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Tuberculosis (TB) and Infectious Diseases
Leading center for pediatric tuberculosis in South Asia. It was one of the first specialty services in India. The division is providing services to children with drug sensitive as well as drug resistant tuberculosis. The division is actively contributing to development of National tuberculosis Elimination program (NTEP). Division generated data: to facilitate inclusion of children in national program, improve airway sampling using bronchoscopy, EBUS/EUS, role of newer molecular diagnostic tests including biomarkers etc
Our team
Dr SK Kabra, MD
Designation: Professor, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics
Office address: 3067, Teaching Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029
Telephone: 011-26594610
Areas of interest: Pediatric Pulmonology
Dr Rakesh Lodha, MD
Designation: Professor, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics
Office Address: 3061A, Teaching Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029
Telephone: 011-26593621
Areas of interest: Pediatric intensive care, sepsis, dengue, HIV
Dr Kana Ram Jat, MD, FCCP, MAMS
Designation: Additional Professor, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics
Office Address: 7, Ground floor, Old OT Block, near Nursing College, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029
Telephone: 011-26594048
Areas of interest: Pediatric Pulmonology
What diseases/conditions do we treat?
Division is providing OPD services to all general Pediatric patients. It hasspecial clinic, Tuberculosis (TB) clinic, once a week provides comprehensive care to children with drug-sensitive as well as drug-resistant Tuberculosis in children.
Key Publications
- du Preez: K.; Gabardo, B.M.A.; Kabra, S.K.; Triasih,R.; Lestari, T.; Kal, M.; Tsogt, B.; Dorj, G.; Purev, E.; Nguyen, T.A.; et al. Priority Activities in Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis to Close the Policy-Practice Gap in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Pathogens 2022, 11, 196. pathogens11020196
- Singh UB, Verma Y, Jain R, Mukherjee A, Gautam H, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Childhood Intra-Thoracic Tuberculosis Clinical Presentation Determines Yield of Laboratory Diagnostic Assays. Front Pediatr. 2021 Aug 25;9:667726.
- Singh A, Mittal D, Jain V, Kabra SK, Agarwala S. Primary Esophageal Tuberculosis. Indian J Pediatr. 2021 Sep;88(9):947.
- Madan K, Iyer H, Madan NK, Mittal S, Tiwari P, Hadda V, Mohan A, Pandey RM, Kabra SK, Guleria R. Efficacy and safety of EBUS-TBNA and EUS-B-FNA in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021 Jan;56(1):23-33.
- Gautam H, Singla M, Jain R, Lodha R, Kabra SK, Singh UB. Point-of-care urine lipoarabinomannan antigen detection for diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2019 Jun 1;23(6):714-719.
- Singh V, Kabra SK. Advances in Tuberculosis: Therapeutics. Indian J Pediatr. 2019 Aug;86(8):700-702.
- Singh V, Kabra SK. Advances in Tuberculosis: Diagnostics. Indian J Pediatr. 2019 May;86(5):439-440.
- Mukherjee A, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Pharmacokinetics of First-Line Anti-Tubercular Drugs. Indian J Pediatr. 2019 May;86(5):468-478.
- Gulla KM, Gunathilaka G, Jat KR, Sankar J, Karan M, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Utility and safety of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration and endoscopic ultrasound with an echobronchoscope-guided fine needle aspiration in children with mediastinal pathology. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2019 Jun;54(6):881-885.
- Saini I, Mukherjee A, Gautam H, Singla M, Jat KR, Lodha R, Singh UB, Kabra SK. Diagnostic Yield of Xpert MTB/RIF in Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Children with Probable Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Indian Pediatr. 2018 Dec 15;55(12):1062-1065.
- Jain R, Mukherjee A, Singla M, Verma Y, Gautam H, Lodha R, Singh UB, Kabra SK. Predictors of Microbiologically Confirmed Intrathoracic Tuberculosis. Indian J Pediatr. 2017 Nov;84(11):843-847.
- Mukherjee A, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Current therapies for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children in India. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2017 Oct;18(15):1595-1606.
- Gjøen JE, Jenum S, Sivakumaran D, Mukherjee A, Macaden R, Kabra SK, Lodha R, Ottenhoff THM, Haks MC, Doherty TM, Ritz C, Grewal HMS. Novel transcriptional signatures for sputum-independent diagnostics of tuberculosis in children. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 19;7(1):5839..
- Jenum S, Bakken R, Dhanasekaran S, Mukherjee A, Lodha R, Singh S, Singh V, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Kabra SK, Doherty TM, Ritz C, Grewal HM. BLR1 and FCGR1A transcripts in peripheral blood associate with the extent of intrathoracic tuberculosis in children and predict treatment outcome. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 12;6:38841.
- Mukherjee A, Velpandian T, Singla M, Kanhiya K, Kabra SK, Lodha R. Pharmacokinetics of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol in HIV-infected Indian children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016 May;20(5):666-72.
- Jenum S, Dhanasekaran S, Lodha R, Mukherjee A, Kumar Saini D, Singh S, Singh V, Medigeshi G, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Doherty TM, Kabra SK, Ritz C, Grewal HM. Approaching a diagnostic point-of-care test for pediatric tuberculosis through evaluation of immune biomarkers across the clinical disease spectrum. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 4;6:18520.
- Mukherjee A, Khandelwal D, Singla M, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Outcomes of Category II anti-tuberculosis treatment in Indian children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015 Oct;19(10):1153-7.
- Singh S, Singh A, Prajapati S, Kabra SK, Lodha R, Mukherjee A, Singh V, Hesseling AC, Grewal HM; Delhi Pediatric TB study group. Xpert MTB/RIF assay can be used on archived gastric aspirate and induced sputum samples for sensitive diagnosis of paediatric tuberculosis. BMC Microbiol. 2015 Sep 29;15:191.
- Prajapati S, Upadhyay K, Mukherjee A, Kabra SK, Lodha R, Singh V, Grewal HM, Singh S; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group. High prevalence of primary drug resistance in children with intrathoracic tuberculosis in India. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2016 Aug;36(3):214-8.
- Singh S, Dey B, Sachdeva KS, Kabra SK, Chopra KK, Chaudhary VK, Sharma P, Katoch VM. Challenges in tuberculosis diagnosis and management: recommendations of the expert panel. J Lab Physicians. 2015 Jan-Jun;7(1):1-3.
- Mukherjee A, Velpandian T, Singla M, Kanhiya K, Kabra SK, Lodha R. Pharmacokinetics of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol in Indian children. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 14;15:126.
- Madan K, Ayub II, Mohan A, Jain D, Guleria R, Kabra SK. Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Indian J Pediatr. 2015 Apr;82(4):378-80.
- Khandelwal D, Gupta N, Mukherjee A, Lodha R, Singh V, Grewal HM, Bhatnagar S, Singh S, Kabra SK; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group. Vitamin D levels in Indian children with intrathoracic tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res. 2014 Oct;140(4):531-7.
- Lodha R, Mukherjee A, Singh V, Singh S, Friis H, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Bhatnagar S, Saini S, Kabra SK, Grewal HM; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group. Effect of micronutrient supplementation on treatment outcomes in children with intrathoracic tuberculosis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Nov;100(5):1287-97.
- Kumar P, Kumar A, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Childhood tuberculosis in general practice. Indian J Pediatr. 2015 Apr;82(4):368-74.
- Veedu PT, Bhalla AS, Vishnubhatla S, Kabra SK, Arora A, Singh D, Gupta AK. Pediatric vs adult pulmonary tuberculosis: A retrospective computed tomography study. World J Clin Pediatr. 2013 Nov 8;2(4):70-6.
- Mukherjee A, Saini S, Kabra SK, Gupta N, Singh V, Singh S, Bhatnagar S, Saini D, Grewal HM, Lodha R; Delhi TB Study group. Effect of micronutrient deficiency on QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test and tuberculin skin test in diagnosis of childhood intrathoracic tuberculosis. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jan;68(1):38-42.
- Lodha R, Mukherjee A, Saini D, Saini S, Singh V, Singh S, Grewal HM, Kabra SK; Delhi TB Study Group. Role of the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test in the diagnosis of intrathoracic childhood tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013 Nov;17(11):1383-8.
- Panda SS, Agarwala S, Kabra SK, Ray R, Sugandhi N, Bhat AS, Lodha R, Joshi P, Bisoi AK, Arora A, Gupta AK. Aortoesophageal fistula in a child. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2013 Jul;18(3):124-6.
- Mukherjee A, Singh S, Lodha R, Singh V, Hesseling AC, Grewal HM, Kabra SK; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group. Ambulatory gastric lavages provide better yields of Mycobacterium tuberculosis than induced sputum in children with intrathoracic tuberculosis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Dec;32(12):1313-7.
- Parashar D, Kabra SK, Lodha R, Singh V, Mukherjee A, Arya T, Grewal HM, Singh S; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group. Does neutralization of gastric aspirates from children with suspected intrathoracic tuberculosis affect mycobacterial yields on MGIT culture? J Clin Microbiol. 2013 Jun;51(6):1753-6.
- Mukherjee A, Lodha R, Kabra SK. Status and current role of 'interferon gamma release assays' vs. 'tuberculin skin testing' in diagnosis of tubercular disease. Indian J Pediatr. 2013 Apr;80(4):334-6.
- Cuevas LE, Browning R, Bossuyt P, Casenghi M, Cotton MF, Cruz AT, Dodd LE, Drobniewski F, Gale M, Graham SM, Grzemska M, Heinrich N, Hesseling AC, Huebner R, Jean-Philippe P, Kabra SK, Kampmann B, Lewinsohn D, Li M, Lienhardt C, Mandalakas AM, Marais BJ, Menzies HJ, Montepiedra G, Mwansambo C, Oberhelman R, Palumbo P, Russek-Cohen E, Shapiro DE, Smith B, Soto-Castellares G, Starke JR, Swaminathan S, Wingfield C, Worrell C. Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostics in children: 2. Methodological issues for conducting and reporting research evaluations of tuberculosis diagnostics for intrathoracic tuberculosis in children. Consensus from an expert panel. J Infect Dis. 2012 May 15;205 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S209-15.
- Graham SM, Ahmed T, Amanullah F, Browning R, Cardenas V, Casenghi M, Cuevas LE, Gale M, Gie RP, Grzemska M, Handelsman E, Hatherill M, Hesseling AC, Jean-Philippe P, Kampmann B, Kabra SK, Lienhardt C, Lighter-Fisher J, Madhi S, Makhene M, Marais BJ, McNeeley DF, Menzies H, Mitchell C, Modi S, Mofenson L, Musoke P, Nachman S, Powell C, Rigaud M, Rouzier V, Starke JR, Swaminathan S,Wingfield C. Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostics in children: 1. Proposed clinical case definitions for classification of intrathoracic tuberculosis disease. Consensus from an expert panel. J Infect Dis. 2012 May 15;205 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S199-208.
- Mukund A, Khurana R, Bhalla AS, Gupta AK, Kabra SK. CT patterns of nodal disease in pediatric chest tuberculosis. World J Radiol. 2011 Jan 28;3(1):17-23.
Key Books:
- Essentail Pediatric Tuberculosis Ed 5
- Advances in tuberculosis, 2018; Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Our programs and services
The division provides clinical care, training of students (MD pediatrics, DM Pulmonology and Intensive Care, DM Infectious Diseases)
- Specialized services: division provides following specialized services
- Airway sampling for microbiology investigations
- Bronchoscopy and Bronchoalveolar lavage, brush biopsy, transbronchial biopsy
- Image guided samples (in collaboration with Radiodiagnosis)
Broad research areas:
- The division had >10 extramural research projects (generated >5 crores funding) completed or ongoing on Pediatric Tuberculosis
- Role of CBNAAT in intrathoracic pediatric Tuberculosis
- Role of Lipoarabinomanan (LAM) as diagnostic point of care test in Pediatric TB
- Role of micronutrient supplementation in children with intrathoracic Tuberculosis
- Validation Xpert ultra on stool samples in the diagnosis of intrathoracic TB
Collaborations (national/ international): University of Bergan, THSTI, Kalawati Saran Children Hospital