., Duggal, R., DattaGupta, S., Ralhan, R. Siu, K.W.M:. Heterogenous ribonucleoprotein K ( hnRNP K) is a marker of oral leukoplakia and correlates with poor prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma. Int. J. Cancer, 125:1398-406, 2009
    19. Chauhan, S.S., Seth, P. and Katara, R. Expression of cloned cDNAs in mammalian cells from a cryptic promoter upstream to T7 in pGEM4Z cloning vector. Mol Cell Biochem., 322: 119-125, 2009.
    20. Ralhan, R., DeSouza, L.V., Matta, A., Tripathi, S.C., Ghanny, S., Dattagupta, S., Thakar, A., Chauhan, S.S. and Siu, K.W.M. iTRAQ-multidimentional liquid chromatography and tendem mass spectrometery based identification of potential biomarkers of oral epithelial dysplasia and novel networks between inflammation and premalignancy. J. Proteaome Res.8: 300-309, 2009.
    21. Garg, S., Chauhan, S.S., Singh, N. and Sharma, Y.D. Immunological response to a 39.8 kDa Plasmodium vivax tryptophan-rich antigen (PvTRAg39.8) among humans. Microbes Infect. 10:1097-1105, 2008.
    22. Alam M.A., Husain S.A., Narang R, Chauhan S.S., Kabra M, Vasisht S. Association of polymorphism in the thermolabile 5, 10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene and hyperhomocysteinemia with coronary artery disease. Mol Cell Biochem., 310: 111-117, 2007.
    23. Goulet B, Sansregret L, Leduy L. Bogyo M.., Weber E, Chauhan S.S., Nepveu A. Increased expression and activity of nuclear cathepsin L in cancer cells suggests a novel mechanism of cell transformation. Mol Cancer Res. 5:899-907, 2007.
    24. Keethivasan, S., Keethivasan G., Mittal, S. and Chauhan, S.S.: Transcriptional upregulation of human cathepsin L by VEGF in glioblastoma cells.Gene. 399: 129-136, 2007
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