Abstract Submission Date:
15th February 2018
Acceptance Notification: 15th February 2018
Full paper submission Request: 15th February 2018
Full paper submission Deadline: 7thMarch 2018
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15thJanuary 2018
1. Check your Presentation Schedule in Scientific Program.
2. Workshops are now free.
3. Online Registration is closed now, you can register on the spot.
4. No request of change in Scientific Program will be entertained.
5. Oral and poster paper specification are:- 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion in the free oral paper session.
12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion in award paper category.
poster size has to be 3ft x 4ft.
Dear Delegates/Colleagues,
Warm greetings from the organizing team of the First National Conclave on Psychological Trauma, Child Protection, & Mental Illness (Trauma Conclave-2018), AIIMS, New Delhi. It gives us immense pleasure to invite you all to the Trauma Coclave-2018, to be held from 27-28 March 2018 at AIIMS, New Delhi.
As you all know that psychological trauma from a variety of psychosocial adverse life conditions can have irreversible impacts on children and adolescents in terms of their growth, development, personality, and short or long-term mental illnesses. Lack of trained manpower, resource crunch, non-availability of culture specific assessment tools and psychological treatment models, stigma, under-reporting, no standard preventive measures, childhood pregnancies, substance abuse following chronic trauma, etc are key challenges in dealing with children experiencing and witnessing such traumatic adverse life situations.
The conclave should be able to provide a common platform for all stake holders working in the areas of child health, child protection, child rights, child welfare, child rehabilitation, POCSO, JJ Act in the direction of robust evidence based research, better service provision, and capacity building of professionals. The experience and research evidence sharing by various stakeholders are expected to reflect the existing status on child protection and capacity building provisions in the country, the needs and gaps in it, and plans to overcome.The target audience for thisconclave includes psychologists, psychiatrists,counsellors, psychiatric nurses, social workers (including psychiatricsocial workers), medical professional working with child sexual abuse cases, members of NGOs who work with child protection, child rights, child health, child welfare, child trafficking, child labour, child prostitution, etc., and moreover anyone else who works in the field of childhood psychological adversities.
We would be delighted to have you here in Delhi to share your experiences and contribute to the deliberations about addiction psychiatry. Your presence would definitely enrich the scientific level of this educational gathering.
Organizing Chairperson
Prof. R.K. Chadda, HOD, Psychiatry&
Chief NDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Sujata Satapathy, Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, AIIMS.
Psychological Trauma, Child Protection and Mental Illness : Directions in Training, Research, and Service Provision
Venue : JLN Auditorium AIIMS, New Delhi