Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Verma's Lab
(Laboratory of Molecular Biology & Virology)


Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VkkZ9xAAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1731-5335

  1. Sinha, S., Singh, K., Ravi Kumar, Y.S., Roy, R., Phadnis, S., Meena, V., Bhattacharyya, S. and Verma, B. (2024). Dengue virus pathogenesis and host molecular machineries. Journal of Biomedical Science, 31(1), p.43. IF: 11.0

  2. Sankar, A., Ravi Kumar Y,S., Singh, A., Roy, R., Shukla, R., & Verma, B. (2024). Next-Generation Therapeutics for Rare Genetic Disorders. Mutagenesis, 39(1), 157-171. IF : 2.8

  3. Madhry, D., Malvankar, S., Phadnis, S., Srivastava, R. K., Bhattacharyya, S., & Verma, B. (2023). Synergistic correlation between host angiogenin and Dengue virus replication. RNA biology, 20(1), 805-816. IF : 4.7

  4. Malvankar, S., Singh, A., Ravi Kumar Y,S., Sahu, S., Shah, M., Murghai, Y., Seervi, M., Srivastava, R, K., & Verma, B. (2023). Modulation of various host cellular machinery during COVID-19 infection Reviews in Medical Virology, e2481. IF : 11.1

  5. Singh, A., Pandey, K.K., Kumar, S., Srivastava, R. K., & Verma, B. (2023). The SARS CoV-2 UTR’s Intrudes host RBPs and Modulates Cellular Splicing Advances in Virology. Apr 5;2023. IF : 2.2

  6. Rai S, Bharti PS, Singh R, Rastogi S, Rani K, Sharma V, Gorai PK, Rani N, Verma BK , Reddy TJ, Modi GP, Inampudi KK, Pandey HC, Yadac S, Rajan R, Nikolajeff F, and Kumar S.(2023) Circulating plasma miR-23b-3p as a biomarker target for idiopathic Parkinson's disease: comparison with small extracellular vesicle miRNA. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2023;17. IF: 4.3

  7. Singh, A., Malvankar, S., Kumar, Y. R., Seervi, M., Srivastava, R. K., & Verma, B. (2022). Role of various non-coding RNAs in EMT, cancer, and metastasis: Recent trends and future perspective. Advances in Cancer Biology-Metastasis, 100039.

  8. Siddappa, R. Y., Aditya Rao, S. J., Usha, B. M., Verma, B., & Mahadevappa, P. (2022). Anti-proliferative Activity of Labdane Diterpenes Isolated from Polyalthia cerasoides and their Molecular Interaction Studies. Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 19(5), 78-85. IF: 1.6

  9. Pandey, K.K., Madhry, D., Ravi Kumar Y.S., Malvankar, S., Sapra, L., Srivastava, R., Bhattacharyya, S., and Verma, B. (2021). Regulatory roles of tRNA-derived RNA fragments in human pathophysiology. Molecular Therapy- Nucleic Acids, 26, 161-173. IF-10.1

  10. Madhrey, D., Pandey, K,K., Kaur, J., Rawat, Y., Sapra, Y., Ravikumar Y. S., Srivastava, R., Bhattacharyya, S., and Verma, B (2021). Role of non-coding RNAs in Dengue virus-host interaction. Front. Biosci. 13 (1), 44–55. IF-4.0

  11. Bhardwaj, A., Sapra, A., Saini, C., Azam, Z., Mishra, P.K., Verma, B.,Mishra GC, Srivastava RK. COVID-19: immunology, immunopathogenesis and potential therapies. International reviews of immunology 2022 Feb 21;41(2):171-206 IF : 5.0

  12. Sapra, L., Bhardwaj, A., Azam, Z., Madhry, D., Verma, B., Rathore S, Srivastava RK. Phytotherapy for treatment of cytokine storm in COVID-19. Frontiers In Bioscience, Landmark. . 2021 Apr 30;26(5):51-75 IF : 4.0

  13. Verma, B., Akinyi, M., Norppa, A. and Frilander, M. J. (2018). Minor splicing and diseases. Seminar in Cell and Developmental Biology, 79, 103-112. IF-7.3

  14. Norppa, A., Kauppala, T.M., Heikkinen, H.A., Verma B, Iwai, H. and Frilander, M. J. (2018). Mutations in the U11/U12-65K protein associated with isolated growth hormone deficiency lead to structural destabilization and impaired binding of U12 snRNA. RNA, 24(3), 396-409. IF-4.0

  15. Verbeeren, J., Verma, B., Niemela, EH., Yap, K., Makeyev, EV., and Frilander, MJ. (2017) Alternate 3’-terminal exon definition events control the choice between retention of U11/U12-65K mRNA in the nucleus and its export to the cytoplasm. PLOS Genetics. 13, e1006824. IF-5.1

  16. Argente, J., Flores, R., Gutiérrez-Arumí, A., Verma, B., Martos-Moreno, G.A., Cuscó, I., Oghabian, A., Chowen, J.A., Frilander, M.J., and Pérez-Jurado, L.A. (2014). Defective minor spliceosome mRNA processing results in isolated familial growth hormone deficiency. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 6 (3), 299-306. IF-11.1
    ( Equal contribution).

  17. Turunen, J. J., Verma, B., Nyman, T. A., & Frilander, M. J. (2013). HnRNPH1/H2, U1 snRNP, and U11 snRNP cooperate to regulate the stability of the U11-48K pre-mRNA. RNA, 19(3), 380-389. IF-4.0

  18. Turunen, J. J., Niemelä, E. H., Verma, B., & Frilander, M. J. (2013). The significant other: splicing by the minor spliceosome. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, 4(1), 61-76. IF-7.3

  19. Verma, B., Ponnuswamy, A., Gnanasundram, S.V. and Das, S. (2011). Cryptic AUG is important for 48S ribosomal assembly during internal initiation of Coxsackievirus B3 RNA. Journal of General Virology. 92, 2310 - 2319. IF-5.1

  20. Verma, B., Bhattacharyya, S. and Das, S. (2010). Polypyrimidine tract binding protein interacts with Coxsackievirus B3 RNA and influences its translation. Journal of General Virology. 91, 1245-1255. IF-5.1

  21. Bhattacharyya, S1.,Verma, B1., Pandey, G. and Das, S. (2008). The structure and function of a cis-acting element located upstream of the IRES that influences Coxsackievirus B3 RNA translation. Virology.377(2):345-354 (Joint first author). IF-4.8

 Book Chapters/Newsletters/Blogs

  1. Sinha, S., Phadnis, S., Roy, R., Singh, K., and Verma, B (2023). Immunotherapeutics & Viral Infections: Advances and Key Challenges (invited review). Immune Connect; Indian Immunological Society (IIS) 1st Newsletter.

  2. Meena, V., Sinha, S., and Verma, B (2022). Role of small non-coding RNAs in Reproductive Health (invited review). Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) 28th Newsletter (ISSN # 2395-2806).

  3. Madhrey, D., Pandey, K. K., Malvankar, S., Kumar, S., Singh, A., Ravikumar Y. S., Srivastava, R., and Verma, B (2021). Various Transcriptomic approaches & their applications to study small non-coding RNAs in Dengue and other viruses. Book Chapter in press (Springer Nature book titled "Integrated-omics approaches to infectious disease")

  4. Singh, A., Malvankar, S., Pandey, K.K., Kumar, S., Srivastava, R., and Verma, B. (2021). Transcriptomics Approaches To Study Role Of Ncrnas In Reproductive Health (invited review). Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) 27th Newsletter (ISSN # 2395-2806).

  5. Malvankar, S., Madhrey, D., and Verma, B (2020). Nano-delivery of small non-coding RNA as a therapeutic approach to treat Reproductive Diseases (invited review). Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) 25th Newsletter (ISSN # 2395-2806).

  6. Madhrey, D., Ravikumar Y. S. and Verma, B (2019). tRNA derived RNA fragments: ncRNAs and reproductive health, (invited review). Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) 24th Newsletter (2019, Sep., 24, 52-54), (ISSN # 2395-2806).

  7. Invited blog article in Nature India (April 2013).
    Away from home: Coping with Northern lights & darkness: Blog talking about my own scientific research and life as a postdoctoral researcher in Finland. url: http://blogs.nature.com/indigenus/2013/04/away-from-home-coping-with-northern-lights-darkness.html