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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Nibhriti Das

Dr. Nibhriti Das


Department of Biochemistry,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi-110029

Tel. Office: 011-26593467 Res.: 011-26588842

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Lucknow University in the year 1976. Post Doctoral experience at ITRC Lucknow and AIIMS. AIIMS faculty since 1984 in the Department of Biochemistry, Professor in the Department since 2003. Adjunct Faculty of the K.L. Wig CMET, AIIMS.

Got Diploma Certificate in Medical Education Technology from Technology Transfer Centre, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK. Involved in the curriculum reform for UG and PG for the Department of Biochemistry. Served as a faculty at the Arabian Gulf University for 2 years w.e.f. end December 1991, got trained in problem-based learning. Initiated PBL for teaching- learning of Biochemistry by the medical undergraduates.  UG teaching co-coordinator since 1985. Research experience and projects include: Biochemical toxicology and immunotoxicology of pesticides; Influence of pesticides in cardiovascular disorder nutrition and communicable disease like TB; Complement and complement regulatory proteins in the pathophysiology of glomerulonephritis, RA and SLE; Genetic & biochemical risk markers for hypertension and coronary artery disease, severe complications offalciparum malaria; cytokine-complement interactions in autoimmune disorders and role of complement proteins as biomarkers for GN, RA & SLE. Recent interest is in the area of immunoinflammatory mechanisms of coronary artery disease and evaluation of complement proteins as disease markers.

Co-editor of a book “Essentials of Practical Biochemistry” CBS Publishers & Distributors

Written several chapters in Textbooks for UG Students. 76 original research papers.

Member of UG and PG Board of different Universities, Selection Committees, External examiner for UG and PG Courses in Biochemistry at different universities and reviewer of projects from DST, ICMR etc. and international journals. Received prestigious Mrs. Talwar and G.P. Talwar Oration award from Association of Clinical Biochemists of India.

Membership of scientific bodies:

Life Member of the

  1. Indian Immunology Society, IUIS, FIMSA
  2. National Environmental Science Academy
  3. Association of Cell Biology
  4. Association of Clinical Biochemists of India
  5. Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research
  6. International Society for Atherosclerosis Research

Member of the Executive Committee:

  1. Treasurer of the Indian Immunology Society for the year 2012-2014
  2. National Environmental Science Academy, Member of the Executive Committee
  3. Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research


  4. International Complement Society
  5. Professional Member of the American Heart Association
  6. Member of the advisory board of the Biosciences Research Institute, Chennai, India


  1. M.Sc.:
  2. M.D.:
  3. Ph.D.:
  1. Devyani Anand: Expression and modulation of leukocyte Complement Receptor 1 and CD59 (Protectin) in relation to rheumatoid arthritis
  2. Roma Pahwa: Expression and modulation of complement regulatory proteins DAF (CD55) and MCP (CD46) in relation to the pathophysiology and clinical disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis


  1. Research interests –

    Genetic, biochemical and immunological studies to gain insight into the pathophysiology, susceptibility and risk factors for coronary artery disease (HDL-associated paraoxonase; apo A4, antioxidants, nitric oxide synthase, free radicals, cell adhesion molecules,  and nitric oxide). Modulation of complement regulatory proteins in autoimmune disorders like SLE and RA and significance of complement regulatory proteins as disease markers. The most recent study aims at elucidating the interplay between cytokines and complement regulatory proteins in autoimmune disorders.  A new project to study the relations of leucocyte membrane complement regulatory proteins, MBL and MASP2 with the pathophysiology in acute coronary syndrome funded by ICMR is to be started. Interested in Research and innovations in the area of Medical Education. A new INDO-UK partnership between the University of Liverpool and AIIMS has commenced.

  2. Important Publications in last five years
    1. Das N., Biswas B. and Khera R. Membrane-bound complement regulatory proteins as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for SLE.Advances experimental Medicine and Biology: 2013;734:55-81..
    2. R. Pahwa, U. Kumar &N. Das. Role of complement regulatory protein CD46 in rheumatoid arthritis. September 2012, Volume 137, Issue Supplement s1.Immunology.
    3. Imteyaz Ahmad, Rajiv Narang, Anand Venkatraman and Nibhriti Das. Two- and three-locus haplotypes of the paraoxonase (pon1) gene are associated with coronary artery disease in Asian Indians.Gene: 506 (2012) 242–247.
    4. Vaishali Arora, Jyotsna Verma, Vishal Marwah, Ashok Kumar, Devyani Anand andNibhriti Das. Cytokine imbalance in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A study on northern Indian subjects.Lupus (2012) 0, 1–8.
    5. Arora V., Grover R., Kumar A., Anand D. andN. Das .Relationship of leucocyte complement receptor 1 transcript and protein with the pathophysiology and prognosis of systemic lupus erythematosus: a follow up study.Lupus 2011. Oct;20(10):1010-8.
    6. Biswas Bintili, Kumar Uma and Das Nibhriti. Expression and significance of leukocyte Membrane Cofactor Protein transcript in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.Lupus. (2012) Apr;21(5):517-25.
    7. Raini Dutta,Nibhriti Das. Immunomodulation of serum complement (C3) and macrophages by synthetic pyrethroid fenvalerate: In vitro study. 2011. Toxicology. 285: 126–132.
    8. Imteyaz Ahmad, Rajiv Narang, Anand Venkatraman, Nibhriti Das. Frequency distribution of the Single-Nucleotide -108C/T Polymorphism at the Promoter region of the PON1 gene in Asian Indians and its relationship with coronary artery disease.Journal of Community Genetics. 2010.  2:27–32
    9. P. Goel, K. Srivastava,N. Das & V. Bhatnagar. The role of nitric oxide in portal hypertension caused by extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. 2010.Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Vol. 15, Issue 4.  117-121.
    10. Pradeep Kumar Dabla, Sarika Arora, Shubha Sagar Trivedi,Nibhriti Das, Jayashree Bhattacharjee. Evaluation of endothelial and platelet functions with intergenotypic variation of eNOS Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in relation to postmenopausal women.Int J Biol Med Res. 2010; 1(4): 272-276.
    11. Pradeep K. Dabla, Shubha S. Trivedi,Nibhriti Das and Jayashree Bhattacharjee. The role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene glu298asp polymorphism in postmenopausal coronary artery disease risk- a pilot study in north India.International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. Vol.1/Issue-4/Oct-Dec.2010
    12. Shubhangi Arora,, Kamna Srivastav andNibhriti Das. Nitric oxide and eNOS gene in Essential Hypertension"  submitted to and presented in IOMC 2009 for the Best Student Paper Award of IOMC 2009 Conference. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 2009 Vol. 1 No. 2, published in April 2009. pp. 56-71
    13. Rohan Khera, Mayank Madhukar, Praveen Agarwal, J.C. Samantaray, Shukla Biswas &Nibhriti Das. Relationship of Complement Receptor 1 Density polymorphism at Intron 27 (Hind III RFLP) toPlasmodium falciparum Malaria and its Severity in an Indian Scenario. (Meeting Abstract).Clinical Immunology. 2009. 131: S96.
    14. Rohan Khera &Nibhriti Das. Complement Receptor 1: Disease Associations and Therapeutic Implications. Molecular Immunology. 2009. 46: 761-772.
    15. Nibhriti Das, Vaishali Arora, Vishal Marwah, Jyotsna Verma, Rahul Grover, Ashok Kumar, Devyani Anand, Bintili Biswas & Uma Kumar. Cytokine imbalance and cross talks among cytokines, immune complexes and genetic factors on Complement Receptor 1 (CR!) expression in health and disease (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). (Meeting Abstract): 2008. Molecular Immunology. 45: 4176.
    16. Shalini Sharma, Urvashi B. Singh, H.K. Prasad, Pawan Sharma andNibhriti Das. Interaction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis secretory antigens ESAT-6 and CEP-10 on complement receptors, calcium signaling and antimicrobial functions of macrophages. (Meeting Abstract): 2008.Molecular Immunology. 45: 4149.
    17. Devyani Anand, Bintili Biswas, Vaishali Arora, Uma Kumar andNibhriti Das. Effect of IFN-g and immune complex on Neutrophil-CR1 transcript and its relationship with CR1 density polymorphism. (Meeting Abstract): 2008. Molecular Immunology. 45: 4178.
    18. Raini Dutta, Abdul Matin Mondal, Vaishali Arora, TC Nag andNibhriti Das. Immunomodulatory effect of DDT (bis[4-chlorophenyl]-1,1,1-trichloroethane on complement system and macrophages. 2008.Toxicology. 252 (1-3): 78-85.
    19. Kamna Srivastava, Rajiv Narang, V. Sreeniwas, Sabari Das &Nibhriti Das. Association of eNOS Glu298Asp Gene polymorphism with essential hypertension in Asian Indians.2008. Clinica Chemica Acta. 387: 80.83.
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