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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Proactive Disclosure of Department of Nephrology

Equipments / machinery etc. purchased costing more than Rs. 1 Lac w.e.f March, 2011 to December 2012.

Sr.NoName of equipmentName of ManufacturerName of SupplierDate of PurchaseQuantityCost of Procurement (Rs.)Recommended frequency for maintenance ( Yearly, half yearly, monthly, quarterly)Date of last maintena- nce checkWhether functional or NotIf not functional details of action taken
01 Activated Clotting Timer Machine Mini-II ACT Machine with battery Helena Laboratories B.L. Life- sciences P. Ltd.   17-03-12 01 No. 1,97,400/- Monthly 28-12-12 Yes functional Yes functional
02 Dialyser Rack Magnifier Infrastructure Ltd. Magnifier Infrastructure Ltd. 31-12-12 01 No. 1,40,625/- Monthly 10-01-13 Yes functional Yes functional
03 Mixing Tank Bicarbonate Magnifier Infrastructure Ltd. Magnifier Infrastructure Ltd. 31-12-12 01 No. 1,26,000/- Monthly 10-01-13 Yes functional Yes functional


Equipments / machinery etc. purchased costing more than Rs. 1 Lac during the year 2007 to 2011

Sr. No. Name of equipment Name of Manufacturer Name of supplier Date of Purchase Quantity Cost of Procurrement (Rs.) Recommended frequency for maintenance (Yearly, half yearly, monthly, quarterly) Date of last maintenance check Whether functional or Not If not functionl details of action taken
01 Haemodialysis Machine with SLED facility Fresenius Medical Care Scientific Engg. Works 04-7-07 01 No. 10,98,188/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes functional Yes Functional
02 Haemodialysis Machine 4008 S Fresenius Medical Care Scientific Engg. Work 04-7-07 03 No. 25,84,283/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
03 Haemodialysis Machine with SLED facility Fresenius Medical Care Scientific Engg. Works 70-01-08 01 No. 10,98,188/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes Finctional Yes functional
04 Ventilator Viasys Respiratory Care Rohanika Electronics & Systems 31-03-08 02 Nos 13,71,533/- Monthly 30-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
05 Portabale Ultrasound Machine Sonosite Inc. Cardio Products Corporation 05-02-08 01 No. 14,92000/- Monthly 20-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
06 Hemodialysis Machine B. Braun Internation Pte Ltd. Proxima Medicare 28-02-09 01 No. 5,69,000/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
 07 Haemodialysis Machine with SLED facility Fresenius Medical Care Scienetific Engg. Works 20-03-09 03 No. 34,85,514/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes Functional Yes functinoal
08 Ambulatory  B.P. Machine Suntech Medical Inc. Compomedic Insturmements 20-03-09 02 No. 4,60,424/- Monthly 15-03-12 Yes functinoal Yes functional
09 Blood Cell analyzer Melet Schliesing Laboratories  H.D. Consortium Inida 31-03-09 01 No. 6,07,750/- Monthly 15-03-12 Yes functionl Yes functional
10 Deep Freezer(-86”) Thermo Fisher Scientific Towa Optics 31-03-09 01 No. 4,95,822/- Monthly 14-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
11 Operating Binocular Loupe Carl Zeiss Surgical Cmbh Emocotech Equipments 19-01-10 01 No. 1,26,242/- Half Yearly 10-01-12 Yes functional Yes functional
12 Defibrillator Monitor Model Lifepak-20 Medtronic Trading Rohanika Electronic & Medical Systems 23-02-10 10 No. 2,79,470/- Monthly 01-03-12 Yes functional Yes functinoal
13 Haemodialysis Macchine Freenius Medical Care Scientific Engg. Works 30-10-10 03 Nos. 26,63,325/- Weekly 29-03-12 Yes functional Yes functinoal
14 Scanner Model Avision AV 8350 Avision A V Sanning & Imaging Solution Integra Micro sytstem 11-01-11 01 No. 1,52,250/- Monthly 11-03-12 Yes functional Yes functional
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