Dr. Sumit Rathore's Lab
(Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology)

  Selected Publications and Patents:

  1. Sumit Rathore, Sheena Dass, DivyaKandari, Inderjeet Kaur, Mayank Gupta, Yagya D. Sharma: Basigin interacts with Plasmodium vivax tryptophan-rich antigen PvTRAg38 as a second erythrocyte receptor to promote parasite growth. Journal of Biological Chemistry 11/2016;, DOI:10.1074/jbc.M116.744367 (corresponding Author)

  2. MohdShoebAlam, Vandana Choudhary, Mohammad Zeeshan, Rupesh K Tyagi, Sumit Rathore, Yagya D Sharma: Interaction of Plasmodium vivax Tryptophan-Rich Antigen PvTRAg38 with Band 3 on Human Erythrocyte Surface Facilitates Parasite Growth. Journal of Biological Chemistry 07/2015; 290(33).DOI:10.1074/jbc.M115.644906

  3. S Rathore, G Datta, I Kaur, P Malhotra, A Mohmmed: Disruption of cellular homeostasis induces organelle stress and triggers apoptosis like cell-death pathways in malaria parasite. Cell Death & Disease 06/2015; 6(7)., DOI:10.1038/cddis.2015.142

  4. Kuhulika Bhalla, Monika Chugh, Sonali Mehrotra, Sumit Rathore, Sultan Tousif, Ved Prakash Dwivedi, Prem Prakash, Sachin Kumar Samuchiwal, Sushil Kumar, Dhiraj Kumar Singh, Swapnil Ghanwat, Dhiraj Kumar, Gobardhan Das, Asif Mohmmed, Pawan Malhotra, Anand Ranganathan1 Intercellular adhesion: Host ICAMs play a role in cell invasion by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum. Nature Communications 01/2015; 6:6049(ncomms 7049).

  5. Majida El Bakkouri, Sumit Rathore, Charles Calmettes, Amy K Wernimont, Kaiyin Liu, Dipto Sinha, MohdAsad, Patrick Jung, Raymond Hui, Asif Mohmmed, Walid A Houry: Structural Insights into the Inactive Subunit of the Apicoplast-localized Caseinolytic Protease Complex of Plasmodium falciparum. Journal of Biological Chemistry 11/2012; 288(2)., DOI:10.1074/jbc.M112.416560

  6. S Rathore, S Jain, D Sinha, M Gupta, M Asad, A Srivastava, M S Narayanan, G Ramasamy, V S Chauhan, D Gupta, A Mohmmed: Disruption of a mitochondrial protease machinery in Plasmodium falciparum is an intrinsic signal for parasite cell death. Cell Death & Disease 11/2011; 2(11):e231., DOI:10.1038/cddis.2011.118

  7. Sumit Rathore, Dipto Sinha, MohdAsad, Thomas Böttcher, Farhat Afrin, Virander S. Chauhan, Dinesh Gupta, Stephan A. Sieber, Asif Mohmmed: A cyanobacterial serine protease of Plasmodium falciparum is targeted to the apicoplast and plays an important role in its growth and development. Molecular Microbiology 06/2010; 77(4):873 - 890., DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07251.x

Rathore S, Jain S, Asad M, Datta G and Mohmmed A; Book Chapter "Role of Protease During Intra erythrocytic developmental cycle of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum" : in book entitled 'Proteases in health and diseases Edited by Chakraborti , Sajal ; DhallaNaranjan S : Springer Publishing company (2014)


Rathore S, Sinha D, Asad M and Mohmmed A "Use of small peptides to inhibit the growth of Plasmodium falciparum (erythocytic stage)" Registration Number- 2057/DEL/2008

   For full list:


   M.Sc. Students Supervised (Co-PI): 07 completed