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Why Sponsor INCPT AIIMS 2013 Conference ?
Sponsorship is one of the driving forces of event creation across
the globe. There are many reasons why you may consider sponsoring
this conference. Sponsoring the correct types of conferences can
have many benefits for you in the future. Showing Interest in the
Physiotherapy Profession. Becoming a sponsor of the event will
ensure that your information is forefront during the conference as
all of the participants will know that you were interested enough to
invest in the outcome of the conference. Positioning For The Future:
Well positioned to supply services, products, and tools to the
participants of the event and to the industry at large will
introduce your company. Networking Opportunities: Ability to network
for the leading companies in the industry.
The sponsors receive prominent recognition for their support of the
event as each sponsor's name is printed in the conference program
and allowed to place their displays in places of importance around
the event.
If your company would like to
sponsor INCPT AIIMS 2013 ,
please contact :
Sponsorship in INCPT AIIMS 2013 has 4 kinds : Diamond
, Platinum , Gold and Silver Sponsor
Dinner Sponsor – RS 3 lacs
Sponsorship:Rs 5 lacs
Sponsorship :Rs 3 lacs
Sponsorship :Rs 2 Lacs
Sponsorship:Rs 1Lacs
Exhibitor(Stall ) –
Satchel Insert -
Advt. in Conference Web-site -
Advt. in Souvenir -
10,000/black and white full page,Rs 15000/ colour full page,
Rs 10000/ colour half page,Rs 40000/ Back facing
coverpage,Rs 30000/Back Inside cover page,Rs 50000/ Front
cover page Inside
Banner Display At
Venue - Rs
The Benefits of Diamond Sponsorship includes :
Opportunity to
demo your platform as part of the INCPT AIIMS 2013
Conference product conference hall.
Space to exhibit and demo your product at the show during
receptions, breaks and dedicated exhibit times.
Opportunity to
sponsor additional items during the conference notepads
networking receptions etc
Your logo included on all promotional materials created for
the event
Your company logo on banners and signage created for the
Your company logo and link from the INCPT AIIMS 2013
Conference homepage to your Web site.
Full page ad in the Conference Directory.
Internet banner (including a link to your site) rotating on
the INCPT AIIMS 2013 conference Web site.
Color logo with your listing in Conference Directory.
(8 X 4 feet) Color banner hung in a prominent area at the
Conference Hall.
Business card-sized ad in attendee brochure
Button ad on INCPT AIIMS 2013 Conference Web site
Three full-conference passes.
Inclusion of a special one-page company promotional piece in
all attendee bags.
Presentation opportunities about your company.
Your company name mentioned in conjunction with the event in
press releases, e-Newsletters, email promotions, and
editorial content on the show Web site.
The Benefits of Platinum Sponsorship include :
Opportunity to
demo your platform as part of the INCPT AIIMS 2013
Conference program.
Space to exhibit and demo your product at the show during
receptions, breaks and dedicated exhibit times.
Opportunity to
sponsor additional items during the conference notepads
networking receptions, etc.
Color logo with your listing in Conference Directory.
Presentation opportunities about your company.
Button ad on INCPT AIIMS 2013 Conference Web site.
Three full-conference passes.
Inclusion of a special one-page company promotional piece in
all attendee bags.
( 6 X 4 feet ) Color banner hung in a prominent area at
conference hall.
Presentation opportunities about your company.
Your company name mentioned in conjunction with the event in
press releases, eNewsletters, e-mail promotions, and
editorial content on the show Web site.
The Benefits of Gold Sponsorship include :
Opportunity to
demo your platform as part of the INCPT AIIMS 2013
Conference program.
Space to exhibit and demo your product at the show during
receptions, breaks and dedicated exhibit times.
Two full-conference passes.
Inclusion of a special one-page company promotional piece in
all attendee bags.
Presentation opportunities about your company.
( 4 X 3 feet ) Color banner hung in a prominent area at the
Your company name mentioned in conjunction with the event in
press releases, eNewsletters, e-mail promotions, and
editorial content on the show Web site.
The Benefits of Silver Sponsorship include :
( 3 x2 feet ) Color banner hung in a prominent area at the
Space to exhibit and demo your dedicated exhibit times.
Inclusion of a special one-page company promotional piece in
all attendee bags.
One full-conference pass.
Presentation opportunities about your company.
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